Too Early

Chapter 258: Prefects and immortals

"You will give this to your home, and you will say that you have to see him!" Qin Haoxuan handed the jade pendant to the former servant of the janitor. He did not move, so he urged: "What are you doing?" Go ahead!"

"Let's wait a little, wait for the small to go!" The servant's leg was soft. If Qin Haoxuan sent him to inform, he would kneel down directly, but now he is busy holding this jade pendant.

The hand that Qin Haoxuan showed before, as long as it is not a fool, can see his extraordinary, they are just the servants of the bad meal, but they dare not provoke the guy who is suspected of being a fairy, so they put their knives in their hands and put them together. The **** on the ground.

However, while gimmicks and wonders in the heart, this immortal is really good enough, and these people have drawn their swords, and he has not married himself.

Regardless of whether Qin Haoxuan is a fairy or not, can he have the strength to break the steel knife, it is not that these small servants can deal with it, and then they say that they have been so bad for so long, I heard that some people pretend to be imperial ministers, but have not seen anyone who dares to pretend to be impersonating. On the fairy.


Knowing the house is behind the door.

The prefects who were supposed to be high above are respectfully kneeling on the ground. A man with a black robes sitting in front of him looks like a fifteen-year-old with a long knife on his face. There was a big sputum on his face, and because of this braided knife, his entire face looked very embarrassing.

The two of them were talking about something. At this moment, the servant who held the Qin Haoxuan Taichuyu pendant was knocked at the door: "Adult, small and urgent."

I don’t know what the adults are talking about, and the knife and the brow on the top are wrinkled. "When someone comes, the seat goes to the inner hall to avoid, you get up first."

After that, he got up and went to the inner court.

After the knife went into the inner court, the prefects also stood up from the ground. His tone was solemn and said: "Come in."

The servant carefully pushed the door open and saw the prefecting adult, who was sitting on the ground, and hurriedly fell to the ground. His voice was flustered: "The prefects are adults, there are three young people outside, claiming to be immortals. He said that he killed a county magistrate and came to see you. This is his token."

After the words of the servant, the face of the prefecture changed, especially when the jade pendant in the hands of the servant was taken, the square face was completely distorted, and said: "You should go down first, don't slow down the immortal, I will come later. ""

Officials at the Xianglong County official level know little about some of the secrets, but officials at the prefectural level are already qualified to know something, at least they know the early teachings of the gods of Xianglong, the early teachings. All are immortals, and the tokens that represent these immortal identities are the ones in their hands, engraved with the jade pendant of the beginning of the word.

After killing the servant, the prefects did not immediately go to meet Qin Haoxuan, but looked at the knife and face from the inner hall, and hurriedly said: "On the fairy, how can this be good?"

Knife and face look indifferent, sweeping the prefect of the house, the prefects feel that the body is cold.

"Don't panic, you first go out to meet the good life, don't know what he is doing, first explore and say it." Knife and face reached out and took over the jade pendant representing Qin Haoxuan in the hands of the prefect, this jade pendant has a hint of Qin Haoxuan, He smiled after the investigation and said to the inner hall: "The fairy seedlings are less than ten leaves."

There is another person coming out of the inner hall. This person is younger than him, but looks like at least forty middle-aged men. He said, "Do you have an idea?"

The knife smirked and smiled at the prefect, saying: "You should first explore his truth and truth. It is best to ask what he is doing. If it doesn't work, I don't mind killing him. He is a disciple of the early teaching. There are certainly a lot of good things."

The last half of the knife was said to the person who came out of the inner hall.

That person said: "Forget it, don't hit his idea. If you don't affect our big things, let him go, just don't see it."

"Easily let him go?" Knife smirked and smiled: "Just kidding, he is a disciple of the early teachings, and only the fairy seedlings are less than ten leaves. This fat sheep is not sent to the door? We are not too early. It is much more difficult to teach those people to acquire the resources of cultivation, and even if he disappears, the early education will not pay attention to it. The disciple of this famous group is much better than ours. ""

The middle-aged man listened to the truth, and said to the prefect, "Also, since my brother said it, you will leave him!"

The prefect is awkward. Although he does not know what the meaning of the fairy seedlings is, he understands that this immortal is obviously not as good as the two in front of him. They seem to have no future people in their eyes, and they want to kill. This is the first immortal of the early education.

But they don't look in their eyes, how can they not look in their eyes? The prefects are almost crying. They are just a mortal official. How can they say that they will leave the ability to stay in the immortal?

"What if I can't stay?" The prefect is brave enough to say.

The knife squinted and thought about it, and then took out a second stone from the arms and handed it to the prefect of the prefecture: "You must leave him with words. You can't keep it and give him this. You will find the spirit." Stone mines and the like."

Which one can be mixed with the prefects is the pustule? So he quickly nodded and said that he understood and then ran out to welcome the guests.

Far from seeing Qin Haoxuan, where the prefects dare to ask their own official shelves, they still smiled at a long distance, and greeted them with enthusiasm. When they approached Qin Haoxuan, they took the lead and squatted. On the fairy, Shang Xian is please sit inside."

Qin Haoxuan walked with the prefects to the living room, and came to the living room. After the prefecture adults saw the ceremony again, they carefully inquired about Qin Haoxuan’s second visit.

"This time it is very simple, it is to kill the county magistrate of a county in your jurisdiction. In order to prevent you from being tired, I will explain it to you."

Qin Haoxuan said it was very natural. It seems that he apologizes. Actually, there is an apology. It is the person who killed you. Now come and tell you, don’t look for other people to bother.

It is said that Qin Haoxuan is indeed a better speaker. Those who are high above the cultivators, killing mortals are not like smashing an ant. If you kill someone with him and ran to explain it, then this fairy does not need to be repaired.

The prefect is busy: "This dog official is actually smothering the law, and he is not dead! Even if you don't kill him, I can't escape from it. I can't escape it, so I can solve it. Xian Xiao lived for a few days, let the lower officials do their best to express their gratitude."

Qin Haoxuan shook his head very simply and said: "I am here to tell you about this matter. If I say it, I will leave."

After all, Qin Haoxuan has already got up, and the punishment and blue smoke have also got up and are ready to leave.

In the prefect of the ordinary people in front of the ordinary people, Qin Haoxuan did not have a desire to say a word with him, this is the difference between Xianfan, no matter how powerful you are in the mortal world, in front of the cultivator and the cloud.

Knowing that Qin Haoxuan is going to go, he is busy getting up and saying: "On the immortal, the immortal stays on the steps, the lower official is very admired for the immortal, and also asked the immortal to stay in my house for a few days, let the next official talk about respect."

I will thank you for a moment of respect. Qin Haoxuan has no idea of ​​his heart. Qin Haoxuan is a cultivator after all. If a mortal prefect is said to let him stay, then what is he still doing?

See Qin Haoxuan three people do not take care of themselves, the prefects know that their flattering and flattering is fart, busy from the arms out of the two cultivators to give the next two spirit stone, and even said: "上仙,上仙,还Please go to the fairy to see if you are on this part."

Qin Haoxuan felt a faint spiritual fluctuation. He turned his head and saw that this mortal prefect was holding a piece of the next two spirits. When he was in the eyes, he stopped his footsteps.

If there is anything in the world that would allow Qin Haoxuan to change his mind and be a little attractive to him, Lingshi is definitely one of them.

"What do you want to do?" Qin Haoxuan is, after all, a fairy, and is also a sacred man with a 190,000 yuan of the three spirits, although this one of the next two spirit stone to stop him, but not let him ignore the image Pounce on the past.

The prefects quickly said: "Shangxian, there are a lot of these things in the hands of the lower officials. I want to keep up with the fairy to change the life of the prosperous family, and to raise the body for the family. If the gods are willing to help, the lower officials are willing to give these things. For you."

Qin Haoxuan indulged for a moment and said: "Do you know what you are holding in your hand?"

"Know, this is a spiritual stone." The prefect is replied with respect and respect: "In Xianglongguo, the prefects have the right to know some secrets that ordinary people don't know, so they know that they are too early and know Lingshi, but they happen to be within my jurisdiction. There is a spiritual vein, although most of it needs to be turned over, I can still intercept part of it."

Qin Haoxuan indulged for a moment and said: "Do you know what you are holding in your hand?"

"Know, this is a spiritual stone." The prefect is replied with respect and respect: "In Xianglongguo, the prefects have the right to know some secrets that ordinary people don't know, so they know that they are too early and know Lingshi, but they happen to be within my jurisdiction. There is a spiritual vein, although most of them need to be turned over to but I can still intercept part of it."

Qin Haoxuan faintly felt that something was wrong. A prefect has discovered the Lingshi mine and does not report this matter to his emperor. Instead, tell yourself and bribe yourself.

It’s not that this prefect is too courageous, but there are other things behind this thing.

That being the case, then it will stay.

Look at what tricks this prefect can play? Still have something to ask yourself?

After all, it’s just a matter of seeing a family member. It seems that there is no need to take risks and intercept the Lingshi.

Privately intercepting the immortal stone, this sin is the same as the creation of the emperor, it is to destroy the family! Destroy the Nine!

"Well, then I will stay for your family to see the disease, but you must give me the Lingshi." Qin Haoxuan did not feel awkward to buy and sell.

The prefect is busy: "Nature is natural, I don't have much use to keep it! Please wait a moment, and I will go to the banquet for three."

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