Too Early

Chapter 288: Killing butchers sweeping the battlefield

The four scattered repairs saw that their combination-type beast was actually hugged by Qin Haoxuan, and they couldn't get out of it for a while, and Qin Haoxuan was bullied and rushed to fight with them. The four of them suddenly looked strange.

At this time, they no longer dare to despise Qin Haoxuan. Seeing Qin Haoxuan rushing up to be close to me, they dare to pick it up. If this guy dares to rush, he will definitely have his power!

The one in front of the group had the quickest response and said: "Defense enchantment!"

The other three scattered repairs came back from the horror, and immediately squeezed the handcuffs and muttered in the mouth. When Qin Haoxuan rushed to them, a light-colored light curtain enveloped them.

This is the defensive enchantment of the Mang star array.

After the enchantment came out, the four scattered repairs were put down. This enchantment was, after all, the arrangement of the four sages of their four fairy tales. Even if this guy is more powerful, he would like to break open in a short time. .

Now they only have to concentrate on manipulating the beasts. As long as they break free of these two devils, the two of them are even more powerful, and how they are the opponents of the combined beasts of the 30-leaf battle force of Xian Miao.

Qin Haoxuan had already plunged to the front of the squadron's defensive enchantment. He narrowed his eyes slightly, and a fierce light flashed through the narrow eyeliner. He condensed a [opening of the sky], since he broke through the fairy leaves of the seedlings, [opening the sky]斩] also advanced to the fifth floor, the purple-red knife light cut through the space, tearing the air, the light and shadow fell.

[Opening the sky] The knife smashed on the defensive enchantment, and the defensive enchantment made a violent shock. The light-colored light curtains swayed, scaring the four sorcerers in the defensive enchantment, but fortunately, the defensive enchantment was finally safe and sound.

"The power of horror!"

"[开天斩] has such a great power..."

"If I was hit by this knife..."

The four distracted hearts were horrified, but they were even more convinced that the four of them joined forces and strengthened the defensive enchantment of the power through the sacred star array. How could it be broken by Qin Haoxuan of Xian Miaojing Shiye?

It’s like an egg hitting a stone, but the stone is broken, is it possible?

Qin Haoxuan did not hesitate, and once again condensed [opening the sky], another purple red knife squatting, the fifth level [opening the sky] in his hands.

Another turbulence in the defensive enchantment eventually returned to normal, but the light-colored light curtain faded a bit.

"No...nothing...he can't beat our defense enchantment!" A distraction is like telling the other three, and it's like being brave.

Qin Haoxuan did not stop, and the road [opening the sky] knife smashed on the defensive enchantment.

The faint defensive enchantment of the light curtain, after the light curtain dimmed to a certain extent, suddenly burst into tears.

Qin Haoxuan, who saw the fairy leaves of Xian Miaojing, broke the defensive enchantment with bare hands, and the four scattered repairs did not have the confidence to fight with Qin Haoxuan. The four men were like a bird of surprise, and they fled.

Even the chasing of the fighting spirit is completely lost, and where is the opponent of Qin Haoxuan, who is like a wolf after the close, not to mention the punishment of the tiger.

Qin Haoxuan deceived himself, and he deceived the sanctuary of the twenty-three leaves of the fairy seedling. [Opening the sky] the purple-red knives flashed, crushing the body of his body, and then punching again. On his head.

"Oh." The strongest of the four scums died.

The penalty throws out his three-headed beast, and a beast chased a scattered repair. In a few breaths, he killed the three fighting spirits.

Four of them were scattered and killed, and the four-legged and four-legged combination beasts clasped by the devils lost their master's command and directly turned into pieces under the attack of the devil.

After killing the four scattered repairs and counting the spoils, Qin Haoxuan’s arm was placed on the shoulder of the sentence: “The saying goes, the handsome sentence, the small four elephant array, the combined type beast, you have never told me before...”

The prisoner’s face was stiff, and the eyes turned, giving the other person a white-eyed voice: “Have you asked me? You haven’t asked me before, you didn’t ask me, how can I say? And you are already so strong, I tell Do you make you stronger?"

Qin Haoxuan listened to the honest answer of the sentence is very speechless... I don’t know how to answer the other party’s response.

The backhand will take the arm around Qin Haoxuan’s waist and say, “Just kidding... I used to forget, we are good brothers, good buddies, the stronger your strength, the more happy I am! I swear to the great demon, you are my most Good brother!"

Looking at the punishment, this guy is taking a slap and swearing, and Qin Haoxuan is helpless, and then his eyes are on the four small arrays of four scattered arrangements.

After the Xiaosixiang array was broken by Qin Haoxuan, after another battle, it was already a remnant. Qin Haoxuan sighed: "Unfortunately, I didn't remember it."

The sentence said: "Don't worry, I have already recorded this small four-image array!"

Qin Haoxuan looked at him with a deep gaze, and then began to count the spoils. After the inventory was finished, he looked at the four badges in his hand and said to himself: "There are still twenty-six."

The punishment is watching the trophy of Qin Haoxuan's inventory classification. The four scattered bodies have a total of thirty-two pieces of the next two spirits, and dozens of scattered three-character stone, equivalent to more than three hundred and two hundred. The next three products Lingshi, this income for Qin Haoxuan with a large number of Lingshi, is only a small number, but Qin Haoxuan did not hesitate to put them into their arms, there is no point to give their own meaning.

"Good buddy, good brother, you are so stingy, deeply insulting our great friendship, don't you think?" The punishment aimed at Qin Haoxuan's collection of Lingshi's position, a face of righteous words: "You see, you let me not eat loose, I did it? But you can't even give me the Lingshi? Kill them, half of the credit, half of the loot should be me! If you swallow it, maybe Will hurt you and my sincere friendship!"

Qin Haoxuan fainted a slap in the face, and the movement to clean up the spoils was faster.

The sentence could not be tolerated, and once again reminded me of righteous words: "Your actions have already hurt my sincere friendship!"

Qin Haoxuan finished the trophy, and he looked at him from the left and right. His eyes seemed to see the sun behind him through the clouds. The tone was very positive: "The weather is really good today, there is no cloud, and the sun is shining!"

"I rely, you are really shameless!" The torture tears the courteous disguise, swearing: "You, you have two or three hundred thousand stone stones, seeing such a little stone, regardless of identity, like a The rich rich man went to grab something, simply... shameless."

Qin Haoxuan, who has the property of a miser, has an old face that can't be hanged at this moment. He took a lot of Lingshi from his pocket and said it to his hand in front of the sentence: "Uncle, please use it slowly."

Seeing a few of the lower three spirits in the midair, the punishment is like a dog who sees the bones of the bones. He gently grabs a few stone stones in his hand and then throws them into his mouth without hesitation. I ate it.

"These Lingshi are grabbed and grabbed, you are rushing to eat, you are more shameless than me!" Qin Haoxuan counterattack.

A slap in the face, then no face and no skin: "Don't face? When did you see the face of the devil? This genius is not a human being, why should you constrain the genius with your poor morality? I... I Just shame!"

After a few words, the two of them went on the road again and continued to sway the search.

There are three ambushes in the dark to see the Qin Haoxuan and the punishment of the big swing, not to be greeted by the eyes, but also the fat sheep can be slaughtered!

The war has been carried out until now, such a arrogant pure fool has long since died. After all, there are people outside the sky, even if the immortal of the 30th leaf of Xian Miaojing, dare not dare to go out and find someone to kill.

Are these two stupid things new? Otherwise how to live to the present.

Three scattered repairs, such as Qin Haoxuan and the criminals, entered their best ambush circle and immediately greeted their strongest killings. Three of them greeted Qin Haoxuan, and the other one greeted the seemingly small white face.

Qin Haoxuan sneered aloud. Since his knowledge became stronger, the sensitivity of his knowledge has also become stronger. Although these three scattered studies are well-hidden, they have long been felt by themselves.

When the two beasts attacked him, he did not hesitate to unravel the two devils of the left and right arm seals. The devil appeared and screamed twice. The two beasts were directly photographed as powder.

The beast that attacked Xiaobai’s face was the most miserable, and the sharply increased punishment was unscrupulous, and the neck of the beast was broken.

Killing the beasts, not waiting for Qin Haoxuan to order, the punishment is very interesting to pounce on, these three scattered in front of the wolf-like prison, is completely shivering lamb, directly shot dead.

Qin Haoxuan took off the three badges and searched the property on them and got up and left.

The sentence is still reluctant to look at the three scattered bodies, if Qin Haoxuan is not, these three scattered repairs are their own belly food.

"Unfortunately, unfortunately!" The heart of the sentence repeatedly sighed, in the eyes of Qin Haoxuan indifferent eyes, he had to catch up with Qin Haoxuan, shouting: "Good buddy, good brother, I will point to Lingshi..."

A few of the next three spirits were thrown out by Qin Haoxuan, and they fell in the mouth of the sentence, blocking his chatter.

The two were like headless flies, strolling on the battlefield, killing several scattered repairs hidden in the dark, and finally encountered a sturdy and distracted.

Observed by the Tianmu, this dispersal has the strength of the twenty-seven leaves of Xian Miaojing. He meets Qin Haoxuan and Gongshang Road, and in a bush not far away, two early-teaching disciples hiding inside watched the whole process.

When the two sides had just met, the two young disciples who recognized Qin Haoxuan and the criminal identity sighed. It seems that the early education had to lose two disciples. This is the strongest of the twenty-seven leaves of Xian Miaojing. In their eyes, Qin Haoxuan and Hualuo’s fighting power are tyrannical, but after all, the strength of the realm is low, it is impossible for this name to disperse opponents. Originally thought that Qin Haoxuan and the penalty will run away, but they will not run even if they run, they are instead Rush directly up.

The next battle made the two disciples dumbfounded.

In order to see Xu Yu earlier, Qin Haoxuan wanted to kill 30 pieces of scattered repairs, so he would show his strongest killings when he went up.

The gods condensed into a golden arrow and directly shot the soul of the scattered soul. If it was before, Qin Haoxuan’s sacred attack can only make him a slight glimpse, but now Qin Haoxuan’s knowledge has become so much~www.wuxiaspot The .com~ sacred attack directly hit him pale and the brain was blank.

After Qin Haoxuan rushed up, the two ghosts of the left and right arm seals appeared. The ghosts in the hands of Li Gui were stabbed in such a loose body. Qin Haoxuan’s fist was also hit on his head, and the penalty was also boxing in his heart.

Only for a moment, the gods were attacked, and the poor brains of the brain for a short time could not be done with the spiritual body. The body had two more gun eyes, the head was crushed, and there was a blood hole in the chest.

Recover the devil, pick up the badge, collect the property of the body, and then leave.

Absolutely crushing battles, undoubtedly winning.

The two early-teaching disciples hiding in the shadows looked dumbfounded. They had also seen Li Jing killing people, although they often got overwhelming victory, but if they were to disperse the twenty-seven leaves of this fairy seedling, It’s hard to get it, and it’s very likely to be defeated.

They were shocked by the strong murderousness of Qin Haoxuan. Although everyone came out to kill and earn meritorious deeds, Qin Haoxuan was so murderous, as if he had carved a few words on his face: "I am a butcher, I am coming to kill!" ”

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