Too Early

Chapter 411: Legendary legend

Zhang Yang gave Xiong Yu a rewarding look. This iron dog is the insect in my stomach! Suddenly I guess I want to get close to these two girls, and let go of their two noble identities, and look at their beauty, it is worth taking the initiative to make friends.

"Well, the scenery of the early teachings is very beautiful. I came back too late. Otherwise, I can give the two ladies a tour guide. With my familiarity with Lantau, there will be no surprises." Zhang Yang’s confident smile, He is confident that he will be able to successfully approach these two beautiful women with his own demeanor and qualifications, as well as his position at the beginning of his teaching.

Shangguan Zi slowly shook his head and smiled politely and refused: "Thank you, Mr. Zhang, who loves us, we have already found a good guide."

“Oh?” Zhang Yang’s heart groaned, and it was too late to come back, but he still pretended to be demeanor: “Who is it?”

"Qin Haoxuan Qin brother." Shangguan Zi answered very politely.

Zhang Yang heard the words of Qin Haoxuan, and he almost fainted in depression. He gave a tour guide to these two noble and beautiful girls. If other disciples, I will endure! However, when I took the initiative to invite the intention, I was rejected because they had already found Qin Haoxuan as a tour guide.

This is not counted, sitting on the side, an elder of Qing Shangzong applauded and said: "Qin Haoxuan of your party is very powerful. The last time Zizi was poisoned, everyone was helpless, that is, he used to understand the poison Dan saved people. ”

Chi refining son also smiled and bowed to the elder. "Qin Haoxuan is a weak species, but it is also the pillar of our early teaching."

These two generations of high-ranking and honorable people sing and sing, the surrounding disciples naturally do not dare to interject, Zhang Yang’s heart is no longer able to endure.

"Miss Shangguan, Miss Shang, the two people who need help in the early days, even though they call me." Zhang Yang was angry and angry, but he did not show it on so many people's occasions, so he smiled and said two After a beautiful sentence, I was very polite.

Soon, this banquet was also ended in the atmosphere of the guests and the guests.

After the banquet was over, Qin Haoxuan walked out of the Taichubao Hall after he had finished the follow-up arrangements. In his heart, he thought that he should go to Lingtian Valley today and care about the progress of the two younger brothers.

"Qin Haoxuan, brother Qin Haoxuan..."

"Hao Xuan Shishu..."

Qin Haoxuan was about to leave, and there were two female voices that were as crisp as Huangqi, and he didn’t feel the footsteps.

"Miss Shangguan, Chen Xue sister!" Qin Haoxuan turned back and saw Shangguan purple monk morning snow, could not help but smile gently, said: "What is it?"

Shangguan Zimei's brow wrinkled, his little feet twitched slightly, his mouth whispered slightly, and he was full of dissatisfaction: "Hao Xuan... Brother, you called me Xiao Zi, and Miss Shangguan called for a foreigner. I I want you to take me to teach in the early days."

Shang Chenxue said unwillingly: "Hao Xuan brother, I have to go."

Shangguan Zi’s beggars, the cute girl’s cute image, her appearance of the morning snow, and the fresh and lovely look, immediately let a male disciple passing by look dumbfounded, thinking in my heart. : "Qin Hao Xuan is so beautiful."

When he was absent-minded, he wanted to go and slammed into the stone pillar of the early teachings. He lost his face and ran away.

Qin Haoxuan smiled slightly and refused: "Little purple, morning snow, I am afraid there is no time today. I am going to Lingtian Valley to point to the younger brother, and I have to go to Lingtian to see the spiritual valley I planted."

Shangguan Zi said with a pleasant smile: "Hao Xuan brother, I will also go with you to Lingtian Valley. I heard that Lingtian Valley is a place where Taiyuan teaches new disciples, and you have left many legends there. ”

"I want to go too!" Shang Chen Xue muttered a cute little mouth, and Shangguan Zi took the initiative to be close to Qin Haoxuan inexplicably jealous, and also strongly urged to follow.

Both of them are coming to teach his descendants for his birthday, and each of them is a jeweler and a host. You can't push them away.

"Well, then let's go to Lingtian Valley."

When Qin Haoxuan was still busy with the banquet, he sighed at the banquet and went straight to Lingtian Valley.

I have been away for more than two years, and I have been fighting for two years in the battlefield of Qizhang. I have accumulated a lot of hard work. I have cultivated Zhang Yang’s old land and revisited the thirty-leaf of Xian Miaojing. I can’t help but feel the vicissitudes of life.

"In that year, this was an interesting place. There were three purple species, Li Jing, Zhang Mang and Xu Yu. There were two kinds of gray species that I and Murong Chao were not willing to lag behind, and there was a weak species that Qin Haoxuan was unwilling to be lonely."

Zhang Yang walked on the path of Lingtian Valley. His extraordinary temperament, as well as being surrounded by hard-legged dog legs such as Xiong Yu, immediately caught the attention of Ling Tiangu disciples. Soon, some old disciples recognized: "It is Zhang Yang brother, Zhang brothers come back. Yes, Master Zhang is back!"

Suddenly, the news of Zhang Yang’s return to Lingtian Valley was spread ten and ten, and it caused a sensation of countless new and old disciples.

A new year-old disciple, stupidly asked the brothers who ran around with the scorpion: "Zhang Yang's brother is the gray fairy who was introduced four years ago. In those two years, the one who made a great battle in the battlefield of Qizhangyuan? ”

" Nonsense, besides him, what other publicity?" The brothers glanced at him and said with joy: "Hurry up, I have a few questions about cultivation, I want to ask him."

For a time, Lingtian Valley used the term 10,000 people to describe it. It is not an exaggeration.

"Zhang Yang brother, you have made great achievements in the battlefield of Qizhangyuan. We are very proud to be your younger brother."

"Zhang Yang brother, Qizhang Yuan battlefield environment is difficult, you have worked hard in those two years, I have a can of good monkey wine, give you a moist throat."

"Zhang Yang brother, disciples encountered some difficulties in cultivation, you are a gray fairy, cultivated for strength, seeking guidance."

In the place where Zhang Yang stood, surrounded a large group of disciples of Ling Tiangu, sneaked a horse, asked for help, asked Dong to the west, so lively.

Just in the early days of the temple, I was so arrogant that I was surrounded by so many people, and all kinds of flatterings were flattered. My heart was unhappy and temporarily stranded, and my mood became better.

"Well, brothers, please calm down." Zhang Yang opened his arms, and the pressure of the gas field went down. The people around him closed their mouths, and only a slight breath and wind blows. The leaves are rustling.

Zhang Yang was satisfied with the smile: "I am very touched by the enthusiasm of the younger brothers. It is rare to come back once. Zhang Yang should make some contributions to Zongmen. So today, I will discuss the problems encountered on the road of Xiuxian for the teachers and the younger brothers."

"Okay, good! Zhang Yang is very good!"

"We can hear the lectures of Zhang Yang's brother, we will be smoother on the road to Xiu Xian, and we will go further in the future!"

Zhang Yang listened comfortably and then asked a disciple to ask questions.

"Zhang Yang brother, my question is to ask questions about what to pay attention to when rooting and emergence." This disciple looks sincerely and sincerely speaks his own problems.

When Zhang Yang heard this question, his face was stiff. He was already in the 30th leaf of Xian Miaojing. He had already forgotten the situation of rooting and emergence, but he saw the disciples around his own Lingtian Valley, looking forward one by one. If you don’t answer, or if you don’t answer well, you will have to ruin your reputation.

He indulged for a moment and said: "The most important thing in rooting and emergence is to absorb the aura of the heavens and the earth, to constantly irrigate the celestial species, and to urge the early growth of the sacred roots. The sacred roots are the foundation of the cultivators, and the benefits will be endless. The most important thing when rooting is the accumulation of spiritual power. You must cultivate a lot of talents and accumulate enough spiritual power to follow the instructions of the elders when you take root. In fact, taking root is a very basic matter, and there is not much embarrassment. As for emergence, it is necessary. More understanding..."

Zhang Yang talked and got a lot of applause.

"Zhang Yang's brother said it was very good. If I had the guidance of my brother, I would be able to take root and emerge a lot faster." Under the driving of the iron dog legs of Xiong Yu, the atmosphere was very strong.

At this time, Qin Haoxuan took the Xianyun car, and Shangguan Zi, Shang Chenxue also came to Lingtian Valley.

The three of them just walked down the Xianyun car and they were discovered by the disciples of Lingtian Valley.

Qin Haoxuan is a legend in Lingtian Valley itself. It is very popular. The two girls around him are even more fascinating and fascinating, and they can catch the eye.

I don’t know who shouted: "Qin Haoxuan’s brother is here."

Originally, I did not see Qin Haoxuan’s disciples, regardless of Zhang Yang’s presence. The disciples who were surrounded by Zhang Yang were crazy and surrounded, but they were not too close to courtesy.

"Qin brother, just now Zhang Yang brothers have answered questions for us to take care of and take care of." Can you help us explain?"

A daring disciple looked at Qin Haoxuan with adoration and made a request.

Qin Haoxuan smiled a little and refused: "Zhang Yang is not answering for you?"

"Explore the strengths of the family, and draw on the essence of the family." A disciple replied loudly.

Qin Haoxuan is also unpretentious, nodded and said: "That line, I also say some of my insights. Let's teach the spiritual law too early, pay attention to steady and win, and the cultivation speed is not too fast, so we need a stronger heart, only the road is strong, In order to break the seeds in a short time, but rooting is a long-term thing, you need to accumulate more spiritual power. Usually you need to choose a place with plenty of spiritual power, meditation, and diligently plant the spiritual valley, and take advantage of the spiritual power of Linggu. The accumulation of spiritual power has become more abundant."

"We are not colored species, but we must remember that even if it is a weak species, as long as the road is strong and the cultivation is good, it will also achieve results on the road of Xiuxian. Now I will talk to you specifically about the roots and the details of the emergence. Place For half an hour, Qin Haoxuan said his rooting and emergence knowledge in detail, and there is not much truth. From time to time, encourage weak disciples and take some examples of themselves. The body is extremely vivid.

The Shangguan purple monk and the morning snow all listened to each other. The two girls looked at each other. Shangchen Xue said quietly: "Hao Xuan Shishu is really amazing. I am not a disciple of Taichu, and I practice with them. The number of spiritual methods is quite different, but I have a lot of insights when I hear him in such a detailed explanation."

Shangguan Zi glanced at the new disciples around him, and could clearly see the spark of worship in their eyes; "Hao Xuan brother said very well, he is a weak species, and he can better understand the problems encountered in weak cultivation. Some difficulties, he even proposed some solutions to the difficulties encountered in the cultivation of weak species, no matter how big and thin. Or weak species know more about the weak species! He has the popularity of the present, the realm of today, really is open-minded, generous and careful ""

Upon hearing the dialogue between Shangguan Zihe and Chenchen, Qin Haoxuan smiled slightly and thought: "I have been injured in the past two years, retreating in Qianlongguan, but there is a punishment for this master of cultivation, not only not wasting time, but also accounting for It’s cheap, and I’ve learned a lot about the theory of cultivation.”

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