Too Early

Chapter 279: Tibial cage 3 years

Although he has been far from the entrance to the Xianxian Valley, compared to the battlefield of the fairy who was thousands of years ago, now he is now dead and he has traveled a short distance.

In the past few months, he did not come to Xiantao Valley. Qin Haoxuan, who has made a lot of progress, compared with the previous limit. Now he has gone deeper and nearly a hundred feet.

Don't look at the distance from the straight line to the Baizhang, but Qin Haoxuan can search too much, he has been searching from the edge.

Since I knew that the dragon scale sword and other swords have remained in the sinister poison valley, his confidence in the expectation of the sinister poisonous valley has soared, because there is no good thing here, but it is not a good thing. The valley is too big, and the range that you can search for is still too small.

In the search of two hours, Qin Haoxuan had nothing but a few residual Dan. Just as he was going to go back, he suddenly felt a little different in front.

There is no special spiritual fluctuation in the front, but the self-consciousness becomes stronger, and after the snake has its own knowledge, the feeling of life becomes sharp. Before he tried it, he entered the stalagmite forest, and when he was a mile away from the cockscomb, he could blur the feeling of the weak life of the cockscomb.

However, the life in front is too weak. If you don't search very carefully, you will definitely not feel it.

Qin Haoxuan’s eyes lit up and immediately went over there.

When he walked through this small mound and saw the scene in front of him, he saw the bones and he was shocked and opened his mouth.

The sacral bones can be seen everywhere in the sinister venomous valley, but there is no place where the sacrum is stacked like a small hill.

When he was far away, he thought it was a small hill, but when he approached, he found out, what is this small hill? At the root is a corpse.

The body of the corpse that has piled up into this corpse is prematurely decaying, leaving only one skeleton that has been eroded by poison gas into black. From a rough look, there may be hundreds of people. Even if it is already in the natural yin of the Xianxian Valley, Qin Haoxuan feels even more savage here, and it is many times more than the self-cultivation [Ghosts and Gods] into the body of the heavens and the yin!

Fortunately, the snake is not poisonous, and the body is hard and terrible. Otherwise, if this yin is eroded to your own deity, it will be difficult to survive.

Hundreds of powerful tyrannical cultivators have accumulated more bones than the simple world.

The faint breath of life that Qin Haoxuan felt vaguely was from the back of the bone mountain. He bypassed the bone mountain and walked with the yin of the more powerful and cold.

A small flower cluster appeared in front of Qin Haoxuan. These flowers are very weird. The flowers are light gray and have nine petals. The whole plant has only flowers, and there are no leaves. The whole flower is made of black stalks and dark gray. Petal composition.

"Soul flower!" Qin Haoxuan flashed the word in his mind.

In the book records of the martial art, Qin Haoxuan had seen this flower. Soul flower is a very special flower. It is not a treasure of heaven and earth, but it is also extremely rare.

Soul flower grows only in the extremely yin, even if it is in the yin of the sinister poison valley, it can not give birth to the soul flower, and here can grow the soul flower, because the corpse is very strong here, hundreds of cultivators In this small area, the bones are piled up.

In this place with the most stagnation of yin, 20 kinds of soul flowers have been grown. If those masters of cultivation, especially the masters of Shouyuan who will do it, they will be overwhelmed.

For those who have a high level of realm, but Shouyuan will do the best, the soul flower is definitely a baby.

It is known from the book that the soul flower can be used to raise ghosts. The ghosts will continue to dissipate in the heavens and the earth, and eventually the soul flies, but if you can hide in the soul flower, the ghost will dissipate much more slowly. Generally, a soul flower can protect the soul for hundreds of years.

Many of the masters of the immortality like to collect a soul flower, in order to prepare their own life, and can not find the longevity of the medicinal herbs and store the soul, in the future reincarnation or reincarnation. While many of the cultivators are dead, most of the souls die as the body ages. It is commonly known as the celestial beings of the heavens and the celestial beings. Only a handful of cultivators with extremely powerful spirits can hide their souls in the soul when they die. in.

However, the soul flower only grows in the extremely yin land, and many strong people can't find a soul flower for a lifetime.

Others dreamed of finding a soul flower that was not available, but it was twenty years old.

These soul flowers can raise ghosts, but it is very rare. Qin Haoxuan remembered that he had practiced two ghosts raised by the ghosts and gods. If they were placed in the soul flower, they might be much better than the seal in their arms, and they had to go hunting and repairing one month later. Killing the ghosts can also seal their ghosts in the soul flower.

The powerful ghost is very useful, so Qin Haoxuan opened his mouth and bit a soul flower.

If you let those who are struggling to find the soul of the soul, the master of the cultivation knows that there are more than 20 soul flowers in front of Qin Haoxuan, but Qin Haoxuan only picked one, I wonder if it will be angry and thunderous.

After collecting the soul flower, Qin Haoxuan stalked the snake head and looked at the bone mountain.

There are at least a few hundred cultivators in this bone mountain. After these cultivators are killed, will there be any treasures on the body?

There was not much time, and it was going to be dawn soon. Qin Haoxuan didn’t think much, and immediately climbed up to this bone mountain. Not long after, he endured strong nausea and extreme chills, drilling in the cracks of the cheekbones, but in the end Nothing is found in this bone mountain.

Leaving the bone mountain, he continued to search.

Fortunately, the Emperor did not suffer from it, and he finally had some gains.

Not far from the bone mountain, there is a dry stream remnant. Qin Haoxuan saw a separate corpse here, and there were three fist-sized black objects lying beside the body.

If it weren't for the three fist-sized black objects that showed a very faint scent, it was just a little familiar in the snake's perception. He certainly wouldn't think that the three fists were the same size as the stone. good stuff.

Qin Haoxuan also found a jade slip on the corpse, and explored a trace of knowledge. He discovered that this jade slip is a list of the names and functions of these three fist-sized black objects.

"The sacral cage can only use the **** magic weapon that belongs to one time. It is made by the bone of the dragon. The sacral cage can hold a cultivator for three years. The cultivator who is locked in the sacral cage is strong even in the fairyland. I also want to come out from the inside. If you want to release the immortal in the sacral cage, there are only two ways. The first way is to use the correct ban. The second way is to wait three years, three years. After the time has elapsed, the sacral cage is forbidden to dissipate automatically, and this sacral cage will also disappear as a powder."

Looking at the introduction and function of the sacral cage, Qin Haoxuan couldn't help but scream and ecstasy, this is a good baby! The immortality of the immortal sect was put in and wanted to come out from the inside, and even if the immortal of the immortal landscape, from the inside or outside, would like to break the sacral cage with brute force.

Unless you know the handcuffs that unlock the sacral cage, you can unblock the ban from the outside. Even if the person who is locked in it knows to unlock the banned handcuffs, he will not want to solve it!

"Looking for it, there is no record of how to use it in Yu Jian!" Knowing the role of the sacral cage, Qin Haoxuan is very excited and very excited.

He tried to calm himself down, explored a trace of knowledge in the jade, and opened his eyes shortly: "Jade Jane really has the use of the sacral cage!"

Qin Haoxuan was very excited. He even thought that he would be chased by the red smelt in the future. He could find a way to shut him into the banned space of the sacral cage. Even if there is a big skill, the red smelt will not want to come out from it, and then think again. The way to go to the Xinghai, the coffin cage holding the red refining son was thrown into the Xinghai.

The various ancient monsters in Xinghai are incomparably strong. After the sacral cage is thrown in, it is likely to be swallowed by a powerful monster. Even if it is not swallowed, after three years, the red smelt wants to be from the dangerous sea of ​​stars. Out of the sea, it is also difficult to climb to the sky, because the ancient monsters on the bottom of the sea must be happy to eat the immortals!

After collecting three sacral cages, Qin Haoxuan likes to say: "These dragons are not real dragons, but they are also treasures! Before they killed the dragons, they even repaired their own magic. The body can not stand it, it is the best baby of alchemy, and the bones of the dragon can refine the baby cage! It is a treasure!"

There is even a ridiculous thought in Qin Haoxuan’s mind: "When do I also go hunting a dragon to play?"

If Huang Long real person knows his thoughts, he will definitely be angry and slap him and slap him: "Bunny scorpion, don't look at the scorpion dragon, although it is much weaker than the dragon, but even the Laozi Xianyingdao situation is not dare to think You want to kill the dragon?"

After collecting the sacral cage, Qin Haoxuan did not stay in the sinister poisonous valley any more, and soon it will be dawning. In the national border of Xianglongguo, there was something like the people who wanted to open the space passage of the secluded spring. Huanglong lived. And the church owners must not be able to sit still, maybe they will start to pull themselves out early in the morning.

Qin Haoxuan guessed it just returned to his room. After the soul returned to the body, the door was knocked, and a disciple of a natural church was ordered by a scorpion. Please Qin Haoxuan go to Xianyun. Parking lot.

His face was still very pale, but he was standing in the mist slightly better than yesterday. He stopped a Xianyun car in front of him and waited for Qin Haoxuan to arrive.

Qin Haoxuan hurriedly put on his clothes and washed it, and soon rushed to Xianyun.

The look of the scorpion was dignified. When he saw Qin Haoxuan's look, he was so tired that he couldn't help but say: "You are still relatively thin now, and you shouldn't overdo it. You should rest at night."

Qin Haoxuan nodded, he could not say that he had attached the spirit to the snake in the evening, and went to the treasure of the Xianxun Valley.

Under the leadership of the scorpion, they took the Xianyun car to the Huangdi Peak.

The elders, Su Baihua and Bizhuzi are already waiting for them. When they see the scorpion coming, the elders say hello: "Hey brother, early."

The scorpion daggers, once again, Qin Haoxuan should be cautious, and then to the elders: "Hey brother, please take care of Hao Xuan."

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