Too Early

Chapter 1520: Never seen the ancients before

After a short period of depression, Qin Haoxuan was not afraid of this robbery. Instead, he always encountered real annoyance. At first, he would still be trembling, but now he has some nerves. If he is so naive He didn't pay much attention to the robbery, but the power of the robbery suddenly increased, and he was easily killed.

After a short complaint, Qin Haoxuan quickly understood why. After all, those few people who own two fairy trees are all born with two kinds of fairy trees, and his fairy tree is the result of his own perception, not the gift of heaven and earth, but the foreign body. Heavenly punishment.

He thinks, between heaven and earth, thunder, blaze, heavy water, ice, and wind ... The heavy disaster is already falling.

When there is no room for time, there are six reincarnations between Qin Haoxuan and the five bodies, driving the power of reincarnation into two fairy trees.

He, five bodies, and two fairy trees are all transformed into reincarnations.

The next moment, it is hard to fall.

Under the bombardment of horror and fierce disaster, although he has turned into a reincarnation, the whole person still bombarded is almost fragmented and almost died.

The two fairy trees, under the bombardment of this catastrophe, were split into two petals, respectively, and turned into four trunks that were either burnt black, or withered or broken.

The breath of life in the trunk was extinct, but under the trunk, he still felt the breath of life.

Qin Haoxuan got up hard, sat cross-legged, and realized the genius of the talent. With his realization, the fairy root grew and spread, and the vitality of life returned to the four trunks again.

Four tree trunks slowly produce new shoots and grow green leaves again.

Four fairy trees!

Qin Haoxuan's cultivation, his eyes suddenly stopped on the four fairy trees.

He now owns four fairy trees.

In the endless years, he had heard of the people of Shuangxian Shuangxianshu. He had never heard of anyone who owns four fairy trees!

Ordinary people, just own a fairy tree, and now he has four fairy trees!

Four fairy trees are divided into four directions from east to west, north and south.

As his injury recovered, the fairy tree continued to grow.

On four fairy trees, golden golden Dao fruits are formed, and on each Dao fruit, ninety-nine golden Dao fruits are produced.

The ninety-nine golden Dao fruits continue to grow, merge, and eventually merge into a Dao fruit.

Four fairy trees, four Dao fruits. Each Taoguo is different.

One is brown, one is cyan, one is blue, and one is fiery red.

On top of the four Daoguo, each exudes four fengshui fire breaths, he has faced three robbery arrays, each robbery formation, the deepest feeling is the four fengshui fire disasters, and this time, what he felt It is these four disasters. With his insights, four paths of earth, wind, water and fire are brewing on the four fairy trees.

Four fairy trees, each fairy tree covers the sky and the sky is huge and huge.

On the fairy tree, four illusions were transformed into four dragons: the blue dragon, the white tiger, the suzaku, and the Xuanwu sacred beast.

The four holy beasts live on a fairy tree.

Four fairy trees, four avenues, four different powers.

Fengshui, fire, and four forces constitute the prototype of a side world. Among the four fairy trees, it seems that a side world is formed. This side world is full of yin and yang.

The power of Taoism reincarnation is constantly flowing in this world.

As his body recovered, the four fairy trees were completely condensed and formed.

Two yin and yang fairy trees are already foreign bodies, and four four-elephant fairy trees are even foreign bodies, which are intolerable by heaven and earth.

The Array of Heavenly Tribulation came again.

The appearance of gossip?

Qin Haoxuan looked up at the robbery array, feeling that the robbery array faintly became a gossip ...

Every time he stared at the robbery, he saw different things. In the face of this robbery, he just felt the horror of the robbery and saw the feng shui fire. The robbery cloud is not pushed irregularly in the sky, but it is an array of gossip.

After falling down a lot, Qin Haoxuan instantly turned into a reincarnation with the five bodies and four trees.

The prestige of this robbery is more horrible than once.

Despite Qin Haoxuan's experience, including the five bodies, those still bombed were almost completely broken and damaged.

Under these numbers, the four fairy trees broke one after another, and each fairy tree was split into two petals.

Qin Haoxuan and Wu Wu began to repair themselves again. During the repair, the fairy tree that had been turned into eight pieces slowly grew again.

Eight fairy trees, arranged in the form of gossip.

Each fairy tree corresponds to Gan, Kun, Xun, Zhen, Kan, Li, Gen, and Dui.

During the restoration of Qin Haoxuan, he observed eight fairy trees, recalled the previous Sky Tribulation Array, and realized the Eight Diagrams.

Eight Diagrams are the eight diagrams.

Before I realized yin and yang, I realized the four phenomena of feng shui and fire, and gossip is also a change of yin and yang. The appearance of gossip is eight different yin and yang changes.

Fairy tree, first Yin and Yang, and four elephants, now it is gossip.

The way of heaven and earth, yin and yang produce four elephants, four elephants produce gossip.

And the change of his own fairy tree is also the four images of Yin and Yang, and the four images of Eight Diagrams.

Gossip has its own representatives.

Dryness is heaven, Kun is earth, Sunda is wind, Earthquake is thunder, ridge is water, Li is fire, Gen is mountain, and Dui is ze.

Qin Haoxuan felt the gossip. Before, even if he could show Thunder, he could show his palms ... it was just show.

Now, he really understands, what is heaven, what is earth, what is wind, what is thunder ...

He constantly perceives the world and the gossip, feeling that he is one step further from the way of heaven and earth.

Eight fairy trees are formed again, and at this time, he already has eight fairy trees in his body!

Eight fairy trees were formed, and the sky was covered with looting clouds.

An ordinary person has only one fairy tree, but he has eight fairy trees. How can the way of heaven and earth allow it!

The mighty sky-tribulation fell.

Qin Haoxuan and five bodies and eight fairy trees are transformed into reincarnation.

This time the Sky Tribulation was so much more violent than the previous Sky Tribulation. Qin Haoxuan had already been prepared, and was nearly bombarded with the five bodies. Of the eight fairy trees, each one was bombarded into eight pieces!

Eight cuts!

Before the fairy tree was bombarded, it was divided into two pieces, and the fairy root has the power of reincarnation and can grow again.

But now, under the bombardment of Heavenly Tribulation, the fairy tree is bombarded into eight pieces, and can it grow again?

Qin Haoxuan looked at the broken fairy tree in full anxiety.

Under the fairy tree, above the fairy root, a force of reincarnation filled with vitality slowly poured out.

Eight fairy trees, each of which was blown into eight pieces, a total of eight hundred eighty-sixty-four trunks, each of which was slowly restored to life again.

Qin Haoxuan felt the change of fairy tree.

The form of gossip, each hexagram represents one thing, but the world can change, but there are all things.

These phases of gossip matched with each other, but they evolved the perfect sixty-four hexagrams. The sixty-four hexagrams contained everything in the world.

Sixty-four hexagrams, sixty-four fairy trees!

Sixty-four fairy trees is no longer a fairy tree, but a small fairy forest, four sides of the fairy forest, each with a green dragon, white tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu four holy beasts!

In the fairy forest, the air of yin and yang surrounds and circulates, constantly sending back the fairy palace.

This is the real endless!

As these fairy trees condensed into a forest, above the sky, layers of robbery began to converge.

Behind Qin Haoxuan, in a Dao Palace, the fairy bell rang loudly.

Fairy Bell!

Qin Haoxuan's eyes suddenly fixed, the fairy bell sounded, it means that someone should have come at the beginning!

Suddenly, a thunderous thunder sounded in the sky.

A series of thunder, fire, heavy water, ice ... The heavy robbery fell down.

Qin Haoxuan was very angry, but he was already here at the beginning, but there was no time to spend it here!

"After all, never ends!"

Qin Haoxuan's aura swelled as if it were boiling. In the fairy forest, the yin and yang qi and the aura quickly flowed into the Dao Palace.

His binocular round stool, his eyebrows standing upright, standing proudly between heaven and earth, in a trance, at this moment, he is heaven, he is earth!

A vast and unmatched spirit surrounds his whole body, just like substance.

Between heaven and earth, a wave of aura and energy quickly gathered into Qin Haoxuan's body. Qin Haoxuan pulled out the dragon scale sword and waved towards the sky with a sword.

Under a sword, the whole world seemed to be split into two petals in an instant, and the slightest light flew out of the dragon scale sword.

In a sword, it contains yin and yang, four elephants, gossip, contains the thunder, flames, heavy water, wild wind, ice ... contains all things in the world.

This sword is a world. This sword is more like this side of heaven and earth.

A sword fell, and the sun, moon and stars appeared at the same time between heaven and earth.

Everywhere in the world, rivers suddenly flow upstream, waterfalls flow backward, mountains rotate, the earth rolls up, sand and dust gather, the lake and sea roar ...

Looted a lot of numbers, and it seemed that the whole world fell under a general sword, and it suddenly dissipated!

Above the sky, the rich robbery cloud also dispersed, and the power of the robbery array disappeared as if it had never come.

Qin Haoxuan stands between the world and the world.

He finally got the approval of the world!

The way of heaven and earth recognized his forest and his avenue.

Because of his avenue, the way of heaven and earth, there have been subtle changes.

The way of heaven and earth in the past never allowed anyone to create a fairy tree, let alone a fairy forest.

Now, the way of heaven and earth, but because of his communication of heaven and earth, his perception, and his fairy forest, the way of heaven and earth, naturally change with it.

Above the sky, the free devil stared at the frantically rolling sea water, feeling the changes between heaven and earth, and those eyes filled with a happy and free eye, revealing a color.

"The way of heaven and earth has changed, and a new era has arrived."

In the eastern sea, on a lingering fairy island, on a towering tower, the entire body of the old man with white hair and full of fairy wind bones, the nine Dao Palaces suddenly appeared.

Each of these nine Taoist palaces is extremely majestic and huge, and each Taoist palace can clearly see the whole picture, but when you look closely, you find that you ca n’t see the appearance of these Taoist palaces at all. This kind of ethereal feeling.

He raised his head and looked into the distance, a pair of eyes that were originally cloudy, revealing the bright light like the sun, moon and stars.

The way of heaven and earth has changed, even though it is a very subtle change, it has also changed. This era is still here after all.

Among the distant mountains, on top of a steep peak alone, only three feet above the peak, in a naturally-formed stone house, enveloped in darkness, people can not see the appearance of a series of dark shadows A low, grinning scalp.

"The way of heaven and earth has finally changed! The era he wants is finally here!"

In the world, among masters and ancient religions, a master, sensitively noticed that the way of heaven and earth has changed, and one by one is constantly guessing and calculating.

In the mountain, Qin Haoxuan seems to be the center of heaven and earth, a ray of aura overflows, but for a moment, the aura constantly flowing out of his body is as surging as a tsunami.

For a time, the emptiness trembled and the plants and trees were shocked.

His eyes were slightly closed, as if he was feeling the robbery of landing, the blow of the genius, and the world.

The next moment, he opened his eyes.

The madly shaking world was still at this moment, the turbulent sea became calm, the breeze came, and it was blowing slightly.

His open eyes looked toward the distance, and a shot of fine awns shot out, and a wave of naked eyes was swayed in the air.

Behind him, phantoms of fairy trees emerged, each fairy tree was more than 999 feet, and every fairy tree towered into the clouds.

On the fairy tree, there are four dragons, blue dragon, white tiger, suzaku and Xuanwu guarded.

After the fairy tree, one, two, three ...

One after another, the Tao Palace appeared, and finally, the seventh Tao Palace appeared all the time!

His experience during this period, his perceptions during this period, and his communication with the world have been recognized by the way of heaven and earth, changing the way of heaven and earth, allowing him to directly break through ~ ~ And the seventh Dao Palace!

Get together in Sando Palace!


Nine days away, a thundering thunder sounded, the sound was shocking and shocking!

On the sky, the robbery clouds that had just dispersed once again gathered together, and a dangerous, terrifying atmosphere condensed on the free mountain.

Qin Haoxuan didn't seem to feel the looting clouds above the sky, he just felt the newly condensed three Tao palaces.

An air filled with yin and yang, gathering the power of the four elephants, seemed to contain the vast breath of heaven and earth, continually pouring out of his body, swaying outward, bursting out of the mountain, falling into the robbery of the day. Among the clouds.

In an instant, the sky's dark robbery cloud shuddered frantically, just a breathing kung fu. The dark and rich robbery cloud suddenly dissipated, dissipated in the sky under the gust of wind.

Behind Qin Haoxuan, the fifth Taoist palace is constantly solidified.

Dao Palace is majestic, magnificent, gorgeous and magnificent.

This seems to be a large Taoist palace composed of six small Taoist palaces.

Six small Taoist palaces, some resemble the legendary fairyland, and some are like the rumored Nine Nether Hells, some are terrible and terrifying, and some are changing ...

Among the six Taoist palaces, the power of the six-way reincarnation continues to flow.

This palace is a six-body Taoist palace, which is composed of six small Taoist palaces.

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