Too Early

Chapter 219: Cross section 1 born 2

"Oh, I found that you are really suitable for being a demon. It is a pity that you are not doing magic!"

Whenever the sentence says this, Qin Haoxuan shook his head in a positive color and said: "I am forced to fight... I just killed them because they want my life, and I have no positive confrontation. So I have to make this decision! If you don't cooperate with me, I have to fight and fight with him!"

After thinking about it, he sighed and he couldn’t watch Qin Haoxuan’s death. He couldn’t help but sigh: “Well, I promise you! But I have a condition.”

"Say!" Qin Haoxuan smiled slightly: "In addition to the Taoist genius Dafa, you can open your mouth as much as you like. You need to go back to see the master in the early days, and see if the old man accepts you as an apprentice."

The white-eyed turn of the sentence has to be turned to the back of the head. The self-cultivation has all recovered. The scorpion has not given him the qualification to raise his shoes. Now he has to accept himself as an apprentice? Switching to someone else's words, I have already twisted the man's head.

"You have a dead brain! Without your master's permission, how can you tell me how to do the right thing?" The punishment blamed: "My condition is that you want two other beasts, red blood and iron back."

Qin Haoxuan’s request for punishment is very unexpected: “You have to do so many animals, can you operate it?”

Qin Haoxuan once again gave Qin Haoxuan a deep eye: "You forgot that I am the genius of the secluded springs? Don't say three heads, even if the five heads of the beasts, I can operate at the same time! As for the same What do you do, I can't fight them as toys? It's so boring in the military camp, don't find some fun! Hey!"

Obviously, the punishment is not bad for becoming a **** tomorrow.

Ironbacks and red blood scorpions are more powerful, but compared to Lingshi, Dragon Blood, and the martial arts of Daoism, they are nothing, let alone if the punishment can actually manipulate three heads at the same time. Beast, the fighting power of one's own side has doubled!

Therefore, Qin Haoxuan did not hesitate to give him the other two heads, and also gave the punishment of the beast's manipulative manual, saying: "Then you are familiar with it, if there is a battle tomorrow!"

Excited to take over these two beasts, immediately began to look at the small manual, while watching and manipulating the beast, so that Qin Haoxuan was surprised that he could use one heart and three, while manipulating the three beasts, but also let the three heads The beast is playing.

Qin Haoxuan looked at the insatiable punishment with his puzzled eyes. He thought: "Is this too boring, really take these beasts as toys?"

It can be known from Xu Chang’s birthday note that Long Tian’s fighting power is far superior to that of the other three, so Qin Haoxuan is also immersed in hard work and perfecting the plan.

Qin Haoxuan immersed himself in thinking. It was two hours. A complete and flawless plan was finally formed in his mind.

After making a good decision, Qin Haoxuan will summon Su Wu.

When Su Wu came, the sentence was still manipulating the three-headed beasts to fight each other, but it was not as intense as before, but it was still shocked by Su Wu who had just entered the camp, and these beasts smashed each other during the battle. It hurts his face.

"General Sue, come to you, there is something I want to ask you!" Qin Haoxuan smiled and said very sincerely.

Qin Haoxuan said that he was harmonious, but Su Wu dared to support him, and he said: "Shangxian is told."

"Please ask General Sue to find an absolutely loyal and daring team, about 500 people, and wear the military uniforms of the enemy tomorrow, and go with me to meet the enemy who came to the enemy to help."

Qin Haoxuan's tone is still awkward, but the information revealed has shocked Su Wu: "Is the enemy still sent to the immortal to help?"

Qin Haoxuan nodded: "I am going to dress up as an enemy. I will meet him tomorrow, and then kill him! So you must look for the soldiers, and you must not reveal the flaws."

"Yes, yes! Please rest assured that you will go to the end!" Su Wu learned that there was still a fairy to rescue the enemy, scared a cold sweat, and immediately left the selection.

The next morning, the sun just rose, and the earth was still covered with a thin layer of white mist.

Qin Haoxuan and the prisoner who had become a red powder fairy, set off with 500 soldiers wearing enemy military uniforms.

According to Long Tianao's route, Qin Haoxuan decided to kill him at a distance of 20 miles from the military camp. With the strength of Long Tianao and the relationship with the red powder fairy, it is normal for the red powder fairy to meet him.

It’s a relatively empty place to travel when you touch a fragrant time. But on both sides are mountains and forests. Long Tian Ao will definitely pass through no matter which way you go.

The prisoner who turned into a pink fairy was smiling, and from time to time, the five hundred young and powerful soldiers behind him were stunned. The five hundred soldiers who had been in the sand like a wolf did not dare to face her. .

After waiting for about an hour, there was a hoof in the distance.

Qin Haoxuan and a few steps before the punishment, turned into the front of the prison of the red powder fairy, the person is the Dragon Tianao, but there is not only one person, behind the dragon Tianao, followed by a robe costume middle age People, with a mustache, face yellow skinny and a pair of lack of eating and wearing less.

Long Tianao is exactly the same as Xu Chang’s birthday note. He wears a green shirt and carries a long sword on his back. He wears a black hair and winds in the wind. The rough facial features are cold and unusual, and the eyebrows are faint. Out of murderousness, the whole person is like a sword with a scabbard. The momentum is far from the ratio of Xu Changsheng and Huayang.

Qin Haoxuan’s face with the ugly face and the heart of the mind has completely disappeared at this moment! In addition to Long Tianao, there are still scattered repairs! This does not match the information recorded in the information!

The two looked at each other and knew that it was a blessing or a curse. Nowadays, it is no longer possible to retreat in this situation. It can only be **** the scalp! Find the opportunity to get started! Beat a hand!

They thought about it, but they still smiled, as if the more they came, the better.

"Dragon brother, come from afar, hard work!" The sentence said with a sigh of relief, and Long Tianao, who stopped at Lema, threw a wink!

Long Tianao smiled slightly, and his look was obviously disdainful to the red pink fairy, and he did not dismount. He said: "Yan Ling Shimei, is the little fat sheep of the early teaching still alive?"

"Dragon brother did not come, how can we dare to slaughter?" ‘Red Pink Fairy’ smiled and said: “I will introduce you, this is the apprentice of my gourd teacher.”

The punishment pointed to a smile on his face, and from time to time he went to Long Tian proudly to go to Qin Haoxuan, who worshipped his eyes.

Qin Haoxuan took a step forward and held the ceremony of the younger generation: "The teacher often mentions the name of Long Shibo, and the disciple is long-awaited, so today I am daring to ask the teacher to take me to meet Shibo."

This flattering is obviously very comfortable, and he faintly said, "This golden brother is my friend, I met in the middle of the road, so I came together!"

"Golden priests are polite!" The sin of the red powder fairy was smirked and flirted at him.

The golden priests slightly bowed their hands and smiled slightly: "All said that the pink fairy fairy had come to me, and today I saw it was extraordinary. Even my priests almost moved their hearts!"

"If you are interested in Tao, we can also study the moral truth together!"

The golden priest laughed and then turned down the horse with Long Tianao.

Seeing that they are two horses, Qin Haoxuan’s heart is happy. It seems that their alertness has been relaxed. So they pretend to take care of them, and the punishment has gone through a hand that holds Long Tian’s pride.

As a younger generation, Qin Haoxuan, of course, walked behind them, seeing the sentence and they chatted with each other, Qin Haoxuan suddenly spurred [Ghosts and Gods], sealed on the arm of the ghosts bursting sleeves crashed! One rushed to Long Tianao, and the other rushed to the Golden Gate!

Qin Haoxuan started, and the gesture of holding Long Tianao was changed, and it became the pulse of Dragon Heaven.

Long Tianao and Jin Yudao were shocked. The two men simultaneously transported the spiritual body, and they all flashed a faint aura. After all, Long Tianao was trained through countless battles. In this millennium, he was alone. Like a muddy slip, he immediately escaped from the punishment, and Qin Haoxuan’s head of the ghost was rubbing his shoulder blade!

One hit...falling!

As for the Golden Martyr, although he also used the spiritual body and sensed the suffocating scent of the ghost, he immediately crushed the amulet of the twenty-three leaves of the fairyland, but he himself did not respond to the dragon. So fast, I couldn’t hide, I had to rely on the amulet and the defensive power of the bodyguards to let the ghost hit the body with a punch.

Just listening to the scream, the golden scorpion's body amulet is broken, the body of the body is broken, and the spare force is also shocked by the golden scorpion. The face is pale and the body hurries back.

The amulet of the twenty-three leafy land of Xianmiaojing, even if it is the cultivator of the twenty-three leafy land of Xianmiaojing, does not dare to say that it is sure to break the punch, but this ghost has actually broken the amulet with a punch and will also The body of the body was broken, and the extra force caused him to be slightly injured.

Qin Haoxuan’s ghost soldiers are so powerful, and Jin Dao Dao dare to confront him.

Long Tianao looked at Qin Haoxuan's eyes obviously very surprised ~ ~ He did not expect Qin Haoxuan actually possessed such a devil, if not he has been vigilant, this time and Jin Haodao people will be injured.

At this moment! Where does Long Tian Ao still know that it has been calculated?

Without any hesitation, the Golden Martyr immediately released the beast and attacked the penalty, while Long Tianao also released the beast and attacked Qin Haoxuan.

The cold screamed, his hand waved, and at the same time, he gestured, and there was a three-foot-long iron-backed cockroach in front of him, a red-blooded cockroach with two meters high, and a huge python with a serpent.

Seeing this, Long Tianao’s face changed. He immediately understood: “Globe, you actually killed Huayang, Red Pink Fairy and Xu Changsheng! Today I want you to pay for it!”

Kim Jong-do saw that the punishment could manipulate the three-headed beast at the same time, and his face became more solemn. In the cultivation of the fairy world, he had not seen anyone who could use one heart and three hands while manipulating the three-headed beast!

Looking at Qin Haoxuan's two devils and manipulating the three-headed beast, Jin Yudao's heart was bitter and secretly screaming. He wanted to follow Long Tianao's arbitrarily. Who knows that he has encountered hardships, and now he is deeply immersed in it. I accidentally have the danger of life.

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