Too Early

Chapter 1463: The day before the hatred came today

The sea otter turned around and looked up at the people in the Zhaoyue Pavilion standing on the mountain road. His eyes were dark and his hands slowly took out Ling Xiaojian. Jianfeng pointed forward and said coldly: "Haicang , bring all the disciples of Ling Yumen, come to destroy the door!"

The month-by-month Taoist feeling a cold moment instantly slammed into his heart, his pupil slammed, Ling Xiaomen?

The other people around here were also pressured by the sea otters, and they looked at their teachings uneasy.

Ling Yumen?

The little sect who has been bullied by them arbitrarily, when there are such powerful disciples, who is this person?

More than a year ago, Haishu had no aura at all. If the mortal is no different, he has never entered the eyes of anyone in Zhaoyue Pavilion. Today he comes to revenge, and even others do not know who he is.

The sea otter looked at the eyes of everyone in the moon pavilion, and immediately moved, and disappeared in the same place in an instant. The people in Zhaoyue Pavilion had not come and were surprised, and the strong killings spilled from them!


The Anzhidao who was hiding in the crowd was caught in the collar by Haiyan. He looked at him with horror, and the young man was in front of himself!

How could it be so fast? !

The moon-walking man suddenly squinted his eyes. This guy took a predecessor under their door with a breath, but he did not react until the person was arrested!

Terrible, what is this person really strong?

Just like a gust of wind blowing, in the blink of an eye, the sea otter returned to the original place, but he had one more person in his hand.

Anzhi’s arms did not know when he was removed by the sea otter. He was weakly hanging on his side. His neck was firmly held in the hands of the sea otter. With the contraction of the palm of the sea, Anzhi became frightened and painful. The pale face slowly rose red, his eyes bulging, only a few unspeakable snorings from his throat, despair and horror.

The month-by-month Taoist man’s hand hidden in his sleeve slowly gathered, but he dared not have the slightest act of swaying. This person is even more terrible than he imagined.

The sea otter's arm was lifted up, and a huge arm illusion was made from his arm. The imaginary five fingers firmly clasped the Anzhidao's neck and raised a little from the ground.

An Zhidao feels that he is holding his neck, just like a pig iron. He has his feet off the ground. The extreme panic makes him kick something, but soon Anzhidao discovers that the more he struggles, the more he is holding his neck. The tighter the hand is.

"Do not"

An Zhidao's face is congested and looks very horrible. His facial features are distorted and his expression is shocked. He just said that a sharp, empty voice came from the front!


An Zhidao people were astonished.


Haitang left the Anzhi Dao, the right hand raised the sword, and smashed his belly with no warning, and the blood splashed!

Anzhidao was screamed by the painful screams. He twitched his head down, above the lower abdomen, with an ordinary sword hanging, and the bright red blood flowed out from the blade.

Looking at my elders, the elders were so abused, and the moon-walking people couldn’t help themselves anymore. Once again, they stepped forward and put their postures lower. Chonghai’s deep bend: “Predecessors! After all, he is my Zhaoyue Pavilion. Elders, please also ask the seniors to show their grief. If there is anything wrong with it in the past, I would like to double the compensation according to the Yuege!"

The month-by-month Taoist words have not been finished yet. The sea otter holds the hand of the hilt and exerts a force. The sword body is suddenly pulled out after the abdomen of the Anzhidao people. In the screams of the Anzhidao people, they once again smashed. Go on!

Everyone in Zhaoyue Pavilion was shocked.

The Anzhidao people had cold sweat on their faces, and the abdomen was pierced through two blood holes, and the blood flowed.

"Predecessors!" The month-by-month people were shocked. They could not help but raise their voices. Then they realized what they were, and bowed their heads again. "Under the next, I don’t know what the predecessors have with Lingxiaomen, but the people in Lingmen are not us. Killed."

I have always looked at the moon, such as the sea otter, who has nothing to look at, and finally took a look at him with a positive eye, but this eye is cold and deep, and it is chilling.

The "predecessors" month-by-month Taoist people were seen by the back of his back, and they did not let themselves back.

The sea otter slightly lifted and looked back at the Anzhidao in his own hands. He shook his wrist, and Ling Xiaojian left the body of Anzhidao, and in the next moment, he quickly and fiercely re-injected a third blood hole in him. !

An Zhidao’s face was already a trace of blood. He looked at the sea otter like a demon in fear. He resisted the pain of his body and asked with trepidation: “Why did the younger generation offend the predecessors and also reminded the seniors? The younger generation should be repentant."

Haiyan’s black eyes fell on the Anzhidao people without a trace of emotion. He held the sword’s hand and the sword body stirred in the Anzhidao people. In the screams of the Anzhidao people’s mourning, Haiyan asked: “Remember Jiang Leap?"

An Zhidao said with a trembling pain: "The younger generation does not know"

"The ash of Ling Xiaomen." Haishu continued.

These six words are like a bang in the mind of the Anzhidao people. He squints his eyes wide open, and the full fear is overflowing.

It is the gray kind, the kind of gray that was nailed to the mountain wall by one sword!

An Zhidao looked at the sea otter, and the desperate gray-faced color was on his face. He refused to care for his body, and he pleaded for mercy: "I don't know that the ash is a relative of the celestial. I don't know him. On the fairy, the villain is unintentional. If you know that you have a relationship with the immortal, don’t dare to give the villai a hundred courage!”

An Zhidao is really scared. His face is full of snot and tears. Regardless of the cry of the image, if the body is lifted by the sea, I am afraid that I am kneeling on the ground for mercy.

Haishu looked at the miserable appearance of An Zhidao, and there was no change in his expression on his face. It was only a right-handed move. Ling Xiaojian was pulled out from the Anzhi Dao, and the blood of the splash had not yet landed, and he slammed his body again!

"Remember Yang Lin killed by your sword?"

The Anzhidao people were fainted by the painful torture. He was shaking all over the body. Some thoughts were embarrassing. Is that the old man of the waste also the relative of this god?

The boundless desperate panic rises from the minds of the Anzhi people. The fear of death afflicts him and makes him go a little bit to collapse.

"Forgive me for life, if there are a lot of immortal adults, just spare a small one. I really don't know that he is also your loved one. We are willing to pay you compensation according to the Yuege Pavilion."

An Zhidao was stunned by tears, and he was miserable and sad. Hearing the eyes of the Zhaoyue Pavilion disciple, he was afraid and angry.

Haishu didn't even look at An Zhidao, and pulled the sword again, swearing!

The blood of Yan Hong has flowed to the ground, and the An Zhi Dao people have not even screamed.

"Stop! I am so arrogant as you are in the Moon Court!"

An angry drink came from behind the moon. A young disciple in his early twenties flew out from behind the moon. His face was full of anger, regardless of the unplugged sword, pointing to the sea!


Haishu didn't even look at the man, and the left hand moved. Ling Xiaojian pulled out again from the Anzhi Dao, and crossed a semicircle in the air. The sharp swords spurted out and suddenly fell on the young disciple!

The wind swells, the sword is like the sea!

Zhao Yue’s disciple, Fang He, hurriedly fought against the sword, but it was useless. The sea bream’s sword seemed to split the void and flashed from his abdomen!


Fang He only felt the abdomen cool, and then the pain suddenly swept the whole body, and instantly fell from the air, the body has been smashed into two parts by the sea otter, the blood spewed out, and the red was flashed on the ground!

"Ah! Ah!"

The person who was shackled did not die immediately. The square crane made a beast-like shackle and curled up on the ground. He watched his body separate and watched the blood flow out of the body. The eyes were endless fear and despair: "Save me, Master saves me"


The young man is not an ordinary disciple, but his rumored disciple, watching his apprentice being shackled, and the people of the month are stunned, but they are still sensible, only dare to call low. The name of a disciple.

The disciple of Zhaoyue Pavilion looked at the scene where Fang He was shackled, and his face was pale. When he looked at the sea otter, it was like watching a **** death, and the fear reached the extreme.

That is not a human at all, it is a devil!

When did we get a killing **** in the moon?

The sword in the hand of Haitang was across the ground, and after the gate of Zhaoyue Pavilion, he made a big route. He calmly pierced the sword into the body of Anzhidao, and said coldly: "The lineman, killing innocent people." ""

The moon-faced face was ugly to the extreme. His forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his voice trembled and said to Haishu: "I have inadvertently offended the predecessors according to the Yuege. It is our sin and willing to be punished by the immortal, but if the immortal is willing to make a big hair Compassion, I am willing to pay you all the price to compensate you!"

Seeing that the sea otter is not moving, the moon-walking person once again: "Predecessors, although I am a small sect, it is not a small sect, but we have always had a good relationship with the 10,000-year-old Orthodox Church. I don't know you. If you have a relationship with the Tao, please look at the face of one of the roads, and let us take a photo of the Moon Pavilion."


Haiyan seems to have never heard the words of the moon-walking Taoist. The sword in his hand is moving fast, pulling out, piercing, pulling out, piercing

An Zhidao people were all blood-stained, and the abdomen had been stabbed into a huge hole. The blood mixed with the intestines flowed to the ground, as if there was another sword to die.

But Haishu’s sword has precisely avoided all the fatalities of Anzhidao’s body. He cuts him with a sword and a sword, but does not let him die. He can only endure this endless pain.

The strong **** suffocating in the air made many young disciples in Zhaoyue Pavilion vomit.

The moon-walking Taoist knows that this is not the way to go. He lowers his eyebrows and whispers to a small disciple outside the crowd: "Come on the road for help."

The younger disciple got a secret order, and his face was uneasy. He was short and outside the crowd. He quietly looked at the demon who was still murderous. He bent down and ran out.


Just at the next moment when the disciple turned, the sharp sound of the air rang out, and a sword gas passed through the body of more than a dozen disciples of the Yuege Pavilion. From now on, he walked through his lower abdomen, and the younger disciple in the running body Separated from the lower body, the blood rushed out, and he screamed on the ground.

The Zhaoyue Pavilion disciple who was just injured by the sword was also screaming again and again. The ultimate panic finally caused them to collapse and they would run!

"Indiscriminate, kill innocent."

The icy sound of the sea otter sounded and fell into the ears of everyone in the Zhaoyue Pavilion.

As if it was banned, everyone would not dare to move month-by-month people's lips trembled, the original calm look finally panic.

Haishu looked at the Anzhidao who was on the verge of collapse: "You said that Jiang Yue and Yang Lin are my loved ones. This is a good thing. Not only these two people, the whole Lingxiaomen are my loved ones, but now they Dead, die because of you."

"No, no! Seniors, this has nothing to do with our Zhaoyue Pavilion. It’s all this beast. The seniors are willing to punish and respect the deity!" The fearful moon-walking Taoist slammed into the air. On the ground, I said as I licked my head.

Haishu turned to look at the shivering Zhaoyuege who was obviously afraid of the sorrow: "Do you know that you are afraid? Why are you not afraid of the constant bullying of Lingmen in the past 100 years? This hundred years of grudges, one hundred and seventeen Human life, it’s not that I have a few swords, killing two people can solve it."


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