Too Early

Chapter 1414: Black is white, white is black

When Wang Xueqin returned home, the sun slanted to the horizon and was about to fall. It was clearly the most vigorous time of the year. He felt that the whole village was weird. Not only did the village not see a few people, but even the atmosphere. Very dull, most people close their homes.

In the heart, it seems that a stone has been dropped. Wang Xueqin has stepped up his footsteps and came to his house. He slammed the door.

After a while, Wang Xueqin heard the cautious voice of Miao Fang from his home: "Who?"

When hearing the voice of his wife, Wang Xueqin sighed with relief: "A Fang, it is me, I am back."

"People?" Miao Fang’s pleasant voice came from behind the door. A footstep sounded, the door was opened, and after seeing the person in front of him, Miao Fang suddenly fell into the arms of Wang Xueqin and cried in a low voice. "Yong Gong, you are finally back."

Wang Xueqin hugged his wife: "Yes, I am back, sorry, I have not been admitted, sorry."

"I don't care, I am only asking for you to go home safely. Now that you are back, I am very happy." Miao Fang said one word at a time.

Wang Xueqin took a deep breath, and the only remaining depression in his heart was scattered in his wife's gentle voice.

The two men embraced at the door for a long time, until Miao Fang returned to God, with tears on his face, but the man smiled, and the blush climbed onto his cheek: "Why are we standing here, walking, and we are going back to the house."

"You have worked **** this road, how to lose so much." She looked at her husband with some distress and said, "I am going to make you something delicious."

"A Fang, don't be busy, let's talk about the conversation." Wang Xueqin took her.

"Hey!" A slightly hesitant voice came from the inner house.

Wang Xueqin turned his head and looked at it. Two small figures stood in front of the door, and they were curious and confused. They looked at him. He walked over and hugged the two children, a small warm body. It made his heart warm.

Miao Fang came from behind and said to the two children: "This is awkward, screaming."

When Wang Xueqin left home, his daughter was still young, and his son was in the middle of it. Now that the two children saw strangers, the uneasy first came to mind, and the son struggled out and looked for his mother.

"I am awkward." Wang Xueqin said that he had recognized his daughter and said softly to his son.

The little child squinted at his father and only hesitated, and threw himself into the arms of Wang Xueqin.

The blood between loved ones is always forever, even if they are separated for a long time, they will recognize each other in the shortest time.


Just when a family of four sat down to eat, the door was slammed hard, Miao Fang was shocked, and some worried about Wang Xueqin.

"I am going to open the door."

Wang Xueqin stood up and walked to the gate. Miao Fang placed her child in the back room and came to Wang Xueqin.

After opening the door, Wang Xueqin saw four or five people standing at their doorstep, and they all looked very raw. He frowned. "What do you want to do?"

Those people were full of anger, and they were so powerful that they looked up and down Wang Xueqin. It was rude and said: "You are the Wang Xueqin?"

Wang Xueqin nodded: "I am, who are you?"

"Hey, a poor scholar who has dropped the exam. We are the family of Li’s family. Master Li wants to buy the land of your family. Will you tell the real estate deed to Li’s family tomorrow?” The man patted Wang Xueqin’s shoulder.

Wang Xueqin opened the man's hand: "The land of our family does not sell!"

"Do not sell? Selling is not sold by you? Listen well, don't hand over the title deed tomorrow, wait for death!" The arrogant left this sentence, the group of people left.

Wang Xueqin was full of doubts: "Is this group of bandits robbers? How dare they do this?"

Miao Fang worried about closing the door and holding Wang Xueqin back to the room. The atmosphere in the room became dignified. Wang Xueqin asked her: "Who are they? Who is Li? Who is going to buy our land?"

"You still remember that there were immortals coming to Linhe Village in the past few years?"

Wang Xueqin only thought a little while thinking about it: "Li Fu... Is it him?"

Miao Fang nodded. "The children of Li’s family have made a name in the fairyland. They even took their homes and made a fortune in the village. In fact, half a year ago, their family had already moved to the town, but they left behind. To collect the land in our village and say that I want to give Li Jiajia a ancestral hall. They only want to buy land with a little bit of money. Some people refuse to accept it. The people of Li family beat people and even threatened us..."

Speaking of here, Miao Fang couldn't help but red-eyed: "Many people in the village are unbearable and forced to move away, because Xianggong went into the Imperial City to take the exam, and Li’s talents are taboo, and I’m afraid that you will be a big official. Don't dare to move us, now..."

Wang Xueqin took his wife and clenched his fist into a fist: "It’s just a group of robbers! Is this the practice of the court, regardless of the court?"

"They have a fairy, such a big backing, who dares to manage, even if this group of people has made a life, the official government will close one eye, our official, even screaming at Li." Miao Fang said lowly, "What should we do?"

"I will never give them to the title deed!" Wang Xueqin angered.

"Oh." The two children walked over from the side and were born.

"My child." Miao Fang used to hug her child. She cried in a low voice. She said to Wang Xueqin, "I don't want to go to my mother's house for two days, otherwise they will come to the door every day."

Wang Xueqin looked at his wife and children, and his heart was full of sadness. He read books for so many years, but in the end he could not protect his wife and children. Why is this world like this?

The next morning, Wang Xueqin took his luggage and went to the father-in-law's house in the town with his wife and children. Two sighs were relatively speechless.

"School of diligence, you go to town to teach, so a big family has to go on." Miao Laozhang also experienced half-life, and he was decisive and calm. He married his daughter to Wang Xueqin and he also believes in it. He believes I will not look at the wrong person.

"It is the father-in-law." Wang Xueqin nodded. For this old man, he is close to his heart and willing to support them.

Miao's only Miao Fang is a single seedling. Now Wang Xueqin and others come to Miaofu. It is also a happy life. The old man has a slap in the face, Miao Fang has a daily housework, and Wang Xueqin goes to the school to teach. If you can continue this way, the days will be counted. happy.

On this day, Wang Xueqin said goodbye to his wife and went to the school to teach. At noon, there were neighbors rushing to run, saying that Miaofu was on fire!

Wang Xueqin was shocked and immediately ran home, and across half of the street, he could see the fire of the sky!

How could this be? His heart is even more flustered!

Running back with sweat, I saw that Miao Fang was holding two children crying. At the side of Miao Fang, the two old people of Miao and Miao were quietly lying on the ground, with messy hair and blood on their foreheads. No breath.

"No! Father-in-law! Mother-in-law!"

Wang Xueqin fiercely squatted in front of the two old men. He trembled to test the breath of the two, cold and cold...

If it is thunder!

Miaofu turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the people around him rushed to rescue. Wang Xueqin looked at it all, and he screamed and slammed!

"Hey, mother!"

Wang Xueqin turned and hugged his wife, his wife’s tears and the crying of the two children’s panic made his eyes red, why? How could this be?

Oh la la!

At this moment, a group of officers and men suddenly rushed out from the side, they took the county magistrate's warrant, to Wang Xueqin: "The murderer Wang Xueqin, suspected of killing the Miao old man, arrested him."

Wang Xueqin and Miao Fang, who are immersed in great sorrow, all stunned: "What does this mean? I have not killed anyone!"

"Adult, adult! I am not a murderer, I am a Li family, I saw it, it is a Li family!"

"Don't talk nonsense! Take it all away!"

Under the command of the officers and men, Wang Xueqin and Miao Fang’s family of four were all put into jail!

Dimly and dirty cells, isolated from the sky, stinky grass, occasionally there will be mice crawling, the voice of mourning, low voice, sinister and horrible atmosphere.

"What are you going to do?! There is no king of heaven!" Wang Xueqin was rudely pushed into a low and damp cell. His forehead burst into blue veins and turned to shoot the doorway. "I am a person! I have a name. How dare you do this to me! I want to see the holy, let me go!"


Wang Xueqin slammed the door of the cell, and the angry voice echoed in the cell.

On the other hand, the prisoner locked the door and sneered at Wang Xueqin: "Come on? You are the champion, you have to be well received!"

"Do you still have the king's law? In the broad daylight, arson and murder, you as an officer and not to catch the murderer, but help the murderer to murder! What is your conscience!" Wang Xueqin was swept away by the huge anger, rushing away from the prison.


The head turned his head impatiently, and the long knife in his hand slammed on the door. He reached out and grabbed Wang Xueqin on the side of the door. He stared at him in disgust: "What do you listen to?" You are especially offended by the immortals, and you quickly confess your guilty guilty, otherwise, no one will dare to control you even if you turn into a meat sauce!"

Wang Xueqin was smashed like a rag and slammed into the ground, causing a few people to laugh at the front door.

"Where is Wang Fa? What is Wang Fa?" Wang Xueqin hated the ground and then remembered something. He climbed up from the ground and rushed to the door. "What about my wife? How is she? And my children!"

It is a pity that the prison head has left the place with his men. In the dark prison, only Wang Xueqin’s roar is left.

On the night when Wang Xueqin was taken in, he was tried by the county magistrate.

The county magistrate Zhou Zuofu wore a dark official gown, sitting high above the Mingtang, and shooting a thriller, all around.

"Wang Xueqin, do you confess?"

Wang Xueqin shackled and was forced to squat on the ground by two officers and men.

"I plead guilty? What confession can I recognize?" Wang Xueqin looked A pair of eyes straightly looked at the county magistrate in front of him, and the anger was rushing out.

Zhou Zuofu's face sank: "Wang Xueqin, I advise you not to know how to be good, to draw well, to avoid suffering from flesh and blood."

On the side of the teacher, holding the newly written volume and Yin Hong's ink pad, he slowly walked over to Wang Xueqin's side and put things in front of him: "Don't be embarrassed, you are drawn, everyone is good."

Wang Xueqin looked down at the black and white words, and his anger was even better: "The Li family forcibly overbearing the fish and meat township, how many good fields are occupied by the plains, how many lives have been killed, and you are parents, not only do not care, but even help you, your conscience Where is it!"


The county official Zhou Zuofu’s face was stunned by a slap in the face: “I will ask you not to paint!”

. Wonder House

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