Too Early

Chapter 1479: Fairy Fair

At first it was said that the deputy instructor received the interview. It seems that the deputy instructor did not know much about him, and he randomly found someone to deal with it.

Qin Haoxuan thought of this, and smiled coldly, this is also the habit of Murong Chao that evil animal.

"What are you laughing at? I haven't gotten up to worship!" The disciples at Shoushanmen frowned and looked at Qin Haoxuan, always feeling that this smiling guy seemed to be wrong.

At this time, shouldn't he get up and salute immediately?

Shang Wenyuan was also dissatisfied looking at the young man sitting motionless on the chair, and said coldly, "Why, do you think that my church owner can't afford you to worship?"

Fearing that his church owner would be angry, the disciples at the gate of the mountain drank immediately: "Don't forget, it is your sect who is asking to be good with our Mutian religion. What is your attitude now?"

This side hall is not large, but the size of the room is not large, and there are not many people brought by Shang Wenyuan. Even if he is five, Qin Haoxuan stroked his sleeves, and then in the eyes of everyone's doubt and shock, he was gray The robe gradually changed to the color of thick ink, the ordinary humble appearance faded a little, the true appearance was revealed, and the powerful coercion poured out from him like a tide, filling the entire house. !!

Although Shang Wenyuan had a good practice, he knelt down at the moment when he was still suppressed. He tried to look up, and his face was horrified: "You, you are ..."

"This seat, Qin Haoxuan."

Qin Haoxuan uttered five words in his mouth, these five words sounded like a thunder in the ears of everyone in the room!

Fear drowned the five people of Mutianjiao instantly, their foreheads were blue, and they tried their best to run outside.

Sitting in a chair, Qin Haoxuan gently raised his hand, and the aura of sky dived down. The five people were entangled in their bodies, making them unable to move.

"The old ancestor of Qin Rao lives, the old ancestor of Qin Rao life!"

Qin Haoxuan got up, and slowly paced to the church owner Shang Wenyuan.

Shang Wenyuan knelt down at his feet, his whole body shaking like a sieve, and sweat like rain.

"Where is Murong Chao?" Qin Haoxuan asked indifferently.

Shang Wenyuan stiffened, his eyes clinging to the ground turned in fear.

He knows where the palm teacher went, but if he goes out ... Just thinking of Murong Chao's method of punishing people, Shang Wenyuan couldn't help but tighten.

"Vill, I don't know ..." Shang Wenyuan said tremblingly.

Qin Haoxuan glanced down at Shang Wenyuan kneeling at his feet, his eyes looked cold, and the black cold light burst out from his fingertips, submerged into Shang Wenyuan's body.


Shang Wenyuan felt chilling into his body, and the next second, that chill seemed to turn into countless bloodthirsty ants, crawling all over his body!

The pain in the bone made Shang Wenyuan miserable. He kept rolling on the ground, scratching his flesh with his fingers, and the blood was flowing. After only a few breaths, he couldn't hold it, and even said, "I said ,I said!"

Qin Haoxuan glanced at him, his fingertips moved slightly, and the black cold light left Shang Wenyuan's body.

"Teacher, he went to the grand fair of Xiantao." Shang Wenyuan's face was ashamed and said lowly.

Qin Haoxuan looked outside, but he did not expect that the traitor had gone there.

A few years ago, the ancient teachings also sent Jiu Yao to invite him to the Fairy Peach Club, but these years of events have been surging, and he has put the Fair Peach Fair behind him.

When I got what I wanted, a few people were worthless in front of me. After Qin Haoxuan asked the place where Mutianjiao Treasure Pavilion was located, he waved his hands and knocked them out.

Qin Haoxuan's goal is to kill Murong Chao. He has no interest in this Mutian teaching, but since he is here, he cannot always return empty-handed.

When Qin Haoxuan ransacked the three treasure halls of Mutianjiao, and the installed dragon scale swords were half full, this was the time to leave Mutianjiao, but when he stepped out of the treasure hall, a hairbearer had stood outside White old man.

The old man was wearing a dark purple robe, nine feet tall, but as thin as a green bamboo, and there was no flesh on his face. He said he was skinny, his eyebrows were thin, his eyes were sunken deeply, his nose was like an eagle Beak, thin lips clenched, with a fierce evil spirit, looked at Qin Haoxuan in a desperate manner.

"Qin Haoxuan?" The man's voice was hoarse like gravel.

The moment Qin Haoxuan stepped into the void and lifted his eyes, he was already at the same level as the man. He looked indifferent and had no desire to speak at all.

Originally thinking of grabbing things, I went to Xiantaohui to find Murong Chao, but I didn't expect to do something.

The man saw that Qin Haoxuan didn't open his mouth, and was furious: "My old ancestor, at the invitation of a friend, looked after the sect for him for a few days, and you openly plundered. How can this place let you go wild?"

In response to the ancestors of Ming Cang, it is a sword in the sky!

Qin Haoxuan was already impatient, and he didn't want to listen to the hoarse and shouting noise of the old guy. The dragon-scale sword turned in his hand, and the sword light fell like a sundown.


The eyes of the ancestor of the Cang Cang suddenly tightened, and the reaction quickly swept away. At the same time, he sacrificed his destiny magic Cang Cang umbrella!

This umbrella is as big as a giant wheel, and the whole body is purple and bright. Once unfolded, it covers the sky and spreads away. The aura is like a surge, completely covering the ancestors of the gods!

Jian Guang split on the giant umbrella, the sparks splashed, and the impulse rushed into the wasteland like a tide. The mountains under them smashed and the void trembled!

The old ancestor of Ming Cang flew out and spit out a large spit of blood before he could stabilise his body. His original proud and indifferent face showed a little fear. This Qin Haoxuan was even more terrible than rumored!

The cultivation of the four ancestors of the ancient ancestors of the Cang Cang, in the eyes of the entire world of Xiuxian are all people who can walk side by side. He is proud of his powerful combat power. He wanted to fight with Qin Haoxuan, but he only knew one thing and he knew what he was doing. difference!

How many years of instinct to pass from the edge of life and death make the old ancestors no longer love war, turn and fled!

Under the threat of death, the ancestor of the underworld exploded with the fastest speed in his life. He flew across the sky like a meteor and ran wild.

But ~ ~ than speed, how many people in this world can pass Qin Haoxuan?

Qin Haoxuan held the Dragonscale Sword and followed it slowly. When he got close, he lifted the sword and chopped it. The sharp sword light whistled, splitting the stratum clouds, splitting the void, and splitting the ancestors of the Nang Cang. Umbrella!


The natal magic weapon was shattered. If the ancestor of the underworld was struck by lightning, his whole body was agitated, and he spit out a blood spurt. Before he could ask for mercy, the thunderbolt's sword light came again!


The third sword, Qin Haoxuan cut off the head of the ancestor of Ming Cang.

When the deceased ancestor of the Cang Cang was about to land, he moved his hands, and his aura passed over the headless corpse like a silk thread, felt out several Qiankun bags, and handed them to Qin Haoxuan.

After solving the obstacles, Qin Haoxuan was ready to kill Murong Chao.

"Xian Tao Yuan ..." Qin Haoxuan looked at the vast sky, and the long-forgotten Xian Tao event resurfaced.

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