Too Early

Chapter 1803: Yin Yang sword array shocking sword

In the sea water, the deeper the water pressure, the deeper, there are still living creatures, but just here, there is no living creature around.

"The front is too dangerous." Although the Four Seas Demon King was enslaved, he still had his own thinking. He looked at the front with horror, and his voice was full of trembling: "I once entered the bottom. Weak, at the time I followed a devil into the bottom.

The Demon King is extremely strong, even stronger than I am today. That is a Demon King with six Dao Palaces. In addition to him, there are two strong men in the Dao Palace Realm, one three Dao. One palace and two palaces. In addition, there are a few fairy babies, we entered the bottom together. "

The Four Seas Demon King seemed to recall the scene of terrible horror that day, his body shivered uncontrollably, palpitation: "We just entered below, and then, a sword flashed.

I couldn't see what kind of sword it was at all. I just felt that sword. It seemed that all the sea was cut, and the sword fell. All of us, except me, died.

That was the ancestors of the three Dao Palace Realm, as well as several fairy infant Dao Fruit Realm. As for me, I did n’t die, not for other reasons, but because I was too weak, so weak that Jianguang ignored me, so I survived. "

The Four Seas Demon King said while looking at Qin Haoxuan. His meaning was obvious. Once, like Qin Haoxuan, the strong man with the sixth house entered the bottom, but he didn't even have a chance to react. He was killed by a sword.

Although Qin Haoxuan's immortal palace is not Taoist palace, the result that can be entered below is probably the same.

As for him, he survived because he was too weak. Now he also has the existence of four Taoist palaces. The consequence of his going down must be death. He does n’t want to enter below.

"Less nonsense, move on." Qin Haoxuan looked down solemnly. He could feel the appalling coercion and the murderous sentiment underneath, but what happened?

He worked very hard, and even one eye fairy even exhausted Shouyuan to die before calculating his position. Finding the beginning is his greatest conviction, he must enter below!

The Four Seas Demon King is helpless, he never wants to enter the lower part again, but now he is enslaved, and Qin Haoxuan wants to enter the lower part.

He felt that the terrifying fear around him, like a sharp dagger, penetrated his body, and as he progressed, he punctured his heart inch by inch.

Closer, closer and closer to the terrible place of death ...

At this point, his speed of advance can almost be described by creeping.

Qin Haoxuan no longer ignored the Four Seas Demon King, and hurried down directly. When he arrived here, he did not need to let the Four Seas Demon King lead the way.

Seeing the figure of Qin Haoxuan advancing below, the Four Seas Demon King stayed in place, but his eyes showed a hot eye full of expectations. Qin Haoxuan entered below and will die!

That sword light is simply not what it should be in this world.

Qin Haoxuan is now the ancestor of Dao Palace Realm with six fairy palaces. There must be countless treasures on his body, not to mention his rapid breakthrough in a short period of time, he must have a great chance.

If he is dead, those chances, as well as his treasures, will be his own!

The Four Seas Devil looked at Qin Haoxuan, getting closer and closer to the place of death. His eyes became more and more heated. He had not cheated Qin Haoxuan before. Those people were really killed by a sword.

But he didn't say a word, that is, after those strong men died on that day, the treasures of the strong men and even the rough city were taken away by him.

He also used those treasures and heritage to grow up to the present level step by step.

Qin Haoxuan's forward figure finally stopped. In front of him, above the sea floor, a small hill appeared, and the mountain was full of swords with handles.

The swords seem to be laid out in disorder, but they are faint, but these swords are closely connected. Half of these swords are black, and the other half are white, which seems to be Yin and Yang, but they are not separated clearly. It's me in you, you in me, and yin and yang are in harmony.

The shocking sword spirit overflowed from this sword formation.

That appalling coercion and Sen Han's killing all came from this sword formation.

Qin Haoxuan looked at the large array in front of him with some headaches. This is obviously the first array of Yin and Yang fairy kings in ancient and modern times to prevent people from invading the cemetery.

His practice today is extremely high, but he really has not much research on the method of combat, and there is no way to crack the sword array in front of him.

The Four Seas Demon King looked at Qin Haoxuan who was staying outside the sword array far away. Do n’t you have to come down? How did I get to the place and stop pulling down instead?

Go ahead, keep going! Only when you continue to move forward can you trigger the sword array, and I can take away your chance and your treasure.

The Four Seas Demon King roared continuously, hoping that Qin Haoxuan would go one step further.

In the roar in his heart, behind the Qin Haoxuan, six immortal palaces emerged. Among the immortal palaces, immortal sounds lingered and immortal tumbling, the immortal trees underneath became forests, and the immortal palaces were guarded, like the dragon and phoenix in ancient rumors Shuttle in the forest.

Qin Haoxuan's breath of the whole person is constantly rising, the overflowing breath is turbulent, and the seawater around the volume is tumbling wildly, and a huge seawater vortex is formed around him. The seawater is turbulent, faint, and even has the potential of a tsunami. .

Around his body, all five bodies appeared, and then flew into the five fairy palaces, each guarding a fairy palace, and the book of heaven and earth flew into the three superimposed fairy palaces.

In his hand, the Dragon Scale Sword exudes golden brilliance, and the sounds of dragon chanting from the sword seem to be breaking out of the water.

A breath of unmatched breath spread continuously around.

The distance of the Four Seas Demon King is already very far, and even the body's blood and blood are rolled over by this terrifying breath, and even the soul is trembling.

This ... this is the combat strength of Qin Haoxuan?

Six fairy palaces? How can the six immortals be so strong?

He was fortunate enough to see an ancestor with eight Taoist palaces. It was the most powerful existence he had ever seen, but the momentum was far inferior to that of Qin Haoxuan.

Qin Haoxuan, is he really just six fairy palaces?

He suddenly exploded, is this about to break into the sword array?

The joyful expression on the face of the Four Seas Demon King could not be restrained. The stronger the Qin Haoxuan, the better. The stronger he is, the stronger the treasure left around the sword formation, the greater the treasure and chance he can get!

And now, he is about to break into battle!

After Qin Haoxuan's breath rose to the top, he took a step.

In one step, the sword moves!

At this moment, a sword sharpened upside down on the mountain shook at the same time. Above the countless swords, spurs of qi flew straight out, each containing yin and yang, converging in the seawater, condensing into a half-black and white-yin-yang sword.

Jianguang chopped out and spurred straight towards Qin Haoxuan.

For a time, the surrounding waters roared and oscillated frantically, the entire sea floor was frantically excited, the endless waters swept, and a tsunami broke out in the whole sea area.

Far away, the Four Seas Demon King only noticed the frantic scrolling of the seawater around him, causing his body to even spin uncontrollably.

A sword shocking.

Obviously in the deep sea, but at this moment, within the sea, the sun and moon rise together, the sun is the sun, and the moon is the yin.

The sun and moon are in the deep sea, the strange fusion, the yin and yang vigorous.

All the yin and yang qi in the whole world seem to merge into this sword.

Yin and Yang are chaotic.

And this sword, yin and yang converge, this time, there is a kind of apotheosis that is the most primitive. When the initial chaos is not divided, there is a faint atmosphere of chaos in the sword.

This piece of sea was instantly broken by this sword, and the sword rushed into the sky, piercing the sky, breaking the sky clouds, and shooting into the nine days.

Qin Haoxuan's body was surrounded by bright water, and under the overflowing breath of his body, he dispersed all the way and surged to both sides.

In his hand, the dragon-scale sword waved, facing the falling sword light full of yin and yang, and cut off with a sword.

In the deep sea, thirty-six sword lights emerged, converging into a huge sword plate.

In the sword plate, the rich reincarnation flow seems to be more endless than this side of the sea, seemingly endless.

The air of reincarnation adhered to the sword air and burst out. Wherever it passed, the sea water was suddenly unfolded, and the whole sea area was divided into two.

Yin and Yang Jianguang are approaching the extreme. Qin Haoxuan's sword has just been cut out. The terrifying Yin and Yang Jianguang has fallen and bombarded on Qin Haoxuan's dragon scale sword.

As if the terrifying power that can destroy one side of the world is rushing towards the surroundings, in the deep sea, the endless seawater is rushing upwards.

In the sea area controlled by the Four Seas Demon King, all the sea water rushed up in the sky, and the huge waves formed were like towering mountains and towering into the clouds.

Countless Krakens and fishes were shocked by the aftermath of the collision of these swords and burst out instantly.

The endless sea is stained with a blood-red color, and the blood is soaring into the sky.

The body of the Four Seas Demon King flew straight upwards, the blood and blood rolled inside, the robe on his body was completely broken, and the body of blood was blurred.

He was injured, but he was full of fear for the sword formation below. He stopped early, far away from the sword formation, but just like that, he was hit hard by watching the battle!

If he faced this sword directly, there would be no scum left!

Above the sea, everywhere in the waters, the devil looked at the area where the tsunami suddenly occurred, looked at the **** sea water that rushed to the sky, and the sky clouds were scattered, one by one.

In the nearest sea, the four demon kings flew out of the sea, looking at the crazy turbulent sea in the distance. One of the graceful and charming women, stretched out her hand to cover her chest. The former pair of huge white tenders exaggerated: "This ... scared the slave's house, the sea suddenly had a tsunami, what happened?"

"That's the area under the control of the Four Seas Demon King. Okay today, we are here, but he hasn't arrived yet. I'm afraid this is the reason."

"That blow, what kind of attack could it cause ... The Four Seas Demon King, what opponent did he meet?"

Among the four Sea Demon Kings, one is full of arrogance, looks the youngest, and the man in a gorgeous robe said: "Want to know what happened and go and find out."

"Go over there? Do you want to die?" Among the four Sea Demon Kings, the oldest Sea Demon King looked at the distance with horror and anxiously said: "That kind of power With a blow, is that the strong who waits for me to be able to confront?

If the other party is the one who is waiting to kill, all of us will die in it. This blow, this kind of power, who can stop us? "

"The other party may be a killer, but it is clearly someone who is fighting it. Maybe both sides of the battle are hit hard, and we can find it cheap.

Or ... The warring parties are not humans at all, and the blow was not cut by humans. Whether this king is going or not, in short, this king is going to find out. Said the ridiculous Sea Demon King, got up and flew towards the turbulent sea. Aside, another Sea Demon King also quickly caught up.

The charming female Sea Demon King also followed, but before leaving, she left a message to the old Sea Demon King: "Do n’t forget, what is in the sea area where the Four Seas Demon King is. How did he rise back then? Although he did n’t say it, is it not clear to you? "

"Sword Array ... It was that Sword Array launched again! Yes, in the breath from afar, there is a strong sword qi, it is a Sword Array! A strong man broke into the Sword Array. If the strong man dies Is n’t the leftover treasure cheaper than the Four Seas Demon King. "The old Sea Demon King reacted and quickly caught up.

They and the Four Seas Demon King were the Sea Demon Kings who controlled a sea area, but later, the Four Seas Demon King became more and more advanced, and eventually surpassed the four of them to conquer four sea areas and claimed to be the Four Seas Demon King.

The four of them are also respected by the Four Seas Demon King, without it, because the Four Seas Demon King is stronger than them.

The reason why the four of them are now Sea Demon Kings, each controlling a sea area, is because the four of them are tightly united together. If the Four Seas Demon King takes action against one of them, it will definitely attract the other three demon kings to fight back together.

But if the Four Seas Demon King can obtain treasures and obtain the legacy of the strong, I am afraid that the Four Seas Demon King will really become the Five Seas Demon King and the Six Seas Demon King.

Let the four sea monsters recruit masters, and the four of them are really dangerous.

Never let the Four Seas Demon King get treasures again, great chance!

The four sea monsters flew away quickly.

In the turbulent sea, Qin Haoxuan blocked a terrifying sword, and suddenly felt that on the dragon-scale sword in his hand, an amazing anti-shock force came, and he rushed into his body along his arm.

The purest power of Yin and Yang, shocked and violently shaken in the body, his veins were broken, his internal organs were broken, and the palace shook.

There are even more scattered small swords tearing apart his flesh, but for a moment, his body has become a blur of flesh and blood.

Today, he is already the top power in the world, the master who once entered the three lists, and he was cut by his sword.

But now, what he is facing is only a sword array made after the death of the first Yin and Yang fairy king in ancient and modern years. It is not the fairy king's own hands, and he will be injured if he blocks this sword.

He is really too much away from the fairy king.

He finally realized that there was a huge gap between him and the fairy king.

In the distance, the Four Seas Demon King looked at Qin Haoxuan, who had not died under this sword, his eyes widened with surprise, he blocked!

He actually blocked this extremely terrifying sword, and the demon king he followed once also existed in the six Taoist palaces! There were two other ancestors in the Taoist realm, but under this sword, they had no chance of resistance, and they were killed.

Qin Haoxuan actually blocked this sword, what is the ancestor of the Sixth Palace!


The Four Seas Devil stared at Qin Haoxuan, whose blood and flesh were blurred, and he kept judging in his heart. Now that Qin Haoxuan blocked that sword, he should have been hit hard. How much power does he have? If you start this time, can you kill him?

Suddenly, in his sight, Qin Haoxuan's side, there were five more avatars, and the power of reincarnation circulated above him and each avatar. Qin Haoxuan's injury was repaired at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, but he turned In a short period of time, his body seemed to be recovering.

This ... special, is this still human?

The Four Seas Demon King scolded in his heart, but he was secretly thankful. Fortunately, he waited for a moment, and he didn't rush up immediately, otherwise he would definitely die.

Qin Haoxuan's broken body has been restored as before, but his body is still burned by the yin and yang qi. How is the law of the fairy king so easy to repair!

He did not hurry to approach the sword array anymore, but watched the sword array from afar.

Slowly, he discovered that the sword array seemed to be chaotic, but it still had a center, and at the center, a yin and yang sword gas slowly turned to produce infinite sword gas.

That is where the array of eyes lies, and the key to the sword array. If you break the yin and yang, you can break the sword array!

There was another surge of water around the sea, and the four demon kings had arrived. They fell around the four sea demon kings, but their eyes fell on the distant Qin Haoxuan, looking at the unharmed figure one by one.

What happened, it was not someone who broke into the sword array? Why can't I see the dead body here? The body was strangled into powder by the sword array?

But why is there a person in front of the sword array? What does that person do?

In the eyes of everyone's doubts, in their sight, the strange figure moved again.

Qin Haoxuan took another step forward.

He was reluctant, he tried everything he could, and finally knew where the Taichu was, but now Taichu was in front, but he was stopped here!

His body was radiant and his breath climbed wildly, and the surrounding seawater rolled up wildly.

In the distance, the four Sea Demon Kings who had just arrived were shocked.

"This breath ... a strong breath!"

"It was the breath contained in the outbreak of sword energy before, it was him, and it was him who broke into the sword array before!"

"He ... he broke into the sword array and survived, but he was still safe. He completely blocked the sword array?"

Listening to the exclamation of everyone, the Four Seas Demon said softly: "No, he blocked the sword array, but he did not completely block the sword array. He was injured, but his injuries were all repaired."

As his words fell, Qin Haoxuan was already one step into the sword formation.

Qin Haoxuan clearly saw that in the center of the sword array, the originally slowly rotating yin and yang swiftly turned up instantly, and the full mountain sword shook, and the terrifying sword was reproduced!

One sword fell, the sea was rolling wildly all day, one sword flew off, breaking the endless sea water.

Among the six immortal palaces behind Qin Haoxuan, the immortal spirit was magnificent, and the reincarnation sword plate waved out again.

Resist this amazing sword.

After a sword passed, his body was shaken backwards. In the sword formation, another sword flew out, not weaker than the previous sword.

Qin Haoxuan couldn't gather his energy like before, under the tumult of Qi and blood in his body, in a hurry, a bronze bell appeared in front of him.

Town demon bell.

As soon as the town demon bell appeared,

The surrounding space immediately shook wildly. Outside the sea water, above the sky, the clouds rolled wildly, and the sky and earth seemed to be turned upside down, faintly, and even the robbery clouds gathered in the sky.

Between heaven and earth, the vision appeared.

The blazing sun hung high above the sky, and the light and dark of this moment changed as if it was about to disappear, and behind the blazing sun, the image of the moon became a fairy.

Above the sea, huge waves swept up and rushed straight into the sky, like dragons flying from the deep sea.

In the endless sea water, all the aura sinks, and then shakes frantically. They seem to want to push the town demon bell out of this world. A force of repulsion arises between heaven and earth, repelling outward, suppressing copper bell.

Even today he, who is recognized by the way of heaven and earth, displays the fairy fairy bells and displays such real fairy tools, and will still be rejected by the power of heaven and earth.

After the Zhenyao Bell emerged, it quickly became larger and enveloped the entire Qin Haoxuan.

At the next moment, Yin and Yang sword qi struck and fell on the copper bell.

The sound of a metal collision came out, and the whole sea area burst into bursts in this huge sound, the sound waves slammed around, rolling up the deep sea vortices.

Above the town demon bell, the bronze light was shining, and above the two bells, the words "钅" and "Big" appeared.

A pure immortal gas flowed out of the Zhenyao Bell.

"Xianqi, this is a real fairy, he has a real fairy!"

In the distance, the five demon kings and five people felt from afar that the heaven and the earth repelled the bronze bell, and among the bronze bells, the pure immortal artifacts gushing in the eyes.

They even saw a real fairy, a fairy that should not exist in their world!

At the next moment, endless sounds swelled from the town demon bell and came from afar.

Suddenly, the blood and blood in their bodies were boiling, and their ears were painful. Among them, the charming devil, there was blood flowing out of both ears.

She was only affected from afar, and when she heard the sound of the brass bell, her eardrum was actually broken!

She is an ancestor of Dao Palace Realm!

Zhenyao Ling is a real fairy. Although incomplete, it is also a fairy.

But under this sword, Zhen Yaoling was flicked out, and the sword gas was weakened by a large half, but it fell on Qin Haoxuan, still blasting his body, and Yin Hong ’s blood was red Around the sea water, he could see the bones in front of his chest.

The sword array is flying two swords in a row, but the sword array has not stopped, and another sword is flying out of the sword array.

The third sword, this sword, is stronger than the first sword and the second sword!

Qin Haoxuan felt a sudden sense of coercion, and a sense of crisis rose from his heart.

This sword can endanger his life!

Behind him, six celestial palaces surging wildly flew to his front, blocking him behind.

In the heart demon fairy palace, a black breath flew out like lightning.


Everything has spirits, and spirits have demons.

The robbery clouds have demons, not to mention sword arrays!

The heart demon flew out, and flew towards the sword qi, but above the sword array, the yin and yang qi solidified, just like the substance. All the fine breath fell into the sword array, but it was instantly crushed by the Yin and Yang sword qi and completely dissipated.

The demons cannot break through!

The mighty sword fell, and the blood in Qin Haoxuan's body was like a galloping horse, climbing wildly, his whole person's spirit and spirit, at this moment of incomparable concentration, in his eyes, in this world, there was only a sword that was on the face. .


Qin Haoxuan struck out with a sword, at this moment, his whole sword's intention, there was a vague breakthrough!

The samsara reincarnation reappears as if in this world, he seems to be one with the seawater of this side, and the heaven and earth that contain the sky and sea.

At this moment, even the power of heaven and earth poured into his body, and he will kill this sword with him!

But the power of this sword is too scary.

In the entire sky and sea, all the yin and yang qi seemed to be evacuated in an instant, all condensed into this sword.

One sword falls, the yin and yang are combined, and the world is divided!

The golden light of the reincarnation sword plate dimmed in an instant. The entire world, the entire sky and sea, there were only two colors at this moment, black and white.

In the Heart Demon Immortal Palace, the Book of Heaven and Earth shouted wildly: "Dead, dead, dying. This time I will be killed by this Han Han, and the Immortal King Sword Array will dare to enter! The powerful fairy king is still two fairy kings! "

The whole book of heaven and earth shook madly, and on top of the scrolls, pictures appeared one after another. At this moment, it presented all the pictures on it, and fell down towards the falling sword below.

Peerless fierce tiger shadow, divine dragon shadow, dazzling sword, senhan spear, unextinguished fire ...

In this blow, it exerts its full power, which is the first time it has done so since its birth.

Without blocking this sword, it will die!

Countless phantoms emerge, and every phantom is terrifying, but useless!

The sword of Yin and Yang fell, and all the ghosts were broken!

Magnificent and unmatched, the endless sword blast hit Qin Haoxuan.

At this moment, Qin Haoxuan even felt a sense of death.

His body burst, and the whole person flew backwards.

The endless seawater is impacted by the sky, and the sea even forms a huge vacuum, as if it is a huge pit.

Qin Haoxuan's body flew back out into the sea when the sea broke.

In the distance, the demon kings such as the Four Seas Demon King were even struck by the aftermath of the sword energy. They looked pale, spit blood, and flew backwards. They were also shocked out of the sea.

Above the sea, it was dyed blood red.

At a glance, above the surface of the sea, there are fishes and corpses of siren floating.

Not only this sea area, but all the weak sea monsters and fishes under this sword were killed in the surrounding sea area!

Qin Haoxuan was like a driftwood with his back facing down, floating above the sea, coughing up blood.

The sword just before was terrifying.

Many people say that his sword is the most terrifying sword they have ever seen.

But this time, he saw the most horrible sword in his life.

If it was n’t the last moment in life ’s critical moment, his swordsmanship made a vague breakthrough. If it were n’t, the Book of Heaven and Earth, at the last moment, exploded with amazing power, helping him weaken the power of that sword. Now!

This is just the sword of the sword array left by the first king of Yin and Yang in ancient and modern times. It is the sword that the sword array wielded after not knowing how many years have passed.

If it were the real fairy king who cast this sword, he would have no way to survive.

Under his sword, his soul and mindfulness were almost destroyed. Now, he can hardly feel the existence of the book of heaven and earth in his body. He can only open his mouth and ask: "You ... you Okay, you should ignore it in my Taoist palace. "

"Laozi, I'm in a loss ... I don't want to talk, just ignore me and let me sleep." After the book of heaven and earth made a very weak voice, there was no movement immediately.

That blow directly hollowed it out. It was about to take a break. It forgot how long it hadn't taken a break. Anyway, it took many years. It was good to rest and sleep.

But at the thought of it consuming so much, I don't know how long it will take to recover, and it finds that it can't sleep at all.

How did it find such a Hanhan master!

It's so mad!

Above the sea, even if the Four Seas Demon King watched the battle from afar, he still suffered a lot of injuries. His face was pale, and his face returned to blood for a while.

The five of them gathered, and their eyes fell upon the figure that fell on the sea, and their eyes were full of greed and cruelty.

Before those three swords, they have already felt the horror of this human being!

None of the strong men they have seen can be compared with the human beings in front of them.

What horror was the last sword, and the endless sky and sea under it seemed to be destroyed. But this man, he survived.

This person is definitely the most top-notch existence in the world.

But now, this person has been hit hard and is on the verge of death.

Although the five of them were under the sword of Fang Cai, they were also injured one after another. However, compared to the other party, what kind of injury did they receive?

Even though they are the ancestors of the Taoist palace, in this barren sea, it is not common to see such top characters. Now, they have the opportunity to kill this person!

If you kill him, they can get all the treasures of this person, get the inheritance of this person, and get the real fairy!

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