Too Early

Chapter 1465: Killing people is hard to kill


The moon-walking Taoist is split into a **** fog!

The sea otter with blood-stained clothes, holding a sword in the right, looked down at the Zhaoyue Pavilion disciples below. Many people were crying because they could not find a way out.

"Today, I avenge you."

The sea otter flies down. He is like a **** who has come from hell. Wherever he goes, he mourns the sky, blood and directness, soaking the whole mountain in the foot!


A disciple just shivered and sent a distress signal. The next moment, the head was split!

Haitang indifferently glanced at the signal, not in the heart, continue to slash!

The massacre lasted only a quarter of an hour.

The gust of wind whistling behind him. After a quarter of an hour, the entire Zhaoyue Pavilion was completely destroyed. The rocks collapsed and the temple collapsed. The **** atmosphere was filled in the air.

The sea otter stands in front of the 117 porcelain white bottles. His face is still carrying undead blood. The half-length robes are ignited, and the eyebrows are condensed.

"I, promised, revenge for you."

Haiyan's eyes were red, and he closed his eyes, then rushed to the one hundred and seventeen porcelain bottles and took a deep bow.

Straight up, Haitang buried the unsettled sadness in his heart, and his left hand waved, and the porcelain bottle was loaded into his Qiankun bag.

Stepping on the dead body, Haitang came to the Zhaoyue Pavilion.

When you look at it, there are a lot of spiritual stones, magic weapons, flying swords, and more spiritual medicine.

The eyes of Haitang’s eyes piled up from the corners and then slowly moved to other things. His heart was deeper and deeper: “The half of the filled treasure chests were filled from Lingxiaomen. Let's go."

Since it was robbed from his own door, Haishu was no longer polite, and all the inside and outside of Zhaoyue Pavilion were washed out, and this was carried out.

Back to Lingxiaomen, Haishu put the one hundred and seventeen porcelain bottles into the hall. He sat in the hall for a long time, and his thoughts drifted away until the rising sun rises. This is the time to return to God and bid farewell to Lingxiaomen. Seal it with the array method, and then look at a direction, Yu Jian went.

The war outside is still the same, this multi-country melee does not seem to end the end of the end, every day, young and old are sent to the battlefield, death, panic, day after day, shrouded in these countries, more rampant, traitors and Out of this, the lives of civilians are in such a deep year after year.

Haitang was looking for a day outside, and she lost seven or eight bandits, but she never found the murder of Yang Jiacun.

When the sea otter came to Donglin County, the sun had just set, and the misty night slowly shrouded the county town, which was not big. The streets were cold and clear, and the family was closed. Only the county magistrate was brightly lit. The closer you are, the more you can hear the sound of silk and bamboo dance.

Yangjiacun is under the jurisdiction of Donglin County. A village was slaughtered and cleaned. If there were no officers and soldiers, then a small county magistrate could night and night. Song and dance...

In the night, Haitang walked step by step from the void to the banquet. The black-haired black robe merged with the gradually thick night, but his skin was white like snow, the eyebrows were bright, the nose was high, and the lips were like thin blades. Under the cover of the moon, it is like the **** of the gods coming from nine days.

The county magistrate Liu Tai and the people watching the slow-moving sea otters were all stunned. The song and dance stopped suddenly. After a moment of reaction, they hurried down and yelled at the war. "See the immortals."

"Where is the county magistrate." Haiyan’s voice is still unique to the young, but the power, but the mortal can not bear, even dare not look up.

Liu Tai, a cyan robes, heard the words and immediately brought up the official gown. He ran to the yard and bowed down respectfully: "The villain Donglin County magistrate Liu Tai, seeing the immortal, the immortal condescending I am in the winter and the county is very beautiful."

Haiyan’s low-browed eyebrows looked at a fat body, and Liu Tai, who was full of sweat, looked up slowly. Just in the position where Liu Tai had just sat, the two women dressed in exposed eyes were lowering their heads. In the banquet, the cups are messy, the dancers are screaming...

"Two years ago, Yangjia Village under the rule of Donglin County was slaughtered by horse thieves. Do you know?" Haiyan asked indifferently.

Liu Tai rubbed his sweat on his forehead and bent down and said: "Returning to the immortals, I have a group of horse thieves in the vicinity of Donglin County. They have always appeared in Zhoushan."

"Since you know where they are, why don't you go out?"

Haiyan’s voice did not bring any feelings, but it instantly turned the hot sweat on Liu Tai’s head into a cold sweat.


Liu Taixian smashed two heads on the ground, and he replied: "Returning to immortals, villains, villains are not without soldiers, but those who are guilty of thieves are arrogant, occupying mountains as kings, I am a small county magistrate, where can annihilate them what?"

Listening to the voice of Liu Tai’s grievances, the scene of Yang’s three deaths in front of his eyes is now, the anger overflows from the chest, and the pressure of the fairy wheel has shrouded the entire county magistrate, the sky is rolling, the thunder is rumbling, and the sky is wide. A county magistrate, the wall trembled, and it was turned into a powder, and the building collapsed, causing people inside to scream.

"So you let the bandits kill and rob, and you spend your own time?" The sound of the sea otter seems to condense the ice, making people in the place chilling, the atmosphere does not dare.


Liu Tai’s heart gave birth to endless fear, his teeth trembled, but just finished the two words, the fat head instantly turned into a **** fog, the fat-like body was stiff for a moment, fell to the ground, blood flow Note.

"What can you do for the people who are not the people?"

The sea otter lifted it, and looked at the brightly-lit house in a cool moment. In an instant, the lights burning with the candlelight went out, and the house built by Liu Tai with high prices broke down immediately at the moment when Haishu turned and immediately.

Haiyan walked in the night, he was very fast, and dozens of miles of land were for him, but one step away.

Zhoushan, one of the mountains in the northwest of Donglin County, is easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is indeed a good place for the mountain to be the king.

In a mountain facing the water, halfway up the mountain, the lights are a little bit, the man's rough laughter was sent by the night wind, and there were a few faint crying.

When the sea otter fell to the middle of the mountain, it just happened to see the daily activities on the open space.

Three naked women were beaten and beaten with a whip.

There are some fighting dogs outside. These robbers are in their own nests. The women who are robbed from the villages are used as beasts. They are used to bet. Whoever runs slower will be lifted by the bandits. The whip slammed, and the bright red blood ran down the woman's body. The painful face turned white, but they didn't even dare to cry.

"Run fast? Run so slowly, I won't lose any money!" A man facing the fierce seven-footer, holding a half-empty bottle in one hand and a wicker-like whip in one hand, against the woman behind. Roaring, his thick black eyebrows erected high, and after snoring, he lifted his whip and took it down!

The woman looked desperate. She heard the sound of the whip coming from the air. The tears rushed out and shivered and waited for the pain.

The whip did not fall.

The whip that is about to fall seems to be caught by anyone. The drunken man hasn’t reacted to anything. He feels that his whip has a force that he can’t resist. He suddenly took him to the sky and reached the mountain. Above the wall!


With a loud noise, the bandits' bones were broken, and blood rushed out of his nose and eyes, and his brain was smeared on the mountain wall.

Sudden changes will alarm all the bandits!

The sea bream fingertips moved, the aura was as silky, and several pieces of clothes floated quickly on the three women.

"Who are you?! Dare to come to us to scatter wild, live not..." The same is playing the woman's banditry, and I didn't even see the true appearance of Haitang.


Jianguang cut through the night sky and instantly cut the man's head down.

The sea otter like the night **** usually fell down from the void, and the arrogant bandit immediately scared the gallbladder.

"It turned out to be a fairy! I don't know if the immortal is coming, the villain is guilty and guilty."

Hey, this open space, suddenly smashed.

There was a beggar standing outside the crowd, trying to escape from the night, but was shattered by the sea otter, and the warm and **** blood spilled over the ground.

The movement was too big, and the whole family and the second-born thieves rushed in. They couldn’t say anything, they slammed on the ground, and the screams of the head screamed: "I don’t know if the immortals are coming, the small ones are far from welcoming. Please ask the immortal to sin."

Dadang was wearing a short robes, a short knife with a baby's arm length at his waist, a slap in the face, and a rough and hoarse voice. The second was wearing a robe, a narrow face, a long eyebrow, and a silk count in his eyes.

When the big master finished speaking, all the bandits were quiet and silent, and the head did not dare to carry them. The blood was floating in the air, with an inconceivable panic.

Haiyan’s eyes swept away from these people, and the killing between the eyebrows

In the horrifying silence, the second master quickly glanced at the sea otter in the night, and the eyeball turned and bowed down and respectfully said: "The immortal people will start to work, so that the little man will be afraid, no I know that we have offended the immortals in Qingshanzhai. The immortals may not know that our Qingshanzhai has something to do with a fairy sect.

Haitang slightly raised his eyebrows: "Is it? I will come to you after killing the people of the Moon Pavilion."

The second family was scared to the whole body and immediately said: "In fact, our Qingshanzhai is not familiar with them. According to Yuege Pavilion, they have offended the immortals. They are stupid, but we are just a mortal, how can we offend the immortals, and the immortals are forgiving!"

"Remember Yang Jiacun?"

There was a brief confusion in the big family and the second family, and then the face was white.

Second, when the family licked their lips, they shook their heads: "I don't remember, I haven't heard of it."

"I don't remember it." Haishu said slowly. "I remember, I am the only one who survived in the village."

Dadang and the two masters instantly squatted on the ground, and there was a creaking sound between the teeth, and the eyes were awkward.

"The immortal is forgiving, the immortal is forgiving!"


The big head and the second head of the family do not want to die: "Seeking the immortal to spare, we know the wrong, misunderstanding!"

"Well, I won't kill you now." Haishu looked up at the bandits in this mountain and said softly.

The desperate bandits had a surprise on their faces: "Xie Xianren...ah!"

They haven't finished talking yet, and Haishu's fingertips pop up a touch of aura. This aura is like a flow of噗噗噗 penetrates the right palm of all the bandits, the blood is mad, and the screams are endless. The aura is like a rough rope, and all the bandits are connected in series.

Haitang looked at them indifferently and walked outside.

The source of the aura is at the fingertips of the sea otter. When he moves, all the bandits must follow.

Before sunrise, Haitang came to Yangjiacun.

The big master and the bandits who had slaughtered the village saw the village in front of them, and the cold sweat brush fell.

"Fairy, we know what is wrong, it is really wrong, we are just mortals, please immortal us!"

"We are wrong, wrong."

"Seeking the immortal to spare!"

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