Too Early

Chapter 1582: Too early too early i came

"Someone entered the ruins!"

"It's almost death! This is the Feixian Ruins. At this time, the best time to enter the ruins is missed. So many of our masters are still studying here, how to enter, but he directly enters them."

"He wants to find death, and he will die. But with his entry, the large formations outside the ruins will change because of his entry, and we have to recalculate a lot."

Everyone looked at the figure that suddenly entered the ruins and scolded them one by one.

Suddenly, a voice came from the crowd: "That man ... seems to be Qin Haoxuan."


"Who? Qin Haoxuan, he ..."

A name fell, but everyone around was silent.

Qin Haoxuan, has he reached the point of ignoring this immortal ruin?

Qin Haoxuan had no time to calculate the large array. With his current practice, he was much stronger than when he entered the Fei Xian Ruins. He did not need to calculate the large array. After he entered the ruins of Fei Xian, two immortal palaces and a demon palace merged. Behind them, six Taoist palaces floated, spreading the wings of the sky, and flew directly to the imperial palace of the King of Water.

When he left, the punishment was closed in the fairy king's palace.

It's been a long time since they discovered that the Palace of the King of Water Narcissus was empty, and there was no figure at all.

There are collapsed buildings everywhere, and the secret room where they used to collapse is completely collapsed.

The torture figure was not seen in the secret room, nor was the peculiar futon.

There were traces of war everywhere.


Qin Haoxuan was worried, and quickly flew to this ruined ruin. All buildings around the ground were destroyed, and even the space was now torn.

Here, there has been a war.

"This breath ... is the breath of punishment. He has broken through to the realm of Taoist palace. Looking at the breath, he should calmly leave." Qin Haoxuan exhaled slightly.

"It's just why he was attacked. These breaths, this is the breath of the nether world. There are a large number of nether demons once besieged him here."

Qin Haoxuan was puzzled, and if the punishment was the same as before, he could understand the death penalty of the Nether Devil. But today, punishment regenerates with the help of the world's strange birth, and it is completely different from before. How did the Nether Demon Clan discover punishment?

Where did the punishment go?

Qin Haoxuan only felt that the punishment had calmly left, but he could not detect where the punishment went.

He continued to search among the ruins of the King of Narcissus, still unable to find clues to the punishment.

"Netherworld Demon Race?"

Suddenly, he saw three ghost demons walking together from a distance. These three ghost demons were not the Shura tribe, but a ghost demons he had never seen before, and their bodies were exceptionally magnificent. The three ghost demons are all shirtless. On his head, there are two long and short, three horns, two of which are like horns on both sides of the brain, and the short horn is It is in the middle of the forehead.

Qin Haoxuan's figure jumped out quickly, and flew directly towards the three ghost demons.

"There are humans!"

"It's him, that man named Qin Haoxuan. If you find him, you can find the evil demon. He must know the whereabouts of the evil demon."

"Fool, run! This Qin Haoxuan is not something we can deal with!" Among the three Nether Demon Clan, the head of the Nether Demon Clan showed a look of horror on his face, and he would quickly escape and escape.

He had heard of the horror of Qin Haoxuan before.

Now it has become the master of the eight immortals, it is not the existence they can deal with.

It was only that he had just turned around, and a terrible coercion had fallen down. The pressure on his body was out of control. Under the terrifying power, he could n’t even move a point.

Above the sky, six fairy palaces emerged, suppressing one side.

Qin Haoxuan!

He directly suppressed the three of them with the Tao Palace!

They are all the existence of Dao Palace Realm, Dao Palace Realm can kill Dao Gong Realm, but want to suppress it completely, it is much more difficult than beheading without knowing it, let alone suppress 3 directly with one's own strength Avenue Palace master.

It's just ... didn't say that Qin Haoxuan has left the Feixian ruins? Why did it appear here again?

Qin Haoxuan cracked down on the three ghost demons, flew to the three, and said coldly: "Now, I ask, you answer. To say a nonsense, if there is any concealment, die."

The sound is cold, just like a thousand years of ice collision.

"Say, why did you catch him? How did you find him?"

One of the three Nether Devil curiously asked: “Who are you talking about?

The voice fell, a flash of cold light flashed by.

The head of the Nether Demon Clan who just questioned directly flew out and exploded.

The remaining two Nether Demon clan looked guilty, just a question, but was directly beheaded, without any hesitation.

They remembered Qin Haoxuan's name, murderous demon!

This is the real murderous demon.

Feeling Qin Haoxuan's gaze came over, the Nether Demon led by the head quickly said: "We found him by accident. At first, we just found out that he is a strange creature of the world, thinking that this is a supreme treasure, so I want to catch Live him and get his birthplace.

But after fighting, he discovered his identity. Three masters with eight Tao palaces joined forces to siege him, but in the end let him run. He only has five Taoist palaces, and he ca n’t run away at all, but he will rumored the Dao Xin demons and restrained our three masters, so he escaped. Today, the news has been completely leaked. Not only are we looking for him, you humans are also looking for him. "

"But some humans wanted him to help him." Another Nether Devil heard that his companion had spoken, afraid of being killed, and immediately said everything he knew: "Those who want to help him seem to be I have been helped by you. The latter wanted to please you, so I helped him. But there are still many humans who want to catch him and get a strange birth.

I also heard that a while ago, there was a very strong human being, who had a lotus of ninety-nine leaves, and he also played against him once. That human being was terrifying. At that time, an ancestor named Jiu Ping helped him. Otherwise, at that time, he might have been caught by the person who possessed Ninety-nine Lotus. "

Nine bottles ...

Qin Haoxuan nodded slightly. These nine bottles were the same people who were watching the narcissus king's dish. They also said that if he went to Puguang Pavilion, he would go together.

In the ninety-ninth leaf, I still had no intention to die, and I was still struggling with the idea of ​​tortured the world.

He moved his heart, waved his hands, and two black breaths fell into the two ghost demons.

"Just now I have printed the Six Disasters of the Scourge into you. You sent me a message to spread it out, and you said he was here. I want to see who will come. If I do well, I will untie it, no. Well, wait for the three disasters and six disasters to die. "

Qin Haoxuan said, lifting the suppression of the two ghost demons.

The two ghost demons heard the sound and immediately nodded and fled outward.

Qin Haoxuan ignored the two ghost demons. When the two ghost demons felt the misery of the three disasters and six disasters, they would spread the news themselves.

It didn't take long, but half a day, a figure appeared in the void.

Ninety-nine leaves!

The reason why he sent even a ghost demons to send a message, he wanted to see who will come, and the one he most wanted to catch was the 99th leaf!

In addition to the ninety-ninth leaves, there is a figure flying far from the void.

Everyone saw Qin Haoxuan sitting on the ground with his legs crossed.

Qin Haoxuan?

Everyone was surprised. Didn't Qin Haoxuan leave the Feixian ruins? Why is it here again?

This ... it's not that strange world, but Qin Haoxuan.

Everyone instantly understood that this is a bureau set by Qin Haoxuan!

There are six immortal palaces appearing behind Qin Haoxuan, one of them is two immortal palaces, and a palace of demons is superimposed.

"Six fairy palaces?"

At the first glance, the ninety-nine leaves saw the six fairy palaces rising behind Qin Haoxuan, and there was a look of excitement in his eyes. Qin Haoxuan had only six fairy palaces?

He was hit hard and blew up the aisle palace?

He blew himself up and dared to show up, almost to death!

Kill him, this is the best chance to kill him!

In front of the ninety-nine leaves, an extremely large lotus emerged. Above the lotus, ninety-nine petals bloomed, bursting with colorful glow. The entire world seemed to be surrounded by lotus at this moment.

He shot, is the strongest move.

Killing Qin Haoxuan, Qin Haoxuan has become his demon, Qin Haoxuan is not dead, the devil is hard to get rid of!

Among the six immortal palaces behind Qin Haoxuan, the rich fairy air shuttled, and the immortal forest underneath was guarded, and the Taoist Divine Light gathered around his body as if wearing this golden silk dress.

On the Dragon Scale Sword, the golden shimmer of gold flourishes, the power of reincarnation gathers, and the space around the lead is constantly oscillating, seeming to escape into nothingness.

In his body, the breath rose rapidly, and the whole person's breath waved out after reaching the extreme point.

Suddenly, in the void, thirty-six phantoms appeared, as if thirty-six fairy kings appeared at the same time, and at the same time, they cut out a sword.

Each sword is different, each sword contains the power of reincarnation, full of rich immortality!

Thirty-six swords fell, but they were above the sky, and they converged into a huge sword plate. The sword plate contains heaven, earth, sun, moon, yin and yang, five elements, and gossip.

A sword fell, the world was terrified, the sun and the moon lost their colors, and the universe reversed!

When this sword fell, everyone around the lead shivered. In the void, a series of space cracks continued to emerge.

The mysterious and powerful power of reincarnation flooded the whole world.

Among the ninety-nine leaves, there was a look of horror suddenly. How could this sword be so powerful?

He has never even seen him in his life, such a strong sword!

A sword falling actually gave him the illusion that all form and spirit were destroyed.

In horror, in front of him, the huge lotus was in full bloom, completely enveloping him.


The dragon scale sword was heavily cut on the lotus, making a loud noise like the sky and the earth shattered. The entire Feixian ruins were shaking madly at this moment. Explode.

The ground beneath the ground cracked, and a Dao Gong Patriarch who came in the distance was affected by the breath of this sword. Several Dao Gong Patriarchs who were close by flew out and opened a mouthful of blood. , The eyes are full of horror.

They are the ancestors of Dao Palace Realm!

Now it is only affected, it is actually suffering from internal injuries!

What a horror this blow!

On the huge lotus of the ninety-nine leaves, petals, flowers and leaves suddenly fell off and exploded in the void.

Just a sword, the lotus flower of the ninety-nine leaves was directly destroyed by half!

Under the lotus, the ninety-nine leaves are pale, the blood and blood in the body are boiling, and the internal organs are almost shattered.

With a single blow, he was hit hard.

He couldn't understand it at all. How could Qin Haoxuan's six fairy palaces have such power? It even feels scarier than the eight fairy palaces!

This is by no means six immortal palaces. His momentum is so great that he was not injured, nor did he explode the aisle palace!

Qin Haoxuan's strongest sword flew off, looking at the lotus under the lotus, with blood flowing all over his body, and the dead ninety-nine leaves, with an unexpected color on his face, said: "I can catch my sword without dying, but I have some skills . "

His gaze fell on your lotus, and the ninety-nine leaves could block his attack because of this lotus.

That is, the masters of the Patriarch Patriarch and other masters of the Nine Dao Palace, who had been included in the three big lists, were all killed by a sword under their own sword. The lotus flower of the ninety-nine leaves was under this sword. It was not completely damaged.

Really extraordinary.

The last time he played with 99 leaves, he cut off more than 30 petals of 99 leaves. Now, the petals of this lotus flower have been repaired.

I don't know, how much effort was spent on the 99th leaf to restore the lotus flower?

He became more and more interested in Lotus.

His figure flew again, beheading towards the 99th leaf.

Behind the ninety-ninth leaves, the eight houses surged, and in the next moment, they fell into the lotus.

The lotus that has been cut in half, at this moment, was restored again and turned into ninety-nine petals. Each petal seems to be a small world.

The lotus flower was in full bloom, and a shocking suction surged out.

Among the ancestors of the Taoist palace watching around, the two ancestors who were in combat, the nearest ancestor suddenly felt a horror attraction.

The heart said badly, and the seven Taoist palaces behind them appeared continuously, and they had to immediately cast their mana to get rid of this horror attraction. However, the Taoist palace behind him had just risen, and in the blink of an eye, he was inhaled into the lotus.

The huge lotus, and the petals became transparent instantly, and everyone could clearly see that a sharp spike was born on the lotus, and it penetrated into the body of the Taoist ancestor.

A black mist filled with weirdness, gloom, and darkness rose from the lotus, completely enveloping the ancestor of the Taoist palace.

His flesh rots at an alarming rate, and his breath continues to weaken, as if it were nourishment, nourishing the ninety-nine petals of lotus.

Living sacrifice!

It's just a kung fu that can't breathe, he has been completely sacrificed alive.

Ninety-nine leaf lotus blooms a dazzling glory.

Qin Haoxuan's second sword fell down. Above the lotus flower, the radiant light was shining, as if a colorful rainbow fell from the sky, blocking this sword.

Red orange, red, green, blue, blue and purple, seven kinds of colors shine brightly, the void explodes wildly, and the boundless and breathless atmosphere comes straight to Qin Haoxuan.

Qin Haoxuan's figure was chased back under this breath, and a strange color appeared on his face. This rainbow-like light came from the breath of the dead ancestor.

After the living sacrifice of the ancestor, he instantly transformed the power into the power of the lotus, and this power is far more than that of the Taoist palace.

The ancestors of the ordinary seven palaces of Dao can't stop his sword.

Some of this power is like the ancestor of a seven Taoist palaces, after completely exploding his seven Taoist palaces! Even stronger!

But the Taoist ancestor who was sacrificed alive did not explode.

The lotus of the ninety-nine leaves does not know how to do it, and exerts the strength of the other party to this level.

Ninety-nine leaves took advantage of the rainbow color to block Qin Haoxuan, quickly turned around, and the lotus flew back, picked him up, and fled to the distance quickly.

He fled, and once again faced Qin Haoxuan and chose to flee!

He couldn't understand why Qin Haoxuan seemed to have only six Taoist palaces, but it was more terrifying than before!

All around, an ancestor of the Taoist palace, looking at the ninety-nine leaves that had fled far away, his eyes fell on Qin Haoxuan.

Qin Haoxuan, who looked like a man who stood in the void with a sword in the void, looked like a peerless **** of war, but there was a feeling of powerlessness in his heart.

Qin Haoxuan is strong again, too much too much.

Many of them saw that Qin Haoxuan had fought Qin Haoxuan with the blood-killing fairy king II. At that time, their hearts were full of shock. Shocked the rapid rise of Qin Haoxuan, shocked Qin Haoxuan's unparalleled combat power. Even, envious of Qin Haoxuan's unprecedented opportunity in Fei Xian's ruins.

Qin Haoxuan of that day is already a master of the world.

But now, looking at today's Qin Haoxuan, they have no doubt that today's Qin Haoxuan once again faces the second body of the blood-killing fairy king. Even if the other party displays the real fairy, Qin Haoxuan can still win.

The sword that Qin Haoxuan played before was really terrifying. With their cultivation practices, watching the battle from afar, it was affected by that sword, and even suffered internal injuries.

Among the people, many people showed a deep regret on their faces. There was a big hatred between Qin Haoxuan and Puguang Pavilion. They had stood inside Qin Haoxuan ’s pair to please Puguang Pavilion. On the top of the highest mountain in the world, still facing the highest peak and walking across the peerless Tianjiao.

Among the crowd, an ancestor of the Taoist palace suddenly reacted and shouted: "It was the ancestor of Qin originally. I heard the news before that the person named the punishment is here. I am worried that the Nether Devil will come. Looking for trouble, I came here to help. After all, punishment is said to be Qin Laozu's friend. Since Qin Laozu is here, I will be relieved. You, leave.

He said that the Taoist ancestor turned around and fled towards the distance.

His words fell, and the ancestral ancestors of Dao Palace also spoke one after another. The words were almost all the same. They heard that the punishment was here. They heard that the punishment was a friend of Qin Haoxuan, so they all came. Help.

There was even an old man who said directly: "Qin Laozu, I heard that you have been looking for the traitor Murongchao who was too early. I met him once before, and he is still in this ruins, going to the most western part of the ruins. Seems to go with Qilin to find someone. "

"Yes, I also met Murong Chao in the West. He should have been with Kirin to find an old Kirin."

"That Murongchao, as a person from the beginning, but betrayed the beginning. It was also said that it was for the beginning, really shameless. These characters are simply the scum of our cultivation fairyland!"

The topic of everyone quickly fell on Murongchao. At this time, everyone's caliber was completely the same. Murongchao was a traitor at the beginning!

Among the crowd, there was another person who had received the King of Daffodils and had inherited the immortal trees of Qin Haoxuan, who came forward to say hello.

Qin Haoxuan looked at the Taoist ancestors gathered together and asked, "You guys, I don't know who of you knows, where is the punishment?"

In a word downstairs, everyone around them shook their heads.

"Qin Laozu, we really haven't seen him."

"It has been a lot of time, and no one has found him."

"Ancestor Qin, I am afraid that it is difficult to find his trail in the near future." Among the crowd, an ancestral ancestor came and said in a deep voice: "Nine bottles helped him once, and later nine bottles also accompanied him." I walked for a while. After that, I met nine bottles, which told me something. "

"Bong Yue ancestor, Jiu Ping ancestor, he knows where the punishment went?" Qin Haoxuan looked forward to the person in front of him, he recognized the ancestor in front of him, Bong Yue ancestor, also received the King of Narcissus and him The immortal technique became the person of the Lin inheritance.

"Jiu Ping doesn't know where he is." Pao Yue Yue shook his head gently, because Jiu Ping told him the news, he knew that the people here would never be sentenced this time, he guessed, no It is very likely that Qin Haoxuan deliberately set up a bureau here to target the disadvantaged person.

That's why he arrived here. Sure enough, the situation was as he expected.

"Jiu Ping said that he was separated from the punishment for a period of time. Later, when Jiu Ping encountered the punishment again, there was already a woman next to the punishment." Pao Yue Pao said everything he knew: "Jiu Bottle feels that the woman's strength is extremely terrifying. Although the other party hasn't done it, Jiu Bottle feels that the woman is not weaker than the reincarnation fairy and blood killing fairy king.

Jiu Ping even suspected that the woman was a fairy king II, and the woman was very friendly to the punishment. After Jiu Ping discovered that there were such masters around Xing, he did not stay with Xing again. He didn't know where the sentence was going after. "

Qin Haoxuan heard the voice and let go of his heart. This guy was really able to make friends.

Fairy King II? Which is the second body of the fairy king?

He thought about it and said to everyone: "Everyone, Qin has something to do, please ask your friends for help."

Everyone bowed their hands in return.

"Qin Laozu is too polite."

"Qin Laozu directly said yes."

"Qin Laozu's business is our business."

Qin Haoxuan looked around and said: "I hope you will help me pass a message. I am here to wait for a few days. I am waiting to go with him to find the beginning!"

"Qin Laozu found too early?"

"Qin Laozu is relieved, we must pass on this news."

"We will let our friends pass the news together, and we must let this news spread throughout the Feixian ruins."

The crowd quickly flew away.

Soon after the people left, the two Nether Demon Clan arrived, and Qin Haoxuan eased the three disasters and six hardships on the other side, and has been waiting here since then.

During this period, there were quite a few Taoist ancestors who came here to thank him for his inheritance of the Jade King.

Three days later, under the hot sun, a familiar figure appeared in his sight.

She was dressed in a black long dress, beautiful, and walked from a distance, like the willow, and the blossoming flowers around her seemed to feel inferior under her appearance, and they all faded. The glory of the whole world fell on her.

Samsara Reincarnation!

Qin Haoxuan suddenly widened his eyes, he was waiting for the punishment here, but actually waited for the reincarnation of the deity!

"Demon Venerable ..." Qin Haoxuan bowed his head to salute. There are too many inheritances from the samsara.

"You're like this, but it's not interesting anymore. It's far less interesting than your friends. Your friends meet my peers. Are you a junior to be your friend?" Reincarnation Mozun seems to come step by step, but step by step Below, already appeared on the side of Qin Haoxuan, the face that seemed to be able to charm all beings, full of smiles, looked at Qin Haoxuan and said: "If you want to be a junior, I still don't mind."

Qin Haoxuan was suddenly speechless, he could not think of the second body of the reincarnation Demon Lord, so lively. If he felt her breath, he even had to wonder if it was a fake samsara.

"You ... your life seems to have changed a lot compared to the previous life ..." He remembered the samsara of the previous life, which was very arrogant, but now ...

Reincarnation Mozun chuckled lightly: "It is because my last life failed, so my life will not be like that."

Qin Haoxuan is speechless, you are right, but you have changed too much.

He no longer controlled the character of Samsara, but asked, "My friend? What are you talking about?"

"Yes, it's a punishment," said the reincarnation Mozun: "He's retreating, I heard you waiting for him, so I'll tell you about it."

"That person is you? How could you be together?" Qin Haoxuan didn't expect that the punishment would go with the reincarnation Mozun.

"Remove your last word." Samsara Mozun said, and a smile appeared on her face again. She, the second person, seemed to be particularly fond of laughing. She smiled and said: "Walking with him is because I found a lot of interesting things in him."

"He is indeed full of interesting things." Qin Haoxuan sighed: "Since he is in retreat, I will be relieved, you tell him, I went to find too early."

Qin Haoxuan quickly said goodbye to the reincarnation demon king and returned to the God Machine Gate.

God machine door, watching the sky array.

A fairy looked pale and lay in the middle of the array of eyes, and now the third eye of his forehead was already covered with blood stains. From afar, he could feel the decay of it.

A Daotong stood outside and looked nervously at the immortal in the array. He wanted to step forward and help him, but he didn't dare to really enter the array. One was because the one immortal had explained it earlier. It was the Heavenly Tribulation that came down not long ago. If it were not the site of the Supreme Church, there would be a natural large formation to defend against. This formation might have been turned into powder.

"Look at it, come in." Yixian said weakly: "Bring the Tuoying Dao symbol, I want to record what I saw in it ..."

Daotong hurried into the battle at this time, and the formation destroyed by the Sky Tribulation caused the ground to be rugged. The Daotong, who had been repaired to be weak, ran in it, but almost tripped over the ground several times.

One eye immortal touched Daotong with his hand, groping around in vain.

It wasn't until this moment that Daotong knew ... that the one eye fairy had just destroyed in the Heavenly Tribulation was not only the eyebrows and the eyes, but also the pair of eyes that had been born and destroyed.

blind! At first glance blinded!

Daotong didn't expect this to happen at all. He ran quickly and placed Tuo Ying Tao Fu in his hand in the eye of Xian.

One eye fairy infused mana with both hands to enter it. A complex rune formed a strange picture, which slowly spread into this rune.

Daotong waited for a full hour, and the effect of Dao Talisman was finished with a glance.

"Take it to Qin Haoxuan, I'm tired and want to take a rest ..." An immortal slowly lay on the ground, and the dust brought by the breeze was not wiped.

Xiao Daotong hurried into the Xianyun car all the way to the Shenjimen Hall, and saw the senior people present kneeling down quickly. Shuangsu raised Dao Fu high above his head and said, "Senior Senior Xian Yun has already calculated his initial position Come present. "

Qin Haoxuan did not wait for others to come forward to help fetch it. He quickly got up and grabbed the Tao symbol in his hand. An ordinary Tao symbol made his hand tremble at this moment.

Regardless of the state of Qin Haoxuan, Meng Zhong asked Dao Tong simply: "What happened to the fairy?"

Dao Tongsheng was afraid of being asked by Meng Zhong for not being properly taken care of, and said with a trembling voice: "Senior ... Senior ... He ... he is blind ..."

Meng Zhong ’s heart suddenly tightened. This eye is extremely rare in the entire Xiu Xian Realm. This time he came back because of the guilt of the death of the dream machine. He originally intended to use this to tie him to the magic machine The door can be used for the God machine door in the future.

Now ... Sanmu is exhausted ...

Meng Zhong knew how much this was a loss for Shenjimen.

Qin Haoxuan was also shocked to hear Daotong, focusing his attention on Daotong: "Blind?"

Dao Tong nodded again and again, Qin Haoxuan put away Tao Fu and grabbed Dao Tong to go straight to Xian's calculation.

A glance in the array was like the calculation of the initial position not long ago, and the whole person was extremely weak. If he heard someone flying, he wouldn't even turn his head.

Qin Haoxuan was also very sorry when he looked at the fairy. Although this person set up an ambush and wanted to kill himself, it was only because of affection. There was no real contradiction between the two parties.

Life is about to die! Qin Haoxuan saw a fairy and instantly felt that the other party's body was really empty. If he didn't fill him up as soon as possible, his life would really come to an end.

A faint voice slowly sounded: "I already knew that today, from the time I took this path, I knew that there would be such a day. After all, the world would be leaked, and this is my retribution. I can't be a fairy. Wang, after all, there will be a death, death will die ... but, I'm sorry for the dream machine ... I, I want to see the dream machine. "The voice of Xian Xian was full of endless regrets.

"Don't talk much, you need to rest now, you consume too much." Qin Haoxuan looked at the fairy with apologetic eyes, and he could feel that Shou Yuan with a glance was almost exhausted. He needed it now. Rest, but he still wants to see the dream machine, I am afraid he really does not want to live like this anymore.

Xian Xian shook his head hard and repeated the words of Cai Cai: "See him, I'm going to see him."

"Okay, I'll take you to see him." Qin Haoxuan sighed, he could feel that a glance has been a very painful life since the death of the dream machine, and even living is even more painful than the death. The reason why he continued to live, I am afraid that he has to help him to calculate his position. After he has calculated his position, he has no incentive to live.

Qin Haoxuan wrapped an eye with aura, and led by Meng Zhong Laozu, headed towards Yingling Mountain of Shenji Gate.

Today's glance is really too weak, so weak that it can't walk at all, no one takes him, he can't reach Yingling Mountain at all.

Shenjimen Yingling Mountain, where the dream machine is buried.

Xian Xian reached out his hands and gently explored the tomb of Meng Jizi. The rules of the Shenji Gate, within three years after death, could not be established. The monument could not be established until three years later.

In his mouth, he kept repeating a sentence: "Old guy, I came to see you, ready to drink, I will accompany you in a moment ..."

The voice fell, he was sitting dead.

"He always believed that he killed his best old friend. Maybe for him, maybe he was the only one who died." Qin Haoxuan sighed and looked at Meng Zhong Laozu said: "The dream machine is him The best old friend, I think, he wants to be buried here too. I have a heartless request, I want to bury him in this heroic mountain. "

Qin Haoxuan said, after a slight pause, he said: "I know, he is not the person of your God's machine door, it can't be buried here, it's just ..." He knows that if you change to someone else, you must bury it here Yingling Mountain at Shenji Gate is a dream, but a glance ...

"I can understand." Meng Zhong's ancestor said in a low voice: "Actually, a glance can't be buried in the Yingling Mountain of our **** machine gate, he is not a **** machine gate person. But there are exceptions to everything, and a glance immortal has helped many times Our **** machine door.

However, this matter is not for me alone. I need to summon the elders in this matter to discuss together and try to do it as perfect as possible. "Ancestor Meng Zhong looked at Qin Haoxuan and said:" Ancestor Qin, you've been looking for the beginning, I will handle this matter. "

"That's the trouble for Daozhong Zhongmeng." Qin Haoxuan said goodbye to the ancestors of Mengzhong Zhong, and took a glance at the Tuo Ying Taoism left by the immortal and entered the spirit.

Soon, where he was, he appeared in his sight.

"Heavenly sea? It's over there!"

Qin Haoxuan confirmed where he was at the beginning of the day, quickly got up and cast his wings to cover the sky, galloped all the way, and flew towards the sea of ​​sky and desert at the fastest speed.

At the time, when he was still very weak, he still spent a long time in this barren sea.

In the endless sea, in the endless sea, a few siren shuttled over the sea, it seemed to be looking for something.

Suddenly, a Kraken turned his head to look at the rapidly flying man, and there was a look of memory on his face: "This man looks a little familiar ... It is him, that guy named Qin Haoxuan, did he come? He fulfilled the Lord's request? "

"A few of you, wait here, watch the human being, and I will go back to report to the Lord." I also said a few words, and left immediately, but I met a few Krakens to get up quickly.

Qin Haoxuan's current practice is that he has heard the voice of the Kraken's communication incomparably clear. He simply stopped on the surface of the sea. At that time, he met a guy who was known as the Devil King.

The Siren went to inform him.

The devil, who has endless years here, is very familiar with this place, but it is just that he can take him to find the graveyard of the first round of ancient and modern Huixian.

Qin Haoxuan was above the sea, waiting for a short time, a familiar breath appeared from a distance, rushing towards him at a very fast speed.

In less than half a year of incense sticks, the master of the breath appeared in front of him.

"We meet again. I'm really sorry I really forgot the number of demon kings." Qin Haoxuan looked at each other and said the truth, he really forgot, the other party is the number of demon kings.

As soon as the voice fell, the little demon around all of them shouted, "Bold!"


"Go to death, dare to offend the Lord!"

"It's okay ..." The unknown devil waved his hand, beckoning the sea monsters to shut up. His whole body was shrouded in darkness. The sound came, but it seemed to come from the distant sky, and it seemed to come from the deep sea From below, full of mystery and majesty.

"This Demon King has improved a lot over the years, and now there are already four sea areas in the Tianhuang Sea, you call me the Four Seas Demon King."

The Four Seas Demon King looked at Qin Haoxuan floating above the sea freely, and looked at the other person's indifferent face, a anger rose in his heart. He is now the Four Seas Demon King, with a strong presence in four seas, it is the Tao Palace Of horror.

How dare this kid look at him in such an almost equal posture, no one has dared to look at him in this posture!

This kid, he's looking for death!

He is still useful to himself now, waiting for him to learn how to leave here, and then let him know that he offended the majestic end of a king who controlled four seas.

The Four Seas Demon King eagerly said: "You came back this time, but found a way to let me leave this sea area?"

"I don't know." Qin Haoxuan shook his head directly.

"What? You came back not to find a way to leave, specifically to tell Ben? Back then, Ben Wang helped you, now, you have not found a way to leave, and dare to come back here." The face of the Four Seas Demon King suddenly changed extremely It's ugly, with a terrible color on his face, and he is murderous. "Since I don't know, what is left for you, you can die!"

As the words fell, the four Taoist palaces behind him emerged, and the endless sea water swept down below, instantly freezing, condensing into a huge ice gun, and spurting into Qin Haoxuan's head.

He wanted to let the weak human in front of him know what offended.

The spear pierced, the temperature around him dropped sharply, and the bodies of the demon around them shivered.

Suddenly, behind Qin Haoxuan, six immortal palaces emerged. One of the fairy palaces is made up of three superimposed.

The mighty coercion swept all around.

All around, a sea monster under the pressure of unmatched pressure instantly bleeds to death.

In the air, the ice burst into the middle.

The Four Seas Demon King suddenly felt so horrible that he couldn't help but want the ups and downs of coercion to strike, his whole body, the blood flow stopped instantly, and he looked at Qin Haoxuan in front of him.


He was suppressed, by a human who was weak at first, he didn't even see in his eyes.

Six immortals, how many years have passed, how could he own six immortals?

How did he practice, how could he be so advanced?

Suppression, he was suppressed.

How difficult is repression, the other party just has two more houses than him, how did it be suppressed?

Is it because of the fairy palace?

Xiangong, UU reading That is a fairy only, how could he have a fairy palace?

The Four Seas Demon King is full of doubts and puzzles!

Qin Haoxuan easily suppressed the Four Seas Demon King, directly cast spells, enslaved the Four Seas Demon King, and headed towards the bottom of the sea.

The cemetery of the first Yin Yang fairy king in ancient and modern times lies in this seabed.

The four sea monsters headed all the way down the water, and the endless seawater around them separated automatically.

The pressure around him is getting bigger and bigger, and the speed of the Four Seas Demon King has begun to become slower and slower.

After about an hour, he stopped suddenly.

Below is full of appalling coercion, making it feel that as long as one point is advanced, it will fall into it, and he dare not advance one point at all.

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