Too Early

Vol 2 Chapter 1596: Old people see more tears than words

  Qin Haoxuan

   These three words are almost synonymous with ‘Peerless Giant’ for the entire Xiuxian Realm.

   To the beginning of today, everyone has heard these three words, and more than once.

   For many first-timers, these three words are a'legend'.

   For some people, these three words are a kind of ‘faith’

  Whether it is a legend or a belief, these three words are almost equivalent to ‘Xianlie’ for them.

  Although there was no Qin Haoxuan's heroic ranking on the "Eng Ling Mountain" in the early days, everyone believed that it was just the waywardness of teaching the real person, and the deputy leader teaching the real person was not willing to admit that his love had died.

Therefore, almost no one would ever think that one day... The legendary character who should have died in the last battle of the annihilation of the religion, Qin Haoxuan, the vice-president, will appear in front of them lively, and will appear in this inaccessible. Among the fairy tombs.

Seven disciples from Shoushan stayed in the same place for a while. They all saw the legendary portrait of Qin Haoxuan many times. Compared with the portrait, the person in front of him had a little more vicissitudes in the eyebrows than in the portrait. Except for sharpness, it is exactly the same as the portrait.

  Qin Haoxuan stood quietly, watching.

   can talk and laugh with the fairy king II body, and he has the courage to carry the sword to kill the fairy king II body. I don't know how to go home, just standing in front of the house.

"Are you going to make the incident of going home a lot? Let everyone welcome you?" Xiao snake connected Qin Haoxuan's consciousness and said, "If not, you don't have to hurry up to stop the next steps of these seven silly birds action?"

Seven disciples of Shoushan also reacted at this time. They can persistently find the early princes in the Tomb of the Immortal King, or they are the people of the early prince’s own family, or the Puguang Pavilion, a **** who should have been beaten by thunder and thunder. People in Shanghai University.

  Like the portrait, there is a hybrid Tissot in the hand, it really does not look like the opposite!

   This situation seems to need to be reported?

  Qin Haoxuan heard the words of Xiao Snake, and also saw the changes in the expressions on the faces of the seven Shoushan disciples. He quickly raised his hand and said: "Don't alarm too many people, go find Zhang Kuang or Xu Yu, or else follow Yi Lan..."


   A scream of excitement that pierced the sky suddenly sounded from inside the mountain gate. Before the seven Shoushan disciples reacted, a golden light flew out of the mountain gate straight into Qin Haoxuan's chest.

   This golden light is too big, far larger than Qin Haoxuan himself. A strong wind caused a strong wind to blow the surrounding dust off the ground.


  Qin Haoxuan saw that Jin Guang was throbbing, and opened his arms to catch the rushing Xiao Jin, but he did not expect that the little monkey that had not been seen for many years is now a tall and sturdy man. Where is the little monkey that was held in his arms?

   Nowadays, Qin Haoxuan is already embraced by Xiao Jin.

Xiaojin put Qin Haoxuan in his arms hard, and he was already able to speak eloquently. He didn't open his mouth to speak. His two long arms slapped Qin Haoxuan violently and quickly. His big pair of smart eyes were all misty water. He held Qin Haoxuan in his arms. Here, he kept looking at Qin Haoxuan from side to side, and finally he had to put his golden head in Qin Haoxuan's arms.

  The seven people who guarded the mountain gate stared blankly at what was happening in front of them. The early Zhenshan beast... It was a monkey fairy who had to be respectful and respectful when the lawless host saw it. Today is...

Standing behind the seven guardians are a group of monkeys and more than a hundred disciples. Everyone is going to go to the origin with the monkey fairy to experience. How did this just come down the mountain... In the weekdays, I see everyone who is too lazy to take care of him. , Now acting like

   Qin Haoxuan never thought that the first thing he would see when he returned to the beginning was Xiao Jin. His previous tension also disappeared as Xiao Jin's fierce bump and smash hit the smoke. He raised his hand and stroked Xiao Jin's head that was arching into his arms.

   "Xiaojin, you are so grown..."

  Qin Haoxuan couldn't help expressing emotions, where can he see a trace of the little monkey bullied by the monkeys?

   "Master... I am Xiaojin..."

   Xiaojin took his head and arched Qin Haoxuan's chest, while opening his mouth to respond to Qin Haoxuan: "Master, where have you been? How did you get in? This is the Tomb of the Immortal King..."

  Qin Haoxuan felt that the clothes on his chest were wet with Xiaojin's tears, and listened to Xiaojin's question like a cannon. He sighed and replied: "There are too many things, it's hard to say a word."

"It's okay, let's go home and say..." Xiaojin's body shrank quickly, and in a blink of an eye Kung Fu had become the size when he first saw Qin Haoxuan. Two monkey arm rings hung on Qin Haoxuan's neck. The whole monkey Hanging on Qin Haoxuan's body is like a large pendant jewelry.

Seven disciples of Shoushan saw Qin Haoxuan walked toward the mountain gate with the pendant Xiaojin, and subconsciously gave way to both sides. This was certified by the Zhenshan God Beast personally, certainly it would not be a fake, the legendary legendary deputy Teaching, suddenly appeared like this.

   Among the dozen or so huge white apes, there were those who spent the same day with Xiaojin at the beginning of the day. When they saw Qin Haoxuan coming back, they had already retreated to both sides of the road.

At the moment, the early disciples awoke from the shock and quickly knelt down on both sides of the road. Although under the leadership of Zhang Kuang, who is now the educator, he did not pay much attention to this rule of salute to elders, but everyone knows When encountering major events, you still have to show enough respect.

   "Get up and keep busy with you." Qin Haoxuan raised his hands to support the kneeling crowd and the white ape, and walked straight to the fairy cloud car not far from the mountain gate.

"Let's go back first, go back to the origin and discuss with the deputy deputy chief Zhang Jiao." Xiao Jin finished talking to the people standing on both sides of the road, and then looked up at Qin Haoxuan and said: "Master Master , Xiaojin can already speak out."

"Awesome, Xiaojin is getting better and better." Qin Haoxuan had heard from Tian Yu about Xiaojin's refining of his throat bones, and he could say things eloquently. Naturally, he would not be surprised, but he was only in his head. Stroking back and forth.

   The disciples standing on both sides felt their life was subverted at this moment. The Golden God Beast saw the ruthless monkey fairy who nodded his head when he saw the real person, and now he is like a child who is inviting pets to Qin Vice Qin? This... is too ruined!

  The white ape has already had a very high level of intelligence. Seeing the appearance of Xiao Jin, he also sighed in his heart. It has been so happy not to see the golden boss for many years! These elder bosses are almost murderous all the time, all day long thinking is to leave here to exterminate Pu Guang, and go to the vice director Qin.

Qin Haoxuan stepped on the Xianyun car in one step, Xiaojin dropped his eyes, and a white ape immediately ran on the Xianyun car and started driving the Xianyun car, and Xiaojin himself was still hanging on Qin Haoxuan like a pendant. There is no meaning to come down.

"Master, are we at Taichu Mountain occupied by the gang of grandchildren at Puguang Pavilion? You have suffered outside these years. We have developed well here at the beginning. Brothers who passed the old natural hall of the Tomb of the Immortal King, now They were all true backbones in the early days. Zhang Kuang also used them as the core to make a decisive team, called the Pupu team..."

  Qin Haoxuan sat in the car and looked at Xiao Jin with a thankful look. If it had suddenly appeared, he might feel nervous now, but now he was noisy by this communication, instead he was less nervous.

   "Too early or too early, but Pu Guang is still..." Qin Haoxuan stroked Xiao Jin's head and told him about his outside. The slightly tense mood gradually subsided with the story.

   "Master, let's go to meet Zhang Kuang first, the hostess is still closed..."

  Qin Haoxuan froze for a moment, only to realize that Xiao Jin said that the hostess was Xu Yu, and nodded quickly and said, "Alright..."

   "Mr. Jin, didn't you lead the team out to the origin?"

   There was a loud calling question from the bottom of the Xianyun car, which caused Qin Haoxuan to look down at the situation below, and found that the person leading below was wearing a very familiar gown.

   Although the man in the gown was born a little, but this gown should be enough for Qin Haoxuan's memory of the early days, which is enough to rank in the top ten, Gu Yunzi!

   When Qin Haoxuan had just entered the early days, he was almost tossed by the host to lose his life for the sake of the ancient Yunzi gray seed disciples.

  Although the person in clothes is no longer the old man in the past, he still recognizes the clothes...


The man on the ground was looking up at the sky, but just wanted to say hello to Xiao Jin passing by, but when he saw the face of the person looking down from the probe in the fairy cloud car, he was stunned, then his eyes were wet, Immediately afterwards, he knelt down directly on the ground and banged his head.

   Ten disciples who followed the Lord Gu Yuntang saw this scene also stunned. Why did the Lord Lord suddenly give the sky monkey head? Although Zhenshan God Beast is very unusual, but you are the host! Moreover, you, the host, have the anti-nature qualities that other hosts do not have-Purple Seed!

   "Master, this is the host of Gu Yuntang, do you still remember him? At that time, you had more purple seeds of Li Jing, and later changed to him..."

  Qin Haoxuan listened to Xiaojin's introduction and suddenly remembered who the other party was! In my heart again, I never thought that after so many years, the little fart boy was now the host of Gu Yuntang.

   "Let's go down..." Qin Haoxuan asked the white ape to land the Xianyun car slowly.

  Gu Yunzi saw that Qin Haoxuan had fallen down, and he kowtowed faster. He even forgot to let the people beside him kneel down together.

   "Don't knock, let's talk."

Qin Haoxuan raised his hand to support people. Gu Yunzi's face could not tell which was tears and which was blood. He just did not protect his head with the kowtow, but he forgot or deliberately failed, Gu Yunzi himself Can't tell.

   "Old... Old host..."

Gu Yunzi's voice trembles, his lips twitching, his hands trembling to grab Qin Haoxuan's arms, he is afraid that this is a dream, he is afraid that he is disturbed by the devil, he is afraid of what he sees Not true, he tried hard to see the people in front of him, but he was blocked by the tears in his eyes.

  Gu Yunzi wanted to speak, but knew what to say. He grabbed Qin Haoxuan's arms, and moved his legs forward like a lead.

  Qin Haoxuan raised his hand and wiped the tears in Gu Yunzi's eyes, and said softly, "Boy, it's been a long time."

A child, a long time no see, so that Gu Yunzi can no longer control his emotions, wow, crying directly, he buried his head on the shoulder of Qin Haoxuan: "The host... the host... the old host" ...You can come can come back..."

  Qin Haoxuan raised his hand and gently patted Gu Yunzi's back head, responding softly: "I'm back, I'm back..."

  Students who stood by on the side of the dumb, reacted at this moment, after all, the word old host had only two people in the mouth of the host, one was the ancient host of the ancient cloud, and the other was Qin Haoxuan, the vice-president of the rumor.

   The person in front of him is obviously not the old host of the previous generation of Gu Yuntang, so it can only be the legend in the legend!

   Ten disciples knelt down on the floor properly, took their eyes and tried to sneak a peek at Qin Haoxuan, and wanted to see this legendary legend.

   For the newcomers in the early days, the name Qin Haoxuan is a legend, but it won't make them feel too close and awe, because... that's a thing of the past.

   They will respect this person from the heart for the survival of the early days, and actively leave a legend against Pu Guang, but his ideas and emotions are very different from the old people.

   Gu Yunzi cried for a long time before he could stop most of his emotions... he was somewhat helpless to withdraw from Qin Haoxuan's arms, he wanted to talk and didn't know what to say... too much to say.

"I just came back, and Xiaojin met him at the gate of the mountain, and he asked me to take me up." Qin Haoxuan used his power to pull up the ten kneeling disciples: "You are going with these children where?"

"Old Master, I took them to the Pu team to participate in an assessment..." Gu Yunzi scratched his head a little embarrassedly: "You may not know that the Pu team is too difficult to enter. These two years Gu Yuntang didn't enter any of the exams. I didn't want to see if I could sell a face. Anyway, I would accept one. If I was discharged after practicing for a while, I recognized it..."

   "The development of Gu Yuntang has not been smooth in the past two years?" Qin Haoxuan was a little curious.

  Gu Yunzi was stunned by Qin Haoxuan's question. In the past two years, Gu Yuntang was flourishing and prosperous. How could the old host have such doubts?

  Qin Haoxuan was a bit puzzled when he saw Gu Yunzi's expression, and quickly said: "No one has been admitted to the Pupu team in two years. It doesn't look like it looks like a good development..."

Gu Yunzi immediately showed a relaxed smile: "Old Hall Master, the other several halls are not better than my Gu Yuntang. The main reason is that this team is too difficult to evaluate. The old foundation you left back then started to start one by one. Ruthless... don’t you know..."

   Qin Haoxuan also immediately understood that the gang of gangsters... The "root of disease" left when he was specially trained in the tomb of the fairy king, it seems that it is not good today.

"Old Master..." The tears in Gu Yunzi's eyes hadn't disappeared yet, and his eyes had turned around dizzily: "Look, you are all back, and happened to be hit by the disciples. Fate..."

  Qin Haoxuan is also a ‘old man’, and looking at this Gu Yunzi, who is clearly displayed in ‘coquettishness,’ he shows a helpless smile: “Don’t go around the corner, why do you want to talk straight.”

"Is it good for the old host to go with the disciples to the team?" Gu Yunzi stared at Qin Haoxuan with his eyes full of anticipation: "Those old brothers must want to die you, if they can see you, they must be happy. Now..."

   "While they are happy? Have you taken these children with you?" Qin Haoxuan directly pointed out Gu Yunzi's careful Yeah yeah. "Gu Yunzi didn't mean to cover up at all. He nodded quickly and quickly: "The disciples depend on your old man..."

   "Even if it is included, if I can't keep up, I'm afraid I will be kicked out in a few days?" Qin Haoxuan persuaded Gu Yunzi, who was looking forward to his expression: "If you want to come to the bastards, you should be very strict..."

"Then I was trained for some time anyway." Gu Yunzi anxiously scratched his head again and again: "The old host, tossed about by them, is also a good experience for these children, even if they are kicked out in the future and destroyed. Pu Guang will be able to exert more energy on that day."

  The moment Gu Yunzi said that Puguang was extinguished, there was no longer the previous coquettishness in his face and words. Instead, it was a bitter bitter hatred.

  Qin Haoxuan sighed. A purple seed Tianjiao personally gave it to him, and he may not be able to sell his face. The gangs of the Pupu team seem to be doing quite well.

   "Please help me to teach!"

   Ten disciples knelt down again and knelt down again.

   Qin Haoxuan nodded happily. At the beginning, even the disciples who had not gone through the battle of extermination, the seeds of extermination of Puguang were deeply planted in their hearts.

   "Okay, let's go to the Pu team first..."


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