Too Early

Chapter 208: Ghosts and gods come 2

Where Qin Haoxuan would not see Su Wu’s careful thoughts, he helped Su Wu just to have a hiding place, not to be found by the Red Refining Son. As for Su Wu’s killing all the way, he did not want to see it in Qin Haoxuan’s eyes. In the rebel army, the rebel soldiers are also a living mother, but also a living life. For the so-called world justice to deprive these people of their lives, is it not a life-stained charcoal?

More importantly, after defeating an army as a reliance, Su Wu will definitely continue to look for the next military confrontation. From the two rebels encountered, at least one of the rebel forces has a township. And the strength is in the more than ten leaves of Xian Miao, and there are many strange treasures on the body, so that I am tired of coping.

Qin Haoxuan does not want to meet the immortal again. If he encounters a problem, he will be in trouble. If he can stop playing like this, he will encounter even more powerful immortals.

Think of Hao Xiu's cockroach beast today, Qin Haoxuan is still lucky in the dark, he has [Ghosts and Gods] as a killer, but who can guarantee that other cultivators have no more powerful killers?

After considering it, Qin Haoxuan said: "I can help you kill the enemy immortals, but you must promise me a condition."

"Please also show the fairy." Su Wu saw a play, and fell to the ground.

"After I killed the enemy cultivators, you took the army and surrounded the enemy forces, and did not attack." Qin Haoxuan said: "We will encircle the enemy for a period of time, just to let your men and gentlemen rest. Don't let the enemy escape, and don't attack, let them not ask for help. This seat deeply feels that the killing caused by this time is too heavy, and it will be against God's will to kill it. We can't go any further."

Qin Haoxuan said, slowly close his eyes, began to adjust the body of spiritual power, no longer pay attention to Su Wu.

Su Wu did not expect Qin Haoxuan to be reluctant to continue to march, but he could not help. After all, he could not order the immortal.

Although Su Wu was unhappy in his heart, he had to bow three heads with respect and respect, saying: "I want to follow the will of the immortal."

After Su Wu left, Qin Haoxuan began to think about how to deal with the enemy's cultivators.

The punishment was on the side of the head and made a plan: "I will fight in the morning and evening anyway. I feel that it is better to start with a strong hand. I will not attack him later."

"But how do we sneak into the camp of the other party without being discovered by him?" Qin Haoxuan asked the sentence.

The sentence took out two yellow-yellow jade characters and said: "This is the two bandits found out from Hao Xiu who was killed by you today. Although it is the inferior goods, you can sneak a hundred miles and enter the ground ten meters. Deep, the speed is as fast as a horse. If you are careful, it is not easy to be discovered."

Qin Haoxuan nodded and said to the sentence: "This is the case, and we are ready to go down to our bandits."

After picking up a bandit, and estimating the position of the enemy's cultivator, Qin Haoxuan crushed the bandit.

A soft force wraps Qin Haoxuan's body. He feels that the land under his feet instantly becomes soft and soft. He has been sinking to the depth of ten meters before stopping, and then squatting toward the estimated position. This feeling is like in the water. Swimming in general.

Arriving at the ground, Qin Haoxuan took the lead and drilled up. It was the camp of the enemy's cultivator.

From the battlefield, the gourd real person is refining the beast. His beast is also the "Bifang" with the original alien beast. The power of the Qin Haoxuan ghost soldier makes him feel dangerous. As soon as possible, the refining success, so that when dealing with Qin Haoxuan is also more emboldened.

Although Qin Haoxuan made him feel dangerous, the strength of the four leaves of Xian Miaojing made him unable to pay more attention. After a simple enchantment was arranged around the camp, he began to refine.

In the view of the gourd real people, this enchantment is enough to stop Qin Haoxuan for a while. In case Qin Haoxuan sneaked on himself, there was enough reaction time. Besides, he never thought that a little doll with a fairy seedling would come and sneak attack.

Qin Haoxuan’s foot slammed into the ground like a string of arrows. There was a simple enchantment on the ground, but for Qin Haoxuan, this enchantment was as fragile as an egg shell, but it was broken.

The enchantment is broken!

The whole body and the refining of the beast's gourd are really bad. If you break your enchantment in a flash, is there a more powerful cultivator? He suddenly opened his eyes and pushed the semi-finished beast to the back.

When the gourd real person saw Qin Haoxuan, he sneered: "Good boy, dare to come to me! Since you sent yourself to death, you can't blame me!"

When the gourd real person saw Qin Haoxuan, his eyes were full of brilliance, and his face was greedy.

He said this on his mouth, but his heart was very jealous of Qin Haoxuan's ghost soldiers. When he spoke, he squeezed the law, and the spiritual power quickly condensed in his hand. It was the shortest time to condense!

After all, the gourd real person is the immortal of the fifteen leaves of Xian Miaojing. Even if Qin Haoxuan is too big, he will not let him attack him. The gods will gather into a stick. This golden **** knows that a stick is playing in the gourd. God knows.

Although the gods attack can not beat his soul, but also let the gourd real people scream, and the [opening of the sky] came over.

At this time, the penalty also suddenly came out from the ground, grabbed the gourd's neck and twisted it, slamming, the gourd's real neck broke, just want to kill Qin Haoxuan to win the treasure, he immediately sighed.

The gourd is a man who is blind and blind, and he does not believe that he was planted in the hands of a young boy with a fairy seedling.

Because Qin Haoxuan broke through the enchantment too fast, and then used the gods to attack so that the gourd real people did not fight back, this assassination was very smooth.

Killing the gourd real person, Qin Haoxuan carrying a gourd real human body, holding a semi-finished beast back to his own camp.

Back to the camp, Qin Haoxuan’s eyes fell on this semi-finished beast with one person high.

This beast is a bird, covered in white, with a light yellow feather on the wings and short-tailed tail feathers. The mouth is pointed and long. Unlike ordinary birds, it has only one foot.

When he arrived at the gourd real camp, he was honing the bird and it was very baby.

The punishment also wandered around the big bird, and after a little thought, he praised: "Good things, good things! This is the beast of the above-mentioned ancient beasts as a prototype refining, but now it is still a semi-finished product! Fortunately, there is still no refining success. The strength of Bifang Fuyin and the beast of the beast are even better than the best!"

Qin Haoxuan secretly said that if the gourd real person succeeded in this refining, he would lose his sneak attack on him. He used the Bifangfu beast to deal with himself, and he was afraid that he would suffer a big loss.

At the same time, Qin Haoxuan deeply glanced at the punishment. This guy usually hangs his anger and knows a lot of things. This ancient animal can be recognized at a glance.

"No, no!" The sentence is still studying this Bifangfu beast. He turned around the Bifangfu beast and said with a puzzled voice: "The beast needs the soul of the beast to refine it. The ancient animal is killed by the people of the fifteen leaves of the fairyland in the district. Without the soul of the beast, this beast has its own shape and cannot be truly refined!"

"Today's cockroach is also an ancient beast, Hao Xiu District, Xian Miaojing fourteen leaves, where to get a beast soul back?" The brow frowning to himself, thinking for a while, suddenly realized : "I know, today's cockroach is not strong, it is definitely not made with the real scorpion soul! Really use the ancient animal beast to refine the beast, at least ... at least The strength of the fairyland! I guess that this gourd real person must have a similar method of replacing the beast soul with other beasts, find it!"

When he heard the sentence, Qin Haoxuan immediately searched for the body of the gourd. The hoist was a better than Hao Xiuqiang. After he turned out a lot of the next three spirits, he even had two lower spirits. Hao Xiu is richer and richer.

At the same time, Qin Haoxuan also found a broken book wrapped in three layers of the outer layer of the animal skin.

Qin Haoxuan turned over and turned over. Although he did not understand the refining of the beast, he still saw a lot of problems. He said: "This is a remnant of the beast. It is obviously not a complete system of the sect. A lot of things are taken for granted, and they are full of flaws."

After all, Qin Haoxuan was born in the early days of teaching. Usually, the basic knowledge of Xiu Xian is not weak. This remnant of the beast has several places that violate the common sense of immortality.

However, Qin Haoxuan is very self-aware, knowing that he is definitely not as good as punishment in this respect, so after turning over, he directly handed the residual to the sentence.

After taking the criminals, I began to read and reason, and shook my head while watching: "No, no..."

After spending half a column of incense time, the prisoner has finished reading this remnant, and pondered for a long time: "This Bifangfu beast does not use the real beast to refine, but collects many ghost refining, using these ghosts as Bifang's beast is used, but this method is only theoretically feasible. There is no one in reality. If it fails, it will explode!"

Let's stop ~ The sentence is a long breath: "Fortunately, we went early, if it is late for a while, this only to the critical moment, the Bifangfu beast failed to explode, we both have to die ""

"Explosion?" Qin Haoxuan's eyes lit up: "How can it cause it to explode, how is the power of the explosion?"

The punishment waved the hand of this beast and refining the slogan: "According to the above method, the refining will explode, and the ghost will be used as a guide. Then a garrison will be arranged to inject the spiritual power in the spirit stone into the beast. In the body, it will definitely explode, and the power of the explosion... can only be said to be very strong."

"Can the explosion blow the red smelt?" Qin Haoxuan asked with a smile.

The sentence did not answer immediately. He took a moment to re-introduction, and then said: "The power of the explosion is very large, theoretically it can threaten the red refining."

Qin Haoxuan nodded with satisfaction and said: "That is enough."

According to the method of refining the remnants of the beast, Qin Haoxuan reduced the semi-finished product, which was only one person high, and decided to keep the semi-finished beast and detonate against the red refining at a critical moment.

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