Too Early

Chapter 1442: Declared war

Qin Haoxuan left a slogan in front of the Puguangge Mountain Gate. He wanted to slaughter the disciples under the jurisdiction of Puguangge. Although the Puguangge and the sects under his League knew that this matter would not be easily passed, they did not expect to evolve so seriously.

From the seventh day after Qin Haoxuan’s departure, first of all, Puguangge’s own rudder was not extinguished. When the people were in the past, even the corpse capital did not exist, only the tragic battle marks and the large patches of dark red on the ground. Blood, all the property in the sect was looted.

The fierce destruction of this rudder seems to have opened the prelude to Qin Haoxuan's revenge. In the following days, there are successive sects killed, and as time goes by, although the sects under the Puguangge have been prepared, they are daily The number of extinctions has increased. After one month, almost six or seven sects have been destroyed.

Pu Guangge was angry.

The sects under the Puguang Pavilion were miserable. Many sects couldn’t stand this fearful day and began to prepare for peace talks with Qin Haoxuan and secret peace talks.

In the Valley of the Immortals, Qin Haoxuan slowly opened his eyes. The various materials scattered around him returned to the Qiankun bag. Around him, there were countless auras that had been exhausted, and they were dull and stacked into a stone mountain. .

In addition to the human body, the five-way body has been completely refining, and has gone out of the fairy valley, carrying more than a hundred zombies under his command, and continually harvesting the sects under the Puguangge.

"Humanistic body." Qin Haoxuan remembered that he had spent time trying to refine this Taoist body, but he never succeeded. He stood up and looked at the vast and deep sky, smiling lightly. "The time is not up, and you can't force it."

The target of this hungry ghost road is the next 10,000-year-old Da Jiaozhao Pavilion.

Zhaoyue Pavilion is built on the top of the mountain, surrounded by five mountains, and the aura is awkward. Every month, the moon is hollow, and the moon shines, even more like a fairyland.

But now, according to the law outside the gate of the Moon Pavilion, it is completely defensive. The teacher of the sect of Hengheng leads his disciples to gather in the main peak, as the enemies look at the ghosts that are getting closer and closer.

For such a long time, dozens of martial art have been destroyed. There are several powerful 10,000-year-old patriarchs who have not escaped the fate of the ruined sect. According to the monthly sect, the singer of the singer is full of enthusiasm, and there is anxiety between the eyebrows. I don't think my martial art will be that special case.

"Teaching, this situation, or according to our discussion, if you fight hard, the tens of thousands of years of inheritance of the Moon Court may be broken today!"

The body of the hungry ghost road has been fully revealed from the rich and gloomy ghost, and the deputy teaching of Zhaoyuege can no longer be tolerated, hurriedly said.

Yan Hengzhen turned to look at the elders and cousins ​​of his martial art. After they got their affirmation, they flew up and left the sect directly and came outside the formation.

"The ancestors don't want to do it! Zhaoyue Ge teaches you to say something!"

Without the blockade of the defensive array, the pressure of the two Taoist palaces of the hungry ghosts is becoming more and more obvious, and the number of the sacred sects of the sacred sects is out of the way, so that they are not allowed to stumble.

The system of hungry ghosts stopped the zombies behind them and looked at the teacher with interest.

Yan Heng real people approached a few, bent over and handed the ball: "See the ancestors."

"What are the last words to say quickly."

Yu Hengzheng knows that the situation is urgent now, and he does not want to chill out. He said, "The ancestors said that they will be slaughtered without going out of the Puguang Pavilion. But what you don't know is that if we declare separation, the devil You have let us go, but you can't let the sects who betray him!"

Hungry and ghostly body looked cool and looked at the real person, did not speak, but the expression but lived and detached expressed a meaning, what happened to me.

The cold sweat brush of the real person’s forehead ran down, and he did not dare to wipe it. He continued: “We have not done the sorrow of the ancestors, but because we are under the jurisdiction of Puguangge, we dare not leave, so we enlisted the ancestors. Killing, but I know that you can devote yourself to the sect of the ancestors, and dare to confront the Supreme Masters. It is not a rumored cold-blooded bloodless madman, so he asks the ancestors to give mercy. Let us keep our own line."

The mouth of the hungry ghost road evokes a curve, which is exactly the same as Qin Haoxuan. But this expression is made by him, but it is unspeakable, it makes people feel cold: "I can talk, but I can What is to be done is to destroy the sects under the Puguangge and break its arms."

In the heart of Yan Heng’s heart, he once again said, “The Puguang Pavilion is unjust, and we are willing to help you.”

"Oh? Are you going to announce your departure?"

Yan Heng’s real smile: “I don’t dare to leave, but the ancestors listened to me. Our subordinate sects are the Puguangge as the big ally. This year, we have to hand in tributes. The number of these tributes is as much as half a million. Wealth, if the tribute was robbed halfway..."

Speaking of this, Yu Hengzhen looked up and looked at Qin Haoxuan, swallowed his throat, and then said: "If the road is robbed, it does not matter to us, and that is the property belonging to Puguangge, the devil is so abominable. Pu Guangge, why not go directly to grab their things? These days, many of our sects have already discussed, as long as you agree with the ancestors, we are willing to hand over the tribute."

When the body of the hungry ghosts was moved, they felt that the body of the Shinto and other bodies had encountered the same thing. They immediately reported the situation to Qin Haoxuan.

The six-way body is part of Qin Haoxuan, and what they see and hear is always interoperable.

"Gong com." Qin Haoxuan smiled lightly. He stood in the snow and ice of the Valley of the Immortals. He said to the five Taoist temples, "This is a group of old foxes, let them hand over the tributes of the hundred years, and they can leave their lives for the time being." ”

The body of the hungry ghost road will say this condition. The real person who has been hesitant and hesitant has not agreed at all. His original worried face also brought joy, and he repeatedly worshipped the body of the hungry ghost road: "Thank you for the devil, thank you. Devils! We must cooperate with these sects. The time and place for the delivery of tributes are actually discussed. Just after three days, if you don’t feel at ease, you can change the time or place."

Behind the body of the hungry ghost road, he laughed evilly: "You don't have to change it. If you dare to have a half-point, you will kill it."

Yan Heng’s real back is cool, and he quickly said: “You can rest assured that we are not afraid, we dare not.”

Three days later, under the jurisdiction of the Puguangge, nearly a hundred 10,000 tributes to the devotees of the Great Church were robbed in one day. That is the weight of a hundred years of worship. It is equivalent to a hundred years of income from the Supreme Master. In an instant, no more. .

"The big ally, you have to give us the master! That is the tribute we received from the jurisdiction, so it was taken away by Qin Haoxuan’s big devil who killed thousands of knives! You must make a statement on this matter. Only killing Qin Haoxuan can solve our hatred!"

The first time the tribute was lost, Zhao Yuege led the elders to go to the Puguang Pavilion, and the face was red, as if he and Qin Haoxuan were not wearing the sky.

"Yes, the big ally, our disciples are unconscious until now, you must give us the master, kill the great devil of Qin Haoxuan!"

"Without Qin Haoxuan, it is not enough to calm our anger!"


Nearly one hundred sects who had been robbed of tributes, all came to Puguangge’s door and asked Pu Guangge to attack Qin Haoxuan. They could not come. All of them sent letters. At one time, Puguangge was overcrowded. The news that the road tribute was robbed was constantly introduced.

"It’s just a matter of fact!" Pu Guangge’s teaching was really furious, but he could not find a way to vent.

"Bad deception." Pu Guange, the elder of Pu Guangge, sneered, "I clearly communicated with Qin Haoxuan, I really thought I could fool us?"

"These people are not afraid to leave us, but they are afraid of being annihilated by Qin Haoxuan, so they came up with such a solution." Tianfeng’s main teacher Ling Feng said slowly, "There is no way."

Tianyingtang’s main Dongxiu smiles coldly, and she is as beautiful as a nine-day fairy with a little bit of killing: “In the end, it’s Qin Haoxuan’s ghost.”

Ling Feng has a blue robe, black long hair slouched behind him, he looks handsome, long eyebrows, thin lips lightly open: "I just can't take that little beast, if it is a beginning, we can also go out It is, but now there is only one person, and it is still a Taoist-level figure who has condensed three fairy palaces. If you go to a place where you can find a cat, you can't find it, not to mention six reincarnations. He doesn't need to come out personally. You can stir up the restlessness of the sacred world."

"Tianji Tangtang, this is afraid of Qin Haoxuan?" The main martial arts squadron, the body is as tall as a hill, his thick black eyebrows are tightly wrinkled, the voice said very loudly.

Ling Feng indifferently looked at the martial arts did not speak.

The murder eye glimpsed: "What do you mean by this?"

"Whenever is the time, it is still noisy." Dong Xiu sighed with a brow, and the voice said coldly. "The most urgent task is to find Qin Haoxuan. We can kill him for the first time and kill him for the second time."

"Teaching, I heard that some elders have been alarmed by this incident?" asked the wind and the main body Ling Feng.

Paying the real person to sit in the main position, nodded.

Ling Feng hooked his lips and said: "It is not difficult to kill Qin Haoxuan. The difficulty is how to lead him out. This guy is very embarrassed."

"Take him directly to fight." Dong Xiu cherished and looked at the real person on the main seat. "He Qin Haoxuan declared war against the people of the world and provocatively challenged us. If Puguangge does not respond, I am afraid to be tempted by the celestial world." It is."

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