Too Early

Chapter 167: Little snake cultivation

From the very beginning, the nature hall was weaker than the other four halls. Because the ancestors of the natural church were sitting earlier, his disciples were also very general and could not inherit the Tao, so that the natural halls were weak, and the other four halls were still circulating, but the natural hall was still circulating. The Taoist system has already been cut off. There are only two places in the natural hall. The first one is a one-time jade slip in the Zongmen, and the second one is in the remains of the ancestors of the natural hall.

"Do you really want to go to the ancestor's widow and take the ancestors' dictatorship?"

After the ancestors of the nature hall sit down and the Tao system is lost, the natural hall does not say the fairyland, even the thirty leaves of Xianmiao have never appeared. The scorpion lived for 147 years, diligently practiced, and only went to Xianmiao. The situation is twenty-nine leaves, and the opening of the ban requires the strength of the 30-leaf of Xian Miao.

The difference is a leaf, but it can't be crossed like a scorpio. If you want to open the ban, you will only lose your life and force it to open.

After making up his mind, Xunzi turned and walked into a room and cast a law on the ground. He saw that a few invisible bans on the ground were opened by him, and there was a black hole leading to the underground.

As the scorpion walked down, he secretly estimated in his heart: "If you want to open the ancestral ban, I need to buy a burning shoudan. This burning shoudan is stronger than the general gas dan, although it is good. The yuan loss is greater, but the grasp of opening the ancestor ban is even greater."

As he walked down, he occasionally encountered a ban on light curtains. He skillfully solved these unchecked light curtains and quickly walked into a basement room.

This underground secret room is only the size of an ordinary room. The air is slightly decaying. Sitting in the middle of the secret room, sitting on a puppet, sitting on a robes wearing a robes. Although this person has not decayed, the flesh and blood have dried up, and the flesh has not died. Gloss, his clothes have gradually decayed in the torrent of thousands of years.

This corpse is one of the five disciples of the early priesthood of the early dynasty.

The ancestors died for thousands of years, but the reason why the corpse has not been completely corroded by the air is because he is in a circle of law.

The law circle is slowly flowing, and the spirit is constantly revealed. This array is also a ban.

Before the ancestors of the natural ancestors, there were three layers of light curtains, and each layer of the banned light curtain had a jade slip. These three jade simples were learned from the lifelong teachings of the early ancestors, and the ancestors’ self-sense. The practice of more than thirty leaves in Xian Miao is in it.

Every time you break a layer of ban, you can get a jade slip, and you want to break the three-layer ban. If there is no cultivation of more than thirty leaves in Xian Miao, even if you are willing to burn Shouyuan, it is not easy to open it. Things.

After the devotional respect of the scorpion, the sin of the dark road was offended. Before he went to the ban, he slammed the spirits in accordance with the method of opening the ban, and the ban suddenly bounced out a giant force and smashed the scorpion. Open, the palm of the hand is a numb, and the sound is too loud.

"Hey!" There was a glimpse of a sly sigh in the heart, and the ancestors tried to motivate the disciples to practice, and specially set up a ban on the opening of the 30-leaf of the seedlings, but did not expect the disciples of the descendants of the natural church for thousands of years. The characters who have never cultivated to the 30th leaf of Xian Miaojing, so that the natural church generation is not as good as one generation, when it is passed to their own hands, it is already in jeopardy.

After a little bit of scorpion, the scorpion squatted on the ancestors and said: "The disciples are not sloppy, and they can't cultivate the thirty leaves of Xianmiao. But for the future of the nature hall, they decided to burn their own life and open the ban, and pass the Tao to Qin Haoxuan. Also hope that the ancestors forgive!"

Having said that, the scorpion was full of faces and decided to leave.

Qin Haoxuan is still working hard to engrave the black iron, refining the spirit, and when the failure is overwhelming, Xu Yu, who is unhappy, comes.

"Hao Xuan brother, this is the reward for the real person to teach me, because of the sale of the market."

Xu Yu walked to Qin Haoxuan and handed the reward list to Qin Haoxuan. Qin Haoxuan stopped his work and took a look. He laughed and said: "It’s really generous to teach the real person. It’s just a hundred acres of spirit. I don’t know how many people to marry, there are 2,000 pieces of the next three spirits, five hundred qi, grass, and this string of materials, not cheap, really big."

When Qin Haoxuan was amazed, Xu Yu was still a gloomy face. He said unhappy: "The teacher taught me to sell the madness to Zhang Mania. He said that he had carefully checked the madness and found that there was no demon possession. Let me and He buryed his suspicions."

Qin Haoxuan smiled and said, "What do you say?"

"I refused his proposal because he didn't mention you from the beginning to the end, not to mention the madness of murdering you, to punish the madness."

Qin Haoxuan looked indifferent and said seriously: "Thank you, Yu sister."

Xu Yu’s face was slightly red, but his tone was extremely resolute: “No one can bully you!”

Qin Haoxuan was moved by the heart. He said to himself in his heart: "If Xu Yu and Master are so good to me, it is too cold to teach at the beginning."

The atmosphere was a bit different. The clever Xu Yu quickly shifted the topic. She pointed to the pile of abandoned Xuan Railways on the ground: "How is Hao Xuan’s brother practicing? I also learned a few days with Luo Shijie, just carving. It’s not an easy task. Mrs. Luo said that carving needs to be practiced more, and that the spirit needs more understanding. I am very curious about how you have done it. Can you show it to me?”

Qin Haoxuan helplessly smiled, this silly girl, the so serious thing in the system, is it used for performance? But looking at Xu Yu’s serious and anticipating eyes, Qin Haoxuan could not bear to refuse, picking up a piece of black iron from the ground and began to engrave it.

The knives are displayed on Qin Haoxuan's hand, such as the arm fingering, which is extremely smooth. In a short time, the intricate inscription of Wan Lifu appears on the mysterious iron. Qin Haoxuan's skillful movement and the incisiveness of the engraving make Xu Yu see it. A little obsessed.

When she recalled that she practiced engraving, the knife did not go down a few times, and it was a lot of mysterious irons. However, the roundness ratio of Qin Haoxuan’s movement was much different.

After the engraving, Qin Haoxuan put the carved black iron in the brothing array, urging the spirit fire in the brothing array, and suddenly the fire of the size of a fist suddenly slammed out, and Xu Yu was shocked.

The light red fire repeatedly smashed the black iron, and it did not stop the impurities in the black iron. It also made the inscription look clearer and more free. It took about a fragrant time, the end of the refining, and then the scent .

Qin Haoxuan pinched the law, and the spirit of the group was disappeared. The rich spiritual power emerged from the stone in the battle under his traction.

When Qin Ling Xuan was still engrossed and carefully controlled, but in the middle of the flood, Xuan Tie broke open a slit and failed.

Qin Haoxuan smiled and looked at the same regret Xu Yudao: "Every time I come here, I will fail."

Xu Yu looked at Qin Haoxuan's slightly tired look. He knew that he had a day of refining today. He must have been exhausted and comforted: "Hao Xuan brother, you can achieve this level is very remarkable, Wan Li Fu's inscription Complex, I can't remember the light, let alone the carving, you can go to the last step, it's amazing! Just add more strength, you can succeed!"

Xu Yu said that it was not a comforting word. She learned a few days with Luo Jinhua. It took two days to engrave this light, and it was still a simple inscription. How can Wanlifu be so complicated? The engraving of the inscriptions of the characters is so smooth and smooth, and it is definitely hard work. However, the last step of the system is to fill the spirit, and it requires qualification and understanding.

Qin Haoxuan nodded and said: "I will work hard."

"Well, if you can refine this Wanli, I will be at ease!" Xu Yu smiled and said: "Then I will not disturb Hao Xuan brother, you have to rest early."

"Yeah." Qin Haoxuan sent Xu Yu to the door. After Xu Yu walked away, Qin Haoxuan continued to control.

The first step is engraved under his hard work. There is no big problem. The second step is to refine the impurities of the body. The essence of the body is proportional to the degree of use and power of the symbol. There is also an important step in it, which is to introduce the smelting and extracting essences of various materials into the body. In this step, Qin Haoxuan tried some simple materials, and emphasized the method of assisting the gods in [Dafuyu]. Although it is not easy, it is not too difficult, and the third step is the most important thing. Because at the same time, the spiritual power of 10,000 stones is instilled. It can be imagined how powerful the power should be, and a bad control. It is still a trivial matter to blow up the body directly. If it is countered by the spiritual power of the 10,000 stones, it is dangerous.

After Qin Haoxuan practiced the second step of refining with some simple materials, he stopped. After such a high-intensity practice, his body was not only empty, but even his strength seemed to be taken out. The bed is not willing to move.

Qin Haoxuan lay down on the bed for a while, and did not rest on this, but attached the gods to the little snake, ready to go to the sinister poison valley.

When his gods had just entered the body of the snake, he found that the **** of the snake still did not resist himself, let him control the body.

Just before he wanted to go to the Xianxian Valley, he was bored and looked at it. He found out that there was a meridian in the body of the snake!

The meridians in the body of the snake are different from the meridians of the human body, but Qin Haoxuan always feels familiar. He can't help but stop and think carefully, where he has seen this meridian.

After a while, he suddenly remembered Li Jing! Yes, it is Li Jing!

Is the number of roads that Li Jing got in the Shuifu House [the overbearing true dragon 诀] is not like the meridians in the snake body? If you use the human meridians to run [hegemony dragons], there are still some unnatural things, then use the body of the snake to run [hegemony dragons] very natural.

At that time, when Li Jing saw this [overbearing true dragonfly], Qin Haoxuan also saw through the thousands of mirrors. This kind of sturdy practice can not be cultivated, but he still remembered It may be used later, and now he will start to inhale and luck according to [Overbearing Real Dragonfly].

There is a subtle aura in the body of the snake. When Qin Haoxuan is in charge (the overbearing true dragonfly), this aura will naturally turn! Walking along the path of the [hegemonic dragons] began to walk in the snake's meridians, although very weak, but very comfortable.

Qin Haoxuan’s heart is overjoyed, the little snake can also cultivate, and it’s still a powerful skill. He remembers that Li Jing’s mad dragons around the ancient books before he cultivated [hegemonic dragons] It is absorbed and cultivated, but there is no limit to the cultivation of the little snake. It can directly be used for luck, and it can also absorb the aura of heaven and earth, the aura of absorption and the qualification of cultivation. It seems that it is not weaker than the purple species.

Just a moment of effort, the aura of the little snake has doubled!

After Qin Haoxuan ran over again [hegemony dragons], he felt that the sky was not early, so he rushed to find the treasures of the celestial venom. If he could find some magic weapon, he could increase it in the red dust after ten days. The chance to save lives.

Qin Haoxuan stopped his luck and controlled the snake to go to the sinister poison valley. He accidentally discovered that when he stopped practicing, the body's [hegemonic dragons] still operated over and over again, and there was no sign of staying!

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