Too Early

Chapter 1549: Thorns on Xiuxian Road

Qin Haoxuan frowned slightly, and the elephant was much larger than the deer, so the recovery speed of the elephant was slower. The more powerful the body, the slower the recovery speed. So after a certain degree of power? Can it not be fully recovered?

This formation was supposed to be a place to heal wounds that day.

However, here is sure to have the ability to recover.

Qin Haoxuan slowly approached the orb that exudes the power of life.

The color of the orb is dim, and it does not seem to have any glory, but the life energy contained around the orb is what he feels, the strongest in history.

After he made a round around the orb, and after confirming that there was no danger, he took out the dragon scale sword. From the space of the dragon scale sword, he took out the soul-smelling incense containing the remnant soul.

In the soul-smelling incense, the remnant soul was just close to the orb of life, and it immediately fluctuated violently.

Fruit is really useful!

Qin Haoxuan's ecstasy in his heart is that he has now become the ancestor of the Seven Dao Palaces, and he is already ecstatic, and he can't help but show his ecstasy.

Seemed to feel the power of the remnant soul. In the pearl of life, a more powerful and powerful life force poured out, and flowed toward the remnant soul of the punishment.

Qin Haoxuan was suddenly horrified. This energy was so horrible that the remnant soul of the punishment was simply unbearable. His thoughts moved into the orb of life, controlling the life force of the orb of life, slowly pouring into the remnant soul.


Under the control of Qin Haoxuan, for a moment, there was something in this orb of life!

Is that ... an embryo? This embryo is being repaired, and in what he is repairing, it is absorbing the power of this side of the world to repair, it is ... it is treating this side of the world as nourishment, and eventually everything in this side of the world will become Its food allows this embryo to eventually conceive.

It is repairing, but in fact it is also using it as nourishment.

Qin Haoxuan's consciousness poured out, protecting the remnant soul of the punishment, preventing the remnant soul of the punishment from being absorbed, and fighting against the orb of life.

Stillbirth ...

Confrontation, he discovered that this embryo is actually a stillbirth.

This is to say that some people wanted to get back to life so they did all this. My previous guess was wrong. This is not a place to recuperate.

He seems to be gentle here, but in fact it is extremely tyrannical.

The man wanted to give birth to a new soul after a long time of stillbirth.

But, even if he succeeded, then after the resurrection, is he still the same as before?

Suddenly, the force surging from the pearl of life forced another point, and he kept concentrating and fighting against the pearl of life.

Does not break out.

The Master of Swallowing Sea Demon solemnly controlled the sky show, and Black Cut and White Ling guarded her on both sides.

Behind her invisible, the black eyes, which had been filled with gratitude when looking at the people, suddenly showed a fierce color, and the last long tail of its body suddenly stood tall and hidden in the tail. The dark green poison hook stretched out, and under the sunlight, there was a faint light.

The breath of his body suddenly exploded and concentrated on its poison hook.

At the next moment, the poison hook was like lightning, and it suddenly fell towards the position of the heart of the sea devastator's back.

The main energy of the swallowing sea demon was concentrated on the sky show, and suddenly, she felt a fatal sense of crisis coming.

not good!

The aura within the main body of the swallowing sea monster surged rapidly, just not waiting for the aura inside her, a tingling sensation came from behind her.

Seemed to have a dagger directly penetrated into her body, and the dagger was barbed at the root.

When she sensed the sense of crisis, her body was already deflected to the side, otherwise the blow would directly pierce her heart!

Although did not directly stab the heart, the rich toxin still spread rapidly in her body, and instantly spread to the whole body, pouring into every vein, every organ, every skin of his body.

The poisonous gas is heavily corrosive, and the aura in her body is contaminated and becomes extremely unstable.

The Lord of Swallowing Sea Demon turned around, and due to the toxins in her body, she turned around much slower than before.

Behind her, she was completely pierced, and her chest was split with an obvious wound, and the red blood continued to drip and fall to the ground.

In front of her, the poisonous hook on the black long tail was reflected by the sun, reflecting the scarlet light, just like a **** bloody death sickle.

Black cut!

The eyes of the swallowing sea demon Lord are like ice cold, like the ice that has not melted for thousands of years, staring at the black cut on the opposite side.

In the constant stream, Qin Haoxuan struggled against the Pearl of Life with all his might.

Suddenly, the world that had always been calm suddenly violently oscillated. Clouds scattered across the sky, and the breeze was suddenly changing suddenly, the wind screamed, the earth was violently ups and downs, and every piece of land was angry.

In this side of the world, the sensational intent is like a sharp sword spur from all directions, going straight to Qin Haoxuan, and the black void is cut through the void.

"How can this formation suddenly become full of endless killing intentions? Could it be that there is a problem outside? The Master Swallower was attacked?"

Qin Haoxuan's body, in addition to the devil body at the free devil, the other four bodies are exhausted.

Everything happened too fast.

Waited until the Lord of Swallowing Sea received a heavy wound and turned around, Bailing reacted, her pair of eyes full of endless charm looked towards the black cut, her eyes full of doubt, perplexity and anger.

"Black cut, what do you ... what do you do? Why do you want to sneak into the sea demon lord? You ... are you in the heart demon?"

"It's not a demon." Lord Swallowing the Sea looked at the murderous intent and asked coldly: "Why did you suddenly attack me?"

"Why did you attack you?" Heitian seemed to hear any jokes and laughed out loud: "Are you a kid? Ask me this kind of question. You thought you saved me, so I must be with you wholeheartedly How old are you and still ask me such naive questions?

Why are you here? Not for longevity? You want to live forever, do n’t I want to live forever? "

"But ..." Bai Ling listened to the black cut, but still couldn't help shouting: "They saved your black cut."

"Save me? Okay, they said they saved me. Yesterday night, I also lent my cave to them. Without my cave, they will be killed by the night monsters outside, I have changed To save my love. "

Hei cut back and looked at Bai Ling Gu and said: "Don't think they saved you, it is really good for you. How can anyone be good for no reason? They must save you and have a purpose. Don't be fooled by them. .

You and I have known each other for many years, and we are all one of the five poisons. Only we can trust each other.

Bai Ling, now that she has been injured, you and I join forces to kill her! "

"No ..." Bai Ling shook his head hard: "They helped me, they are all good people, why kill them?"

"Why? Then I ask you, why did you practice?" Hei Jie asked in a loud voice: "Yes, you are now transformed. But before you were transformed, the pain of the cold in the blood every night Do n’t you forget? I have to bear the extreme pain every night now. Can I live to this day easily? I ca n’t bear that kind of pain.

My current body is too restrictive, so far I have not been able to become a humanoid! Even if I become a humanoid, I still have to bear the pain of the cold, but as long as I get Qin Haoxuan's body, all this can change! "

"Get his body?" Bai Ling suddenly panicked and shouted angrily: "What did you do to him?"

Hei Hei heard the sound, and immediately couldn't help laughing out loud, and his grim face even showed a madness: "He has entered into an endless array. Do you really think I understand the formation? I It has long been thoroughly studied. Now that no one is outside to control the formation, it will definitely trigger the formation. That formation is far more terrifying than you think.

There is also a very, very terrifying existence in the formation, he is sure to die even if he is strong! Waiting for it, Qin Haoxuan will soon be refined. And the carcass in that formation will also become fuller because of him, and as long as I seize that carcass, I will be born again! That is the carcass that has been nourished for centuries! "

"This poison ... your poison is not your own poison, that poison comes from this burst!"

The Master Swallowing the Sea felt the constant erosion of the toxins in his body, and the expression on his face became more and more dignified. With her cultivation base, even if she was attacked by the black interceptor, she would not be so seriously injured. many.

But now, UU reading www. uukanshu. The toxin of com spreads continuously in her body, and she can't even suppress it.

Takes the black cut repair, its poison can't reach this level.

Has fully understood at this time, in fact, when he said he wanted to go with them, he was counting them.

She did not question why the other party suddenly attacked her!

The other party has already started, what's the use of asking again?

Strange, can only blame her own carelessness. What is this place, this is the ruins of Fei Xian! Who would have no idea to enter this place?

They had nothing to do with this black scorpion essence before, but that white dragon knew the black scorpion essence, but she devoted herself to the formation and had no precautions against the black scorpion essence.

Time for questioning, it is better to concentrate on rid the body of toxins.

It's just ... It's impossible to sustain because of her injury.

Qin Haoxuan is inside, how is it now?

Bai Ling's beautiful and untruthful face was full of anxiety. He looked at the black interception anxiously and shouted, "You ... you can't do this! You should be quicker and let the Devouring Sea Lord stabilize Formation. He is good, he is not what you said! "

"Good people? They help you, help me, just to take advantage of us. They are not familiar with this place. They are using us to lead them. Once they get to the place, they will definitely take action on us!"

:. :

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