Too Early

Chapter 349: Legendary name Yang Lingtian

Dealing with the fairyland, this thought is already a bit of obsession for Qin Haoxuan.

Qin Haoxuan’s reaction is also a bitter smile. He can only shake his head and say: “No. But it’s okay. After you’ve succeeded in refining, you’ll go to buy some poisons and continue to sacrifice, and gradually increase your power! Although the refinement of the poison There is no ability to kill the demon, and even the immortals of the immortal can't deal with it, but the general immortal can be easily put down. In the future, you will continue to use other poisons to strengthen the toxicity, provided that your poison is enough and poisonous. The sacrifice is long enough, and maybe it can kill the demons."

After listening to the punishment, Qin Haoxuan really learned how terrible the poison spirit is. He couldn’t help but ask: "What should I do if I encounter these poisonous spirits in the future?"

The sentence is not without thinking, saying: "How far is it to run. Generally there is no physical poison spirit is already very powerful, the whole body is poisonous, even if the poison does not die, its attack power is also very strong. In case you encounter poison spirit, With your current ability, it is best to escape at a speed! Although the poison spirit beads are good, but you can't make a life for the poisonous spirit beads."

Although Qin Haoxuan’s face did not show up, but the heart still trembled, the poisonous spirit turned out to be so powerful!

If he used to regard the Xiantao Valley as his own back garden, now, in his heart, it is really a death ban! In the sacred poisonous valley, although there are all kinds of heavenly treasures and treasures, there are also undead witches, such as the old devil who has been eroded by poison gas for thousands of years, and the horrible dragon spirit. The poisonous spirit that was born.

At the same time, Qin Haoxuan suddenly thought that the poisonous spirits of the poisonous gas were so powerful, then the scorpion part of the dragon scale sword was scattered in the sinister poisonous valley, and was eroded by the poisonous gas for thousands of years. The dragon scale would not be contaminated like a poisonous spirit. Is enough poison gas to breed a poison dragon?

If that is the case, if you find the dragon scale, isn't it the same as finding death?

Until now, he is still only in the outermost periphery in the vast sacred poisonous valley. If you really enter the hinterland of the sinister poison valley, what a terrible thing will happen?

I can't imagine it.

Qin Haoxuan sighed softly and thought in his heart: "It seems that in the future, I want to be more careful in the search for treasures in the venomous valley, and the difficulty is much greater. There are poisonous things in the periphery, and even more Is there anything in it? Will it have bred a poisonous spirit that turns into an entity? How terrible is that poisonous spirit? But no matter how terrible, I must continue to go to Xianxian."

Qin Haoxuan knows that if he does not have a rare poisonous valley, then there will be no achievements today. The treasures of the heavens and the treasures that he got in the sacred poisonous valley, so many terrible resources piled up, let him reach the present level. If so many cultivation resources are given to any of the three purple species, even if they are given to gray or full-fledged species, their achievements are definitely several times or even dozens of times.

"The sinister poison valley still has to go, but you must be more careful!"

Thinking for a while, Qin Haoxuan looked up and looked at the sky outside the window. It was not too late. He hurriedly wanted to take out the raw materials he had bought.

That night, the punishment has already brought in two hundred pieces of raw materials, and there are also two disciples of the Bizhutang.

Qin Haoxuan did not hesitate, and began to take out the drug power of the disabled in the light, and then began to make the air.

In order to save time, he started the work with several new medicines brought by the punishment. It took half an hour to make two hundred copies of the gas.

Just after the traffic was scattered, Qin Haoxuan went to find blue smoke.

Blue smoke is obviously not suitable for Qin Haoxuan to come to her so early, but after all, they have been in the retreat for two years. They have already got used to each other's existence, so they don't feel too awkward.

At this time, the blue smoke just woke up and shipped it again. Qin Haoxuan came. She asked strangely: "Qin Haoxuan, what happened to you looking for me so early?"

"Yeah!" Qin Haoxuan sighed: "Today is the day when we first taught our disciples to enter the Fairy Road. Master sent me to replace the Nature Hall as a brother. We naturally have no hope of picking a new disciple with better qualifications. So I am coming to you. I hope that you will go with me, and when you show "Huang Wei", I will help me pick a good disciple."

In the past two years, Blue Smoke has learned more about the situation of Taichu and Nature Hall. She saw Qin Haoxuan, who has little confidence, and she did not comfort anything, because she knew that Qin Haoxuan was right. In the early days of the five churches, which of the four halls is not a thousand disciples? Which church does not have a ancestor? Which church does not have a strong fairyland to sit in town?

Only the natural disciple is only three or four hundred people. The strongest is only the scorpion that Shouyuan will do, and the strength of the thirty-leaf of Xian Miao. The disciples under the natural hall, now more than the fairy seedlings of the ten leaves, only Qin Haoxuan of the ten seedlings of Xianmiao and Ye Yiming of the fifteen leaves of Xianmiao, and the natural ancestors of the ancestors were lost.

In this case, if there are still well-qualified disciples who are willing to find a natural disciple as a brother, then it is the brain that has entered the water.

There was no nonsense in the blue smoke. I went straight back to the room and combed my hair a little. Then I walked along with Qin Haoxuan toward the Xianyun parking lot.

They have not yet left the small yard, Ye Yiming came to Qin Haoxuan.

"Ye Shixiong." Qin Haoxuan smiled slightly and bowed to Ye Yiming.

Ye Yiming smiled and looked at Qin Haoxuan: "Qin Shidi, today is a good day for you to become a new disciple. You should go to Lingtian Valley. If you go late, you will have to be selected. Oh, blue smoke. Does the girl go with you?"

Qin Haoxuan said: "I asked Blue Tobacco to help me. I will pick a strong disciple for me."

Ye Yiming nodded and handed a set of gray robes to Qin Haoxuan’s hand and took a shot of Qin Haoxuan’s shoulder. “When you wear a robes, you can go to Lingtian Valley on behalf of our natural hall. If conditions permit, you should try to pick a good seedling. Give us a natural face!"

Ye Yiming encouraged Qin Haoxuan and paused again. He said: "But we naturally have a poor and long time, and those new disciples will basically not choose us. So if you don't pick any good seedlings, don't be discouraged. After all, this is not your responsibility."

Qin Haoxuan smiled calmly and put this set of gray robes embroidered with the three characters of the natural hall on his body. Under the gaze of Ye Yiming, he left the unnamed peak with the blue smoke.


Lingtian Valley is very lively today. This is a good day for the new disciples to enter the fairy tales every year. For the new disciples who just entered the Zongmen this year, today is the big day they really walked into the cultivation of immortals.

Three months after the introduction, the elders of Chu taught for three months to understand some of the basic knowledge of the cultivation of immortals.

Next, let the brothers of the road lead into the fairy road for three months. These three months are more important than the three months taught by the elders of Chu. It can be said that choosing a good brother to enter the road will be even more flat in the future.

Qin Haoxuan took the Xianyun car from the Wu Mingfeng to the Lingtian Valley on the way, and there was some helplessness in his heart. As Ye Yiming said, the natural hall has been so poor and weak for so long that there have never been any powerful people. Because the nature hall is too weak, the ancestors have lost their ancestors, and the resources for cultivation are getting pitiful every year. It is an open secret. In this case, naturally, a disciples with less qualifications are willing to enter the nature hall. Natural Hall can't cultivate a powerful disciple for Zongmen, and it can't win more resources to cultivate Xian... This creates a vicious circle.

Although Master and Ye Yexiong both hope that they can pick a good seedling and get close to their feelings, they will be brought into the nature hall in the future, but Master and Ye’s brothers have no hard requirements. After all, they are not able to pick a good seedling. optimism.

Qin Haoxuan smiled bitterly and said to himself without much confidence: "Do your best, even if you pick one or two weak species like me, but if you have strong heart and training, you may be able to train, only I hope not to be too shameful."

Blue smoke smiled and took the slogan: "The yellow scorpion you designed can really detect a person's heart. If you can pick a new disciple with a good heart, that's not bad. Are you not a weak breed?" ”

Qin Haoxuan shook his head and smiled, and did not answer. After all, only he himself knew how many cultivation disciples he had consumed in the past. If these cultivation resources are given to a purple species, they are enough to support the purple species from the rapid training of the newcomers to the forty leaves of the fairy seedlings, and even the fourty-nine leaves of the fairy seedlings.

When Qin Haoxuan came to the Xianyun parking lot in Lingtian Valley, the other disciples who were sent to the other brothers in the other four halls had not come. After they got off the Xianyun car, they went straight to the new disciple school.

Although the other brothers of the other churches have not yet come, the excited new disciples have gathered in the lawn outside the new disciple school in twos and threes, whispering.

"I heard that there are Wang Junlu brothers in the brothers who came from Guyuntang this year. Wang Junlu is a young disciple who has been a ten-year-old. I heard that he is now a nine-leaf of Xianmiao, nearly one or two. It is very likely that the year will break through to the 20th leaf of Xian Miao!"

"Kang Changtian's brother of Bizhutang, and Zhu Qin's brother of Xia Yuntang, the quiet sisters of Baihuatang are very powerful. They are all the immortals of the seventeen leaves of Xianmiao!"

"Oh, if Wang Junlu’s brother and Kang Changtian’s brothers can be my brothers, how great it is!”

"You dream, this year we have a new disciple, although there is no legendary strong gray fairy, but in our group there are two full-fledged species, Luo Maoxun and Min Minda. Wang Junlu and Kang Changtian, they chose The younger brother of the entrance will definitely pick from the two of Luo Maoxun and Min Minda."

After Qin Haoxuan arrived, he did not immediately go to see the elders of Chu, but walked around these new disciples for a few laps and listened to their These new disciples are talking about the four halls with great interest. The brothers who came to the station, but no one ever mentioned the nature hall.

These new disciples saw Qin Haoxuan wearing a natural robes in front of them, and an opening whispered: "Nature Hall, that is, the legend of Ling Tian Valley - the hall where Qin Haoxuan’s brother is?"

Another new disciple nodded and said, "Yeah, but the natural hall is too weak. Their masters are said to have been born in the fifteen leaves!"

"Why are the legends of Ling Tiangu four years ago, how can Qin Haoxuan's brother be so strong? It is said that he had two very powerful gray celestials in the same year, but he is not as good as Qin Haoxuan's brother!"

"Yeah, Qin brother is really very powerful. He is a legend in Lingtian Valley. If he can choose the four halls, maybe it will be even more powerful in the future! But no matter how powerful Qin brother is, the nature hall is really weak. I I have asked the brothers of Lingtian Valley that those who did not go to the four halls would rather stay in Lingtian Valley to continue to practice, and strive to enter the four halls, and do not enter the nature hall."

Qin Haoxuan walked among these new disciples and heard a lot of arguments. All the new disciples hope to choose the four disciples as the old brothers. No one wants to choose the nature hall.

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