Too Early

Chapter 193: Scattered fairy stealing military camp

After Qin Haoxuan heard the words, he fell into meditation. He didn't know the strength of the cultivators in the other camp. If they asked for the scattered level of the fairyland, then they would help themselves, wouldn't they be easily crushed? However, Su Wu has already come to the door to ask for help. How can I answer it?

Qin Haoxuan is in a headache, how to answer, the punishment of his side is cold and screams: "When to help out is the matter of the immortal, the immortal nature has the decision of the immortal, your mortal peace of mind waiting!"

Su Wu, who was tortured by a few sentences, said it was, but his face was very unsightly. He couldn’t say a word on the surface, but he was surely worried about whether the two young Shangxian could resist the powerful helpers of the enemy. They are now refusing to shoot, are they timid? Or do they say that they have nothing at all, and that the guardian gods have sent two disciples to perfuse the dynasty?

All kinds of thoughts came to Su Wu’s mind, but Su Wu only dared to speculate, did not dare to say it, and quickly withdrew from the camp.

After Su Wu withdrawed from the camp, the sentence was against Qin Haoxuan: "The heavens are ruthless, and the cultivation of the immortals must be ruthless. Unless you know that the immortals in the enemy camp are weaker than you, you must not give them a head. Otherwise, how can you die? I don't know."

After the words were written, Qin Haoxuan felt that the punishment was too selfish. If he did not hide in this military camp, it would dilute the breath of the fairy tales. He is now likely to use up all the Lingshi to be caught by the red smelt. It is still hidden by the benefits of this Su Wu.

Looking at the hesitant color on Qin Haoxuan’s face, he said: “You are not good at this point. How can you be so soft in your heart? You must learn to be unrequited!”

Qin Haoxuan said: "You said that my heart is soft? What about you?"

Being shut by Qin Haoxuan, his speech is speechless, and he is a big demon in the vertical and horizontal secluded. When facing this Qin Haoxuan, it is really soft.... Otherwise, the red smelt has a sword, and he also has a Wanli... It’s .

wrong! Laozi is because he hasn't got the Taoist Dafa! Laozi will not have any soft heart for this kid! The punishment found that he suddenly found a good excuse, so he became more and more happy.

The sentence was secretly sighed, and he couldn’t say that Qin Haoxuan was right or wrong, but he wanted to come and help the mortal to be wrong.

Qin Haoxuan smiled slightly and looked calm and self-satisfied: "Although I am a cultivator, I used to be a mortal. There is a saying for human beings. The grace of dripping water is reported by the springs. Let's not say that the springs are reported, but do things with peace of mind! You help me think about it, is there any way to find out the cultivation of the immortal in the enemy camp?"

Qin Jianxuan could not convince Qin Haoxuan, and gave up the method of persuading him. He thought: "If you find out the enemy camp to cultivate the immortals, we can collect the ghosts of the battlefield on the spot and make a special detective ghost."

The punishment was paused, suddenly like thinking of something, the face was happy: "Right, we can also collect a lot of battlefield ghosts, refining a strong and powerful Yin God, if the red refining is still catching up, we can take the opportunity Sneak attack on him with a shadowy god!"

Qin Haoxuan nodded, although this guy is not a positive character, but there are always a lot of strange methods, and there is no other way to find out the strength of the other immortal, then he can only listen to his method.

"What do we need to prepare?"

Exalted: "It is OK to refine a sorrowful soul. This thing is relatively simple. I teach you to do it."

Qin Haoxuan still has a lot of materials on the body. Under the guidance of the punishment, he quickly made a collection of ghosts, and now waits for the ghosts of the battlefield in the dead of night!

Outside the camp, the flag is slammed by the wind, in the camp...

Qin Haoxuan touched the soul-inducing symbol in his hand and carefully felt the difference between the refining good soul-inducing symbol and the Wanli symbol.

The body of the soul-inducing symbol is just ordinary sapphire. There are only a few inscriptions on it. It is not like the high-grade symbol of the Wanli, which is covered with various inscriptions. The soul-inducing symbol reveals a gloomy atmosphere. Not comfortable.

After making the soul-inducing symbol, Qin Haoxuan and the punishment meditation on the cross-legged for a while. During the period, Qin Haoxuan used the thousands of mirrors to observe the current situation of the red smelt. He found that the red smelt was like a headless fly, looking for himself everywhere, and he could not find his own. whereabouts.

After a while, in addition to the patrolling soldiers, other soldiers have already slept, Qin Haoxuan and the sentence are preparing to come out of the camp, and when they go to the battlefield not far away to collect the ghost, they suddenly heard a drum sound of the police.

"In the camp, some people attacked the camp!"

It turned out that a figure broke into the camp area, and the figure swayed in and out, and did not put the soldiers in charge of the warning in the eye. Because the enemy had the help of the immortal, Su Wu was prepared and placed a lot of money on his own account. alert.

After the man came in, the patrolling soldiers knocked on the gongs and drums to warn the police. The trained soldiers immediately reacted. Su Wu has been very careful and cautiously guarding against possible sneak attacks by the enemy, so he asked for all the soldiers’ saddles. Do not leave the vest without leaving the body, and if there is any change, it can respond in time.

Su Wu’s pro-guards waved a hand, and the soldiers who had been on standby had put their arrows directly. This uninvited guest swayed through the perimeter warning line and broke into the camp area without any shun. It was obviously not simple.

The pro-guardian looked solemn, and a horrible thought rose in his heart: "This camper is so powerful, shouldn't it be the enemy who invited the enemy?"

The camper sneered, and the soldiers would be brave and disdainful. His right hand plunged into his arms and took a charm and launched it.

After the charm was launched, a light yellow light curtain appeared on his body. Under the protection of this light curtain, his face looked even more unscrupulous.

The pro-guardian saw this scene, and suddenly no one was as ruthless as this, and the camper was really a fairy!

"Archer archery! Bow picks up the speed! The long gun team is ready to attack, the knife shield is defensive!"

After a series of orders spit out from the long guards, the soldiers performed very seriously.

The arrows are like a locust in the sky, but these locust-like arrows can swallow any enemy's life, but when they hit the campers, they make a sound like hitting the steel plate. The sharp arrows of the arrows are all smashed, but the campers are unscathed.

To know that these powerful arrows are blown down at once, even the iron shield can be turned into a sieve!

The pro-health commander again ordered: "The bow is shot and the pistol is ready!"

If the arrow can shoot through the steel plate and there is an exaggerated composition, then the bow and the steel plate are not exaggerated. A baby-like arrow whistling out, making a sharp sound of breaking the air. By.

The camper sneered and looked at the lightning bolts and thunderously like his children's playthings. He said: "This kind of trick also wants to hurt this seat!"

He reached out and grabbed a smashing arrow and folded his hands gently. The smashing arrow was broken and effortless.

The remaining dozens of arrows were shot on him!

The arrow, the life harvester on the battlefield, hits him gently like a raindrop, then falls to the ground.

Not to mention the injury to the campers, even the light yellow light curtain on his body that seems to be extremely light is not shaken.

After the arrow is shot,

Looking at the arrows can not hurt the scene of the campers, the pro-guards know that these immortals are not mortal can win, hurriedly ordered: "Pikes attack, swear to protect the general!"

After the pro-guardian ordered it, he sneaked into the Suwu camp and prepared to call General Su to escape.

Hundreds of soldiers armed with rifles form a wall of people. This long-sword team is a squad of martial arts that Su Wu has carefully tried to temper. The long-gun team is different from the ordinary soldiers. They are metamorphosiss by Su Wu. There are a hundred and a dozen knives, as if there are no hundred knives on the body, they are embarrassed to see people, saying that they are soldiers, it is better to say that the desperate is more appropriate, and they all have the power of thousands of arrogance Nothing to say.

Although they also guessed that the campers were Shangxian, in the ear of the population, Shangxian was invincible.

The appearance of this immortal scared the rest of the soldiers, but the soldiers of these long guns were different. The campers seemed to be more able to arouse the blood of their hearts. I don’t know who snorted: "Brothers, people! We Kill more, look at the gods today!"

The soldiers of the long guns were stunned, and the morale of the downturn was once again hot!

Hundreds of swaying gunpoints are like little cold stars. In these strong and powerful martial arts, it seems that all enemies are vulnerable to paper tigers.

Countless long shots were stabbed on the campers, but only the pale yellow light curtain that appeared on him shook a little.

"Are you finished?" the camper asked contemptuously, and then applied [Opening the Sky], his arm turned into a big knife. He was the cultivator of the 14th leaf of Xian Miaojing.斩 】 】 】 】 】 】 】 】 】 】 】 】 】 】 】 】 】 】 】 】 】 】 】 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


The camper waved a hand These long guns cast from the whole body steel fell to the ground.

With a wave of sleeves and a spur of strength, he will be in front of him, and all the pikemen who have the power of bullfights will fly. These sturdy men are as light as paper...

The soldiers of the long guns were all shot. The swordsmen who were the last line of defense had no bones and lost their armor. They wished that the aunt had two more legs and could run faster.

The camper’s cold eyes glanced at the broken and distracted soldiers, and they did not pursue them. They rushed straight into Su Wu’s camp.

Su Wu and his escorts were preparing to flee, and saw that the campers suddenly came in, and they were so scared that the long guns and the swords and knives were broken. Is it really his death today?

At this time, Su Wu thought of the two immortals in the next-door camp, as if the drowning people caught the straw, and shouted in his mouth: "The immortal saves lives, and the immortal saves lives!"

His guardian gaze deeply at Su Wu, his eyes revealing a decisive color, and he screamed with loyalty: "The general is running, I will drag him!"

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