Too Early

Chapter 1390: Hugh’s own thing

Ji proudly dressed as a servant, his hair is simply bundled behind his head, revealing a bright face, white skin, Liu Mei curved, black and white, no noisy, noisy, cute and cute.

After listening to Qin Haoxuan’s words, Ji Ao wrinkled his frown and said very reluctantly: “I will not go! Do you want me to be with the same door? Tell you, impossible!”

Qin Haoxuan snorted and said to Ji: "Is your mind not confused? I still haven't recognized my identity. Now you are my servant. Wherever the master goes, the servant must follow."

Ji Ao blinked his eyes: "I won't go with you, nor will I fight with my own people."

"I let you go with me, and I didn't ask you to do it. When you stand there, you can watch it."

Ji Aojun did not listen to this at all, and did not move from sitting on the bed.

Qin Haoxuan raised her eyelids and glanced at her. Ji Ai’s heart was afraid, and she felt a little embarrassed.

"If you don't follow me, believe it or not, my forefoot is leaving, is there someone who will give you the wheel?"

Ji Ao's face was white, and suddenly he couldn't speak. Seeing that Qin Haoxuan really wanted to leave, this was a little flustered, and he grabbed his previous clothes and quickly followed Qin Haoxuan.

Looking at the person walking in front of him, Ji Ao's full of doubts, she did not want to understand, this is obviously a magical repair of Xianye, why, he always thinks that he is sometimes terrible.

Sure enough, is the Tao and the devil not standing?

When Qin Haoxuan came to the Hooke Institute, the teachers and brothers who wanted to go out did not come to everything. Everyone was waiting.

What surprised him was that as soon as he appeared, Jiang Wenxiong was like a younger brother. He came very enthusiastically and greeted him with a warm greeting.


Qin Haoxuan perfunctory and Jiang Wenxiong chilling, while sneer in the heart, this guy gave himself a scorpion a few days ago, and now suddenly dedicated and diligent, must have bad tricks.

This road is afraid of being uneasy.

After the chilling, Jiang Wenxiong took a book from his arms and handed it to Qin Haoxuan: "The big brother and the younger brother went out for the first time. Little is known about the Taoist priests. This is the booklet I prepared for you, which is burning us. The main enemy of the next enemy, you have a good look."

"Jiang Shixiong is really a good friend and loves the same door. Daqiang's younger brother is not happy to thank Jiang Shixiong." Li Minyan smiled beside him.

Qin Haoxuan said thank you, turned over the book in his hand, and found that the records inside were indeed very detailed, even those who were marked with red notes.

Jiang Wenxiong pointed to the red marks on Qin Haoxuan: "Da Zhuang's younger brothers, these are the masters of the fairy wheel, you must remember clearly, if you encounter, you must run."

The surrounding brothers saw this scene also surrounded, and they praised Jiang Wenxiong's good intentions.

Qin Haoxuan’s vigilance was higher, and his heart was covered with a shadow. It was like knowing that there was a poisonous snake to be disadvantageous to himself, but he did not know where the snake was, and when he would start.

The knives dried up the strong spirits in their hands, and they got up. They had already taken out their robes, and when they got up, they immediately got up and put on their robes.

After finishing the knives, when going out, the enchanting church around him whispered in his ear: "Jiang Wenxiong wants to work on the golden fairy, and just paying attention to the golden sage, seems to be reducing his precaution. ”

Huo's eyebrows did not move, and the face of fortitude with a touch of coldness that was not easy to detect. He walked away and said: "I know."

Looking at the back of his own owner, "I am..."

"If he is really stupid enough to think that the booklet he got is a shit, it can only prove that he has no brains, is not worthy of the seeds in his body, and he will die when he dies. There is nothing to be pity."

When the knives of the knives were scattered into the ears of the management, the management was stunned and immediately bowed and said: "It is still thoughtful and thoughtful."

"You have to remember that if you want to mix your heads in the devil world, only outstanding geniuses are not enough. You also need a savvy mind and a heartfelt heart. My ethics can only be inherited by the best disciples. Their means I will not Guan, I only see the final result."


Huo Knock opened the door and smiled at the enchanting disciple who was neatly arranged in front of the courtyard. He said directly: "Depart."

Everyone said goodbye to the teachings, and left Tianyan to teach, all the way to the friends of the country.

Qin Haoxuan was taken by Ji Aojun Yu Jian, and his eyes fell from the leader of the head of the knives from time to time. He could feel that Huo Knife actually knew that he would have an accident when he traveled, and at the same time he felt more clearly that the knife would not Go to the tube.

Deeply exhaled, Qin Haoxuan had nothing to do with his face, but his heart never relaxed his vigilance. The unknown danger stepped closer to himself, but he did not know how to deal with it. It was really uncomfortable.

"It is still necessary to prepare early, and it is not the style of my Qin Haoxuan who is subject to people."

Qin Haoxuan’s eyes swept across the front side of Jiang Wenxiong, and there were several assassinations in his mind, but one more gave up: “No, killing him is easy, but wanting to be quiet, not to alarm others is difficult.”

When the day was over, and Huo chose a valley as a temporary resting place, Qin Haoxuan still could not find a chance to do it.

When Jiang Wenxiong was surrounded by the sorcerer’s disciples, there was no time to place orders.

"Respectively settled." Huo Knife said the next sentence, the eyes of the understatement sweeping Qin Haoxuan and Jiang Wenxiong, can not distinguish his mind.

Qin Haoxuan set up his own canopy to sleep at night, while carefully observing his surroundings, the feeling of being caught by the poisonous snake, the dangerous moment approaching, became more and more obvious since the sect.

Suddenly, Qin Haoxuan’s eyes condensed. He saw the witch he met when he was still a slave to Song Hao.

The witch alone leaned under a big tree and looked at a yellow book in her hand. The portrait of a stranger was not disturbed. The whole person of the enchanting hall was far away from her. The witch cast a look, but it will be quickly recovered, as if the woman is a terrible monster.

It turned out that the woman who Huo said last time was her.

Qin Haoxuan felt a bit strange. He looked at him a few more times. He could feel the witch knowing his existence, but he could not look at himself.

This is even more strange.

After the tent was set up, Qin Haoxuan remembered Jiang Wenxiong’s unusual behavior in his heart, and did not deliberately pay attention to the witch. He set up a simple defensive array outside the tent. This method was learned by Qin Haoxuan from Tianyan’s library. It is not esoteric, but it is already the best defensive method that he can establish now.

When he entered his tent, he saw Qin Haoxuan’s formation outside the tent and nodded. The kid was very vigilant.

"Wow, that's great." Ji Aozhen, who stood by and slammed his hand, looked at a simple and neat little tent and was quickly built. The simple and powerful way of the surrounding cloth was not small, and he could not help but admire it.

Qin Haoxuan’s eyes fell on Ji Ao’s body, and it was slightly bright, and an idea was formed in his mind.

Ji Aozhen was so looked at him, his brows were wrinkled, and he said with vigilance: "What?"

Qin Haoxuan suddenly smiled, then grabbed Ji Aozhen and dragged her into the tent. In the eyes of outsiders, she looked like an urgent color.

After entering the tent, Qin Haoxuan first took out the Lingshi from the body, set up a simple array in the tent to prevent others from eavesdropping, and then yelled at the side of the arrogant: "You must tell you a bad news, the konjac Jiang Wenxiong has killed me, and I estimate that he will start working in the next few days."

Ji Ao, Liu Mei, a vertical, said in a very strong tone: "So you want to give me to him?!"

Qin Haoxuan did not understand for a moment: "What?"

Ji Ao's eyes suddenly turned red, and the complaint said: "The magic is really a scum! You have to give me to others for your own life, you are not as good as killing me!"

Qin Haoxuan looked at Ji Aozhen, who had already started to shed tears. He even turned his eyes and turned too lazy. He said disdainfully: "Is your brain loaded with paste? How can you stupid to this point? I will give you out to solve my own problems." The crisis? You are just a magic slave now, the guy sleeps you for one night, and will kill me the next day!"

Ji Ao’s tears are listening, I feel like it’s really the same thing...

Qin Haoxuan licked his own temple and took a deep breath twice before he spoke again: "Can you move your mind in the future, don't you do it like a fool?"

Ji Ao blushes his face and bows his head, muttering twice in his mouth: "I am just scared..."

"Oh, don't you know yourself too seriously?" Qin Haoxuan said helplessly, "I told you this, I want you to do another thing for me."

Ji Ao smeared the tears on his face, and some embarrassed said: "What? You said."

"I want you to protect me." Qin Haoxuan said seriously.

Ji Ao snorted: "You can rest assured that I will protect you."

"But you are too old now."

Ji Aozhen can't believe her ears. She looks at Qin Haoxuan in Xianyejing: "Ah?"

A guy in the fairyland dare to say that he is a waste of this fairyland?

Qin Haoxuan looked at Ji Aozhen: "You have a good origin, and the training is also very solid, but the actual combat experience is zero. It really is a hand, and it is just a waste that can be easily killed by people."

Ji Aozhen said that he was not convinced: "Why do you say this to me?!"

"With my years of combat experience." Qin Haoxuan said faintly.

Ji Aoyu smiled at the time: "You have a battle experience in the fairyland? Bragging you."

Qin Haoxuan thought that now he did not have any persuasive power. He frowned and continued: "Now you have a strength, but there is no corresponding combat skill. It is quite a person who can kill one." The devil tiger, in fact, even the domestic dog can not fight, the entire realm is completely crushed."

"Hey!" Ji Aozhen was mad at his very dissatisfied to see Qin Haoxuan, "You will only say it, what a powerful person."

Qin Haoxuan saw Ji Aozhen glance: "I know what is called the invincible world, destroying the enemy across the border, I will guide you, so that you can really take up the responsibility of protecting me."

Ji Aoyu turned his eyes: "Continue to blow you, and I will not learn the sinister tricks of your magic, you are dead."

"Are you sure not to learn?" Qin Haoxuan squatted on his robes and sat down, faintly asked.

Ji proudly snorted, leaving him farther, and firmly said: "OK not to learn!"

"Then I can't help it."

Qin Haoxuan sighed and waved, and a black shadow instantly broke into the body of Ji Ao.

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