Too Early

Chapter 1507: Nantianmen on the mountain

This is a brand new world, and even looks like he saw the world at the other end of the wall, but this world has not been destroyed.

His soul flew into the body of a pregnant woman.

He lived another life and became a child.

He grew up happily. He even raised a **** dog. In addition to cultivation, he often chased and played with the black dog in the forest.

"Last night, a wolf ran into the sheepfold again and killed three sheep. Heavenly god, for half a month, our sheep have been bitten to death."

"I heard that the old man Li next door had been killed by the wolf before he cut the wood in the sky."

"Let's go to the official immediately and let the government come to destroy the wolves."

"People in the government will not control it."

Qin Haoxuan walked through the village with Dahei, listening to the villagers, and turned to walk with Dahei into the mountain, and wiped out the wolves around them.

The wolves are gone, and the villagers' lives should be very happy, but soon, the problem appeared.

Without the wolves, the rabbits here have no natural enemies, they breed wildly, eat and eat, and keep eating, and they eat the villagers' crops crazily.

The reproductive ability of rabbits is too strong, not only in that village, the crops of all nearby villages have been destroyed by rabbits, and the villagers' crops have been destroyed, making it even more difficult.

Qin Haoxuan had to find these rabbits everywhere to hunt them.

There are too many rabbits, and he has been working hard for a long time before he hunts all the rabbits.

The rabbit is gone, but the forest where he has been playing all year round has problems again.

All kinds of medicinal materials and various plants and trees in the forest withered and died.

A plant called cyperus is spread throughout the forest and even spreads towards the cropland.

Asparagus, a reproductive and terrifying plant, where they exist, they will absorb all the nutrients and water from the ground and make other plants unable to survive.

The grass is one of the rabbit's favorite foods. Now that there is no rabbit, the grass is breeding wildly.

Qin Haoxuan knew that the grass was madly breeding, which was the reason why he killed all the rabbits. He shot again and wiped out all the grass.

But half a year later, the forest where he was playing, the fire ignited.

On days when the weather is dry and there are many thunders, there are often forest fires. In the past, forest fires didn't even require people to take care of them. They would extinguish after burning for a while.

Because hell!

It is extremely difficult to ignite the grass. When the flame burns to the area where the iron fern is located, the flame cannot naturally spread because the grass cannot be ignited. The forest fire will be extinguished after the burnable plants are burned.

However, in today's forest, there is no longer any grass.

The fire spread wildly.

Qin Haoxuan used his means to extinguish the fire.

However, a few years later, he used his means to extinguish the blaze, and the flames did not spread to the forest, but the trees there were densely covered with the trees after the blaze.

"The fire has burnt down the fallen leaves and branches of the ground, and the nutrients of the branches and fallen leaves have fallen into the earth and moistened the earth. In the coming year, the remaining trees will grow more vigorously.

Reincarnation ... It's all reincarnation. "

Qin Haoxuan's consciousness has returned to himself.

The five Dao bodies sit quietly and exchange their feelings.

Qin Haoxuan sat cross-legged on the ground, listening to the exchange of Wudao bodies, recalling the experience of exchanging the consciousness of Wudao bodies, and felt very enlightened.

Six reincarnations and five other reincarnations are different.

However, in these five ways, their feeling of death is missing something?

Some humanity.

Human nature, what about myself ...


Qin Haoxuan suddenly came to enlightenment, and the rumored six reincarnations were never six.

The real life is oneself, the person in the six ways is oneself, oneself is one life, or oneself, that is the sixth body!

Only when you have truly experienced death can you understand the true meaning of life.

In his mind, the scenes exchanged with the Wudao body consciousness appeared again.

The plants are burned out and the wind blows to regenerate ...

Heaven and earth multiply, all things have reincarnation, everything is part of reincarnation, reincarnation happens all the time, ...

Qin Haoxuan was completely immersed in his perception.

It rotates day and night and changes in all seasons.

Outside, the leaves are withered and germinated.

In a flash, it's been a year.

Qin Haoxuan's perception this time was one year.

Reincarnation ...

He finally understood and completed the real six-round samsara body, and his control and understanding of the samsara formation was completely unmatched before. The core formation in the fairy tree is completed again!


Qin Haoxuan opened his eyes, but made a sound, as if the firewood was burning in the flame.

In his eyes, the streamer circulates, as if the world is reincarnation.

His thoughts moved, and at the broken arm, a white bone slowly grew out of the scarred place, as if the seeds came out of the ground, and a sharp pain spread throughout his body.

A bone was born, and slowly, the second and third bones grew out. The endless pain struck. The pain was so severe that he almost fainted.

For three months, he worked hard for three months, which gave birth to all the bones in the broken arm. During these three months, he was enduring the terrible pain every day.

Half a year later, on this broken arm, a meridian was born, and then three months later, the flesh slowly grew on his arm.

One year, a whole year, his broken arm fully grew out, and he could even feel that this arm was stronger and stronger than his previous arm!

"I worked hard to repair my arm for a full year, but I still fully cultivated into a six-body body. After I have a deeper understanding of reincarnation.

Murongchao just used a drop of blood to get back to life, how did he do it! What blood is that drop! "

Qin Haoxuan exclaimed in his heart and felt the vigorous aura inside him. Behind him, the third Dao Palace, which had been completely restored, emerged at the same time as the first two.

If he practiced normally, he blew up the Taoist palace. I do n’t know how long it would take to re-cultivate the third blasted palace. But now, he cultivates six bodies, exchanges of consciousness and five bodies, after experiencing the feeling of death The perception of reincarnation is much, much more than before, and his cultivation practice has been refined too much, and the Taoist palace has also been repaired.

Even after these three walkway palaces, a Taoist palace emerged faintly ~ ~ At the same time, between the world and the wind, the storm swept up, the dark clouds covered the sun, and the whole world shivered wildly.

Qin Haoxuan flew out, standing in the sky, his eyes burst into light, but at a glance, he actually penetrated the thick clouds in the sky.

An ancient mysterious and extremely powerful atmosphere surrounds his body. Behind him, the phantom of the fourth Taoist palace becomes solid.

Compared with the previous three Taoist palaces, this Taoist palace is not as majestic and magnificent, but it is impressive, and it is shocking.

The Dao Palace is backed by mountains, and the mountains do not seem to belong to the mountains of this world, but like another world at the other end of the crystal wall, the barrier that blocks the crystal walls from the mountains of another world.

The Tao Palace is completely imitating the world at the other end of the crystal wall. The Tao Palace of the ancestors of the Tao Palace is condensed and filled with a simple charm. sense.

In front of the Dao Palace, there is a huge white stone gate.

Slowly, above the stone gate, three large characters emerged that Qin Haoxuan did not recognize.

【South Gate】

The three-character large character was engraved by him, and the atmosphere of the entire Dao Palace skyrocketed. At this moment, the Dao Palace seems to be really an ancient, long-standing fairy palace.

As soon as these three words emerged, the world was violently shaken, the earth was shaking, and the dark clouds shot by him in the sky increased more quickly and became a thick piece, which seemed to be falling from the sky Come, crush the world.

The roaring wind was instantaneously transformed into a tornado hurricane, and the cry seemed to be torn from the void.

All of this is because of [Nan Tianmen] the three big characters!

These three words seem to be incompatible with the whole world!

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