Too Early

Chapter 246: Wonderland 2

But in addition to Qin Haoxuan's chance, just happened to meet a blue smoke that will be placed. How many other immortals can experience a death? What's more, Qin Haoxuan experienced a full 150 times, and some of his deaths were slightly out of order.

Now Qin Haoxuan, an urgent need for a killing to vent their **** heart, to vent their fear of death!

After seeing Qin Haoxuan, Li Jing was also shocked. In his impression, Qin Haoxuan has been very normal. Whether he is arrogant against him or his own calculations, his expression is very indifferent. How can he be mentally disturbed after this retreat?

There is no nonsense. After Li Jing arranged two teammates for Qin Haoxuan, they started the three-person squad.

Among the three people, Qin Haoxuan, the lowest in the realm of the Eighth Leaf of Xianmu, was the first to take the lead, and the other two were in the 16th leaf environment of Xian Miaojing, and the teammates of Xianmaojing Shiyejing defaulted to his status, and he followed Qin Haoxuan.

Not only did Qin Haoxuan’s two killings before the retreat make them convinced, but more importantly, Qin Haoxuan’s momentum after retreat was more restrained, but the eyes and the murderous occasions that flashed in the eyes made them scared.

After 150 deaths, Qin Haoxuan also cherished life even more. He did not want to walk in a remote place like that before, but he found a way to break through.


Qin Haoxuan is like a hungry wolf who sees a sheep. When the immortality of the 19th leaf cultivator is approaching, the body rushes out like an arrow.

"Hey!" His head was directly blasted by Qin Haoxuan.

From Qin Haoxuan's attack to kill the enemy, his two teammates did not respond at all, only know that Qin Haoxuan was gone.

When they looked at Qin Haoxuan with a smile and collected the spoils, they flashed four words in their hearts: "Like a wolf like a tiger!"

When fighting becomes what people do every day, progress becomes an inevitable thing.

After more than 100 battles between life and death in ten days, Qin Haoxuan constantly summed up, learned lessons, and tried to change. Both physical coordination and spiritual control have made great progress.

It can be seen from the **** massacre today.

When two teammates came out of the hiding place, Qin Haoxuan had already collected the spoils, and said indifferently: "Next!"

Soon, there was a scattered repair of the 20th leaf of Xian Miao, but this time it was not Qin Haoxuan who attacked him, but he attacked Qin Haoxuan and others.

This twenty-leaf is a arrogant arrogance

He commanded the beast to pounce on the strongest 16-leaf Taixue teaching disciple. The 16-leaf Taichu teaching disciple did not react. Qin Haoxuan, who felt the airflow and the wind, had released the right-wing seal of the devil. Go and blow this beast directly.

How can it be?

In the twinkling of life and death, the savvy knows whether it should be distracted, or is it shocked to be lost, and the small repairers of the Six Leafs are so powerful.

Then the devil under the command of Qin Haoxuan, like a meteor once again rushed to the 20-leaf scattered body, this poor twenty-leaf scattered repair has not yet reacted.


The head exploded and the blood was splashed.

Before the headless body fell, the devil had been taken back by Qin Haoxuan and resealed. From the shot to killing the enemy and then to the seal, the speed and the spiritual consumption were much less than before.

This is also the result of Qin Haoxuan's ten-day retreat. In the sea of ​​knowledge, the two devils are his important killers, but after the ghosts come out, they will quickly consume the spiritual power, so he learned to release the ghosts at the crucial moment, and immediately recovered after the success. Such spiritual power consumption is very small. If the attack succeeds, if the attack of the ghost is unsuccessful, you will have enough spiritual power to fight with the enemy!

It was just the poor distraction that hid in the dark, and he couldn’t think of it. He attacked three early-teaching disciples who were much lower than their own situation and failed. The beast was destroyed and he was killed.

Everything was so fast that he didn't respond. Almost, he just released the beast, and the next second was smashed by the devil.

Qin Haoxuan’s two teammates stunned for a while, and the 16-leaf brother had only returned to God for a long time. Qin Haoxuan saved his life.

"Let's go, continue!" Qin Haoxuan turned back to the brothers who were full of thanks, and smiled lightly.

After two battles, or two unilateral slaughter, his suffocating suffocation has been released a lot, and his spirit is slightly normal. It doesn't look so terrible.

In the next few hours, they encountered another mess, but Qin Haoxuan was also the first to take the lead, and the two teammates did not even have a chance to intervene.

Walk, make a move, one hit will kill.

The punishment for becoming a soft armor is only a voice that Qin Haoxuan can hear: "It's amazing, the cow is so messed up!"


Back to the camp, Qin Haoxuan was in a good mood. It was no longer the way to eat people when he went out in the morning. Today he killed three scattered repairs. Although these three areas of practice are generally not high, they also earned seven thousand Lingshi. .

Qin Haoxuan was very happy and said to the sentence: "How, I am so cool today? Not so bad?"

The sentence seems to have completely forgotten before Qin Haoxuan, with Qin Haoxuan in the corner of his eyes, said: "Is it? Let me see how much you are doing?"

At this time, Qin Haoxuan was overwhelmed with confidence and nodded without hesitation.

"I will first see how powerful you are!"

Qin Haoxuan smiled confidently, and he was a master: "Although come!"

The blue smoke of the punishment made a look, and the blue smoke was also joyously arranged. After a while, Qin Haoxuan sat in the circle and entered the sea illusion.

Just entering the sea illusion, Qin Haoxuan fixed his eyes and immediately screamed: "I rely on! How do you flow Yunzi and Jianchen are here? Can you come to the two pirates at the same time?"

On one side, Qin Haoxuan and Liu Yunzi circumvented, while also guarding against the attack of Jian Chen.

Dealing with any of them, Qin Haoxuan will easily win, but the two together, two guys who are good at speed will suppress Qin Haoxuan, and it will not be long before they are sent out by cutting vegetables.

Holding his head and enduring the pain of his body and soul, Qin Haoxuan yelled: "I rely on, how can there be two people? When can I enter two enemies in the sea illusion? Ah..."

Blue smoke looks innocent, to Qin Haoxuan: "Who said that the sea fantasy can only accommodate one enemy? I have not said it!"

The penalty is attached to the side: "Is it not you said that let us come though?"

Qin Haoxuan, who holds his head, no longer cares about the two of them. After the pain is removed, he meditates and regains his strength.

After Qin Haoxuan’s spiritual recovery was over, he was glaring and staring at the penalty.

The sentence was amazed and laughed. "You look like this, do you want to challenge me?"

Qin Haoxuan nodded with anger and nodded, and the anger in his eyes seemed to be solid.

The sentence was dumbfounded, and it was very simple to pull out a hair and hand it to the blue smoke. Then it squeezed a drop of blood and said: "Blood and hair together, my consciousness can also control me in your knowledge of the sea, you fight more Like and really, I am playing! Come on!"

Once again, I entered the sea of ​​knowledge, and it was still the place of the ashes of the ashes. The opposite of Qin Haoxuan was the punishment of the restoration of the magic.

The sentence is handsome, and a beautiful man looks like.

Unlike the people who used to condense their hair alone, they smirked and gambled on Qin Haoxuan.

Qin Haoxuan screamed, and the body was shot like a string of arrows. When he was close to the penalty, he suddenly released two devils. If he was replaced by a general scent of the 20th leaf, he could only wait for the death.

The two devils attacked the penalty from both sides, and Qin Haoxuan raised a punch from the front. In order to report the revenge, Qin Haoxuan did his best. This is a blow to adjust his body to the peak. He is confident that even if the punishment can block It must also be injured.


A loud noise, one of the devils hit the fist of the penalty, and the other ghost was caught in the form of a flash.

The ghost that slammed into the fist of the fist was scattered, and the body was suffocating. This was a sign of serious injury, and the punishment was also shaking, and the fist bleeds.

The front side slammed the devil, and the contempt on the face of the punishment was also closed, because Qin Haoxuan’s punch also arrived.

However, the sentence was not prepared for Qin Haoxuan to hit himself. During this time, he also knew that Qin Haoxuan's physical coordination improved greatly. The strength of this punch is certainly not light.

The penalty body flashed and then escaped the punch.

When a fist fell, Qin Haoxuan immediately condensed, and the two-year-old cyan knife screamed straight.

The sentence was still not flustered. He smiled and gestured, and a green water appeared in front of him. Qin Haoxuan’s knife was like a squat in the cotton group, and there was no way to force it.

Qin Haoxuan said: "This is to restrain you, isn't it?"

Qin Haoxuan dissipated the knife and turned his hand to pick up the handcuffs. A flame appeared in front of him.

Just when the flame was hitting the penalty, the punishment immediately pinched the handcuffs. His preparation time for the spiritual summoning of the spiritual law was much shorter than that of Qin Haoxuan. It was almost a blink of an Qin Haoxuan appeared on the top A black cloud, a burst of rain and falling, even directly drenched Qin Haoxuan's flame.

Qin Haoxuan became a chicken.

Without a hit, Qin Haoxuan was not frustrated. He once again condensed the spiritual method. In front of him, there appeared a road of ice arrows. These ice arrows exude a sharp light. With Qin Haoxuan’s hand, the ice arrow smashed.

The punishment was a smile, like a playful handcuff, and a fire wall appeared in front of him.

The ice arrows that Qin Haoxuan shot to the penalty were not close to the fire wall, they were melted into water and eventually evaporated directly...

"Fun and interesting!" The criminal patted the hand and dispersed it in front of the fire wall. He said: "You want to bathe me, but also get some more water! These waters can't even wash your face."

Qin Haoxuan looked ugly, and he displayed three attacking spirits, and he was restrained by his ease.

He knows that he wants to use the attacking spirit to perfectly restrain the opponent's attacking spirit. In addition to the fact that his own strength is higher than the other, the skill is also very important, because a bad control will result in a missed injury.

For example, if the punishment is slower than calling the fire wall, it will be injured by his own ice arrow.

He dares to do this, is to determine his strength is higher than his own, and the fighting skills are far stronger than himself.

Although Qin Haoxuan’s combat power is not much weaker than punishment, the realm of strength is far worse than the punishment. This is also the place where he suffers the most.

"I am going to see it? Look at my nine secluded magic fire!" The prisoner smashed his eyes, and then saw the child of the toy, his hands and hands, suddenly a large group of fire appeared in his hand, then he randomly threw the fire come. ...

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