Too Early

Chapter 16: 3 purple pairs of each playing board

After the elders such as Yun Yunzi immediately reacted, Chu Yunzi was so directed at Li Jing, for a long time in his early years.

This Chu Yunzi was born in a poor family. He lived for a living. When he was fifteen years old, he encountered a rare drought and had no grain. The local corrupt officials not only squandered the relief money, but also asked the people who could not eat the meal to pay. As many taxes as in previous years, there was a resentment in the past, and there was a tragedy in which people ate.

Chu Yunzi’s parents and relatives starved to death in the natural disaster and man-made disaster. He was hungry and took the lead to grab the grain store in the county. After his failure, he was sentenced to death. If not his master happened to have saved him, now Chu Yunzi has long been in the same position, and died in Huangquan.

Since then, Chu Yunzi hated all the official residences of the Li family, not to mention the three emperors of the royal family, Li Jing, who made his body look too conspicuous, and people recognized it at a glance.

When Chu Yunzi learned a little in the past, he squatted in front of the master for three days and three nights, only to seek revenge. In the end, I was given the answer in the teachings, and issued the celestial dish, so that the dynasty handed over all the officials involved in the case that year, all killed.

If it is not under the jurisdiction of the canon, Chu Yunzi has already rushed to the palace with Fu Jian, killing Li’s door.

Although the heart is not good, but Li Jing is still bowing to Chu Yunzi: "Excuse me, where is the disciple wrong?"

Chu Yunzi screamed coldly and replied: "It is Yuanshanhu, which is bad again. It is also the three leaves of Xian Miaojing. It is only two days of Qin Haoxuan who can be defeated. I think this is not so simple! Qin Haoxuan may be other The fine work of Xianmen is no longer a monster."

Chu Yunzi’s argument was thrown out, even the other elders felt unreliable. Qin Haoxuan was born in Xiaoyushan, and his life was innocent. Chu Yunzi even wanted to target Li Jing, but this spy is too unreliable. As for the monsters, how can there be such a disappointing monster, turning a weak disciple.

Everyone thinks that Chu Yunzi has no target, but Zhang Fan is deeply convinced and stands up to testify: "Qin Haoxuan and I are fellow villagers. I know him again. Before I go to Taichu, he often goes to the mountains to collect medicine. Many rare medicines are produced, and many old medicine collectors do not have their backs. Do you think that a normal hunter's son can have this ability? At least I can't do it."

"That's because you are not as good as me." Qin Haoxuan has been silent suddenly spoke, laughed with a bit of sarcasm: "I not only can not be taken to your collection of drugs, but also wanted to hit you, they gave you the beat Not even a dog."

Li Jing listened to the applause and laughed: "Zhang Shidi, did you hear what Qin Shidi said? I think he said it right. Your words just prove that Qin’s ability is good. You do Can't you do it without others?"

"Li Shidi! You..." Zhang squinted and wanted to talk, but for a moment did not know how to say.

At this time, Chu Yunzi opened his mouth for the madness, and the words were directed at Li Jing. "Li Jing! Qin Haoxuan! Here is the law enforcement hall! Where can you talk freely? Zhang mad is just an example of Qin Haoxuan's anomaly, you misrepresent, What is your heart?"

Said, his eyes were angry, and the expression only wanted to smash Li Jing's body and smash.

If the disciple next to him is so martyrdom by the elders of law enforcement, he would not be afraid to say anything, but Li Jing has nothing to do with it. He said: "I have nothing to say about my brother, why is Zhang Shidi so sensitive?"

The two called each other as the younger brother, and the self-proclaimed brother's dialogue was more and more faint. In order to avoid the contradiction, the virtual cloud was busy interrupting: "When I wait for a few elders to discuss for a while, let the sentence be pronounced." A wave of light, a light yellow light curtain that separates the sound, enveloped them with four people, only to see their lips moving, but they could not hear what they said.

"Virtual cloud brother, this is still a good deliberation, directly according to the previous deliberation of the verdict is not the case!" Chu Yunzi looked uncomfortable.

The cloud son did not care about the hatred of Chu Yunzi, and the other two elders said: "Now Qin Haoxuan stood two purple disciples, we still weigh the pros and cons."

"There is a good trade-off! I didn't doubt it before, but Li Jing, who came from the Li family, came forward to defend him. I can see that this Qin Haoxuan is not a good thing! If not, how can I run to help the boxing? I don't see Qin Haoxuan. Other fine works by Xianmen are the monsters!"

Chu Yunzi did not shy away from his hatred of the Li family and Li Jing, and hated the house and Wu, together with Qin Haoxuan to deal with it.

Xu Yunzi and others are crying and laughing, and advised: "Li Jing is also a supreme purple species. The future achievements must be above you and me. He came forward to help Qin Haoxuan. The meaning of the drunkard is not in the wine, but Xu Yu, next to Qin Haoxuan, If he gets the support of Xu Yu, he will become a very high chance to become a teacher in the future! If you follow the previous judgment, you will offend two purple disciples. Is this inappropriate?"

"I will talk about it later! If you don't want to be a bad person, let me judge. If he is a Li Jingzhen, he will be shoulder to shoulder, and I will not be tired of you. I will see that madness. Future achievements are definitely above them."

Xuan Yunzi and others still feel that it is not appropriate, even if they are not sentenced, but the results of the verdict were made after the unanimity of their four elders! At the same time offending two purple disciples, they will not have good fruit to eat in the future.

"That's it!" Xu Yunzi pondered for a long time, said: "Even if Li Jing is excluded, there is Xu Yu on the side of Qin Haoxuan! We also have to sell her a face, and according to our understanding, this matter was provoked by Yuan Shanhu and even It may be behind the madness. So I decided to put Yuanshanhu into the ice cliff for fifteen days! I will Qin Haoxuan into the magma and think for seven days! As for Qin Haoxuan, is it another spy or monster? There is evidence that Qin Haoxuan is not a good class. No matter who is going to take care of it, it will be disposed of according to the doctrine of the sect. The three younger brothers, can you disagree?"

The illusion of a cloud is fixed, and the punishment is just right. The other two elders also nod their heads. Chu Yunzi’s rebuttal is futile and can only accept reality.

After negotiating properly, the light curtain dissipated, and Yun Yunzi cleared the scorpion and glanced at the audience. He sentenced: "Yuan Shanhu, Zhang Umbrella, Li Si maliciously harassed Qin Haoxuan, hurt the same door, and expelled to the cold ice cliff for fifteen days. Seriously thought, the next time you commit serious punishment, you will not be able to pay for it! Qin Haoxuan still seriously injured Yuan Shanhu after the three men of Yuan Shanhu stopped infringement. How to say that they also committed a private stipulation of the rules, and they went into the magma and thought for seven days to show punishment! The rewards and punishments of the early teachings are clear, no matter who is the exception, but also hope that you will take the lead!"

After the virtual cloud was pronounced, the law enforcement disciples standing in two rows standing on both sides of the hall suddenly uttered three screams: "Mighty! Powerful! Powerful!"

Twenty screams were neat and tidy, deafening, and the sound of the waves slammed the roof of the law enforcement hall, and the dust on the beam fell.

The result of the verdict was that Li Jing did not care. He only showed up to Xu Yu and tried to win her. As for the result of Qin Haoxuan’s decision, he was more happy.

For this result, Zhang was very upset. He wanted to follow the words of Chu Yunzi and make a fuss about the spies and monsters. However, the verdict did not mention this. He was not satisfied with the death of Qin Haoxuan, but the elders sentenced him. However, he can only endure if he is dissatisfied again. Who is calling himself to be weak!

Just two days after getting started, Li Jing is now starting to draw people. It seems that he will deal with Qin Haoxuan in the future. He has to avoid Xu Yu as much as possible. If she is forced to push Li Jing, then her own path of teaching will be more difficult.

Zhang was mad, but Xu Yu was still unhappy. Li Jing was a victim from beginning to end. He thought that Qin Haoxuan would be locked up in the magma for seven days, and her eyes would be red.

The magma cellar, the name is terrible.

"The elders are unfair in law enforcement. I am going to find a teacher to help you get back to justice!" Xu Yu’s tears swirled in his eyes, his face was angry and his voice was determined.

Qin Haoxuan was moved, but he shook his head slightly: "Forget it, the eyes are not bothered, and they are far away from them. Just concentrating on cultivation, no one gives me a scorpion."

Xu Yu also thought that Qin Haoxuan was comforting her. She did not know Qin Haoxuan. This is the words of the lungs. During the hearing in the law enforcement hall, he was tortured by the hot aura of the body, but he could not express it. He only wanted to have a quiet time. The environment is meditation and retreat, unlike in Lingtian Valley, there are so many people who give him a scorpion.

The kind-hearted Xu Yu knows this. A pair of Fengmu sweeps through Zhang Mang and Yuan Shanhu, and said coldly: "I will go to see the teacher! When I am a Dacheng, I will definitely seek justice for you!"

Said, her eyes were still swept by four law enforcement elders, listening to Xu Yu's oath, feeling her hateful eyes, the four law enforcement elders can not help but frustrated, as the saying goes not afraid of thief stealing is afraid of thief ~ www. not to mention being hated by the purple disciples.

If they are other disciples, these elders can still think of a way to make a mistake and make people go down the mountain.

Purple species? Some elders are afraid to go to the next set... It’s not stupid to teach, let him know what happened, really do the killing of the whole family, and then you have to communicate and explain it.

When several elders thought that they were so old, they had to explain to a newcomer who was just getting started. It was also a bitter and bitter, but there was no way to do it. Who made the family a purple?

The virtual cloud is better planned. I will go to Xu Yu immediately, and Xu Yu will guarantee that Qin Haoxuan will not be bullied in the prison. He will also give out the elixir to the other party and help the other party to practice in prison. I hope that this festival will be revealed.

The three people of Yuan Shanhu were scared to be cold, and they were lying on the ground and they tried to get closer to the madness, as if it would be safer.

Just when the law enforcement disciples wanted to take them away, and went to the confinement of the confinement, Zhang madly approached Qin Haoxuan and sneered: "Do you think that you can escape me if you close the confinement? Let's walk."

Qin Haoxuan sighed in his heart, and the sinful temper that he had recruited in the village in the past, and now when he is still there, can he let himself go to him? That can't be done!

After Qin Haoxuan and others were taken away, Xu Yu also resumed the bleak appearance of the past and went to Li Jing. He said: "Thank you, Master Li for the Qin Shi brothers to speak up, Xu Yu is in his heart."

Li Jing suddenly smiled and smiled. The little girl was a little girl. After a little subtotal, she came to the house. He just wanted to say a few words of unkindness and consolidate his good impression. Who knows Xu Yu is no longer ignoring him. went.

The law enforcement hall has returned to calm, but no one can calm down.

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