Too Early

Chapter 1474: I heard the old blue-green sound

Jiang Wenxiong stood down with his low eyebrows and quietly endured the silence that almost suffocated him.

"I don't know Qin's ancestors came to visit, it is a villain sin, the villain sin!" Tianyan teaches Xuan Yin real people rushed over, but has not come to Qin Haoxuan, people have already smashed.

Qin Haoxuan is too lazy to be polite with the other party, so let the other party bow down and then say: "No matter, I am here to ask you a person."

"The old ancestor said."

"You know where the Soviet Union is now." Qin Haoxuan asked.

Xuan Yin real people gave a slight glimpse, and did not dare to ask the ancestors how to suddenly ask this disciple: "This has fallen, there has been no news for decades, the last time someone saw her, still with you."

"So many years, she has not been back?" Qin Haoxuan did not expect that there is no news of the Soviet Union in Tianyan.

Xuan Yin real people quickly thought about whether to talk to each other for a moment, and finally decided to speak honestly: "The old ancestor, she is still alive, the life is not extinguished, if the ancestors really want to find her, can go Forget the Valley, Minghe Mountain, and Hanyueyuan to see these three places, perhaps to find the traces of the Soviet Union."

"it is good."

After answering Qin Haoxuan, he left the Tianyan Church and flew away from the valley.

Fortunately, the four seasons are like spring, the grass grows long, and the scenery is gorgeous. Qin Haoxuan releases his knowledge but has nothing to gain. He continues to search, but there are no places in the three places.

Qin Haoxuan stood on the cold moon, and the cold moonlight was on the cold-glazed glacier. He looked at the distance and sighed: "There is her breath here, the Soviets have come and gone."

Looking for three days outside, Qin Haoxuan got nothing, where did the Soviets go?

On this day, Qin Haoxuan received a message from the waiter on the battlefield of the fairy devil: "The ancestors, there are guests visiting in the Taoist repair."

"Dao Xiu?" Qin Haoxuan blinked his eyes. Could it be that the people of Puguangge came?

"I am going back now."

But for a quarter of an hour, Qin Haoxuan returned to his cave, and the waiter immediately greeted him: "Old ancestors."

"Come on?"

"Wait in the living room."

When he came to the living room, Qin Haoxuan thought that he would see the Puguangge sent to challenge the protagonist. He did not expect to wait here, but turned out to be a slender female repair.

The female repair seems to be a perfection of the wheel, the appearance is beautiful, the eyes are stunned, and when I see Qin Haoxuan, the eyes are instantly red: "Qin Xiaoxian Wang..."

Qin Haoxuan felt that this person was familiar with him and was able to determine that he was not a disciple of Puguangge. But whoever he was, he could not remember for a moment: "Are you?"

The woman repaired and fell down on the ground, her tears slipped over her face: "Qin Xiaoxian Wang, my family Qinghong fairy hit the palace, but now Shouyuan will do it, just want to see Qin Xiaoxian Wang side!"


Qin Haoxuan finally thought about this moment. This female repair is the maid of Qinghong. She used to come to Qingyi with the beginning of the Qing Dynasty.

The words of the female repair echoed in Qin Haoxuan’s ear, and a short gap appeared on his face.

Qinghong... It has been seen for nearly a hundred years, and once again heard her name, it turned out to be such news.

"Qin Xiaoxian Wang, please be sure to take a trip with Luhua, Fairy She... She really wants to see you again." The time when Ruhua’s woman repaired her head was already covered with tears.


Qin Haoxuan no longer said anything more, a long-sleeved volume, the prostitute Luhua was involved in his own Kun Kun sleeves, stepping out of the speed, to the Qinghongzong of the Qing Dynasty.

Everything in the mountains and rivers passed by the foot, flying in the sky, and countless pictures hidden in memory flashed from the eyes, and the smile of Qinghong’s pity seems to be in front of you.

Qin Haoxuan is fast to the extreme, Qingyun Zong is in the northernmost place, and he only used one hour to arrive.

Qingyun Zong's people are close to the enemy. At the moment when Qin Haoxuan is approaching, the Guardian Mountain bursts open instantly. A large number of disciples fly to the sky, nervous and alert looking at the outside Qin Haoxuan, and even the teacher Shenmu real people also appeared.

Qin Haoxuan’s footsteps looked down at Qingyun, and the black robes were picked up by the breeze. The color was calm and condensed: “Qin is here, just to see the old friends, please open the gate.”

Shen Muzhen is a sky-blue robes, white hair and shoulders, and the resolute facial features with a slightly unspeakable sadness. He naturally knows who the old friends in Qin Haoxuan mean.

"Teaching, he is Qin Haoxuan, once such a dangerous figure is put into the sect, the consequences can not be imagined!" Deputy teacher Yunmu real people said in anxious voice.

"He did indeed act violently and brutally, but it was not a person who was treacherous and treacherous." Shen Muzhen looked at Qin Haoxuan with a dull look, and then issued an order, "Open the mountain gate and let him in."

The elders of Shoushanmen looked at the teacher with amazement and confirmed the order, which opened the gate.

Qin Haoxuan was a real hand to Shenmu, and flew into the Qingyunzong.

In addition to the education of Shenmu real people, other people's alert is even worse, countless pairs of eyes on Qin Haoxuan's body, as long as he dares to change, will be attacked by the entire Qingyunzong.

Qin Haoxuan regarded these hostility as nothing, and he flew inward without squinting.

"Teaching, you are a tiger!" Yunmu real people sighed heavily.

Shen Muzhen looked at a bamboo garden in the sect, and some tired eyes closed: "The last wish of her is just to see him. As a master, I can't bear to agree."


"Nothing. Don't say it. Although Qin Haoxuan is toxic and does not conform to my Taoist behavior, I believe he will not be chaotic! There is still a lot of love between him and Qinghong. If he really wants to do this with the teachings." There is no need to be so troublesome." Shen Muzhen left this sentence and left the mountain gate.

Yunmu real people agree with Shenmu's words, but they have to be wary of Qin Haoxuan. After all, this person's fierce name is too loud: "Strictly monitor Qin Haoxuan, if he dares to move, immediately open the mountain squad!"


Qingyun Zong's inner rhyme is The mountain stands tall, the long river traverses, and the momentum of Supreme Masters is undoubted.

However, Qin Haoxuan did not have a bit of thought to appreciate. Under the guidance of his prostitute Luhua, he turned into a virtual shadow, flashed through it, and came to a treasured place of aura.

Here, the green bamboo is infused with shallow streams, and the flying butterflies are playing in the flowers. A yard made of millennium bamboo is located in it.

"Fairy, just inside." Luhua looked at the courtyard, and the tears fell again.

Qin Haoxuan came to the door and he reached out and pushed open the bamboo door in front of him. He looked up and saw a bunch of willow trees. Qinghong pity lay on the soft chair, facing the door, closing his eyes and seeming to sleep. It’s gone.

Seeing the moment of Qinghong, Qin Haoxuan’s beating heart was slightly painful.

She... is thin...

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