Too Early

Chapter 309: If the goods are really thrown

After seeing that the blue smoke is not inferior to his beautiful face, Xu Yu unconsciously pulled Qin Haoxuan's sleeves, and then felt that it was not enough, directly pulling Qin Haoxuan's hand.

In the past, when I was in the early days of teaching, the two were intimate, and from time to time there were also hands-on movements, so Qin Haoxuan was not surprised.

After picking up Qin Haoxuan’s hand, Xu Yu’s eyes also fell on the delicate items like this hill. His eyes lit up and he said with a slight sigh: “You are a blue smoke girl? It’s a good vision, you pick something better than The things chosen by Hao Xuan’s brother must be several grades!"

Although Xu Yu’s words are exaggerated, they are not exaggerated from the jewellery and accessories that have been removed from the blue smoke. The jewels picked up by the blue smoke must be one step ahead of them. The best of the jewelry stores in the district were bought, so Qin Haoxuan and Xu Yu wandered for a long time, and only bought a few on the stalls.

These jewellery products are much stronger than the rest of the jewellery store, no matter the aesthetics or craftsmanship. It is no wonder that Qin Haoxuan and Xu Yu did not choose any good things. They were all wiped out by the blue smoke.

Blue smoke looked at Xu Yu, who took Qin Haoxuan’s hand, and looked at Qin Haoxuan, who was still very natural by Xu Yu, and his heart was inexplicably somewhat panic.

"You are Xu Yu's sister?" Blue smoke was sour in the heart, but it still showed a lot of enthusiasm. She saw Xu Yu praised what she bought, and enthusiastically admitted: "Xu Yu sister, you come to see what I bought, What do you like, we have two points."

Blue smoke said, and took out a gift box, opened it, inside is a string of exquisite but not expensive beads, crystal clear, different colors, look together beautiful and colorful, beautiful but not tacky.

She was very familiar, looked at the string of pearl bracelets, and then said to Xu Yu: "Sister Xu Yu, don't lie! No, this is for you!"

When I saw the blue smoke and dismantled it, I took out a beautiful pearl bracelet. Xu Yu also forgot to continue to hold Qin Haoxuan’s hand. She went to the blue smoke and took a gift box from the blue smoke. Then Removed.

After Xu Yu was opened, there was a delicate purple jade head, which was made of precious purple jade. It was three inches long and purple, and the carving was complicated but not cumbersome. .

In the eyes of mortals, rare and rare purple jade is a symbol of elegance and preciousness. A small piece of nails with large nails is worth a million dollars, not to mention such a jade scorpion carved from a piece of purple jade. The carving is so beautiful, almost No woman can resist the temptation of it, it is simply priceless.

In fact, not only mortals, but even many female cultivators love purple jade.

“Fengyang Ziyu簪?” When I saw this purple jade scorpion, Bai Zhanyi recognized it at a glance. Although his white jade symbol is expensive, but in addition to the blessing effect of the array, regardless of the value of jade or the value of craft, it is impossible to Yang Ziyu is comparable.

It can be said that if she meets a female cultivator who loves purple jade, she is even willing to take out ten white jewels of the finished white jade plaque and change this Fengyang purple jade.

The female cultivator is also a cultivator, but it is a woman. Beauty is the common nature of women. Moreover, purple jade is also a rare and rare material.

"This Taoist friend also knows Fengyang Ziyu?" Blue smoke looked at Bai Zhan, and he was called by his name when he couldn’t think of it. Then he turned to Xu Yu and said: "Xu Yu’s sister is so lucky, just open it. This scorpion, its name is called 'Fengyang Ziyu簪', it is said that a very beautiful queen likes purple jade jewelry in the past. In order to please the queen, her emperor has learned that the neighboring emperor has collected a complete uncut purple jade. After the high price was not available, he launched a war."

"However, the two countries have the same national strength. The long-running war lasted for forty years. They finally won the purple sapphire, but the emperor who wanted to please the queen died early. His son inherited the father's wishes. Please ask the best craftsman to carve out a jade scorpion, named after the Empress Dowager. However, this victory won the ruin of the 璞 璞 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , In the second year of the coup, a change of government was changed."

Ask the blue smoke differently: "How do you know this?"

Blue smoke opened the gift box and said: "The seller told me."

Xu Yuxi looked at the purple jade scorpion in his hand and sighed: "This is a dynasty airlift, and countless lives of the people of Limin! It can't be described with value."

After a few months of emperor, Xu Yu, who was in charge of the military power of the Xianglong State, knew the dangers brought about by the war.

"Blue smoke sister, buy it, is it worth it?" Xu Yu laughed.

"The mortal property is not worth mentioning." The blue smoke stopped, but she actually killed the huge wealth she had acquired last month.

Although the meditation is not as good as the primordial cultivator, the mortal can get the difference between the Orthodox cultivator and the meditation. It is simpler to disperse the gold and silver. The blue smoke kills the accident and the accident Found a huge amount of silver tickets on her body, she was unceremoniously taking all the orders, and happened to come to Wangdu, which can greatly satisfy the desire to shop.

At this time, even Bai Zhan Yue couldn't help but say: "Xu Shimei, don't you know? Ziyu is only an elegant and precious jade in the eyes of mortals, but in the hands of the masters who are well versed in the practice, the tenacity of the purple jade and Natural gas-conducting, you can make excellent jewellery with such excellent performance, such a large purple jade scorpion, and even more than a dozen arrays of blessings."

"Ten several arrays of blessings!" At this time, even the punishment is a breath of cold, the general jade jewelry can add three arrays of blessing is already great, but the performance of this purple jade is so strong.

When Xu Yu wants to hand over this precious Fengyang purple jade to the blue smoke, the blue smoke waved his hand and said: "Since it was opened by Xu Yu’s sister, it proves that it has a relationship with you, so this sister-in-law Just give a face to the sister! It’s sure to wear it on the head of Xu Yu’s sister. I have time to find someone to arrange a few arrays of blessings, which are beautiful and practical.”

Xu Yu shook his head and said: "No."

When Xu Yu said no, the smile on Bai Zhanyue’s face was a bit stiff. Although this purple jade scorpion has no blessings, it can be sold as a large piece of purple jade, and it can sell thousands of pieces of the price of the lower three spirits. However, he speculated in his heart: "Xu Yu Shimei does not want to be, it is probably too expensive, I am sorry to accept it."

The blue smoke looked at Xu Yu strangely and said: "Sister Xu Yu, why don't you?"

Xu Yu smiled slightly and pointed to Qin Haoxuan's raft on her head. "Today, Hao Xuan brother sent me a hand-carved raft. Even if you gave me the Ziyu scorpion, I wouldn't use it." ”

The blue smoke glimpsed a little: "But wood can't be blessed, and it's not that good..."

"It is done by Hao Xuan brother, this is enough." Xu Yu looked satisfied, and then under the gaze of blue smoke, white show and punishment, began to continue to unpack the box, from time to time praise: "blue smoke My sister has a good eye and the things I pick are so beautiful."

The blue smoke chewed Xu Yu’s sentence, “It’s done by Hao Xuan’s brother, this is enough.” The heart is more sour, and I took the purple jade silently and didn’t say anything more.

Bai Zhanyue's gentle and elegant smile on his face is somewhat stiff. He constantly recalls the phrase that Xu Yu said, "It is made by Hao Xuan's brother." The smile on his face is more gentle and refined, and the killing in his heart is more and more determined!

Xu Yu unpacked the box, which was a piece of calligraphy and painting. After enjoying it, he couldn’t help but admire: "This old gentleman from the lonely mountain people, painting is really good, a few strokes will outline the landscape, his painting is actually There is a bit of a dreamy environment that looks pleasing to the eye and refreshing."

Upon hearing Xu Yu’s evaluation, Blue Smoke smiled and nodded.

Next, the whole living room became the battlefield for Xu Yu and the blue smoke unpacking. It took a long time to dismantle the hill.

Every time Xu Yu disassembled one piece, he praised one piece, and each piece could praise the idea. Later, the blue smoke couldn’t help but pull Xu Yu’s hand: “Xu Yu’s sister, it’s no wonder that Qin Haoxuan’s guy is hanging you in the mouth anytime, anywhere. On the side, it turns out that you are not only beautiful, but also so good. Unfortunately, Qin Haoxuan, a rude man, is stupid and does not describe your goodness!"

Hearing the blue smoke and praising Qin Haoxuan, Xu Yu is not only unhappy, but his heart is somewhat uncomfortable, because only one person is degraded, in addition to really despising the person, the other is to be close to him.

Blue smoke said that her relationship with Qin Haoxuan is very close.

Xu Yu smiled a little and couldn't help but argue for Qin Haoxuan: "Hao Xuan brother is not what you said, he is still very smart, but young and old have become a point."

The blue smoke snorted, and Qin Haoxuan glanced at him. He said, "He, it’s very dull, and it’s still very tricky. It’s quite a trick, and it’s often a big fight for a three-pronged stone!”

After the words of the blue smoke, the sentence also echoed: "Yes, that is, to find him a piece of the next three spirits, just like cutting his flesh!"

Xu Yu couldn't help but argue for Qin Haoxuan: "Hao Xuan's brother is only honest and honest... and then more frugal."

Bai Zhan Yue's eyes fell on Qin A smile, it seems to be also arguing for Qin Haoxuan: "In fact, Qin Shidi is a very interesting person."

Bai Zhan whispered this, but his heart was laughing: "The original Qin Haoxuan is such a guy, loves money as a life, shortsightedness, treats such a stingy side, but also understands that the weak kind of earning a stone is difficult, he wants not to swear One point, what time is it going to get a spiritual stone for a vacation? The weak species is a weak species, the fact that it cannot be changed!"

The sense of superiority was born in the heart of Bai Zhan.

He looked at Xu Yu for Qin Haoxuan's defense, and he was very happy. When he wanted to come to Xu Yu, he was still blinded by Qin Haoxuan. He did not see Qin Haoxuan's true face, so he defended Qin Haoxuan. When Xu Yu saw the true face of Qin Haoxuan, he would not Qin Haoxuan will be defended again. At that time, Qin Haoxuan even cried and asked Xu Yu to alienate him.

It was at this time that the white show that was plagued by flies like a fly had a rare feeling that the punishment was so cute, even thinking in his heart: "If you expose more than revealing the true face of Qin Haoxuan, let the brothers happy. The brothers will reward you with some Lingshi."

Of course, these white exhibitions are just thinking about it in my heart. How can he not say it?

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