Too Early

Chapter 1427: Immortal soul

The real person of Moyang has just arrived. The things that happened in this place are still not very clear, and the eyes are shining.

Without the pressure of the Immortal Palace, Mo Weidao stood up from the ground. They were soaked in cold sweat and they looked very embarrassed. After listening to this, it was even more bleak.

"Still, are you more willing to let this seat continue to come in person?" Qin Haoxuan said leisurely.

At this moment, the vice-teacher of Tianyang teaches that Mo Yundao suddenly collapsed. He resisted the fear in his heart and trembled: "Old ancestors, even if you are strong, can crush our Tianyang religion. But you shouldn’t do this bullying. How do you do this, and how is it different from the devil?”

Qin Haoxuan looked down at Moyun Taoist: "Do you know what the former people called me?"

Mo Yundao's face was white, his lips moved, but he did not say a word.

The people present are naturally aware of Qin Haoxuan’s previous title, bloodthirsty madness, killing gods, and ancestors...

Each title has a **** killing intention, and at the same time shows that Qin Haoxuan is not a good person, he hands up, more than the devil.

Qin Haoxuan's thin lips are hooked: "Being bullying, has always been the law of repairing the irons of the immortals? What's more, you used me to kill the machine first. I am only a small punishment."

Together with the Moyun Taoist, Tianyang teaches people at the venue to be silent.

Qin Haoxuan moved his wrist and said coolly: "Let's lead the way ahead. Do you want me to find it myself?"

This is the end of the matter, Mo Weidao people have nothing to do, even if they can no longer teach the baby inside, he can only put things up, can not watch the big sect of their own, was this demolished three or two to be removed?

"Old ancestor, please come here."

Mo Weidao people endured heartache and brought Qin Haoxuan to a cave house.

The straight stone ladder extends out from the hole that can only be passed by one person. All the way down, the end is thick darkness. Only a few sporadic lights flash in the darkness, and the dark black with the fog Several ancient and complex French imprints by Mo Weidao retired as the tides, and the entire cave was completely presented in front of Qin Haoxuan.

Qin Haoxuan took a step and came to the cave. Although the entrance is narrow, there is no hole in it. Qin Haoxuan’s eyes are swept away. Some doubt that this Tianyang religion will hollow out the whole mountain.

Mo Weidao walked over with a pale face, and he looked down at the treasure house that accumulated thousands of years of wealth in Tianyang. He sighed long: "The ancestors, our old This is all here."

Qin Haoxuan did not care for the sorrowful Mo Weidao. He was surprised to find that there was something he really needed in this cave.

The thick golden liquid was carefully placed in a transparent jade box with three people high. The light color shimmered slightly. Qin Haoxuan was sure that he would not admit his mistake. It was really Xianjin.

Xianjin, rumored to be the treasure of the immortal refining fairy, contains the ancient Tao rhyme, and the current rules of the heavens and the earth, although the material of the weapon of the gods, but today's world, almost no complete a fairy gold can not be found Because it is either destroyed by the way of heaven and earth, or it is piled up in places where the great and evil monks cannot enter.

When Puguangge found the Jinjin vein and sacrificed thousands of prisoners, it only extracted enough Jin Jinxuan to refine a Tao of the Tao, but in Tianhong’s inconspicuous sect, there was enough for him to refine. The two kings of the fairy gold!

Qin Haoxuan’s mouth evoked a curve, and he squinted at Mo Weidao: “In the treasure house of Tianyang’s teaching, it’s really a hidden dragon and a tiger.”

Mo Weidao was jumped in the heart of Qin Haoxuan’s words. He had to say: “It’s all the things that our Tianyang teaches the ancestors of the ancestors. Do you know if you can really enter your eyes?”

Mo Weidao people hope that this killing **** can look down on their treasure house and finally go away.

However, his hopes are lost.

Qin Haoxuan naturally took Xianjin into his own Qiankun bag, and then slowly walked in the cave filled with different treasures. He smiled and smiled as if he was in the folk market.

Soon, Qin Haoxuan found a second surprise.

The pale green box was engraved with a twisted and gloomy rune. The cold breath overflowed from the box, and when it entered, it could even feel the low but sharp crying inside, a wave of waves, one hundred The ghosts cry, and the heavens and the earth whisper.

"The soul of my refining was not as heavy as yours." Qin Haoxuan stood in front of this box and glanced at Mo Weidao.

The cold sweat of the Mo's forehead suddenly fell down. He explained dryly: "This is actually that we have an ancestor. He is a ghost, so he will refine the soul, but the ancestors please rest assured. The resentment in this curse is all the magical spirit of the magic repair, absolutely does not destroy the rules in the cultivation of the immortal world, and does not kill the same door."

"Since you have said it, I will listen to it." Qin Haoxuan looked at the pale green box for a while, and then gave the curse of the soul to his pocket. "But who are these souls? I am actually not." Care."

Mo Weidao people looked at Qin Haoxuan in a treasure house of his own martial art. He took a few of them from time to time, and this killing eyes was very sinister. The basics of picking up are the treasures of their martial art!

If it is not the strength of each other, it is too big a disparity, but if there is a possibility of winning, Mo Weidao feels that he will go up and fight hard.

But now, he can only knock down his teeth and swallow blood. The cultivation of the world has always been speaking with strength. He is not as good as human beings, and naturally he has no right to speak.

When Qin Haoxuan was satisfied with the cave, Mo Weidao had been heartbroken and could not speak.

Qin Haoxuan took a picture of his own Qiankun bag and praised him: "You are just a million-year-old teacher. There are such good things, and the details are good."

Mo Weidao people bitter face, did not speak.

Qin Haoxuan looked at the Mo Weidao who was about to cry: "What's wrong? Give me something you don't want."

Mo Wei Dao people are not willing to do so, but they dare not say it. They can only say with their own conscience: "No, you can get the ancestors' love, it is the blessing of those treasures, and it is also the blessing of our Tianyang religion."

Seeing that Mo Weidao said it was really stubborn, Qin Haoxuan couldn't help but smile. When he finished laughing, he patted the shoulders of Mo Weidao: "Don't be so pessimistic, I just borrowed it, it's not not."

Mo Weidao silently turned a big white eye in his heart, could not help but vent his thoughts, believe that you are strange, you can take away some rare materials, not a flying sword, such as the sword, even the Feijian sword If you use it for a bad break, isn't it just a bunch of broken copper?

Deep in the heart of the mouth, Mo Weidao people do not dare to show a point of unwillingness, baby is taken away, and can not even be killed.

Qin Haoxuan smiled and looked at the people around him: "Reassure, my Qin Haoxuan is not a robber, I will not take your things in person. I used to talk to you about Tianyang’s disciples, knowing that your sect lacks the rituals that can flourish. Let's wait until the day when I destroy the Puguang Pavilion or any other great education, and send them their heart."

Mo Weidao: "..."

I said that the ancestor, you are a perfunctory and perfunctory snack?

Is it OK to stop the big teachings? Although the Puguangge has been somewhat tossed in recent decades, people are so good that they are supreme, and the starving dead camels are bigger than the horses, and moving their fingers can kill us.

In addition, if you really have this ability, you will not be killed for more than ten years before being sent by the Supreme Masters...

Countless Tucao roared in the hearts of everyone in Tianyang, but no one dared to speak. In their view, it was easy for Supreme Master to kill Qin Haoxuan. It is also very easy for Qin Haoxuan to kill them.

But the Mo Weidao who had been squatting all the way, this time really couldn’t hold back. He couldn’t help but talk to Qin Haoxuan: “Once, in fact, what you just took away, this is our Tianyang teaching to be dedicated to The gift of the big co-owner, huh, huh, or, do you wait for us to present these materials to Supreme Masters?"

Qin Haoxuan waved his hand: "It’s too much trouble. Now that things have been returned to me, you can find something else to offer."

Mo Weidao: "..."

Mo Wei Dao people did not dare to say clearly, but the heart began to mad spit, you are too troublesome or afraid to grab it! The madness just said is to fool us!

"Once, sir, you have taken all the good things away. We really can't explain it to the above..."

Mo Weidao also wants to struggle, but Qin Haoxuan has been impatient to listen to, he suddenly shot, the right index finger of the **** close together, Aura spilled from the fingertips, turned into a silver painting silver hook, focusing on the just above the cave!

"I am taking the fairy gold, the soul of the soul, and the soul of the soul today. He will give it by the Tao!"

Next to the big characters of the dragon and the phoenix dance, the words are correct and correct: "Qin Haoxuan!"

Qin Haoxuan carved these words on the wall above the cave by Dao Fa. The amazing power flowed in a stroke, and the powerful and powerful people did not dare to speak again.

Qin Haoxuan looked at Mo Weidao with a faint look: "So you can always explain it?"

Mo Weidao people bowed their heads deeply. He was terrified in his heart. He regretted that he had said a few Ten years later, this seat will send you a pass. ”

The words are still in the ear, and the people are gone.

When everyone looked up, there was no shadow of Qin Haoxuan in front of him.

Qin Haoxuan took away three things from the caves of Tianyang, two of which were materials that reshaped the Taoist body, and one was a baby with favorable punishment.

First take out the soul of the punishment, carefully observe it, and find that there is no abnormality. Qin Haoxuan will ignite the soul of the soul, placed it in the box of the soul of the soul, and then look at the fairy gold and the soul of the hand, the face is indifferent, just the eyes Some are deep.

In fact, Qin Haoxuan first went to Tianyang to teach them to scare them. By the way, I wanted to reveal the news of recreating the immortal world through the mouth of Tianyang, and it was just an excuse to find the treasure house, but he even found him a treasure.

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