Too Early

Chapter 1439: 0 zombie

"No, no!" The blood of the face of Gu Ying’s face retreated, and he snorted!

Xuan Jianmen and the people of the North Mangge are all stunned, Qin Haoxuan does not shoot, it is such a thunder!

Even with the people of Wulong and Qingyun who hide in the distance, everyone feels the back is cool!

Qin Haoxuan’s horror and murder in the air will become a nightmare for their lives.

Gu Ying's real eyebrows carry the anger of the sky, the double fists are tightly picked up, the bones are creaking, he bites his teeth and looks at Qin Haoxuan, hate the hand of the devil, revenge for the disciples!

Qin Haoxuan is still standing in the same place, as if he had just shot a person who killed his life in a moment. In the face of Gu Ying’s glare, he faintly looked back.

Gu Ying was shocked, and soon he fell down.

"Is it too deceptive? I have Qin Haoxuan still have this capital."

Qin Haoxuan’s voice is not cold or not, and the shadow of Gu Ying’s real life is getting worse.

Yes, Qin Haoxuan is the ancestor of three fairy palaces. Looking at the entire Xiu Xianjie, how many people can match it?

Gu Hang is not a junior in the immortality of the fairyland. He dares to think that the ancestors of the palace have crossed the border. Poorly, he is too petted too much. He even dared to call the name of his ancestors, and his words were not good, and he changed to any other person. Gu Hang This is hard to escape.

All the anger and anger converge, and Gu Ying is like an old man. He is hungry and low-eyed. He came to Qin Haoxuan not far from the courtesy, and lowered his head deeply to show respect.

"I am talking about it all."

Qin Haoxuan's black-haired robe, Gao Libei Mangge above the mountain squad, under his body, is a hundred immortal zombies for his trend.

As soon as this sentence comes out, the Wulong and Qingyun factions, which have been hiding in the distance, are tantamount to thunder, and they are very quick to look at each other, and then dare not have a half-lost The place flew out, the atmosphere did not dare to come to Qin Haoxuan, learning the appearance of Gu Ying real people, the head is very low.

Wu Ming of the North Mang Pavilion saw them and their eyes widened: "You, you..."

Qin Haoxuan looked indifferent, without any accident.

Rao is a cloud and the Taoist people are calm, and at this moment, they are also wet by the cold sweat.

It turned out that they had already been discovered, and they thought they were hiding very well...

Thinking of the ancestors' means, the Yunfang Taoist and He Longdao people raised their fears at the same time.

"Let's take a good look and help me to promote the things of today." Qin Haoxuan said in a tone that invited everyone to watch the drama. Immediately, he smiled faintly. "There is nothing to do with venting."

Like the younger brother, the three sects around Qin Haoxuan are silent. They only think that the time at this moment is like being fried and fried. It is too difficult. I look forward to rushing through today and will never be idle again. Especially the affair of this ancestor!

No, it should be the way to hear Qin Haoxuan’s name in the future.

In the North Mangge, the deputy master of the Wuman Pavilion looked at the film that was about to be broken. His face was pale. He shouted at the three sects outside the law: "Several brothers! If you can help me north today, Mangge’s power to overcome the difficulties of today, my North Mangga is willing to offer half of the sect’s property!”

Qin Haoxuan smiled and looked at Gu Yingzhen and others.

Wulong teaches him to teach He Long, the real person has always been used to the spirit, and now the head is pressed lower, and the mouth even said: "Even if he gave us the entire sect, we dare not be against the ancestors! We dare not, Don't dare."

The other two also said: "Don't dare to fight against the ancestors."

Seeing that there was no reinforcements coming, Wu Mingzhen was really panicked. He looked at Qin Haoxuan palely and couldn’t hold it anymore. He said sadly: "Okay, I promised, I promised you the conditions and handed over the people. Going out, please also ask the ancestors to let us go to our North Mangge, and ask you to stop and let us go to the North Mangge, and beg you!"

Qin Haoxuan looked at him indifferently, and his mouth was hooked with a cold arc: "When Tsinghua should have asked for mercy, you, have you stopped?"


Wu Ming real people remembered that battle.

At that time, the news that Qin Haoxuan was killed was immediately murdered by the fraternal alliance. The position, number of people, and array of fraternal alliances were reported.

Although Cao Qinghua was only a predecessor at the beginning, he was really a bit of a skill. He was well managed. The fraternal alliance was a loose alliance, but there was no common habit of the loose alliance. The people inside were loyal to each other, short. In time, it has been rapidly expanded, and even threatened the interests of the surrounding small sects.

But for a long time, no one dared to move them.

Because the Brotherhood is not just a loose alliance, it is also called the organization of the Little Taichu.

Taichao has not been around for many years, but the revenge on Puguangge has never stopped after a decade, and Qin Haoxuan, the deputy teacher of the early teaching, is a nightmare for more people. No one dares to provoke a person who wants to live well.

Cao Qinghua’s fraternal alliance has grown so safely and steadily. If there is no accident, he may even grow into an organization that shoulders the shoulders of the 10,000-year-old teaching.

But the accident is still coming.

The news of Qin Haoxuan’s death and death was spread throughout the Xiuxian world with the wildfire.

The North Mangge took the initiative to break the Brotherhood and not give them the opportunity to grow.

It is still very easy to kill a developing scattered alliance with the strength of the North Mangge’s 10,000-year-old great education. No matter how good his development momentum is, the dispersal within the league is more united, in the face of absolute strength. All this is nothing but an arm stop.

It is said that Cao Qinghua still wants to go to the Puguang Pavilion before the war. At that time, he used this as a joke to listen. Now, Wu Mingzhen is watching Qin Haoxuan, who is standing on his own sectarianism as a **** of death, and his heart is sad.

Wu Mingzhen raised his desperate eyes and made the final struggle: "Devil ancestors, I know that the North Mang Pavilion is destined to be destroyed today. I don't ask for anything else. I only ask the ancestors to leave a few hundred for our North Mangge. Disciples, they will never have a heart of revenge, just leaving a legacy for the North Mangga! Otherwise, how can we face the ancestors of Jiuquan after the death of several old guys!"

When it comes to sadness, Wu Ming’s eyes are red, and old tears are frequent: “Everything is my idea. It’s my idea to destroy the Brotherhood. I’m willing to die and die. My disciples are innocent. Devil, forgive them!"

Looking at the deputy teaching on the ground to Qin Haoxuan Shantou, the North Mangge disciple is sad and heartfelt.

The three sects who watched the side were not able to look at the North Mangga. They thought that even a stone-hearted person should not be touched by this scene.

But these people, even if they sympathize with the North Mangga, dare to sigh in their hearts, because Qin Haoxuan's body is cold and cold, and there is no change in half.

"Do you want to leave a legacy?" Qin Haoxuan asked gently.

Wu Ming’s real person immediately nodded madly: “Please enroll your ancestors, please ancestors...”

"You have thought about it, Tsinghua, and it is the only incense that I have in the world at the beginning."

The chill from the bottom of my heart will instantly realize that the real person is frozen. He opened his mouth and tried hard a few times, but he could never say a word.

The Brotherhood is the only incense inheritance in the early days of the cultivation of the Immortals. Do they know?

Nature is known.

But what about it? Qin Haoxuan died, and he was destroyed at the beginning. He also formed an almost invincible enemy such as the Supreme Master Puguangge. The brotherhood of the district is already a lamb to be slaughtered. Even if they are killed, the world will not Someone will be in their heads.

"It seems that you know, know, and deliberately want to kill the young disciples." Qin Haoxuan's tone is dull, there is no ups and downs, as if he is only telling a story that has nothing to do with him. "You think, no one. It will be in the early days, even if they kill them, no one will change your inheritance in the beginning, right?"

The last sentence of the fluttering question, such as the mountain falling from the nine empty, the real Wu Ming and the entire North Mangga are slightly trembled.

"I want to tell the people of the world with the destruction of your entire North Mangga, and dare to move my early disciples, that is the end."

Qin Haoxuan stood at a high altitude, and the three fairy palaces behind him were looming, and the mighty and overbearing forces raged in all directions, the sky was plunging, and the earth collapsed! The whole space was torn by the power displayed by Qin Haoxuan. The North Mang Pavilion in the Eight Diagrams Circle, numerous mountain peaks collapsed in an instant, and the river was poured back

Above the sky, the black cracks are hidden, the dark black clouds, the sly lightning, rendering the entire North Mangge into hell!

When Xuan Jianmen and others looked at the momentum, they were not the ones who were shackled, and their respective treasures protected their disciples and quickly evacuated to a safe place!

Qin Haoxuan waved with one hand, and the sword was empty. The quaint and heavy black sword came to Qin Haoxuan's hand, but it was light and flying like a flying leaf. It smashed the void, and the violent force pulled the broken space and rushed to the quilt. Ice-covered array!


After being attacked by hundreds of zombies for a long time, they are all in a strong position, but under the power of this sword, they have turned into overwhelming powder!

Qin Haoxuan stood by the sword and issued a new order to the zombies: "kill them."

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