Too Early

Chapter 1514: Who is the mantis and the carduelis

"Yes." Qingyun Sect Master said with a smile on his face: "I have communicated with Shangxian in the fairy world. Shangxian said, only by opening the channel, we can enter the fairyland and get eternal life."

In one sentence, both Muxiu Patriarch and Heilian Patriarch turned flush.

In the age of perfect immortality, even if the immortal practitioner is a tall immortal in the eyes of mortals, the true immortal practitioner knows that he is nothing more than a ant compared with heaven and earth.

The end of a thousand years of life is at an end! And the life of the fairy is forever! In the fairyland, even mortals can live endlessly.

The two great ancestors even knew that their Shou Yuan was not much. After a few days, they could only hide in the ice cave to avoid the fate of heaven and earth, but even then Shou Yuan would have an end in the end.

Now ... fairyland ... the voices of the two great ancestors tremble: "How long, how long can the channel be opened? But what do we need to do?"

"Shangxian can't tell the exact time, but within a few decades, the channel will be opened. As for what we need to do, this is why I came to find the two uncles."

Qing Yun's ancestors said slightly coldly: "That Qin Haoxuan spread rumors everywhere, saying that if the fairy world is not good for our world, it will cause chaos and even affect the passage of the channel. Therefore, we must kill Qin Haoxuan.

And he is already a Dao Palace Realm, and the speed is extremely fast, and the ancestors of the Dao Palace Realm have their own means of life-saving. It is not difficult for me to defeat Qing Haoxuan, but I want to kill him, but I am not sure. I need help from experts.

The two teachers and uncles also knew that Qin Haoxuan and our Qingyun Sect also had some problems. The two teachers and uncles were my closest and trusted people, so they had to come and disturb the two teachers and uncles for their retreat. "

The ancestor of Muhe coldly said: "That Qin Haoxuan even spread rumors, it really should be killed! But, where is he now?"

"He has left our Qingyun Sect, but he can't run away." The Qingyun Sect Master's face showed a self-satisfied color that was under control: "He met us in the meeting hall, At that time, I was already in the meeting hall, leaving a special Wanchai powder, which was colorless and tasteless, and even the ancestors of the Taoist palace could not notice it.

Anyone who enters the meeting hall will be infected and cannot be eliminated within a day. "

"One day, it's enough. This time, the three of us shot, he will definitely die. But, where is he now?" Muxi's ancestor showed a terrible smile on his face.

The ancestors of the Daogong realm are extremely rare among the Supreme Masters. The ancestors of the Daogong realm in their Qingyun sect are less than their hands. Qing Haoxuan, how can there be reason for failure.

"It's not too late, let's go now." Hei Lian's ancestors burst into a breath of murderous air. He doesn't care whether Qin Haoxuan's words are true or false, as long as he can enter the immortal world to obtain eternal life, what else do others do with him!

The three masters of Qingyun Zong flew up and chased away from Qingyun Zong. With all the effort to catch up, behind the three people, the Tao Palace emerged.

Behind the ancestors of Muhe, there are five Taoist palaces.

Qingyun Sect Master and Heilian Patriarch each own six Taoist palaces.

After Qing Yunzong left, Qin Haoxuan flew all the way towards the endless sea in the east. He already saw that the people of Qing Yunzong didn't believe what he said, and naturally would not discuss any results.

He had already warned these people, and the Qingyunzong people could not believe him. These people just don't believe it. He must inform the father of Qinghong Fairy.

He flew all the way, and even left behind a method of detection. If someone is chasing it, you can find it in the first place.

It has been a year since he escaped from the Yaochi Ancient Religion. I think that it has been spread all over the world. Among the Qingyun Sect, some people might want to make a relationship with the Qilin who pleased the Yaochi Ancient Religion.

Moreover, what he said is the fairy world, he did not disclose where the fairy world is, no one in the world has become a fairy, and who can guarantee the Qingyun Sect, after hearing this news, he will come to his detriment and want to arrest him to force the fairy world Where.

He had to be careful!


During the flight, he suddenly whispered.

"Someone chased it, very fast, it was the Qingyun Sect. Qingyun Sect Master, he came in person. There are two others, that is Qingyun Sect's old antiques ... Muhe Patriarch and Heilian Patriarch.

They actually released Dao Gong to catch up with all their strength. One five palaces, the other two six palaces! The three ancestors of Dao Gong, and they are all so strong, if you want to find yourself to talk about things, you obviously don't need three masters to come. This is to deal with yourself! I came to the three masters at a time, and I really can't look down on myself. "

Qin Haoxuan lowered himself and landed on the ground, quickly depicting a formation on the ground.

The formation method is just a simple formation method. Only when someone enters will it cause an explosion.

And after describing the formation, he walked to a seemingly unusual boulder, raised his hand on the boulder, and inside his body, a trace of the power of the Heavenly Tribulation rushed in.

At the beginning, he took away the robbery of the Heavenly Tribulation, and no one has ever been so bold to take away the robbery.

Heaven's robbery, since then, has always wanted to kill him.

But at this time, he hid the robbery array in the boulder. If the boulder shattered, the robbery array in the sky would react immediately ...

Qin Haoxuan smirked and left quickly.

After continuing to travel a distance, he once again portrayed a formation, hiding a trace of the power of the formation into it.

The three tribes of Qingyun Sect were fully exerted, and the speed was extremely fast.

"Quickly, we are getting closer and closer to him." The air flow under his feet fluctuated slightly as the Qingyun Sect Master spoke.

A sharp force rushed out of the ground beneath them, like a sharp sword gas rushing straight towards the sky and blasting towards the three of them. The clouds above the three people's heads surged.

"Someone set up a formation here, Qin Haoxuan found us. It's really funny, small formations, still want to stop us?" Ancestor Mu Mu's face showed a disdainful look, he raised his hand and waved his ragged clothes On the sleeves, a violent violent wind rolled up, like a tornado hurricane rolled up in the desolate extreme west, blowing down.

Wherever the strong wind passed by, the fluttering sword qi, and the vigor ignited by the explosion of the earth, were all swept away into nothingness.

It's just that, on the earth, in the sound of explosions, as a boulder exploded, a force of robbery that should not belong to this side of the world poured out.

All of a sudden, the world is changing, the mountains are shaking, the space is trembling, and the sun is far away!

Above the sky, white clouds drifted, and the dark robbery clouds quickly gathered towards this place.

In the eyes of the ancestors of Muhe, there was a look of consternation or even panic: "This ... what is this? This ... seems to be the breath of Heavenly Tribulation, how can there be the atmosphere of Heavenly Tribulation?"

Sovereign Qingyun is also puzzled. Heavenly Tribulation usually breaks through the bottleneck and cultivates to a higher level before it leads to Heavenly Tribulation.

But here, obviously there are only three of them, but none of them can break through, how can it lead to Heaven Tribulation?

Is it?

Qingyun Sect Master looked at the ancestors of Helian and Muxu.

The ancestors of Heilian and Muhe ancestors, besides doubts, had already appeared panic on their faces.

Both of them are people who are about to reach the limit. They never leave the forbidden land on weekdays, but just meditate. They are afraid of attracting the attention of the heavenly Dao and attracting terror.

Now, they have only just left the retreat, and have not even dealt with people, they have already attracted heavenly disaster!

They still have time until the day of the limit, why would it lead to heavenly disaster!

The thick black clouds above the sky gathered more and more, the thicker and thicker, just like a dark earth was about to fall down from above everyone's head.

In the heart of the Qingyun Sect Master, there was a silent voice, and he quickly came to the distance between the ancestors of Heilian and Muxu. The three of them did not break through, but there was a sky-tribulation landing, apparently because the two men were coming , He didn't want to be implicated.

It was only his body that had just moved a bit. Above the sky, a clear blue thunder was falling down.

Thunder and thunder, the densely packed side of the sky is completely shrouded in it.

This time, I was really miserable by these two old things.

Qingyun Sect Master had a bad luck, and in the six Taoist palaces behind him, Reiki surged rapidly. A brilliant light erupted above his hands, and a blue sword appeared.

The long knife is crystal clear, and seems to be completely made of jade and jade. On the knife body, there are carved clouds. With the spirit of his body pouring into the treasure knife, the blue long knife emits a sound of controversy. Is to have life in general.

He waved his long sword, dotted with long shadows and dotted lines, and immediately condensed a long array of swords, like a towering mountain, guarding him in it.

It is clearly a knife array composed of phantoms, but it looks like substance.

Thousands of thunders fell and smashed against the knife array, making a loud noise, and the air breaking waves visible to the naked eye rushed around.

In the hands of the ancestors of Muhe, on the stick that was like a branch, the light was fluctuating, and a strong breath of life poured out from the stick.

It was originally a crutch that looked like a dry branch, but at this time it was like a new bud on a branch, very green.

This green cane seems to be fully integrated with all the flowers and trees in this world, the same breath!

Daodao green light was shot from the crutches and spilled into every corner of this space.

The grass and trees seem to have been given a special life, growing wildly, and the vines are like the hands of ancient gods and deities, traversing the world and spreading, wrapping the wood casket in it.

The ancestor of Muhe was swiftly retreating in the opposite direction to the ancestor of Heilian.

His age is much younger than Hei Lian's ancestors, and he didn't feel any sense of the coming of the sky.

This day's catastrophe couldn't be aimed at him, but to the ancestor of Hei Lian!

He is here, just affected by the ancestor of Hei Lian, he must stay away from Hei Lian ancestor as soon as possible!

Unlike Mucha ancestor and Qingyun ancestor, Heilian ancestor did not cast a magic weapon, and a drop of black ink appeared around him.

Thunder, which can easily break a mountain into powder, fell on the black ink droplets, and immediately smashed the ink droplets. The Thunder's power is also greatly reduced.

One drop of ink broke, and soon a second drop of ink came up,

Countless ink drops blocked the thunder and thunder falling from the sky. Hei Lian ancestor was not affected by the slightest, even his gorgeous clothes were not damaged at all, and his white hair was still neatly combed behind .

Suddenly, at the next moment of his whole body, a gust of wind screamed and rolled up a hurricane hurricane. A sharp wind blade blasted out of the wind, just like the chaos of time and space, easily tearing the space.

The ink droplets in front of Hei Lian's ancestor burst under the sweeping impact of the wind blade, and Tao broke!

After the wind blade, a drop of water drops on the sky, and a drop of water the size of a raindrop falls down, but with the sound of hunting wind, every drop of water drops like a meteorite from the sky and will float on his body. The ink all around ~ ~ smashed drop by drop.

The ink around him is extremely high, but the thunder, wind blade, and water droplets in the sky are more!

It was just the breathing time, and the ink in one direction of his body disappeared.

In an instant, thunder, wind blade, heavy water ... all fell.

A stunned expression appeared on the face of Hei Lian's ancestor. The spirits in the six Taoist palaces madly flowed behind him, and the breath of the whole person climbed wildly.

A drop of water fell, and he lifted his palm wrapped in a strong aura and flapped away.

With a palm shot, the mighty vigor rushed out like a tsunami, layer after layer, in a hurry.

The palm wind is fierce, but there are too many drops!

Although a drop of water broke under the palm wind, there were still drops of water rushed over the palm wind and fell onto his palm.

Suddenly, his palm sank.

Just a drop of water fell, but he had the illusion that a huge mountain hit his palm.

Even more deadly is that the area of ​​the mountain is extremely huge. Although the weight is heavy, it is also scattered. The water droplets are only the size of raindrops. All the power is concentrated in this small drop.

On the palm of Heilian's ancestors, the rich aura was instantly crushed, and a drop of heavy water fell down.

On his palms, a sound like "bump, bump." Came like a huge rock falling from the top of the mountain.

Every drop of heavy water fell on his palm, leaving a clear red dot, and countless heavy water smashed down, leaving countless red dots on his palm, and the red dots were one after another. His palms swelled up at once.

On top of his head, a thunder suddenly fell, and he was attacked by heavy water. His figure was slightly full, and Thunder hit his head and fell.

The hair band on his head burst and burst at this moment, and the long silver hair on one side was charged into a black char under the impact of thunder.

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