Too Early

Chapter 160: God bird tail feather fire side

He asked: "This kind of fairy for hundreds of years, are you sure to win?"

"No!" The sentence was very resolute: "And even if it can win, there may not be any on Lantau! We can't leave Lantau, I have to leave, I ran early." He did not hide himself at all times. I want to escape the mind.

Ye Yiming also sighed: "This kind of demon wolf paw I saw last time in the first line, the price is as high as thousands of two second spirit stone, far from what we can afford now... Is there still a symbol? What is the sign."

Qin Haoxuan replied: "The Wanlifu, one of the magical characters, is faster."

Ye Yiming said: "Oh, this kind of auxiliary symbol, the material price is slightly lower than the offensive and defensive symbol, you can see what material is needed."

Qin Haoxuan explored the gods and looked at a list of materials needed to refine the Wanli. The more he saw, the more he was scared.

When he withdrew from the jade slip, he took a deep breath to calm his excitement: "The feathers or leg bones of the beast-level birds are required to be quoted, the glaucoma is used as a body, and then the spirit stone powder, black Some materials, such as gold mines, and these ones, no matter which one, need 10,000 pieces of the next three spirits, and Wanli is no exception."

After Qin Haoxuan finished, Ye Yiming also directly stunned.

The punishment also screamed at the mouth of the slap, and smashed and said: "If this is my home in the secluded spring, there is no problem, but now there are 10,000 pieces of the next three spirits..."

Don't say other materials, it's just a million headaches! Where do you get 10,000 pieces of the next three spirits? During this period of time, the sale of the smuggled income of 4,000 pieces of the next three products Lingshi, but thousands of mirrors have used seven hundred of the spirit, and now he has only three thousand three hundred and three pieces of the next three spirits.

"Wanli, must be refined!" Qin Haoxuan secretly encouraged in his heart, he has no choice.

"The boat is naturally straight to the bridge. First of all, regardless of the 10,000 stones, we will first prepare other materials for Wanlifu. Lingshi will find another way." Qin Haoxuan decided to stand up and said: "Go to the first line tomorrow!" ”

Seeing that Qin Haoxuan is so determined, Ye Yiming thinks that he has a lot of means for this younger brother. Maybe he can really make up 10,000 pieces of the next three spirits? He nodded and said: "It's too late today, you are tired, take a rest for a night, we will go to the first line tomorrow, maybe you can buy the materials needed for Wanli!"

The next morning, the three of them gathered at Qin Haoxuan and went straight to the front line.

After a day, the three of them came to the first line again, and they were also familiar with the road.

This time they did not go to the booth area, but went directly to the shop area in the first line of the sky. After all, the stalls were mixed. Compared to the sellers in the store area, they specialized in the products, and they divided the goods according to the grade and price. Well, customers only need to go straight to the shop they need, and don't have to wander around the stalls like no flies.

After they came to the first-line shop area, they started to shop in a shop. Most of the stores were very cold towards the three of them. In their eyes, a natural ghost and two new disciples, in the pocket What oil and water?

After a while, the three of them came out in the eyes of a store contempt, Qin Haoxuan eyes, suddenly saw the opposite store, a simple forbidden light curtain, placed a brown giant turtle shell.

"Is that the turtle shell of the mysterious turtle?" Qin Haoxuan pushed the sentence.

The punishment is far away, and it is quite certain: "Yes!"

The three of them went straight to the past, and Qin Haoxuan went to the turtle shell and carefully observed it.

The mysterious tortoise shell is taupe, full of grinding disc size, and the middle line of the shell has a row of two inches long, revealing the fierce bone spur of the cyan cold light. The strips seem to have irregular lines throughout the shell, but the lectures from the elders of Chu It is known that this is an important attack method for the mysterious turtle. The texture on the turtle shell seems to be chaotic. It is actually a small array method, which has a bonus effect on its own attack!

After reading the sentence, Qin Haoxuan said: "The color of this mysterious tortoise shell is slightly lighter, it seems to be only a hundred or twenty years old, but it is enough for you."

Seeing that Qin Haoxuan looked at it with gusto, a buddy walked over very diligently: "Several brothers, are you looking at this mysterious tortoise shell?"

Although this buddy also has disdain for the identity of Qin Haoxuan and others, but the boss has no choice but to come in, even if the newcomer is called a brother, and must smile, or he will not be called a disciple of the nature hall. And two new disciples who have not yet worn the robe are brothers.

Qin Haoxuan nodded silently and said: "How is this mysterious tortoise shell sold?"

Qin Haoxuan nodded, he calculated in his heart, if the price is about two thousand under the three products Lingshi, you can bite your teeth and buy it. After all, the black turtle character can resist the strong attack of the strongest in the early days of the fairyland, if you can Making a mysterious turtle can save lives at a critical moment.

This buddy is awkward. There are also a lot of people who usually look at the turtle shell, but once they ask them to buy, they will say that they don’t need it or say bluntly that they can’t afford it. The mysterious turtle is not a high-level monster. But its turtle shell is the best material, it is very versatile, may it be cheap?

Now he is only a professional question to ask whether to buy the turtle shell, I did not expect this new born disciple not afraid of the tiger's new disciple, even asked the price, and the one next to the point, and said nothing but one hundred Twenty years or so, but it is enough for you to use, as if you want to buy it.

If you can sell this mysterious turtle shell, your own commission is not a small number! Although I doubt if they can make such a huge sum, who will not be able to spend money? Maybe they can afford it?

The replies eagerly replied: "One thousand two thousand three spirits, the brothers, if you are sure, I can give you a discount, and 10,000 of the next three spirits take away."

The movements of Qin Haoxuan and others attracted many customers. They all looked at Qin Haoxuan with curious and strange eyes. All of them were thinking about it. Could this world change? This precious material of the mysterious tortoise shell can be afforded even the disciples of the natural hall and the new disciples? And they can buy it?

After the guys reported the price, Qin Haoxuan looked at each other and Qin Haoxuan sighed and said: "No." In the tone of voice, I left the store.

In the Qin Haoxuan three people just walked out of the store door, immediately rang the ridiculous sarcasm: "I still have a natural hall of people suddenly rich, but also dare to bring two new disciples to buy mysterious turtles, the original is to install large models. ”

"In addition to loading large sums, can it really be a big money? This hundred-year-old turtle shell can be worth 10,000 pieces of the next three spirits, even the wealthy brothers and sisters in the four halls can not afford to buy, let alone a few of them Alone!"

A younger brother who is next to the education of his older brothers: "They are the opposite materials, educating us not to come to the first line of big money, and to install large sums to be despised!"

"The natural hall should go to the stall!"

For their contempt, Qin Haoxuan did not pay attention to it. He now recalls the price of the materials seen in those stores, and counts the spiritual stone needed to make the black turtle.

"Materials including the tortoise shell, a total of 30,000 pieces of the next three spirits can be bought, and the lingering still needs 10,000 pieces of the next three spirits, that is, refining a mysterious turtle requires four Ten thousand pieces of the next three spirits..." After Qin Haoxuan finished, he secretly screamed and immediately abandoned the idea of ​​making a mysterious turtle. As for the wolf sharpness that is as expensive as the black turtle, he is not prepared to make it. Too much, not at all he can afford it.

After calculating the horror price of the black turtle and the wolf sharp material, Qin Haoxuan irrationally dispelled the idea of ​​refining the mysterious turtle and the wolf sharp, and put all his energy on the Wanli.

I have traveled a few shops, but the expensive price has made them discouraged. After all, their foundation is too thin, and the price of the store area is not enough for them to afford.

"Senior brother, let's go to the stall area. There are few good things there, but it is also possible to buy good things at very low prices!"

Ye Yiming nodded, there was no money in his pocket, and the things in the store area couldn’t afford it. He could only go to the stalls to try his luck. The people who set up stalls in the stalls were not professional businessmen. The possibility of not knowing the goods was too great. Just like the low price that was sold yesterday [Getting Started with God], I thought I had a big fool.

The three of them just came to the stall area and were surrounded by a group of people.

Although the five lower three products Lingshi are not many, but they are willing to spend five under the three products Lingshi to buy a worthless waste book, especially the identity of Qin Haoxuan's new disciple, seemingly not awkward pockets, no The hawkers who earned less than five of the next three spirits were remembered, so that when Qin Haoxuan came back to the booth, he was immediately recognized by the eye-catchers. He was excited to hear the word: Yesterday the fool came again. !

The hawkers who want to kill the fools are swarming up.

"Senior brother... Brother... I told you about the immortality yesterday, you have to stop thinking about it. After you buy it, you will become a fairy. If you are sincere, I will give you 20% off!"

"Brother, come see me, maybe what you need is here for me!"

"This brother, I see you dragons and tigers, handsome and handsome, not a leisurely character, my things here are for you! Come and see, you will not regret, look and not money!"

Because the reputation of the idiot was very widespread yesterday, Qin Haoxuan jumped from the younger brother to the older brother. In the face of the enthusiasm of the hawkers, the three of them were really scared, but the five sensitive Qin Haoxuan caught a from their faces. The inner contempt, suddenly want to understand, and ignore them.

These people looked at the hopelessness, and Qin Haoxuan, who was despised, looked at himself and said to himself: "Is the idiot also a long IQ?"

Qin Haoxuan three people have been in the stalls for a long time. They just saw a lot of fine goods in the store area, and suddenly saw countless things that are not good and bad, and the feelings are very different. Something about the stalls is also invisible.

Qin Haoxuan did not have much time, and hurried through these booths. Suddenly, the three of them saw a bundle of feathers in front of a small booth.

The color of this feather is very pure, it is red from beginning to end, there is no trace of variegation, and each root is seven or eight inches long. This bundle of feathers is estimated to have twenty.

Seeing Qin Haoxuan standing on his own booth, the owner of the bundle of feathers suddenly came to the spirit and said: "Hey, this younger brother, but what about the brothers?"

"Let's take a look." Qin Haoxuan did not feel any aura fluctuations on this bundle of feathers. It seemed to be an extremely ordinary bird feather, not a feather of a spirit bird, but the punishment quietly poked him behind him. Suspicious tone said: "Buy it."

Qin Haoxuan glanced at the prison with a sigh of relief, then picked up the bundle of feathers and feathered it. It was smooth and smooth, and it felt comfortable, but there was still no spiritual fluctuation.

"You are really good-looking in the younger brother! I have picked out the good things in my booth. The origin of this bundle of feathers is not enough. This is when I went out to practice some time ago, I accidentally encountered a kind of Bifang. The spirit of the poultry, struggling to kill it, took the bundle of feathers."

When the stall owner boasted the eyebrows of the people were smiling, and Bifang was a very high-level spirited bird. Don’t say that wearing this gray gown, the strength has not yet reached the fairyland. The ten-leaf cultivator, even the cultivator of the immortal level, may not be able to kill a party.

See Qin Haoxuan hesitant, the punishment seems to be anxious, and once again, he poked Qin Haoxuan again, using only the voice he could hear: "Buy it!"

Although the punishment is not reliable, it is undeniable that his vision is better than himself, and Qin Haoxuan looks at the bundle of feathers, and feels that it is somewhat different, but can't say where it is different.

Why don't you have to probe into it?

Since getting the "Introduction to God", Qin Haoxuan has seen many magical uses of it. One of them is that if the gods are powerful to a certain extent, they can even see the hypocrisy and look directly at the essence. Although their gods are not strong enough. Realm, but maybe you can pick up something from this feather?

Qin Haoxuan did not hesitate to gather his knowledge and enter one of the feathers.

As soon as he entered, he stumbled, and the extremely shocking scene appeared in front of his eyes.

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