Too Early

Vol 2 Chapter 1603: Invincible person invincible

Ever since the Taiyuan suffered the Pu Guang war of annihilation, and the survivors came to the Tomb of the Immortal King, Zhang Kuang became the pillar of Qingtian God, Qin Haoxuan became the spiritual sustenance of the old lady, and Xu Yu... It can be said that it almost became the general existence of the entire early mother.

   On weekdays, Zhang Kuan is responsible for the entire Taiyuan's operation. Xu Yu is more like a transparent person, but in the early days, no one ever regarded her as a transparent person, nor dared to treat her as a transparent person.

   is Zhang Kuang, and he is extremely respectful to Xu Yu, because in the early era of wasteland, he protected the Taichu people, and almost every old lady had received her care and favor.

  Xiao Jin let Xu Yu know this, not only was Qin Yilan having a headache, but even Zhang Kuang felt a little stressed. He also didn't want to face the deputy master.

   "Elder Jin, I don't think it's necessary to tell Vice-President Xu about this matter." Zhang Kuang said, "There is already a Deputy-President and a Deputy-President here. How can this matter be handled badly?"

  Qin Haoxuan feels Zhang Kuang just seemed to be a little counseling? Previously, Zhang Kuang was in the same position, it seems that Xu Yu was very prosperous in his early years.

   "Xiaojin, you don't have to mess up." Qin Haoxuan agreed with Zhang Kuang's call. How to face Xu Yu hadn't figured it out yet. In this case, it didn't seem to be the best state to meet.

Seeing Qin Haoxuan's reaction, Zhang Kuang felt a little satisfaction in his eyes and sighed in his heart: Qin Haoxuan seems to have matured a lot in the past years, and finally, unlike when he was facing himself in the beginning, he always had to rely on women Xu Yu.

  Qin Haoxuan didn't know why Zhang Kuang had a soothing expression on his face. If he knew what he was thinking, he might be able to sway his nose with fear.

   "I was just kidding."

   Xiaojin's words gave Qin Yilan a feeling of being alive again, fighting or not... even if he was punished, it would be fine, as long as she didn't let her mother know...

Qin Yilan gave Qin Haoxuan a nod of thanks. Just now his father also supported the opinion of his uncle. If he did not support it, Uncle Jin might actually go to find his mother. After all, Uncle Jin is the entire beginning. Rarely do not fear the "people" of the righteous father.

  Qin Haoxuan saw Qin Yilan's gratitude and nodded, and knew that he wanted to make the other person intimate with himself immediately.

   Huang Longfeng returned to the original awkward state last time, and everyone was silent.

  Xiaojin patted his paw and said, "Okay, don't be stunned. Everyone will sit down and talk back. Let's deal with the fight first."

   Qin Haoxuan quickly withdrew his thoughts and looked at Zhang Kuang. At the beginning of the seventh son, a peeking Zhang Kuang appeared in awe on his face. Only Qin Yilan stood there indifferently.

   "Yeah, I heard that you are fighting. It seems that the trouble is still very serious?" Qin Haoxuan began to speak, glancing at Qin Yilan and Taichu Qizi.

   In the early seventh son, he felt that Qin Haoxuan's eyes were even more depressed, what is the good life of Qin Yilan! Two colored fairy species, one is purple, one is about to be purple! On weekdays, he is also favored by his father and adults. In order to let him concentrate on his cultivation, even the matter of refining the magic weapon flying sword, the father and father himself took the time to refine for him.

  Now...the family's father is back! It's still too early to teach! The biological father and son who haven't seen for a long time will naturally be more intimate. No wonder that in the past conflicts, adults and fathers directly punished them without asking them indiscriminately, but they were called here today. It seems that today's punishment will be more serious than in the past.

   "It's nothing, they mistaken their children, I gave a guide." Qin Yilan gave an explanation that didn't care.

   "Guidance?" Qin Haoxuan frowned slightly, his eyes crossed across Qichu's face, and he felt a little more dissatisfied in his heart. What guidance is needed to swell the bruised face of the nose?

   "Qin Yilan! Where do we mistake our children..." The tallest person among the seven said immediately with dissatisfaction.

   "Humph!" Zhang Kuang snorted coldly, and the person who was just arguing closed his mouth immediately.

   Qin Haoxuan saw this scene even more frowning, what does it mean? Let only one party speak? Is the other party still unable to speak?

   "Since it was a wrong child..." Zhang Kuang took his eyes and swept his seventh son.

   "Teacher, is there such a treason?" Qin Haoxuan expressed his dissatisfaction: "Why don't you let people finish talking?"

   Zhang Kuang suddenly released that he didn't seem to look forward to Qin Haoxuan's return to the early days. This was just after he came back and jumped out of his fingers...

   "Well, what do you want to say? Say!" Zhang Kuang looked at his seven sons.

   At the beginning of the seventh son, seeing Zhang Kuang's attitude, especially when doing the word ‘say’, it was as if it hit the ground. Where did he dare to say something? After several people looked at each other, they lowered their heads.

  Qin Haoxuan found that these seven children were very pitiful, and his eyes were clearly dissatisfied with Qin Yilan, but even the explanation given by Zhang Kuang's words was gone, so what should I do? Zhang Kuang is too accustomed to Qin Yilan.

   "I don't know what happened to you before." Qin Haoxuan coughed and said, "But when I come back, I don't think it should be like this."

   "We have been like this for the past hundred years and have developed very well." Zhang Kuang knew that it was useless to Qin Haoxuan's roar, so he just said very calmly.

  Qin Haoxuan knew that it was useless to fight against the mouth, he beckoned to the seventh son of the early prince and said with a benevolent voice: "You come near me."

  The seven subconsciously looked up to see Zhang Kuang, but heard Qin Haoxuan continue to say: "Is it true that Zhang Jiao real people will not even oppose this?"

   Zhang Kuang frowned and nodded, looking at his son's eyes even more dissatisfied, he had just met here with Qin Haoxuan and hadn't talked too much yet, and was disturbed by these seven uneasy children.

   The early seventh son carefully approached Qin Haoxuan. Although they had just met, they approached Qin Haoxuan with an inexplicable feeling of intimacy and a sense of security. Although this kind of feeling can also be felt in his own mother, it is not as strong as the one in front of him.

   "Come on, please tell me something in detail." Qin Haoxuan said softly.

  Qin Yilan looked at all this with a cold face. His father, who hadn't seen for many years, is now very kind to the children of others, and he doesn't seem to believe his words!

   "Vice leader, disciple Zhang Yi..." talking to the person who just spoke before: "It is the leader of our brothers."

  Qin Haoxuan couldn't help but glanced at Zhang Kuang, these two shocks! Is the name so random? Boss called Zhang Yi? Is that second child called Zhang Er?

   "Vice leader, disciple Zhang San, the third among the brothers..."

  Qin Haoxuan is increasingly distressed by these seven children. Although the name is just a symbol for the people who cultivated immortals, it follows his life after all! If he gave Qin Yilan a name called Qin Yi, Xu Yu was afraid to make trouble with himself.

  Zhang Yi, Zhang San, Zhang Liu, Zhang Nine, Zhang Eleven, Zhang Thirteen, Zhang Seventeen.

   Obviously, this is a descendant of Zhang Kuang's seventeen sons who have the talent to cultivate immortals. I want other people to be either talented or not.

   Zhang Kuang wonders why Qin Haoxuan glanced at himself, why did the children report a name, he also has such a big opinion?

   "Several disciples developed a set of combined strike formation, and it happened that some disciples under the door wanted to learn, and we passed this formation to our disciples..."

   Qin Haoxuan only reflected that these children are small children in their own eyes, but now they are all masters.

   "As a result, Qin Hufa didn't know if it happened to be passing by, and it was a waste of time to tell my disciples and others to learn a useless combination of attacks..."

   Qin Haoxuan raised his eyebrows, if someone teaches freely and someone ran to say this, then it seems that he is smashing the scene! If someone sees an apprentice, if he sees it, no matter whether the other person is right or wrong, he will not step forward and talk like that. Instead, he will turn to the other party’s master and talk about his views. Qin Yi Lan is too reckless to do so.

   "I didn't want to have a dispute with him, so I changed places." Zhang San said: "As a result, Qin Hufa happened to pass by and said that again..."

   provocation? Find fault? on purpose? Qin Haoxuan generally understood that Qin Yilan was not passing by chance.

   "This kind of thing happened four times." Zhang 17 said emotionally: "In one day, I happened to meet four times and met our disciples!"

   Qin Haoxuan looked at the Seventh Son of Taichu, and then looked at Qin Yilan with a sneer on his side.

Qin Haoxuan, who is in the world, naturally knows that Qin Yilan is looking for trouble. As for the intention to find trouble, it is because of the unpleasant things that happened to both parties before, and he really does not know. It may have been Qin Yilan’s problem before. It may also be that Qizi really did something wrong in the early days.

For so many years, Qin Yilan and Taichi Qizi are right or wrong. I’m afraid it’s like being between myself and Zhang Kuang. It’s hard to tell who is right and who is wrong, because everyone is right and wrong. time.

  But no matter how it used to be, this time Qin Yilan tried to provoke others, it was indeed wrong that he did.

   "Teach the real person, do you think it so happens?"

  Qin Haoxuan threw the problem back to Zhang Kuang, and Zhang Kuang sneered in return.

"If their combat skills are really useful and not waste, how could Yilan be beaten like this? Obviously, the joint strike method created by seven of them is indeed useless waste, Yilan helped the disciples to see clearly The truth, not letting it waste time on useless things, should be rewarded."

   Qin Haoxuan heard his eyes glaring out of his eyes. He wanted to open Zhang Kuang’s brain to see if his brain circuit was a special bone surprise? Qin Yilan has nothing to do with accidents, but also rewards?

   "Yilan helped you find the loopholes of your total technique, do you not express your thanks?"

   If Zhang Kuang followed, it would make Qin Haoxuan's forehead full of blood, this mad...

   "You don't have to thank him."

  Qin Haoxuan raised his hand to stop the seventh son of Qin, Qin Yilan frowned when he saw this scene.

   "I remember that when there were rules in the beginning, when teachers taught, others should not disturb it." Qin Haoxuan looked at Zhang Kuang.

   "It happened not to be disturbed." Zhang Kuang replied, not salty.

   "Yilan, do you think you are right?" Qin Haoxuan looked at Qin Yilan and his voice became a little deep.

  Qin Yilan didn't look at Qin Haoxuan without a stiff neck, and answered, "I'm right."

  Qin Haoxuan took a deep breath: "Intentionally provoking first, bullying second..."

"I didn't bully the bully. When I broke their joint attack, the realm was pressed to the same level as them!" Qin Yilan gritted his teeth, and his eyes were full of grievances and dissatisfaction: "In the same realm, I fight seven each, where The bully is coming. If their total skill is really strong enough, it should be my shameless complaint now."

   "You look at you." Zhang Kuang glanced at the seventh son of the beginning of the day: "Seven of the same realm hit one and lost, so sorry to complain? Are you too embarrassed?"

   In the early days, Qizi's already swollen face was flushed at this moment, and they also felt very embarrassing, but...the other party is a purple species! And it's still a dual genius! It is also the training that my father put all his energy into!

   Qin Haoxuan stared at Qin Yilan, and his heart was filled with emotion for a while. Lan Yan should be very happy to see his son's ability today if he is still alive? I am very happy to see it myself!

   But... deliberately hit the same door? This is wrong! Qin Haoxuan looked at Qin Yilan and Zhang Kuang, and found that the temperaments of the two eyebrows were very similar. I had a reasonable look on my face, and I was justified. All the truths are my appearance.

   Can't do this! Qin Haoxuan shook his head again and again, the character of Zhang Kuang's Er Leng Zi was very bad, and his son could never be like this Er Leng Zi! You have to break it over! Fortunately, I am back! I have to break him! I have to let him realize his mistake!

   "Do you think you are completely right?" Qin Haoxuan stared at Qin Yilan and asked.

   "I'm right." Qin Yilan replied very hard.

   Qin Haoxuan nodded again and again: "Okay, if you are right, that is the wrong rules in the beginning?"

  Qin Yilan didn't answer with a hard neck.

   Zhang Kuang said aside: "I am in charge, I had the power to cancel the rule at the beginning, and also have the power to add new supplementary provisions, Bai Yi! Go to add after the rule, Yilan has immunity from this rule."

   "That was added now!" Qin Haoxuan stared at Zhang Kuang: "He was committed by you before this."

   "I gave Yilan the power to exercise the power of teaching." Zhang Kuang immediately responded to the needle with a needle tip.

  Qin Haoxuan's chest began to fluctuate violently because of the fact that the fire was really born: "You are so used to him?"

"Don't say that the head teacher didn't get used to him! Even if I got used to it! Yi Lantian is above me, and he will shine in his hands at the beginning of the future!" Zhang Kuang paced to Qin Yilan to block him Behind him: "Everyone's talents are different, their visions and opinions will be different! Deputy Qin teaches, I know you have your own set to achieve Tianjiao in a weak form! But genius? You don't understand! Don't go here again Fool your fingers!"

   "I am indeed not a genius, but I know that being a man! Whether it is a genius or a weak breed, being a person is the same." Qin Haoxuan said in a cold voice: "You are so used to children, you are not used to good habits!"

   "Yilan also has a hundred years, and he is very important!" Zhang Kuang stepped forward and stared at Qin Haoxuan: "Not everyone has to live like your Qin Haoxuan."

"I don't need him to live like me, I just need him to live up to bullying and weak, deliberately looking for trouble with the same door!" Qin Haoxuan's voice also gradually increased: "Isn't overwhelming the same realm bully and bullying? Is he talented? Vision? He is not only a disciple of the early days, but also a disciple of Jiang Zibai! Is his inheritance comparable to those of the seven children? That's nice! The same realm! You and I all know that overwhelming equal cultivation just looks fair. That's it! But is it really fair?"

"There is no fairness in this world! If it is fair, I will not be destroyed by Pu Guang in the first place! If it is fair, Pu Guang should have been punished by the sky! If it is fair, Huanglong Zhangjiao will not fall!" Zhang Kuang's The voice was also raised: "Where is Yilan wrong? If he is said to be wrong, it is because he has too many talents over other geniuses!"

"He was wrong because he deliberately provoked his classmates, but he didn't think he was doing something wrong." Qin Haoxuan choked: "I don't care whoever was wrong before them, I think the things between them are similar to you and me! It's a confusing account that is not clear in a single calculation! But this time, Yi Lan should be punished for making a mistake!"

   "Okay!" Zhang Kuang nodded and took a step back, showing a flying sword in his palm: "Don't say my son is right today! It was wrong, I want to see today, who can punish him."

"Zhang Kuang." Qin Haoxuan was too lazy to call the other party's identity, and directly shouted the other party's name: "Why did you take the child too eccentrically! Have you considered the thoughts of your sons? Today, don't say Yi Lan is wrong. ! Even if he did nothing wrong! I want to teach my son, I really don’t believe who can stop me!"

   "Yi Lan, you step back." Zhang Kuang said to Qin Yi Lan: "Yifu knows you are right, so no matter who it is! Even your father, don't want to punish you today."

   "Yi Lan, you are going to the law enforcement hall to claim the penalty yourself..."

   "Yi Lan can't go! The uncle does not agree!"

   "Zhang Kuang, you are so used to children!"

   "Qin Haoxuan, you don't even understand your memory! You don't understand genius!" The nine immortal palaces behind Zhang Kuang enveloped half of the Huanglong Peak. The vast power and air pressure made the Seventh Son and Bai Yi back backwards carefully.

"Zhang I teach my son, you leave me." The eight fairy palaces behind Qin Haoxuan enveloped the other half of Huanglong Peak, and then the eight fairy palaces began to superimpose, and the six reincarnations were guarded at the fairy palace in.

   The first seven sons looked at Qin Haoxuan in amazement. I thought that the vice-president was just brave before. I did not expect that the vice-president after the return was really not worse than his father's purple religion.

   "Right Father..." Qin Yilan whispered, "I go to the Law Enforcement Hall..."

   "Where to go? You are right! Are you afraid that I will lose to your dear?"

   "Naturally not afraid, the righteous father said that the Tianjiao Zizi is invincible in the world! It is invincible in the world!"

   "Yes! So the righteous father proves to you today!"

"Zi Zi? I haven't killed it! Invincible? There is more than one Zi Zi defeated in my hand?" Qin Haoxuan stared at Zhang Kuang, but said to Qin Yilan: "There is no invincible talent in this world! Only Invincible!"

   "Purple is the invincible person!" Zhang Kuang said hardly: "Son, remember, as long as you firmly believe that you will be invincible!"

   "I will show you all today how the invincibility of the Purple Seeds was crushed by me."

  Qin Haoxuan stepped out at the same time, Zhang Kuang also took a step forward, the endless air flow intertwined and intertwined to form a stream of air tornado, pushing the back of the Seventh Son of Taichu and others back.


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