Too Early

Chapter 1571: There can be a living fairy king

Qin Haoxuan was thinking about it while flipping through the treasures left by his ancestors.

Suddenly, his eyes fell on a bronze mirror. The bronze mirror was quaint, with no exquisite carvings. There were even rust marks on the edges of the bronze mirror.

The spirit in his body poured into the bronze mirror, and suddenly a breath of ancient rhythm came to his face, and a faint force of reincarnation appeared in the faint bronze mirror.


Qin Haoxuan ’s consciousness surged, and slowly, a picture appeared on the bronze mirror, which was a picture of him and the swallowing sea demon into the waterfall ...

This bronze mirror can reveal the pictures that have happened. This power is also a kind of reincarnation power.

Qin Haoxuan looked at the bronze mirror, feeling that the power of the bronze mirror's reincarnation should be more than this ...

He was studying, not far away, in the mountains, a loud explosion came.

The location of the mountainside, a cave was completely exploded, and pieces of rubble flew to the surroundings, which was mixed with a stream of water.

Among them, there is a familiar breath.

"The breath of the Nether Demon Clan ... It's the chadors!" The Master Swallower said with a deep voice: "Before they saw a waterfall, they suspected that the treasure chamber of the fairy king was inside and entered it, and then our space was completely exploded I ’m here and I ’m here. I ’m afraid the waterfall is connected here. ”

"Go and see." Qin Haoxuan felt the horror breath rising from the sky, and rushed straight away. Chaduo was the female demon of punishment. He never let Chaduo go wrong.

In the mountainside, the cave was completely exploded. It can be seen that this place used to be a palace, and the bodies of the four ghosts of the demons fell among the collapsed stone columns.

Four corpses, all of which were cut off limbs, body burst, red blood stained the ground.


Qin Haoxuan's eyes suddenly fixed, these are the four guards of Chaduo!

The four of them are dead, what about Chaduo?

His consciousness moved towards his surroundings, and his eyes quickly fell on a pool of blood.

That blood is Chaduo's blood, but, obviously, Chaduo was also injured, but besides her blood, she couldn't see her, let alone any items left by her, and only that pool of blood.

The Lord of Swallowing Sea Demon looked at the four ghosts of the dead demons in amazement.

"I died so soon? Before we heard the sound, came the first time, just a few breathing time, how could all die?" Huo Yan Patriarch looked at the scene in full disbelief, surprised Shouted: "Even if the sound of Fang Cai was caused by the other party's last shot, we only saw how long it took them to enter the waterfall before they died."

Around, the crowd was full of horror. The four Nether Devil Races were not weak, especially when Xiu Wu shot before, condensing his swordsmanship in the book of heaven and earth, everyone could obviously feel the purity of Xiuwu swordsmanship.

The simplest point is that the Book of Heaven and Earth cannot look down on the ancestor of Ziyun, but accepts the sword of Xiu Wu.

This ruin is extremely dangerous. The entrants are either contemporary arrogance or those old ancestors who will die of Shou Yuan. Such a dangerous place, the princess of the Shura tribe, one of the ten royal clans of the Nether tribe, how is the protection strength around her? It may be weak.

But now, these guards are dead!

In front of this scene, except for the guards of the four Nether Clan and the blood of Chaduo, they could not see the blood or any residue of other people at all.

Apparently, these Nether Demons were unilaterally slaughtered, and the opponent was much stronger than them.

These four Nethers and Chaduo are already extremely strong, but the other party can kill them. Among the relics, only Qin Haoxuan can do this.

But, obviously, Qin Haoxuan did not do it at this time, who else would it be?

Among the ruins, is there such a horrible existence?

Everyone is extremely vigilant in their hearts.

Qin Haoxuan is constantly searching for the figure of Chaduo, but he can't find a clue at all.

The Lord of Swallowing the Sea apparently knew what Qin Haoxuan was looking for, and she whispered comfortingly: "No need to worry too much. She is a princess of the Shura family. Perhaps other nether small groups are not easy to say. First, how could their princess have no life-saving means.

There was blood appearing there, she was obviously injured, but this blood should have multiple places, but now there is only one place, I am afraid that she used some life-saving means to escape. "

"I hope so." Qin Haoxuan sighed softly. If Chaduo died under his eyelids, what would he do to face the punishment?

Suddenly, a sound came from several people.

Everyone's eyes immediately fell in the direction of the sound.

"Principles of Xiumen!"

Ximenben ’s limbs were all separated from the body, and there was a huge scar on the neck. It seemed that his head had fallen half.

At this time, his body moved slightly, a breath of life slowly emanated from his body, and his whole body was wrapped in a dark black light.

An icy cold air with a murderous intention emerged from him.

Several ancestors, the Fire Patriarch and the Ziyun Patriarch, were shocked, but the Xiumen had already died like this. Can they survive?

"It's the technique of rejuvenating the dead body." The voice of the Lord Swallowing the Sea came from the side: "I heard that the Shura family has a secret method that can return to the light after death, let the dead demon resurrect and continue to fight, but this The time is very short ... "

Her words had just fallen, and Xiumen had already burst out, but his face was full of madness, not fighting like everyone had imagined, but murmured in his mouth: "Fairy King ... Fairy ... Fairy King ... Living Fairy King ... "His voice was filled with endless fear.

Ancestor Ziyun frowned lightly: "What? He is talking about the fairy king? Does he mean that the fairy king killed them?"

"The fairy king has the ability to kill them." Ling Yue's ancestor shook his head in disbelief: "How could there be or a fairy king."

Everyone looked at Xiu Men's book in the same unbelieving way. If it was said that Gong Lao Zu, exerted special means and survived secretly for another day, it was not impossible. The burial tombs before did not know how to use the means, and have been alive, but the fairy king is absolutely impossible.

Wherever there is a fairy king, the way of heaven and earth will definitely be noticed. The fairy king cannot be hidden, and it will definitely die when the limit of Shouyuan is reached.

Now, how could there be a living fairy!

During the doubts of the people, the Xiumen book continued with intermittent voices full of fear.

"Tao dish ... He is going to get the fairy king dish, he wants to get the dish ... He ..."

He hadn't finished his words. He fell to the ground and made a muffled sound. The breath of life was completely cut off.

He was completely dead.

Everyone's brows are tightly frowned. The guy mentioned in the Ximen book, who knows where the disc is?

Fairy King Dao dish, that was condensed by the supreme mana before the death of the fairy king, the true fairy king inheritance is in the Dao dish. All practitioners are pursuing longevity and resurrection, and the fairy king is no exception.

They pursued the resurrection of the dead, but they did not know whether the resurrection after death could have the original memory and mana, so they condensed the Tao dish, and after the resurrection in the future, they could obtain the Tao dish and obtain the memory and mana of the previous life.

Among the treasure trove of fairy kings, the most valuable is the fairy king dish!


Suddenly, there was another loud noise between heaven and earth. The sound was so loud that it seemed that the entire palace of the Immortal King was shaking wildly.

Above the distant sky, two terrifying breaths rushed to the sky, even if they were far away, they could feel the power and terror of those two breaths, and the space on the far side was constantly stirred and stirred.

The two breaths are constantly colliding on the sky, and the sky and earth on the other side are changing color, and the vision is showing. Sometimes the sun is shining, the sun is shining, sometimes it is dark, the stars are arching the moon, and sometimes the rainbow colors cross the sky, but the stars Bright ...

"What an amazing breath!"

Everyone looked at each other, their faces were shocked, even if they were so far away, they all felt the terror of the breath, they even felt that the breath was not under the breath of Qin Haoxuan.

How did so many powerful people suddenly burst out of this ruin?

Now the two breaths are clearly at war.

"Go and see ..." Qin Haoxuan whispered and quickly flew in the direction of the voice.

In the back, the devourer of the sea swallows and others catch up with each other, and two such terrifying powerhouses will fight against each other. I am afraid that there is a big treasure there.

The breath of these two powerful men was too terrifying. At this time, a master in the palace of the fairy king rushed in the direction of the voice.

Qin Haoxuan flew all the way to the place where the two breaths met, and he could see a master surrounded by far.

In the void, one white and one red, the two figures separate the sides.

One of them was wearing a red robe. The robe seemed to be made of blood, exuding a rich **** breath. In his hand, he also had a blood-red long knife, and there was a killing gas from this long. The sword gushed out, and every time the long sword was swung, it was like a sea of ​​blood, and the corpse mountain fell. It seemed that the whole world was full of dead souls, and the rich **** gas made it difficult to breathe.

The other one is fluttering in white, with a warm smile on his face, but he can look carefully, but he can't see his face clearly, full of mystery, he clearly looks like a young man, but It also seems to be a peerless man who has come out of the long river of history.

Both of them have a breath that belongs to the fairy king.

The breath of fairy king?

Qin Haoxuan looked at the two with surprise, how could these two have the spirit of a fairy king?

Behind the two, there are seven fairy palaces floating in each other. In the fairy palace, the breath is flowing, just like the sky, the galaxy is surging, and a terrifying breath collides in the air, and the emptiness of the earthquake continues to collapse.

Among the two, the man in white clothes waved a long sword in his hand, and one sword shot down. For a time, above the sky, his white clothes fluttered everywhere.

Numerous phantoms emerged, but it seemed that each one was real. Above each phantom's long sword, there was a streamer shining, one sword fell, where each sword fell, the man in red One after another, there was a breath of endless gloom and **** killing. It suddenly seemed to be reversed by time and space. It quickly dissipated and dissipated into nothingness in an instant.

The power of reincarnation!

Qin Haoxuan's black eyes flashed a different color, and he finally understood why he saw the person in white at first glance and felt that the other person was familiar. The breath of the white man was clearly the breath of the reincarnation fairy king!

Was trapped in the Tomb of the Immortal King back then, and countless learned from the reincarnation of the Immortal King.

In addition to myself, there are people over there that have inherited the fairy king?

How can the inheritance of the fairy king be so easy to take, and this person is like a reincarnate little reincarnation fairy king!

The other party's breath is like a reincarnation fairy, and the other party's character is so calm. It is even more natural to exert the power of reincarnation. His current practice, his own perception, and his own understanding of the way of reincarnation are even longer. For a long time, it can be put into use, still not as natural as the other party.

Damana of the reincarnation fairy king, but he is not as good as the other party?

How is this possible, unless ...

The fairy king is here!

The white reincarnation fairy king sword waved, after breaking through the opponent's attack, the breath continued to shoot towards the red clothing.

The face of the man in red seems to be condensed with all the killing qi in the world, gritty and Cui Wei, with a hint of madness.

Behind him, in an immortal palace, the light was suddenly bright, and the blood-red immortal palace became more transparent. You can see that there is a figure in the immortal palace.

It was an old woman. Behind the old woman, there were eight Tao palaces, but at this time the old woman was already languishing, and the skin on her body had shrunk sharply with the naked eye, even the eight Tao palaces behind her were fast. Shrink, as if it would dissipate at any time.

Everyone can even feel that the old woman's breath is declining continuously. On the contrary, the blood-red fairy palace's breath is getting stronger and more evil, and the whole blood-colored fairy palace is like a boundless endless. The blood pool is general, exuding a thick **** breath.

"Han Tang Ancestor!" Qin Haoxuan's side, Ling Yue Ancestor exclaimed.

Qin Haoxuan was surprised. He knew the name of Han Tang's ancestor. When he first entered the ruins, Huo Yan's ancestor introduced the strongman who entered the ruins. He once mentioned Han Tang's ancestor. Ancestor Tang, just never seen it.

With the appearance of Han Tang's ancestor, the crowd around him was even more horrified.

Ancestor Han Tang was an ancestor of the Eight Dao Palaces. Even among the ancestors of the Eight Dao Palaces, they were all very strong. At the beginning, he and Chi Tang's ancestors jointly repelled a nine. The top ancestor of Zuodao Palace!

Today, Han Tang's ancestors were suppressed in this stranger's fairy palace!

Now, he is apparently offering sacrifices to Hantang ancestors in order to promote his fairy palace!

"Look for death!"


In the distance, two magnificent and majestic voices came from the sky, one tall and one low, the figures of the two ancestors of the Dao Palace quickly flew, and there were seven Dao Palaces floating behind them At this time, the two stared coldly at the man in red.

"It is the ancestor of the present Tang and the ancestor of the Yintang."

"The people of Wuguang Pavilion are here!"

Several whispers came from the crowd.

Now Tang Pao hurriedly flew, screaming loudly: "You don't release Han Tang Pao quickly, you want to be my enemy with Wuguang Pavilion!"

They entered here with Han Tang's ancestors, but after that, they encountered a strange formation. The four were in the formation and also disconnected. One day ago, after walking out of the formation, there were few Ancestor Han Tang.

At this time, they had never discovered Han Tang's ancestor, but did not expect it to be suppressed by this person.

The man in red didn't even look at the ancestor of Tang Tang, but said to the ancestor of Han Tang trapped in his fairy palace: "You haven't returned quickly? Resist again, this fairy king Dingping you Guangge. "

Zhang Kuang's voice fell to a few moments, and for a time, everyone around him doubted whether his ears were wrong.


This person is almost arrogant!

The Wuguang Pavilion is the supreme religion, and it is the oldest among the supreme religions. It is longer than the Wujia religion known as the first religion under the ancient religion. How many means.

Now, this man actually said that he would make Wuguang Pavilion flat!

Everyone knows that Qin Haoxuan is crazy, but Qin Haoxuan is not as crazy as him!


"Look for death!"

Now Tang Patriarch and Yin Tang Patriarch exploded in anger, and in the seven Dao Palaces behind, the breath surged rapidly.

The man in red looked at the two ancestors who wanted to get started, his face was full of killing intentions, and he said violently: "Laozi is the body of the blood-killing fairy king II, the fairy king rebirth. You wait but think dead?"

As a sentence fell, the surroundings suddenly became silent!

Fairy King?

They can feel that what is condensed behind each other is not Dao Palace, but Immortal Palace!

Is the fairy king really alive?

Qin Haoxuan listened to the words of the blood-killing fairy king, but his eyes fell on the white-dressed small reincarnation fairy king. This one may not be the small reincarnation fairy king, but the reincarnation fairy king II.

He once saw the breath of the reincarnation fairy, and he could feel the breath of the reincarnation fairy king.

It's just that the blood-killing fairy king and the reincarnation fairy king, how could they appear?

What is the second body?

Qin Haoxuan's heart is strange, in the blood-colored fairy palace of the blood-killing fairy king, the Begonia ancestor has been completely alive, and the stream of light in the entire fairy palace is oscillated like boiling blood.

His eyes turned and fell on Bai Ling beside Qin Haoxuan, a pair of blood pupils, revealing a hot color, dragon?

Is a half dragon, but it is enough.

Behind him, the **** fairy palace buzzed, the terrifying power in the fairy palace overflowed tightly, and the surrounding space that had been attracted shuddered wildly.

He raised his hand and waved. In the Scarlet Immortal Palace, a red light flew into the sky, and the Red Mansions burst into the sky and burst suddenly.

For a time, heavy rain fell.

Rain, but blood rain!

This is the power after the living sacrifice of an eight strong palace, how terrifying this power is.

Blood rain fell, and in this world, there was a sound of ghost crying filled with endless resentment, and the voice blew deep into the soul.

Even if everyone is watching from a distance, they even have a feeling of falling into hell.

It seemed that there were thousands of ghosts biting out, and blood was flowing in the surrounding space.

The dripping blood rain, each drop of which contained unmatched power, fell from the sky, condensed into a huge **** hand, and fell towards the body of the reincarnation fairy king II.

As soon as the **** hand came out, the whole world was stained with blood red. The big hand covered the sky and the sun, and the stars in the sky and earth dissipated. It seemed that the **** hand broke it.

Everyone watching the battle around, even if they are far away, they all stepped back one by one, their faces looked horrified.

This is the prestige of the fairy king?

They are all powerful in the realm of Dao Palace, but they were only affected by this blow, and they were terrified!

The reincarnation of the reincarnation king, Zhou Xuanguang surged, and his figure suddenly flew up. In the void, his figure became one, two, four, four ...

In an instant, countless figures have appeared in the sky, each figure is full of mystery, and he was cut towards the huge **** hand that fell.

For a time, it seems that there are countless masters of swords, with different angles, simultaneously cutting out a sword that can pierce the sun and the moon and break the void.

After the blood-killing fairy king bombarded the reincarnation fairy king, he suddenly turned around and looked in the direction of Qin Haoxuan.

It was only at a glance that Qin Haoxuan's side, the eyes of the flame ancestors and the ancestors of Ziyun ancestors naturally faced them. At this moment, they even had a feeling that they seemed to have become dead.

An extreme fear rose from the depths of their souls, the body was cold on all sides, and the blood and blood in the body were shaken uncontrollably.

Several people shuddered, bowing their heads and daring not to look at each other.

The blood-killing fairy king's cold eyes didn't seem to have any human feelings on Bailing. The left hand without the knife suddenly came out and caught Bailing.

In the sky, a huge red hand phantom emerged, as if the claw of death, protruding from the Nine Nether Hell, reaching with endless fear.

Even if it was just the palm of his hand, the space around the site ~ ~ collapsed, and large black cracks appeared in the air.

He actually caught Qin Haoxuan's man!

Among the crowd, the ancestor Tang's face with hatred and fear, his eyes suddenly showed a color of gloating and gloating that his ancestor would hardly appear.

The killing fairy king provoked Qin Haoxuan.

Perhaps, he may really be a fairy king, what is the fairy king II body he said, but he thought that no one could match it?

He really thought that there was no arrogant figure in their generation of immortals?

The one in front of him is the arrogance of their generation, and the strongest and arrogant arrogance, the king of murder, Qin Haoxuan!

Qin Haoxuan looked at the giant hand shadow in the sky, and behind him, seven immortal palaces suddenly appeared.

All of a sudden, the world surging wildly, the **** sky collapsed rapidly, the breath of the fairy palace, the fairy sounds lingering, the fairy palace, the fairy forest arching guard, the dragon and phoenix flying, the rich fairy air is like a surging river In general, go away violently.

A force of reincarnation and a dazzling divine light surround his body. At this moment, he is like a fairy king.

Xian Gong deterred, all demons and ghosts, all retreat! In this world, the rich **** breath dissipated instantly.

He hasn't shot yet, the breath simmered in the seven fairy palaces behind him has shattered the shadow of the giant hand flying down the sky!

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