Too Early

Chapter 156: But I don’t want to live forever.

Qin Haoxuan listened to the words of the sentence, the heart of the stone is counted, it is no wonder that this guy has a high level of peace of mind, the original has this hidden feeling.

"I am here to find you, there is something to help you." Qin Haoxuan said very straightforwardly.

The sentence smiled very happy, looking at Qin Haoxuan's eyes as if to say, demo, you finally come to me. But did not ask Qin Haoxuan to find him to help what, the master shelf is very adequate.

Looking at the smile of a guilty face, Qin Haoxuan could not wait for a shoe to slap his face: "I got a jade slip, there is a ban in this jade slip, I can't solve it, you can help me out."

"Wow, jade, ah, the secrets of the exercises that can be engraved in Yujian, but they are all good things, not to mention the jade slips that are banned. So it sounds like the cheats in your jade should be different. Everything is ringing, you are lucky." The punishment seems to be happy for Qin Haoxuan, but in fact, he does not answer the prohibition.

When Qin Haoxuan immediately knew what the buddy was going to do, he took the jade slip of [Dafuyu] from his arms and placed it on the table. He said: "Unlock the ban, and ultimately your benefits."

"Don't do it." The sentence also answered very neatly.

"The good things, we can discuss." Qin Haoxuan through the blood demon incident and the punishment unconsciously approached a lot, took the arm and slammed the sentence and said: "In a few days I have to go down into the dust, then... It’s hard to keep the red smelter from working on me... I want to see if there is a chance to live here."

The punishment gave Qin Haoxuan a resentful white eye: "What happened to you when you died? You are dead, Lao Tzu must summon Tian Lei to celebrate it. No one has any control over the ignorance of Lao Tzu."

"I don't die, do you have the opportunity to restore the previous repairs?" Qin Haoxuan pushed the jade slip of [Da Fu Yi Shu] to the front of the sentence and said: "If you are so powerful, if you don't have to come out to solve the prohibition, That's a pity for your ability."

The punishment hit a chill, these days used to with the Qin Haoxuan needle tip to Mai Mang, the other party suddenly so good attitude, so that he got a goose bump.

Qin Haoxuan ignored the chill of this guy, staring at the sentence with a smile and a smile, and saw him in his heart.

The criminal squad said: "It is useless to look at me like this. Although I will unravel the ban, the ban on entering the jade and unraveling the jade is necessary to control the sacred knowledge. It wasn't strong at first. I didn't recover it. I couldn't find it in this jade slip. I couldn't see the appearance of the ban, let alone help you undo the ban."

Qin Haoxuan nodded, this is a problem, he also tried to input spiritual power, but no response, the sentence did not lie.

"What should I do?" Qin Haoxuan was in a dilemma. He thought for a while, and he had a move: "You will teach me how to release the ban, how?"

The punishment looked at Qin Haoxuan’s eyes, and his face was excited. He immediately shook his head. He said: “It’s natural to teach this to you in the same life.”

Qin Haoxuan’s face is a joy, this guy is so rare.

"But..." With the punishment, Qin Haoxuan turned cloudy and immediately fell down, but the sentence seemed to enjoy Qin Haoxuan’s appearance. He smiled and said: "But you think you can learn if you want to learn." What is the ban? An ban is an important subject in the tactics. For example, my extraordinary talented genius, I have been studying for many years. There are many qualified guys, and I can’t live forever. Can you learn it right away?"

Although the sentence is very straightforward, it does not leave a face, but Qin Haoxuan is not angry, because the guy is a fact of punishment, the prohibition is an important part of [Xianxian Liuyi], saying that it is profound and profound. However, if you want to learn in twenty days, and then unlock the jade in the jade, it is simply impossible.

According to the elders of Chu, if there is no talent, there is no talent in the [Matrix]. If you work hard for 20 years, you may have a small success. As for 20 days, you want to be able to solve the more complicated ban, and the daydreaming is almost the same.

So Qin Haoxuan once again fell into a difficult situation, and finally saw some hope, but turned into disappointment, Qin Haoxuan seems to see the cold eyes of the red refining, is smashing the murder!

Although he did not dare to laugh out loud, he was very happy from his eyes. He had been in a weak position in his confrontation with Qin Haoxuan, and he finally fell to Qin Haoxuan.

Qin Haoxuan looked at the expression with a blank expression, and sat in a fragrant time. Suddenly, the eyes flashed and thought of a wonderful way. He said: "I will release the jade in the jade, and then you tell me. How to solve the problem."

The happy freehand on the face of the sentence instantly solidified. He did not expect Qin Haoxuan to think of this stupid way, but it seems to be the only way.

"It can be, but it costs a lot of work..." The sentence is very revealing.

After dealing with this guy for so long, Qin Haoxuan can't understand the nature of his love for money. If he doesn't reach out to Lingshi, it is not his style.

Qin Haoxuan had a sigh of relief and put on a slogan of strength. He said: "One thing I think you have to figure out, now you and I are the grasshoppers tied to a boat. If I can’t stop, you must have I am alive. I am a strong enemy like Lin. I am likely to run for my life at any time. Do you not think that you are the brother of my death? Then you should do your best to help me, help me first. Unlocking the jade ban, I learned that I have refining a few life-saving symbols, and you don’t have to bother to protect me. In your relationship, talk about money and hurt your feelings."

After he was jailed, he did not expect that Qin Haoxuan would take his own rhetoric to deal with himself. It’s true that he still applies his own way. He is still obsessed with the sentence: “You don’t usually talk much, all day. Pretending to be so serious, I didn’t expect that a mouth was even more clear than the sedition of the Guardian of the Spring. If it wasn’t for the talentedness of Laozi, I was really convinced by you! But no matter what you say today, I have to fix this reward. ""

The sentence was very excited, sitting on the bed, said: "Do you know, knowledge is invaluable wealth! This demon is knowledgeable, learning rich and billions of jade, can teach you personally not to pay, but in order to show respect for knowledge I decided that I must collect Lingshi for remuneration, otherwise I will not show the importance of what I learned in my chest."

Qin Haoxuan admire the spirit of perseverance for the spirit of Lingshi. He simply said his head: "No problem! Five-three-three spirits."

After the punishment narrowed his neck, he immediately jumped up: "Hey, dead ah! You want to buy me in the area of ​​five or three spiritual stones. This is too much to look down on what I learned in my chest. What is knowledge, do you understand? Let you Paying is not my greed, I want to make your knowledge valuable!"

Qin Haoxuan was unmoved, and while recognizing the other party’s speech, he nodded and moved out of his own theory: “You are right! I also want to give more money to knowledge. But... who makes me a Poor people? It’s also low, it’s not easy to earn this spiritual stone. If you are all exploited, when I am killed, you have to finish with me. I can get out of the resources. Stone is for you, it is already very valuable."

The sentence turned his eyes and raised his thumb: "Your mouth is more terrible than the stunned magic in the secluded spring... Well, okay, look at the difference between you and me, and I will help you. Once, you have to know, if you change to someone else, even if you are too early to teach the pro, come to me and ask me, and then give me all his home, I will not teach him, this knowledge is too valuable! "The sentence that I wanted to refuse to see Qin Haoxuan’s face was decided. I knew that I had no hope of talking about the price. I had no choice but to promise.

After thinking about it, I suddenly thought of something and said, "I can help you to undo the ban, but I have an additional requirement."

"You said."

"You are going to send me to the water house next month, then plug it back into the secluded spring, right?"

Qin Haoxuan nodded: "Of course."

The sentence: "Then my request is very simple, that is, you can't send me."

Qin Haoxuan was surprised and asked: "Why? You are no safer than in here. You are all here in the world of cultivators. One is not careful to show your feet, not only you, but I will be finished!"

Qin Haoxuan said with a slap in the face: "Don't you see those filths chasing me? Like Laozi, this kind of talent is extremely stunned, and the genius is amazing. It is easy to provoke other konjac. They yell at me. I tried to kill me. I saw only a small part of the day. I went back to the secluded spring. It is safer than here. In the early days, I only need to be cautious. Others will treat me as a cultivator. At least no one is chasing. kill me."

Qin Haoxuan certainly wouldn’t take the ghost of the sentence seriously, but he couldn’t help but ask: “How big is it that you made in the secluded spring? Is it so mad that you are chasing you?”

The sentence is very deep and very melancholic: "Genius... is always easy to be jealous."

"Go!" Qin Haoxuan couldn't help but take a sip: "Well, then you will stay in the early education, but I have a request, you can't eat people, and all actions must be directed by me."

"I can promise you if you don't eat people, but if you ask me to do something that hurts the world, I definitely don't do it! I am the righteous justice, have my own code of conduct!" Through the fine light, said: "If you really want to do something that hurts the world, remember to pay."

Qin Haoxuan was too lazy to deal with this guy, throwing out five or three of the three spirits, and took a sip of the mouth, and soon said: "Begin, you will ban the things in the ban, I teach you to unlock ~www.哎, so valuable knowledge has only changed five or two times. The cultivation of the fairyland is really a moral deficiency, not a place to learn. It is no wonder that you are not as good as a generation."

For this broken guy, Qin Haoxuan is too lazy to pay attention, straight up and go back, ready to Linyi Yujian.

His knowledge entered the jade, and he watched the ban in Yu Jianli, especially the inscriptions of the strokes. Some of them were still intertwined. He looked at it with a rough look. The forbidden inscription has at least 10,000. And there is no repetition of it.

In addition to these inscriptions, there is a thin line connecting these inscriptions. For too many reasons, the surface looks very neat, but in fact it is like a mess, and it is very complicated. It is not easy to copy the inscriptions. It is also necessary to take these golden thin lines without any mistakes. It is not an overnight effort!

Qin Haoxuan smashed his forehead and started working soon!

Soon he found a problem. He thought that his memory was very good, but now he found it completely wrong. No matter how serious he carefully recorded several inscriptions and the golden thin lines connecting these inscriptions, he came out with jade. When you start to copy, you can draw up to one or two inscriptions. It's not bad. Those characters that are extremely curved and weird make him a headache.

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