Too Early

Chapter 197: Open 1 cut dragon body

It's simple to say, but it's actually hard.

[Daoxin sorcerer Dafa] Just like the guiding light, the axe is a bit of a disorderly atmosphere in the body of Qin Haoxuan. Under the guidance of the axe of the Taoist sorcerer, the yin flows along the path of Qin Haoxuan for a week.

Just after the operation of this week, Qin Haoxuan felt that there was a faint yin in the body. This yin no longer needs the guidance of [Daoxin Devil Dafa]. According to the method of [Ghosts and Gods], Qin Haoxuan can be as instructed by the arm. Smooth and comfortable.

The body produces yin, and the breath around it is all overcast, and there is a thick, gloomy smell in the air. This is the sign of the first level of entry of [Ghosts and Gods].

[Ghosts and gods come] The most difficult threshold to cross is easy to overcome, Qin Haoxuan did not expect to be so smooth.

Once he started to use the method of [Ghosts and Gods] to exercise his luck, Qin Haoxuan could not stop. The time passed unconsciously, and Qin Haoxuan also practiced for a whole night.

Some of the punishments are unrecognizable and look at Qin Haoxuan. [Ghosts and Gods] In the opposite direction, how can Qin Haoxuan plunge into the cultivation night?

Until the next day, the sky was white, and when Qin Haoxuan was last running [Ghosts and Gods], a weak chilly air was born in the body. Although this chilly gas was weak, it was a bit more sinful than the beginning. It has been many times stronger. It exists in Qin Haoxuan's Dantian gas sea. It is as quiet as a small flame, neither jumping nor extinguishing.

After the chilly gas was formed in the Qin Haoxuan Dantian gas sea, [Ghosts and Gods] stopped, Qin Haoxuan could feel that the first layer of his own [Ghosts and Gods] was a successful cultivation.

When Qin Haoxuan opened his eyes, the punishment looked at him with concern. He looked at him for so long before opening his eyes, thinking that he had no results in [Ghosts and Advents] and was trying to comfort him.

Qin Haoxuan said: "I practiced [Ghosts and Gods] the first layer was successful!"

Just want to comfort Qin Haoxuan's sentence, Zhang Dazui, who is guilty of a few mistakes, can't say a word: "I rely on you, you are abnormal, this [Ghosts and Gods] even if you give me this kind of genius cultivation, you need at least More than a month's time! How can you practice it in a day? Even if you can't be so fast in the immortal purple, you can practice to the first floor one night? Impossible, this is impossible!"

Although the punishment was unbelievable, the expression on his face sold him, and he believed!

In fact, there is nothing to believe in. This kind of thing Qin Haoxuan is not good.

[Ghosts and Gods] This kind of exercise is similar to the magic door practice, and the introduction of ghosts is to reduce the lifespan. In exchange for the general cultivation of immortals, not only will the lifespan be lost, but it is also difficult to cultivate successfully. The reason why the punishment is dare to let Qin Haoxuan Cultivation, it is because he cultivated [Daoxin Devil's Law], in theory, Qin Haoxuan cultivation [Ghosts and Gods] will not lose life.

[Daoxin Devil's Law] is a magical combination of the magic door and the Daoist Fa-rectification, and [Ghosts and Gods] is essentially the same as the [Daoxin Devil's Law], knowing that Qin Haoxuan will [Daoxin Devils Dafa] Let him practice [Ghosts and Gods], he does not hope that Qin Haoxuan will become a "ghost god". This profound and magical technique will take more than a month to practice, even if it is cultivated in the immortal world, it is short. During the time, he also thought about success. He let Qin Haoxuan practice the purpose of making Qin Haoxuan familiar with the familiarity of ghosts and gods, but he never imagined that he practiced so fast, and he even became the first layer of [Ghosts and Gods]!

Of course... neither the punishment nor Qin Haoxuan knows that the fairy magic species is slowly blooming with power, if it is not a fairy magic species... It is also a idiotic dream to practice the first layer overnight.

[Ghosts and Gods] After the first layer of cultivation is successful, the next step is to refine.

However, it is already daytime, and it is not suitable for refining during the day.

Because the ghosts in this jade bottle are too weak, they will be harmed when they are refining during the day when the yang is strong, and eventually the strength of the refining ghosts is low.

According to the strength of the ghost soldiers in [Ghosts and Gods], the ghost soldiers are also graded. The primary ghost soldiers are equivalent to the strength of the Xian Miaojing Shiyejing Xiuxian, while the intermediate ghost soldiers are equivalent to the fairy seedlings. The cultivator of the immortality, the senior ghost soldier is equivalent to the strength of the celestial cultivator in the 30th leaf of the saplings. The strength of the ghost squad is called the ghost when it exceeds the thirty-leaf, and the strength of the forty-leaf is called For the ghost handsome, if the strength of this ghost reaches the fairyland, it is the level of the ghost king, it is already a very powerful existence.

Although Qin Haoxuan really wants to refine immediately, he resists the desire to refine.

At this time, Su Wu came to his camp, and the girl bowed and said: "The Qixian Shangxian, the enemy's Shangxian was killed by you last night. Now is the time for low morale. I want to seize the opportunity to attack them. You think how is it?"

Qin Haoxuan said: "You mortal things, you look at yourself."

"Yes!" After Su Wu got Qin Haoxuan's approval, he immediately returned to his own camp, dispatched troops, and soon assembled forces and enemy forces.

The two former immortals of the Zhaopu army were killed by Qin Haoxuan, when the morale was low.

On the other hand, the Soviet army, the morale is like a rainbow, and the sound of shouting is deafening, especially when Su Wu yelled at the front of the battle: "Their immortals have been killed by us, brethren, it is time for us to avenge! Well, we have Shangxian sitting in the town, our army will win!"

"Shangxian sits in the town, our army will win! Shangxian sits in the town, our army will win!" The soldiers shouted in unison.

"Kill!" Su Wu armed with a silver gun, took the lead, led his pistol team to the forefront, was beaten by Zhao Pu for a few days, not only him, his soldiers were full of anger, shouting and killing the enemy military.

This momentum will scare Zhao Pujun, who is not a cultivator, because there is no such thing as the immortality of Zhao Pu’s army, and even the soldiers have lost their helmets and abandoned.

In a few cases, the Zhaopu army was beaten, and Zhao Pu himself was stabbed by Su Wu and was killed on the spot.

After the enemy was defeated, Su Wu came to the Qin Haoxuan camp.

"Take the sacred Hongfu, the enemy has been defeated by our army. Is it going forward or staying here? If the singer answers, I want to go west and follow the road map given to me by the military plane." Without Qin Haoxuan Licensing, Su Wu did not dare to enter the account, had to be respectful inquiries outside the account.

Qin Haoxuan looked at the sentence and said: "Do you think it is safe to leave or stay here?"

The prisoner spread his hand and said that it doesn't matter: "As long as you are mixed in the army, the red smelt can't find your trace, but if you leave, you can't!"

Qin Haoxuan sighed softly and sighed: "General Sue, your military affairs, you can do it."

After obtaining the permission of Qin Haoxuan, Su Wu immediately ordered the camp to move forward.

Qin Haoxuan didn't want to leave here, but there was no way, because he knew that once he left the military camp, without this fierce arrogance as a cover, he would soon be found by Chi refining, so when Su Wu came to ask him to leave with the army, he did not I hesitated and agreed.

"Hey, this way to escape, when is the head!" Qin Haoxuan was somewhat unsettled, and was on the road.

The sentence sitting in the carriage seems very comfortable, saying: "When the tracking fairy law on you fails, we can leave! This is the first day, you can't hold your breath? I see the general called Su Wu. I will treat you as an ancestor and respectfully serve you, you should be very cool!"

Qin Haoxuan turned a blind eye to him: "Be sure to face the enemy's cultivators at any time, but also be careful not to leave traces, so as not to be discovered by the red smelters, such a day is like a thin ice, the ghosts feel cool."

The sorrowful laughter said: "As long as you pass on the "Da Dao Dafa Dafa" to me, I regained my strength after cultivation, and cultivated a big rise, let alone the enemy's cultivation of immortals, even if the fairyland I am not afraid of the red smelt!"

Qin Haoxuan is too lazy to take care of him. This is a small sentence that does not leave the old line. He is always playing his own idea of ​​"Dream of the Dad". If he teaches this method to him, he will not do anything to bridge the river. However, I am afraid that the head of this punishment will be hot, and I will do something that I can’t imagine. At that time... although the punishment is strong, it is not necessarily true that it can be invincible in the entire Xiuxian world...

When it was really at that moment, Daoism’s Dafa did not know whether it was a punishment or a harm. It was encircled to death all over the world.

See Qin Haoxuan does not take care of himself, the sentence is still squinting: "Or you will pass [Dragon Magic Golden Body] to me, and I will practice with my qualifications [Dragon Magic Golden Body] and not for a long time, after practicing Dacheng, that I can also help you resist one or two!"

Qin Haoxuan was silent for a while, but he was staring at the punishment, and he felt a little bit in his heart.

"Look what? Look at the big night, don't look at Laozi with this kind of eyes... This look is very horrible, do you know?" The subconscious mind stepped back two steps.

Qin Haoxuan sighed and said: "I pass you the dragon and the golden body, how long can you cultivate to Dacheng?"

"If you are lucky, one or two years? Bad luck, ten years and eight years? Or a hundred years? It will not last for thousands of years?" The criminal said with a finger in the calculation: "You also know that the Taoist genius inside Dafa The things that are top things are the magic genius..."

"Oh..." Qin Haoxuan stopped the other party's bragging in a timely manner and said: "Then I passed it to you, it seems that it is not useful in the short term?"

"How could it be useless?" The sentence jumped and said: "Dacheng can't, Xiaocheng can't? Can you know that there are multiple swords for the old things of the red refining son? The last time Laozi became a shield, he was almost given by him. Open it! If you give him a few more swords, Laozi will be really killed! If there is a dragon and a golden body, Laozi is transformed into a shield, at least for a while..."

"Then I pass you... Don't you mess around?" Qin Haoxuan once again confirmed! The most annoying thing for Laozi is this mother-in-law! "There was a dissatisfaction sitting on the ground and said: "Oh! Lao Tzu promises you that Lao Tzu will not use the Dragon and the Golden to do anything you don't like, OK? ”

"That's good! Say it!"

"I really convinced..." The prisoner held his forehead and said in his mouth: "What did Laozi owe you in the last life? Why can't you take it? If you are a beautiful demon, Lao Tzu can understand! I am watching you!"

“Don't you say that?” Qin Haoxuan interrupted the broken words of the sentence: “I don’t learn in the end?”

"Tell it! Learn! You said everything right!" The sentence turned and looked at Qin Haoxuan: "Come on! I am ready!"

Qin Haoxuan adjusted his knowledge of the gods. Throughout these days, he has been able to use God's knowledge to transmit what he wants to convey to people, so that the possibility of the wall is completely eliminated.

The punishment opened up everything and greeted what Qin Haoxuan had given him.

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