Too Early

Chapter 1446: His hometown fairy magic field

The mind has been fixed, Qin Haoxuan is faster, and there is a thousand miles between the moments, going straight to the West.

"The speed of that kid is really amazing." Although the voice of the apocalypse ancestors still smiles, the thick murder has not been hidden.

"He wants to go to the devil world." Da Shu ancestors said indifferently.

The speed of the ancestors of the Puguangge Pavilion is constant: "Even if he ran to the sea, he could not escape."

Da Shuo's ancestors and the apocalypse ancestors understood the meaning of the Puguangge cabinet owner. This time, Puguangge is going to end with Qin Haoxuan.

Qin Haoxuan spent a night and came to the battlefield of the fairy.

A few dozen miles away, you can see the road in front of the crack, from the heights, there are thick smoke, scorched earth, belonging to the unique tragic atmosphere of the battlefield straight into nine days!

The fairyland and the devil's people fought a bit, the mountains collapsed, the earth cracked, and the void was a large black crack. Both sides of the battle will be inhaled and will be destroyed.

In addition, there is a layer of blood on the ground, there are monks and monks, and there are also demons in the demon world. Both sides are red-eyed.

Qin Haoxuan did not stop anyway, rushing all the way, he dispersed the crowds of the fierce battle, such as a daylight shot into the base camp of the magic!

Immediately there is a powerful person in the realm of the Taoist palace, and it is killing!

Qin Haoxuan flew out of a black jade, the size of the palm of the hand, the above-mentioned "free magic Lord" four big characters shine!

The Taoist priests have a glimpse of the gods and let the road open.

The Puguanggege and the sages and other ancestors followed the road all the way. I wanted to block at the junction of the fairy and the devil, but they did not think that they had chased all the way to the battlefield of the fairy, and even Qin Haoxuan’s clothes were not touched!

Looking at the fierce battlefield in front of him, the three main players of the Puguangge Pavilion stopped.

"Qin Haoxuan is there." The apocalypse ancestor of the apocalypse refers to the peak of the west of the fairy devil. "Do we chase or not chase?"

The Puguangge Pavilion owner looked at the battlefield of the fairy that stretched hundreds of miles, and the army of the demon in the west, and fell into silence.

Qin Haoxuan was greeted by a palace carved out from the mountain abdomen.

The interior of the palace is full of stone table stone chairs carved by the Dao method. Although it is rough, it has its own feeling of informality.

The ancestor of a Taoist palace is the ancestor of the elders of the dynasty. He respectfully invited Qin Haoxuan to take a seat and asked: "I don't know if the ancestors came, what needs us to serve?"

The flame ancestor has a dark red cloak, a burly figure, and a thick eyebrow. Although respectful to Qin Haoxuan, the jealous color between the eyebrows is also very obvious.

Now the battle of the fairy devil is fierce, countless Taoist repairs and deaths, the Supreme Masters are involved in it, even the characters like the devil are injured, the sorrows of the two realms Almost once broke out, the illusion of maintaining peace with each other quickly collapsed, and the war was in full swing.

Although Qin Haoxuan is a guest of the self-defeating Lord, he is still a fairyland person. In such a sensitive period, no one dares to take it lightly.

Qin Haoxuan sat on the stone chair and let go of the gods and felt the three old monsters chasing him. They determined that they didn't chase them. This is the way: "I saw the arm of the ancestors of the nine-seat palace of Puguangge, and it hurt again. They are too elders, and they are not happy with it. Come here to find some cleanliness."

The fire ancestor was slightly surprised. Before he could say anything, he heard Qin Haoxuan again: "By the way, participate in the battle of the fairy."

"You..." The aging ancestors blinked. "You want to help fight the fairy world?"

Qin Haoxuan’s mouth is lightly ticked: “I have some people who don’t like it in the Xiuxian world.”

The people who can become ancestors have basically mixed up with old fritters. The fire ancestor listened to Qin Haoxuan’s words and realized it in an instant. His eyebrows were dyed with joy and immediately said: “Now the fairy war is the most intense. At that time, if your ancestors are willing to join us on the magic side, the people you don't like are the enemies of our magicians!"

After learning that Qin Haoxuan participated in the battle of the fairy, helping the devil to attack the fairy world, the magicians on the entire battlefield of the devil were ecstatic, and the temporary commanders came to the palace to meet Qin Haoxuan.

After introducing several defending Devils to Qin Haoxuan, the elders of the Lie Pavilion’s elders and aging singers smiled and said: “There are still a few masters on the battlefield, but they have not come down, wait for them to come, and let these people Come to see the ancestors."

Qin Haoxuan’s eyes swept over the people in the palace. There were men and women, and they may have just been on the battlefield. These demons have strong suffocation.

Why is the Soviet Union not there?

When the demise of Lingering was different, Su Luo once said that he would close the palace and attack the palace. When she entered the palace, she would go to find herself. After decades, there was no news.

"There is one person who wants to ask you." Qin Haoxuan thought about it and asked the people in the palace.

"While you ask, we know everything."

"Tian Yan teaches a woman to repair, and the name calls for Su Luo. I don't know if anyone knows you? I don't know her where she is."

Qin Haoxuan asked for the openness, but he saw that the flame ancestor looked at his own eyes very complicated, so he frowned. "What happened?"

The aging ancestors immediately said: "Nothing, I know this sue. It is said that she is still retreating now and hitting the palace."

Qin Haoxuan nodded.

Sure enough, still in the retreat.

The monk entered the Taoist palace from Xianying, and it seems to have only broken through a level in the repair, but the gap is only understood by those who truly condense their own Taoist palace.

Condensed Taoist Palace, indicating that this monk already has his own way, whether it is the successor of the successor or the development of a new road, it is equivalent to opening a road across the two worlds of Xianfan, such a person can be called the ancestors The peerless powerhouse.

And to condense the Taoist Temple, you need to enlighten, how many heroes in the world who have reached the peak of the baby will not realize their own way in their lifetime.

From the stone wall opened by the cave, Qin Haoxuan looked at the sky filled with clouds outside, and sighed softly in his heart. How difficult is it to enter the palace? Under the heavens, the Tianjiao elites came forth in large numbers, but there are several Taoist palaces in the world?

The talent of the Soviet Union is amazing, and there is something I teach. When I am at the palace, the Tiandao torture will be more difficult than the ordinary monk. I hope she can hold on.

After the crowds dispersed, the flaming ancestors arranged an independent palace for Qin Haoxuan, leaving a few disciples to serve, and left.

Qin Haoxuan dispels his knowledge and sets up several heavy arrays around his palace. Although the three old monsters are not chasing them, they still have to prepare more.

After doing this, Qin Haoxuan left the palace and he wanted to see the battlefield of the fairy.

Just out of the door, I saw a group of people walking toward the camp from the direction of the battlefield. Qin Haoxuan’s eyes glimpsed and sighed and went out to meet the old man.

"Isn't this a person who teaches Tian Yan?"

Qin Haoxuan looked at the people who came to him in twos and threes and said softly.

There were five people in the group. The body was more or less scarred, but there was no wolverine in it. The robes were worn in the wind, and the eyebrows were still with the unsalted killing.

Qin Haoxuan has a young man who has been following him, Chen Bo, who is the ancestors of the fire, who left the service to Qin Haoxuan. He heard this and looked at him a bit strangely, then immediately smiled with respect: "Devil, you I still know them."

Qin Haoxuan’s gaze fell on the leader’s body, blinking his eyes slightly, and casually responding: “Well, it’s a bit of a fate.”

Jiang Wenxiong had just come down from the battlefield. The gray robes were split and covered with mottled blood, but he also knew that his blood was like someone else's.

When Qin Haoxuan stood at the door and observed Jiang Wenxiong, Jiang Wenxiong also noticed him.

"Da Zhuang? Are you still alive?" Jiang Wenxiong, a few disciples around the church, saw Qin Haoxuan, and after amazement, a happy color, all surrounded.

Chen Bo, who followed Qin Haoxuan, heard the words "Da Zhuang" and his eyes were wide, but he used the corner of his eye to see Qin Haoxuan, the ancestor called "Da Zhuang", but he saw this ancestor's mouth. The shallow smile was not annoyed by the collision.

Chen Bo, who originally wanted to attack, suddenly did not know what to do.

However, the disciples of Tianyan teach not so much scruples. In their eyes, Qin Haoxuan is the same door that has disappeared for many years. Although it looks more powerful, the momentum is better, but the appearance has not changed. This is not big. Strong?

"Where have you been in so many years?" A guy who looked like a tiger and his head came over and said with a smile. "When you disappeared, the church owner has been squatting for a long time, saying that Tianyan may never meet again." It’s a good seed for you."

Qin Haoxuan is a bit impressed with this magical repair. It seems to be called Wu Ang. It seems that there is nothing to do with it.

“I have encountered some I have been practicing outside for a few years.” Qin Haoxuan said faintly.

Wu Ang also wanted to say something, but was stopped by his companions. The man left Wu Ang from Qin Haoxuan and was a little dissatisfied: "What are you so hot with him?"

Wu Ang blinked and then saw his companion suggestively pointing to Jiang Wenxiong, who stood a few steps away from them, watching the excitement, and suddenly became clear.

If Da Zhuang has not disappeared before, the position of the priests and pro-disciples is still a bit sloppy, but after so many years, Jiang Wenxiong has not only cultivated the realm of progress, but also made a limelight on the battlefield. Exceeding others, and pressing other disciples of the same sect, earned a lot of face for Tian Yan.

Not only did the konjac lord officially accept him as a pro-disciple, but even Tianyan taught him to value him very much. Although there is no official canon, the people of Tianyan have already defaulted to Jiang Wenxiong as the heir to the martial art.

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