Too Early

Chapter 174: Miles successfully avoided the danger

In accordance with the arrangement method of Qin Lingxuan, according to the arrangement method of Qin Lingxuan, after the calculation, the quick arrangement is made, and a single Lingshi flies out from the hands of the punishment, and the speed is extremely fast and accurate. It falls on where it should be.

Looking at the proficiency of the punishment, as well as the exact position, Qin Haoxuan secretly screams, if these Lingshi are given to him, it is only this 10,000 pieces of the next three spirits that do not know how long it will take to arrange, the punishment is only 'flower' Half an hour will be done.

Looking at the full land, Lingshi is superimposed with Lingshi, forming a spiritual stone wall, and my heart secretly marvels: If this is for me to arrange, absolutely this guy is well arranged, and I am not sure that I will be embarrassed at once.

Qin Haoxuan did not have much to say, driving the spirit of the array, these Lingshi will stick together, even if an adult man uses all his strength to push, it is not necessarily able to push this blocked stone wall.

He sent Xiaojin out and asked Xiaojin to organize his 500 strong monkeys to rest around his house to prevent outsiders from approaching.

Qin Haoxuan closed the ‘door’ window and took out the materials that made the Wanli.

He first picked up a glaucoma 'Jade', and Qingguang 'Jade' started. It was soft and comfortable, and it felt very good. It was far from being comparable to those of the cold and hard state. After taking a few breaths, he began to engrave.

Qingguang 'Jade' 'Jade' body is not hard and hard to engrave, but Qin Haoxuan is very careful to complete the carving. Engraved with inscriptions, Rao was stunned by the punishment, and was very surprised. Not long ago, Qin Haoxuan only remembered the inscriptions in the 'Jade', and now the inscription on the body is not More, but to be so accurate and skilled in carving, it is definitely impossible to do it without hard work.

After the body carving was completed, Qin Haoxuan spit out a sigh of gas and took a deep breath before preparing for the second step.

He took out the prepared stone powder, black gold mine, blue crystal and other materials, and walked into the eyes of the well-filled spirits, and began to drive the spiritual array, and the 10,000 pieces of the next three spirits were huge. The spiritual power of the madness rushed out, and the flame that was close to the 'milk' white' color in the sacred squad was suddenly half a mile, almost burning the roof! If it wasn't for the rapid punishment of the eye, and quickly shot a spiritual force to protect the roof, the roof would be burned to ashes by the ‘milk’ white ‘color’ flame with a very high temperature.

Qin Haoxuan’s heart is tight, but his heart is strong, and he quickly adapts to it. He knows that the tens of thousands of spirits of the next three spirits are not the same, but the flame temperature is a little less than a few Lingshi. To be much higher, to control the spiritual power more carefully, the flame is only small.

Gathering the gods and forming a small array of knowledge, Qin Haoxuan put his own knowledge on these materials, and then separated a part of the spiritual 'wave' that monitors the spiritual array, carefully starting to refine Material.

Lingshi powder, black gold mine, blue crystal and many other materials were refining in the flame of the brothing ‘milk’ white ‘color’, and the dross in the material was quickly distinguished from the ‘fine’ hua.

Lingshi powder's 'fine' Hua group is a small gray 'color' powder, while the black gold mine's 'fine' Hua is a whole black 'color' 'fine' Hua, 'fine' Hua surface glittering gold 'Color' shine, as for the blue crystal is a drop of blue 'color' of water droplets, crystal clear.

Although these ‘fine’ hua came out of the raw materials, they were still surrounded by the ruins. Qin Haoxuan carefully controlled a spiritual power to separate the ‘ ’’ and the ruins.

He tried to condense the spiritual power to the smallest, like a needle. Under the direction of the gods, he pierced the dross and separated the dross a little.

Qin Haoxuan’s cautious movements and expressions, as well as the meticulousness of this ordinary person’s inability to see the sentence, are also tense. As for Ye Yiming, let’s not say that they watched Qin Haoxuan’s time spent half an hour. The dross in it was separated, very admired, and secretly said in his heart: "I don't know what Qin Shidi used to do. This 'fine' Hua and the dregs are separated, but they are far apart, if they accidentally touch these 'Jing' Hua, these 'fine' Hua can be completely destroyed! This 'fine' and meticulous means is really amazing!"

Ye Yiming looked at Qin Haoxuan's eyes a little more admiration, and his confidence was also more sufficient. In the eyes of Ye Yiming, this younger brother seems to be omnipotent.

After doing this, Qin Haoxuan then separated a spiritual force from the body to put these 'fine' Huatu in the air, and he used the knowledge to inject into the 'Jade' of the Qingguang, and began to consolidate the 'Jade' of the Qingguang 'Jade'. body.

Qingguang 'Jade' is a symbol, if it is a ‘fine’ refinement, then the more times the Wanli is used, the stronger the power. The same is the Wanlifu, refining the ‘fine’ skillfully made Wanli is definitely much stronger than the grass to cope with refining.

There is a saying in Dafuyu. The pay and return are always proportional. Don't think that you pay more than others in the system, and your earned rewards will be more than others!

Qingguang 'Jade' is not as rich as Xuantie, and the body of Qingguang 'Jade' is more fragile. This extremely high temperature 'milk' white 'color' quickly makes the Qingguang 'Jade' consolidate and shrink. A circle.

Qin Haoxuan took the Qingguang 'Jade' from the fire of 'milk' white 'color' and placed it on the hand carefully. After the Qingguang 'Jade' condensed, the blue 'color' shines more purely. Jade's body is also more comfortable, and the feel is much better than before. If it is comfortable to touch it before, it is simply enjoyment.

The eyes were bright and stunned. In such a short period of time, Qin Haoxuan did not know how much time had been tempered before he could practice this skill.

"When this Qingguang ‘Jade’ was bought, it ‘flower’ a thousand Lingshi, and now there are people who want to sell five thousand Lingshi!” Ye Yiming could not help but admire: “Qin Shidi is really powerful.”

Qin Haoxuan smiled a bit, and under his detective knowledge, this piece of Qingguang 'Jade' has impurities. If it can be condensed, the power of Wanlifu produced is absolutely extraordinary, but it is already its own limit. If you want to go further, it is very likely that this block will be destroyed, so Qin Haoxuan is not willing to take the risk.

However, it is already very good to be able to refine it. If it is not his own powerful knowledge, he has been carefully monitoring the size of the fire and the tolerance of the body, and it is impossible to refine it.

The refining of the second step of making the charm has been completed in half. After the refining is completed, the extracted ‘precision’ will be incorporated into the body.

Qin Haoxuan, who took a moment to rest for a while, followed the refining handcuffs, and the ten fingers flew. Under his control, the spiritual power of the road was sprayed out, and the flame of the 'milk' white color was so high that he would The knowledge is divided into several parts, and then attached to the 'fine' Huazhong of the body and Lingshi powder, blue crystal, black gold ore, etc., and begins to merge with the body.

Under the smelting of 'milk' white 'color', these 'fine' hua quickly became a smoky shape, and the body entered the smog, and the already atomized 'fine' hua was very evenly distributed. On the inscription of the body, if his knowledge is not very rich, and the knowledge of God is more sophisticated, it is absolutely impossible to do this step.

In a short while, Qin Haoxuan finally completed the second step of making Wanli.

Only the last step is the most difficult and important step.

Qin Haoxuan, who was sweating, walked out of the brothing array. At this time, he was somewhat exhausted. When he was refining, he worked hard, not only consumed a lot of spiritual power, but also consumed a lot of knowledge. He must rest well. Let's add the spiritual power of the body.

He squatted for a while, and he thought to himself: "Unfortunately, I couldn't get the other exercises of Tianfu's door. This kind of 'door' attaches great importance to the role of God's knowledge, and constantly emphasizes God on the refining symbol. The role of knowledge, and the clever use of the knowledge of God, the success rate of making Fuxi must also increase greatly, if not, I can't do this step of light refining! They attach so much importance to the knowledge of God, certainly in the cultivation and application of God's knowledge It’s a good idea to get a good idea of ​​how to get the 'doors' of their cultivation and use of God!"

Sighing and sighing, refining still can't stop.

After Qin Haoxuan recovered the spiritual power consumed by the body, he stood up again. There was still some exhaustion in his eyes, but the gods could not recover from the meditation.

Returning to the eye, Qin Haoxuan once again smelted the material's ‘精’hua's body.

The main 'color' of this body is still blue 'color', but the inscription on the character looks like the five-color six color, the black gold, the gray powder of the spirit stone and the blue color of the blue crystal are even. It is very pleasing to the eye.

At the moment, you only need to fill the spirit. This Wanli is even a successful refining!

Qin Haoxuan took a deep breath and calmed down his mind, then set out to prepare the spirit!

The spirit is the most crucial step. If it is a bad control, the violent and surging spirit will be a common thing. Qin Haoxuan starts to drive the spiritual array, and the strong spiritual power from the various spiritual stones. Gushing out, and then gathered together like a creek to form several major rivers and rivers. These rivers and rivers have gathered together, and the influx of spirits has poured into the eyes of Qin Haoxuan!

This line of sight is like a sea of ​​seas and rivers. To be able to receive all the spiritual powers, the consequences of not being able to be accommodated are not only the explosives, but also the possibility of being injured. The spiritual power in the tens of thousands of spirits can be different. .

The sentence and Ye Yiming were nervous, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out, fearing that Qin Haoxuan was shocked.

Qin Haoxuan felt the turbulent spiritual power coming from all directions. He was also shocked first. Of course, he knew that the 10,000-stone stone was not the same, but he did not expect the spiritual power to surpass such a point. These massive spirits The force fills the eye for a moment and rushes toward the body floating in the air.

He was shocked. If this is a flock, the uncontrollable spiritual power will definitely blast the body directly, but with the strength of his own eyes, it is impossible to control the direction of spiritual power. How can this be good?

Qin Haoxuan was anxious in his heart. At this moment, he felt the sound of the outside spirits screaming and roaring. It was like a sound of the sea. He was alive and moving, and he did not hesitate to run the sea, and the Taoist demon was also transported at the same time!

As soon as the sea bream was launched, Qin Ling was quickly inhaled by Qin Haoxuan. If Qin Haoxuan had eaten the guardian pulse earlier, the meridians and Dantian gas are indestructible. With the strength of his meridians and Dantian gas sea, it is definitely directly The spiritual power has been destroyed!

These spiritual forces that come directly from the lower three spirits are very overbearing, and there is also a suffocating suffocation that is not conducive to human beings. If one is not good, it may lead to blood backflow. This is why the lower three spirits contain spiritual power. Sufficient, but no one wants to draw directly from it.

This is so, this powerful suffocation still makes Qin Haoxuan unable to eat, but fortunately he is a cultivation of Taoist demon, the body is not as delicate as the ordinary cultivator, after a while, Qin Haoxuan quickly calmed down and began to inject a God's knowledge in the body of the body, commanding the spirit of the outside of the orderly irrigation.

Seeing that Qin Haoxuan inhaled these auras directly into the body, Ye Yiming was shocked by the ‘color’, but he could not make a sound reminder. He was afraid of disturbing the “chaos” of Qin Haoxuan’s mood.

After a while, they found that Qin Haoxuan was safe and sound, and he could start to fill the spirit with one heart and two uses.

Qin Haoxuan’s performance in this hand is even stunned. For many of the secluded springs, in addition to the low squat of the mine demon, but the body is extremely tough, few people will directly absorb the aura in Lingshi. That is too dangerous. Qin Haoxuan is just a cultivator. The body is so powerful that it has withstood such a powerful spiritual impact, and it has to suppress the body's suffocation and control the spirit.

This kind of multi-purpose thing, if it is not a strong heart, a determined person dares to do it, others do not dare to try.

It seems difficult to fill the body, but as long as the method is still very simple, the difficulty is how to pour the water of the chopsticks into the mouth with only the thickness of the toothpick. If it is not extremely strong, the water flow of the chopsticks will be thick. Compressed into the thickness of the toothpick, it can only divert a part of the water flow, and Qin Haoxuan has no compression strength, so he has to divert his own body.

Many people know this method, but there are very few people who really dare to do it.

The lingering spirit continued for about a moment of sensation. After the tens of thousands of auras in the lower three spirits were empty, the blocked stone wall collapsed.

Qin Haoxuan quickly took out the innocent firefowl and shattered it with spiritual power.

Suddenly a hot smoldering gas, after the destruction of the feathers of the twenty incomplete firebirds, Qin Haoxuan quickly used the knowledge of God to find out the 'fine' gas contained in it, and then wrapped it with spiritual power. .

Soon, a red 'color' small bead that was not much bigger than the nail appeared in front of everyone.

In this red ‘color’ small bead, it seems to be trapped with a footless firebird. It is flying through its wings, leisurely and enjoyable.

The final step in making the charm is to type in the quote!

After Qin Haoxuan took a deep breath, he raised the small beads and threw them in the air, then condensed the whole body to produce them. Under the attack of Qin Haoxuan, this small fireball suddenly exploded, and the rich and 'fine' pure anger poured into the air. It has been completed and filled with the body of the stone.


The sound of a soundless poultry came, and Qin Haoxuan seemed to see that this small fireball was broken, and a small firefowl flew into the body.

Implantation success!

This original charm with the green 'color' as the main 'color' tone, now faintly flowing, dazzling, 'touch' is vaguely hot, the inscription above is like a fresh and lively inscription Up, Wu Yan Liu 'color' colorful and colorful, beautiful, very beautiful.

Wanlifu was made successfully!

Qin Haoxuan, who is exhausted, is sitting on the ground. If the treasure is holding the Wanli in his hand, the first refining of the Wanli will be successful. It’s really not easy. The efforts of more than ten days have not been in vain. !

‘Touch’ the first sign of his refining, Qin Haoxuan’s heart is full of pride!

"Congratulations to Qin Refining Wanlifu success!" Ye Yiming also breathed a sigh of relief, and the heart of the stone fell, this Wanli refining success, Qin Haoxuan's chance to survive when entering the red dust is a little more .

"I hope that the Tianfu 'door' speaks, this Wanlifu can really win the fairylander's cultivator!" In the eyes of the criminal, he showed a bit of greed, and his eyes fell on the Wanli. He said: However, it is not easy to refine this Wanli with your qualifications. It is normal to refine the genius of the genius like me. I did not expect that you would not be exposed to the water, but it was so powerful. Admire and admire!"

The punishment does not know whether it is praise or loss. Anyway, Qin Haoxuan, who is very tired, has no idea to take care of him. He is lying on the 'bed' and he quickly falls asleep.

He is really tired.

Ye Yiming and the criminal face were opposite each other. After Qin Haoxuan cleaned up the residue of 10,000 pieces of the lower three spirits on the ground, he left Qin Haoxuan's house.


In the dream, Qin Haoxuan dreamed that he was in the red dust, and the red refining son was chasing himself. After he mobilized the Wanli, the speed was much faster, even if the red smelt of the fairyland could not catch up with himself...

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