Too Early

Vol 2 Chapter 1608: Perseverance is the heart of the devil

Outside the Miaoyi Peak, everyone watched their noses and mouths, and all were silent, and no one spoke.

   It was clearly that the family met again, and even Xu Yu was happy.

   But the surrounding was terrible, only the wind twirled the branches around and made a rustling sound.

Xu Yu felt that Huo Jun’s emotions were undergoing tremendous changes. Knowing that she would really stage a scene of father beating her son, she took a step forward to separate the two men who seemed to be doing it and said softly: " Yilan, how can you dare to challenge your father? Don't confess with your father soon!"

Although Qin Yilan was almost a little bully walking sideways at the beginning, he was still quite counseling on Xu Yu. Now he sees his mother coming directly. Although he is dissatisfied with his father, he still turns to salute in the direction of Qin Haoxuan. Tao: "My father, the baby is wrong."

  Although he admits his mistake, his voice is very harsh.


  What's wrong with him?

   admits mistakes, just because his mother made him admit mistakes, so he admits mistakes.

   This whole early, the only person that scared him was his stepmother Xu Yu. Even if he is crazy about his righteous father, he only worships, respects, not fears.

  Xu Yu's voice sounded cold and said: "If it is wrong, you must admit the punishment. Penalize you to go back to the face and think for three days, can you take it?"

   "Yes, children admit punishment."

  Qin Yilan quickly got up and left, went straight to the face and thought about it.

   Aside, Xiao Jin looked at the atmosphere a little dignified, and hurriedly shouted: "Master, I think of it, and Little Stone has something to do with me. I will go first. Master, I will come to see you another day."

   said that it had left quickly.

Everyone around    also left quickly.

Outside of Miaoyi Peak, Qin Haoxuan and Xu Yu were left.

Qin Haoxuan looked at Xu Yu rather helplessly and sighed: "Ma'am, you can't do this. The children are spoiled by you." Just now Xu Yu obviously punished Qin Yilan on the face, in fact, to maintain Qin Yilan, let him think Education Qin Yilan is unable to educate.

With a smile on his face, Xu Yu couldn't see the seriousness just now, and said softly: "You... How can you educate your children like this. It is clearly a father and a son, and it must be done like an enemy. Turn back to me Tell him. He is a good boy. Although he knows that I am not his biological mother, he has always treated me like his mother, but the child is still young and ignorant..."

   "What's young." Qin Haoxuan said silently: "We have been separated for more than 100 years, he is also more than 100 years old, more than one hundred years old or a child? Have you ever seen a child more than one hundred years old?"

"You also know that you haven't seen him for more than a hundred years. After more than a hundred years, he suddenly has a father. You also need to give him time to let him accept slowly." Xu Yu stared at Qin Haoxuan angrily. Tao: "What's more, what about the one-hundred-year-old? Men don't get married and have children, they are always children. Like you, weren't you the same as before?"

"I was far from a hundred years old at that time...well, okay, you are right, men are not married and have a family, they are always children." Qin Haoxuan said, suddenly thinking of Bai Ling, laughing: "I started I haven’t wanted him to become a family yet. Now you said that I had such a thought. When we leave this place with the beginning, we will let him become a relative."

  Xu Yu gave Qin Haoxuan a white look: "If you are married, how can you be said to be married? If you are married, it is a big event in your life. You need to find him a wife."

   "Is there a good candidate here?" Qin Haoxuan remembered Xiaobai in the Feixian ruins.

   "You still have time to find a wife for him. Whose child is it?" Xu Yumei revealed a strange look between his eyes, apparently not expecting Qin Haoxuan to be able to find a good wife for his children.

   "It happened that I once entered the Fei Xian ruins, and in the ruins I encountered a white snake that was turning into a dragon..." Qin Haoxuan briefly talked about his experience of meeting Bai Ling. After he finished, he added: "That little girl is very kind and talented enough."

   "The rest is not important, mainly because of kindness and innocence." Xu Yu nodded with satisfaction when he heard that Bailing always stood on the side of Qin Haoxuan when he was facing danger again and again.

   After Xu Yu paused a little, she continued: "As for Lan'er, you haven't seen him for too long after all. Although you are a father and son, you also need time to get acquainted.

   Lan'er is not the kind of child who knows nothing. And he admires Zhang Kuang very much, you can look back to Zhang Kuang to talk about, let Zhang Kuang help, let Lan'er accept your consciousness. "

Qin Haoxuan heard that he was already the top of the world, but he was suddenly like a cat stepped on the tail, and like a child, he jumped up and shouted uncomfortably: "I teach my son, Need to find that guy? I don’t want to find him!"

Xu Yu gave Qin Haoxuan a blank look again and said with a smile: "I also said that Lan'er is not too young and immature. Ask me if I have ever seen a 100-year-old child. Look at what you are like now. It's not like a child. Isn’t it okay for you to be angry, who made your son and his relatives."

  Qin Haoxuan was speechless. He could imagine that after he went to Zhang Kuang for help, Zhang Kuang's proud face would be more and more uncomfortable, but he seemed to have no other way but to find Zhang Kuang for help.

   talked while walking towards the front.

   didn't go far, but the two stopped at the same time, and Xia Yunzi's figure appeared in their sight.

He was still the same as when he met three years ago, with silver hair and white beard and green robe, and a wooden stick in his hand. It was just three years ago that the outline of the five senses could not see the old look. It was different from the appearance of middle-aged people. But there were already visible wrinkles on his face.

  Qin Haoxuan sighed in his heart... Hey!

   Old Xia Yunzi's body is much worse than three years ago...

   These are the root causes of the war that year.

   He opened his mouth and wanted to speak, but he didn't know how to speak for a while.

   Xia Yunzi saw Xu Yu with a big belly, but it seemed to see that his own child had a joy, and his wrinkled face suddenly showed a bright smile, and said three times in a row.

"Okay, after seeing that you have it again, I am really happy than seeing the old man." Xia Yunzi glanced at Xu Yu, his eyes fell on Qin Haoxuan again, and asked, "You have been in retreat for three years. What's going on?"

   "Back to Master Uncle, my immortal palace has not changed, it is still eight immortal palaces." Qin Haoxuan said of his cultivation behavior, his expression slightly dimmed: "It's just my immortal palace, now I can stack seven."

"Seven superimposed, that is to say, only the last one can't be superimposed." Xia Yunzi's face became stronger when she heard the sound: "Okay, three years, you can superimpose another fairy palace. Your talent is really amazing. It's really not easy for such cultivation to be so advanced."

   Qin Haoxuan I looked at Xia Yunzi with a happy face, but he was very distressed in his heart. He was indeed refined. The more difficult it was to stack the fairy palace as he got to the back, each time he added another fairy palace, his combat power would increase a lot.

   But this improvement is the improvement of his combat power, and even a way to improve his combat power, not a step forward of his own way!

   This kind of superposition is to the free devil, the free devil's own way, because the free devil understands what it is, and the free devil has taught it to himself.

   And for myself, although he understands himself, it is not his own way.

  His own path has not advanced or widened.

   Xia Yunzi's eyes fell back on Xu Yu and asked: "Vice Vice President Xu, what is your cultivation behavior now?"

   Xu Yu looked calm and took for granted: "Of course I am still nine fairy palaces."

  Qin Haoxuan listened to Xu Yu's answer and felt speechless. When he came back, he asked his daughter-in-law. At that time, she was nine immortals.

At that time, I told her about the strong palaces and Taoist palaces that I had seen. There were a person who read the fairy ancestors and the like merged into a Taoist palace, and there were eleven magic palaces and fairy palaces , And also mentioned her own way of superimposing the fairy palace, and also said that the Lord of Swallowing the Sea Demon changed from the Dao Palace to the Dragon Palace, and asked her if she had any new ideas for her Dao Xian, such as fusion or superimposition, or it was made into a magic palace ,Wait……

  But she said that she had no idea at all, and the repair was...

   repair is just, this answer...

   Qin Haoxuan found that everyone's path is really completely different, Xu Yu is the kind of person who never thinks so much about what fairy trees are in the forest and what the Taoist palace is superimposed on.

   At the beginning, Jiang Zibai once told her.

   ‘Your practice path, you can just do it, because you are a genius, you don’t need to think so much, you naturally understand when you practice. There is no need to think as hard as others do. ’

   And Xu Yu, she has been practicing like this.

  This is her way.

After Xu Yu finished speaking, he looked at Qin Haoxuan, who seemed to be in deep contemplation, and said softly: "My Dao, I am slowly repairing it. It has been like this for all these years. Don't think about it. It's you, you come back In the early days, I didn’t go out of Miaoyifeng except for the first time I saw the headmaster. Now that you are out, you should go and see the headmaster no matter what you say."

   Aside, Xia Yunzi nodded in agreement and said, "It is time to go to the palm side."

   said what he seemed to think of, adding: "I will go with you old man." He remembered that Qin Haoxuan returned to Taichu three years ago. After seeing Zhang Kuang, the two of them set hands and nearly demolished the mountain.

  He didn't dare to let Qin Haoxuan go directly to Zhang Kuang, he had to follow.

   "Okay, let's go." Qin Haoxuan knew in his heart that Xu Yu said that it was because of Qin Yilan's thing that he was afraid that he could not open his face and open his mouth.

   However, according to the truth, Zhang Kuang is now in charge of the beginning, he is out of the border, and he should see Zhang Kuang.

   On the side of Huanglongfeng Hall, outside that thatched house.

   Zhang Kuang sat cross-legged with cold and proud legs. Behind him, nine immortal palaces stood side by side in the air. These nine immortal palaces had new changes when he saw Zhang Kuang three years ago.

   Six of these immortal palaces contain six cultivating immortals separately 【Fantasy Magical Array】

  Qin Haoxuan's eyes fell on the immortal palace closest to the left of the six immortal palaces.

   This should be one of these six fairy palaces, a fairy palace that has just changed recently, and a celestial palace.

  The immortal palace is extremely huge. At a glance, it looks like a red furnace, and in the fairy palace, there is a very huge red furnace.

   This dan furnace stands on three legs. On top of the three legs, there are three dragons, phoenix and unicorn, three holy beasts. There are faintly dragon phoenix and unicorn roar from them.

   is full of red gold, and the furnace body is dark green.

   vaguely can be seen, in this immortal furnace, and this immortal medicine, it seems to be refining. An air of sorrow and gush flowed out of the pill furnace and flowed out of the fairy palace, dispersing Zhang Kuang's whole body.

   Zhang Kuang, he found his own new path.

  Qin Haoxuan admired in his heart, Zhang Kuang, really is not arrogant.

   These years, Zhang Kuang has been working **** Xianliuyi, and after fighting with himself three years ago and realizing his own consciousness, he finally found a new way.

  He returned everything to his most original state.

  Because he has been practicing and studying the Six Arts of Immortality, he chose to start with Six Arts of Immortality. Then the Six Immortals of Xianxian were beaten into the fairy palace.

   Everything returns to the most original state...

   What about myself?

   How about your own way?

   own reincarnation.

   Qin Haoxuan suddenly thought of his own reincarnation. His way is the way of reincarnation. If he wants to continue or find a new way, he needs to study his way of reincarnation.

   is just the way of reincarnation, he has realized too much, he now does not know where to start.

  Qin Haoxuan frowned, thinking.

Aside, Xia Yunzi looked at Qin Haoxuan's melancholy, and slowly said, "Hao Xuan, I know that my current cultivation base is not as high as yours, far worse than you by many. But the old man, I am older than you and live The time is longer than you. Perhaps my knowledge is not as good as yours, but to say a word of boast, after living a long time, there will naturally be some old man's wisdom.

   I can see that you are a little confused now. If you can't think of a way out for a while, it's better to open the altar and preach at the beginning. Give lectures to all disciples in the early days, give lectures to different disciples, and perhaps talk, and help different disciples to answer questions. Instead, you will understand your own confusion. "

   "Open the forum and lecture..."

  Qin Haoxuan slightly stunned, and then nodded slightly, this is indeed a good way.

   "Thank you Uncle Shi for the puzzle, since that is the case, then I will..."

  Qin Haoxuan's words were not finished yet, but he stopped at once, and looked away.

   In the distance, layers of looting clouds converged, completely covering one side of the sky, and a thunder fell down.

   "That's the direction of the Pupu team. Someone is attacking the Dao Palace, and it seems that the chance of success is not great." Qin Haoxuan's face showed a worried color, and the voice fell, his figure was gone.

   He could feel that the breath that condenses the Tao Palace is extremely unstable.

  The team of Pupu.

   That side [Mu Pu] The flag was inserted on the ground and fluttered against the wind.

   It was only at this time that the surrounding sword-killing array did not start, and no disciples rushed to kill it.

   Around the banner, it was covered with formations one by one.

   Against the Demon Formation!

The position directly opposite the banner, behind the one-eyed Pan Daguan, a vague Tao Palace condensed, above the sky, layers of looting clouds converged, and some appeared like a sword and a sword, and some opened a **** mouth like a peerless beast, Some are like bottomless abysses...

   Above the clouds, the thunder fell down and hit Pan Daguan.

   Pan Daguan's face covered with criss-cross claw marks was full of fierceness. He roared repeatedly and bombarded the thunder above the sky frantically, as if to try to destroy all these thunders.

   "Little Panzi... He's about to break through the Taoist palace, just..." Qin Haoxuan looked at Pan Daguan, who was mad in front of him, revealing his worry.

Around   , a disciple who was once a natural chapel, and now the deacon of the Pupu team saw Qin Haoxuan coming and came forward one after another.

   "Old host."

   "Old Master, you are out of the customs."

Qin Haoxuan nodded slightly, looking around it was not a battle against Heavenly Tribulation, but a battle against the demons. He felt the abnormal Pan Daguan. He couldn’t tell the crowd more, Shen Sheng asked: “This What is the situation? Why are there so many formations against the demons, not the formations against the Heavenly Tribulation? And Xiao Panzi, his demons, have problems."

"Old Master, we who destroy the Pu team, break through the Dao Palace, and when we cross the robbery, they are all set up to fight against the demons." Ying Xiaochang looked at the side with anxiety and confronted the Heavenly Tribulation. Pan Daguan, who was enchanted, explained: "The reason why the people who destroy the Pu team can reach the peak of the fairy baby is because of the obsession in everyone's heart. The obsession of destroying the Puguang Pavilion is officially due to this obsession. No matter what you do, you can cultivate yourself to improve. But because of this obsession, everyone’s mind is extremely heavy."

   Ying Xiaochang said, his expression dimmed, saying: "Over the years, many people in the team have tried to attack the Tao Palace, but in the end everyone failed.

   is not because of the failure of Heavenly Tribulation, but the failure of the demons. And it's not that they failed once or twice, but failed many times. "

  Mu Pu...

  Qin Haoxuan sighed for a long time, precisely because of his obsession to kill Puguang Pavilion, it was the demons that made everyone rush forward, and it was also because of the demons that at the last critical moment, it became the biggest obstacle for everyone.

  If everyone is allowed to let go of their obsession, don't say that everyone's biggest belief now is revenge, no one will let go of that obsession. It is really putting down the obsession, that is to make them give up too early!

  Don't say the Pu team, it's the entire Taichi, who will drop the Taichi!

   No one will give up too early.

   One day is too early, life is too early. Too early, the obsession of killing Puguang Pavilion, will never let go!

   Even if it is dead!

   died later?

   No, to them, it is death!

  Qin Haoxuan frowned tightly, everything else was easy to say, all could be cultivated and exercised, but the demon could not exercise!


   owns the heart demon fairy palace, and also owns the Dao heart kind of demon, his own heart demon can exercise everyone. Induce the demons of everyone with their own demons, and let the demons of the people continually hone them, instead of letting them encounter the demons only when they cross the robbery.

   In this way, everyone will encounter the demons on weekdays. When they can really defeat the demons and suppress the demons, when they encounter the sky-tribulation, they can contend with the demons!

Qin Haoxuan looked at the almost complete madness, facing the Daotian Thunder, as if facing Pan Dacheng in the Puguang Pavilion, he said: "Little Pan Zi, Pan Dacheng, now, you stop condensing the Dao Palace. "

  'S voice is not loud, but the sound comes out, but it covers the sound of thunder falling over the sky.

   This voice contains the immortal power, and it exploded directly in Pan Dacheng's mind, to restore Pan Dacheng's clarity.

   Pan Dacheng looked up and saw Qin Haoxuan floating in the air.

   "Old host..."

  Pan Dacheng didn't know why the old host wanted him to stop condensing the Taoist palace immediately, and he didn't need to think about it. He only knew that the old host stopped him, then he stopped immediately.

   Behind him, has been illusory, looming, the undulating shadow of Daogong suddenly disappeared.

  Dao Gong's phantom disappeared, but the Thunderbolt of Sky Tribulation never disappeared, and it still fell wildly.

  Qin Haoxuan raised his hand and did not see his breath rising. Even there was no fairy palace emerging behind him. It seemed that he was waving his sleeves gently, and the rich air of reincarnation was flying out.

   In the void, the falling thunders disappeared instantly under the reincarnation.

   And the power of reincarnation is more than just the breathing effort, which has fallen into the sky's robbery.

   Layers of dark robbery cloud covering the sky, dissipated in an instant, as if never appeared.

Ying Xiaochang stared blankly at the disappearing robbery, and the whole person was stupefied, but that was the robbery of the sky robbery. The old host has reached this level now. dissipate.

All around, a member of the Pu Pu team also looked at Qin Haoxuan's direction in a daze. They only joined the disciples of Taichu. Three years ago, Qin Haoxuan returned to Taichu and came to the law enforcement team for the first time when they saw Qin Haoxuan. Today is the second time they saw Qin Haoxuan.

   They just learned from their deacon and captain's mouth, what is the attitude of their assistant deputy like a **** of war, and now, for the first time, they saw their assistant deputy's shot!

  Once, their deacon was in danger when they attacked the Dao Gongdu robbery, their palm masters also shot it, and they also destroyed the sky robbery and destroyed the robbery cloud.

   But unlike the deputy palm master, palm master is a direct punch to destroy the Heaven Tribulation, full of endless domineering atmosphere.

   And deputy palm teaching, these methods, although not as domineering as palm teaching, but more mysterious.

   They can't even feel the slightest aftermath of the Heavenly Tribulation from the surrounding air. It seems that Heavenly Tribulation has never really Everything is a dream bubble.

  What kind of means is this?

   This is the old deacon of the deacons who respects the **** of war, this is their deputy leader!

Qin Haoxuan looked at everyone below and said, "I am ready to lay out a big demon array. All the disciples who once crossed the Dao Palace and now want to attack the Dao Palace Realm can enter the large array and hone. Flayer."

   "Heart Demon Formation? Can there be a Demon Formation?"

   "Can the devil also hone?"

   "Old Master, there is such a way!"

Around   , everyone was shocked when they heard the sound. Everyone knew that the demons could not be honed. Now, their deputy director can actually lay down the demons and help them temper the demons!

   "It's not enough just a big demons." Xu Yu hurried behind Qin Haoxuan and said, "In my hands, there is Zhenxian Mountain. They also need to experience the days of true mortals."

"But it is so." Qin Haoxuan nodded heavily. He once experienced the life of a real ordinary person, and more than once, knowing that the experience helps a spiritual practitioner, especially to the heart and soul. What a big change the heavy practitioners have!

  Ps: Say a few words, because Yin Shike said that he did not understand the chapter from yesterday, and I may not explain it when I change people. Hidden is more active, I have to explain to face. See what my writer says.

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