Too Early

Chapter 30: It’s a pity to go astray

No one dares to say that he has penetrated the technique of alchemy, and no one dares to say that he knows the mystery of the law, but even so, it is very bad!

The most stupid thing about cultivating immortals is to know how to meditate and learn spiritual power!

The elder of Chu is not the man with a beard and a cold face. He is unaware of Qin Haoxuan’s performance and remarks yesterday and today. After reading a few eyes on Qin Haoxuan, he will no longer pay attention to him. For him, as long as he It is enough for the four disciples who have already taken root to teach, and the future of the early teachings is on their shoulders.

Meditating in the classroom, there is the Enlightenment Master sitting in the town, in the eyes of Qin Haoxuan this time meditating unprecedented relaxation, do not have to worry about the madness or Li Jing sent people to count him.

In the heart of Qin Haoxuan’s body, in the skillful operation, he quickly neutralized the heat of the body, poured it into the genus again, and looked at the fairy species little by little. The inside of the sapling roots must be long, and the madness of Zhang’s madness is becoming more and more obvious. It is necessary to take time to take root, consume the potency of a leaf of golden lotus, and then go to the sinister venom, if you can find some panacea. It’s good, but if you can find some magical weapons, it’s even better.

The elders of Chu, who are continually lectured, have occasionally looked at Qin Haoxuan who is meditating. The weak species is a weak species. When you take spiritual power, there is no fluctuation in spiritual power. This speed of spiritual power, even if you meditate all day long. Even the gray disciples can't catch up, let alone the purple ones!

It seems that he was confined for a few days, not only did not become smart, but instead went deeper and deeper in the dead end.

Recalling the surprise that Qin Haoxuan had brought to him on the first day, the elder Chu sighed in his heart: "A good heart, but it goes astray, but unfortunately, it is a pity!"

As the elders of Chu became more and more intensive about the number of gossip, more and more disciples fell into fog, and they couldn’t understand what to say. A weak disciple thought that he couldn’t understand it anyway. It’s better to meditate like Qin Haoxuan. At least you can improve your strength!

He was just cross-legged and was about to enter. He was suddenly shot by a wind blade. He saw the elders of Chu on the podium glaring at the platform, and said in his throat: "Get out!"

The poor disciple who was stunned by the wind blade just pointed to Qin Haoxuan and wanted to defend himself for a few words. The elders of Chu had another wind blade to beat him out of school!

I watched the weak disciple who was being beaten. Others looked at Qin Haoxuan who was free to meditate and practice. Some of the rumors were born.

"It is worthwhile to have a purple disciple to be a patron, to meditate in class, and the elders of Chu do not dare to control him."

"That is, unfortunately, there is only one female disciple of purple, and if the buddies are also looking for a night to sleep, then the teachings in the early days are rampant."

Later, this is the voice of Murong Chao. They are far away from Qin Haoxuan. They think that he can't hear what he is saying, but he never thought of Qin Haoxuan who cultivated Daoist's magical Dafa. Not only is his body extremely strong, but his facial features are also extremely sensitive. Their These whispers fall into his ears without a word, and it is easy to tell who said it.

Qin Haoxuan sneered in his heart. At that time, you had to stand up and be a bad person, and rob the quilt of the same disciple. If it wasn’t for his own strength, he and Xu Yu could only freeze for one night that night. Now they have become a blockbuster. The purple disciple has a very good relationship with himself! You are starting to squat again, trying to find a way to win and not to say, if you can’t win, you can still say these words, and you have a set of face-to-face! How can this mentality be cultivated? Honor and disgrace can't be done without fear. If you come to Japan for a blessing to the robbery, you will be abolished by the heart, and you will become a waste person, and you will become a dead person!

However, not everyone can cultivate to the level of the robbery, with their heart, Qin Haoxuan can pack tickets absolutely no drama!

Elder Chu always talked about class at noon. When he said that he was in class, Qin Haoxuan, who was practicing, felt hungry, and he opened his eyes.

Seeing Qin Haoxuan’s work in the class, the elder Chu sent him a disdainful expression and sighed: “The dead wood can’t be carved!”

For him, Qin Haoxuan’s practice is not respecting his own performance. Even if he has a purple disciple to be a patron, he is obsessed with the face of the purple disciple. It is not good to drive him out of the school, but it is not necessary to give him a good look. .

Qin Haoxuan knows that the elders of Chu are not carved by the dead wood. They also cast an apologetic look at the elders of Chu. They are helpless. They don’t want to attend classes. On the contrary, these courses taught by Elder Chu are the basic knowledge of Xiuxian. However, the cost of attending the class is to be blasted by the remaining potency of a leaf.

Although there are difficulties, but can not say, let Qin Haoxuan very wrong, in the eyes of other disciples despised, and Xu Yu left the school.

Because the number of gossips spoken in the morning is too esoteric, it is difficult for them to understand the disciples who are involved in the cultivation of immortals, and they are not chewed, so the elders of Chu will let their disciples learn or cultivate on their own.

After eating lunch, Qin Haoxuan still came to Xu Yu's room, while watching the notes, while Xu Yu explained the number of gossip, I have to say that Xu Yu's understanding is excellent, others listen to the book as the number of gossip works in her. It is not a problem at all. It not only retells the contents of the lectures of the elders of Chu, but also adds a lot of understanding and opinions. Although Qin Haoxuan also heard a little bit of understanding, it is much stronger than reading the notes of Tianshu alone.

This afternoon, he spent his time in Xu Yu's explanation and meditation practice. Xu Yu was also used to explaining the process. Qin Haoxuan suddenly snorted and settled. After practicing for a while, he resumed as usual and continued to listen to his lectures.

Among these new disciples, in addition to some people who gave Qin Haoxuan a small stove, Zhang Yang also enjoyed the small stove treatment.

Just after lunch, he quietly left Lingtian Valley. In the place where the joints were agreed, he saw Master Yunyun, who had been waiting for him for a long time.

Gu Yunzi's fat body bears his hands, standing on a boulder and looking out into the depths of Lantau, where the clouds are floating, it is the direction of the sinister poison valley.

Zhang Yang came here, respectful salute, and then told Gu Yunzi about his doubts on the number of gossips today. Gu Yunzi sneered and said: "The number of operas is the best thing that Xia Yunzi is good at. Master, Master told you that there are absolutely no need to take the so-called shortcuts to the Taoist Taoism. The purpose of our ancient Yuntang is that our own power is overwhelming!"

He paused, and said with a little pride: "You see Xia Yuntang proficient in the method of gossip, alchemy pharmacy, Xia Yunzi counts the number of gossips all day, study the medicine of Dan, the hair is gone, but not with It is difficult for teachers to sit up and down, and you can work hard now. If you want to understand these basic knowledge, you don't have to worry too much, so as not to delay your progress."

Hearing Master's words, although Zhang Yang did not agree with some of his minds, he remembered that under the support of Master, he had taken root in seven days, and he was on the same level as the purple disciple. The scenery was extremely incomprehensible, and he nodded.

Under the guidance of Gu Yunzi, Zhang Yang practiced for a while, but his face was always hung with a trace of ambiguity. The ancient Yunzi people were old and fine, and they would not see it. The current color asked Zhang Yangdao: Disciple, do you have any thoughts? If something happens in your heart, it will become a heart disease for a long time, which is extremely harmful to your future."

"Master, the disciples have something to worry about." Zhang Yang took a deep look and said: "The disciple has a fellow countryman. Now he is also under the teachings of the early Taiji. It is called Qin Haoxuan. Although it is only a weak disciple, the strength is extremely strong and even With a singer Miaojing Wuye master loses both sides, he is like a mountain, has been pressing on the disciples."

"Oh, your fellow countryman, it should be a madman, I remember you and Zhang mad go very close?"

"Zhang mad in front of others, but in front of Qin Haoxuan, he saw a cat like a mouse, and he was bullied on his head yesterday."

Gu Yunzi smiled and heard a flash of light in his heart. He said: "The madness of this purple species is too good, but it is too much. You can rest assured that this thing is for the teacher."

With the guarantee of Master Gu Yunzi, Zhang Yang continued to practice with great enthusiasm, and Gu Yunzi fell into meditation. He also heard the rumors that the disciples passed the new introductory disciples, but he thought it was a rumor, a few The ordinary man of the sky, was hit by the spirit of the three-leaf strong man of the immortality, even like nothing? And still in the magma cellar with a fairy seedling five-leaf strong fight to lose both sides? In the place where the magma is in the ground, a common man goes in, is it a problem to come out alive, how can he fight with a strong Wuye strong five-leaf? Besides, the realm of the five leaves of Xian Miaojing is a scum, but it is not so unbearable?

How do these sound like this night? What might be there, even a little adventure that Qin Haoxuan didn’t know?

Gu Yunzi was not too concerned about Qin Haoxuan. The little mortal is an adventure, but it is just a small adventure. The big adventure is usually accompanied by big risks.

Some of the disciples in the early days have had some adventures. It is only the law of the cultivation of the immortal world that is usually accompanied by a big adventure. In general, the little adventures of the early generations will not be captured.

Just like for a child walking on the road, three coins are a big For adults, it is just three coins.

Just now... Gu Yunzi, because of Zhang Yang’s words, let him think of Qin Haoxuan’s plan! This measure can also perfectly avoid the exploration of Huang Long's teachings.

It is important to cultivate the immortals. It is important to cultivate for the sake of improvement. The most important thing is to cultivate the heart. If there is a mentally ill-cultivator, even if the talents are good, the future achievements will definitely be limited. From the dictation of the disciples just now, Qin Haoxuan must be a common madman and Zhang Yang. Heart disease, Gu Yunzi is ready to complete the overwhelming wish of Qin Haoxuan for Zhang Yang, completely remove his heart disease, and also add a card to the purple disciple in the future.

In the early years, Gu Yunzi had an adventure and got some spiritual methods from Tian Zongzong.

This day, the spiritual practice of corpse cultivation is extremely sinister, and the practitioners are refined into their own corpses. This corpse can not only inherit all the refiners, but also has no self-awareness and is completely obeyed by the refiners. More importantly, as the corpse will be upgraded with the improvement of the master, the better the refining materials, the greater the future growth of the corpse.

If it is as if Zhang Yang said, then this Qin Haoxuan is a perfect material for refining the corpse soldiers. The body is strong and strong, and the seedlings can be damaged with the five-leaf disciples of Xianmiaojing. Even the ancient Yunzi has some heartbeat, but in order to achieve publicity, A prestige of the future without a teacher, he decided to give such a good refining materials to publicity.

It’s just like this to harm a disciple of this religion. Gu Yunzi’s heart is really intolerable. I think that I will advise myself again and again. This Qin Haoxuan is just a weak disciple. The future entry is limited. It’s better to turn it into a corpse and wish you a boost. To make a contribution to the beginning of the day, when coming down the mountain, give Qin Haoxuan parents some silver two, let them have a good old age, so that Qin Haoxuan turned into a corpse soldier is also a filial piety.

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