Too Early

Chapter 424: God knows that the bomber wins

Hey, hey.

Suddenly, there was a strange laugh in the blood of the corpse.

I saw a **** sea and raised a sacred altar. One by one, the body is short, and there is an ugly baby ghost child on it, cheerfully embarrassed.

This altar is full of thirty feet high, as if to break the sky.

Strong blood, violent knowledge, filled every inch of space.

"I actually killed so many babies and made a sacred tower to enhance my own knowledge!" Seeing this scene, Qin Haoxuan's pupils were miniature and his eyes were as electric.

On the battlefield of the Qizhangyuan, after some of the evil factions that were killed were scattered, some of the notes they left behind, he had heard of a method called "Babyling Bone Tower."

This baby bone tower needs a baby born at a special time to sacrifice the ghosts and gods, and obtain the dark power needed from Huangquan Jiuyou. There is this bone tower in, through the imprisonment of the baby spirit, the evil repair can continue to enhance the knowledge of the gods.

I did not expect a mental corpse in the district, but actually know the evil spirits of the baby spirit tower.

How many innocent babies are you going to kill with such a high bone tower?

Qin Haoxuan clenched his teeth, and he wished that the wise body would be taken out immediately and killed on the spot.

The more angry he is, the calmer he is.

His eyes suddenly condensed a giant sword with a length of three feet. As soon as the sword appeared, it would scream and scream, and the sacred sacred gods would shine in the golden world, just like a big day.

"God knows the sword!"

The long sword, such as Changhong, dragged out the smashing swordsmanship Hongqiao, and suddenly went to the baby bone tower.

Senran Jianfeng, with the atmosphere of the sky.

In this space of consciousness, it is the home of the corpse that controls the baby bone tower.

It suddenly sensed this condensed sharp knowledge and scared the soul. It thinks that its own knowledge can manipulate tens of thousands of corpses, which is already powerful enough.

However, when it comes to the degree of conciseness, it is a kind of spiritual cultivation that has been cultivated through the shortcut of the sword and other bones. It is comparable to Qin Haoxuan's heart-hardening stone, and has experienced thousands of hardships.

Of course, it did not dare to let the baby bone tower be destroyed. Under the panic, the gods in the **** sea quickly condensed, and a large part of the gods became a sensible bone claw, which collided with Qin Haoxuan’s **** .


Under the impact of a sacred mind, Sword Mang actually did not lose momentum, and the rumbling slammed for more than a dozen times, smashing the bone claws into pieces, and then annihilated in the space of consciousness.

At the moment when the Excalibur was annihilated, Qin Haoxuan’s head suddenly had the same pain.

Since the breakthrough of his knowledge, the gods who were released for the first time have been consumed.

This made him feel a little shocked in the space of consciousness and felt the pain.

However, compared to Qin Haoxuan's pain, Zhi Zhi felt a deep fear.

The sea of ​​consciousness is like a smashing wave of turbulence and rumbling.

Just now, it was hard to fight with Qin Haoxuan. It suddenly consumed a small half of the gods, and almost the entire consciousness sea was opened. It is frightening.


A thought, suddenly sounded in the heart of the corpse.

It is an old corpse that has survived for 10,000 years. It is hard to learn from a sly ordinary zombie, a little bit of dead sorrow, resentment, and so on.

It knows the value of life more than any zombie.

It already knows how to practice the magic method of magic, and squats on the heavens and the earth, and does not want to be killed and annihilated between heaven and earth.

Now I suddenly feel that it is possible that God will be annihilated, and there is a big horror in my heart.

Under fear, I wanted to run away.

However, it also found that the sea of ​​consciousness itself was suddenly suppressed by a huge god. The sea of ​​consciousness that was originally surging, the silence of death.

It seems that all are frozen.

This time, the corpse felt great pressure.

In this sea of ​​consciousness, after all, it is the home of the corpse. When I realized that the gods invading here were extremely powerful, it sighed down. All the infants and babies in the baby’s bones suddenly spit out the fire of the oil, like thousands of arrows, rushing to the invading god.

After countless gods and arrows were blown out, all the baby spirits suddenly grew old, and they squatted on the bone tower, without any anger at all.

Obviously, the blow just took them too much power.

Booming and blasting, like a fire tree silver flower blooms in the void, Qin Haoxuan's influx of the power of the gods, with the baby spirit and the gods collided with a brilliant fire.

Even so, it only blocked Qin Haoxuan's tough and powerful power, and his knowledge was still firm and slowly stabbed into the sea of ​​consciousness.

Close to the sea of ​​consciousness, the whole sea of ​​consciousness suddenly boiled up, and among the huge vortex, there was a jade-bone arm that had been snowy and shimmering.

This arm is full of hundred feet thick, like a huge sea otter, directly invading the power of Qin Haoxuan invading.

It is the sacred mind of the corpse that has been hiding in the sea of ​​consciousness. It is now being intruded by Qin Haoxuan. Even if he is afraid again, he can only use the power of God to fight hard.

The two powerful powers of the gods suddenly collided and swayed out a wave of gods. It seems that, regardless of the ups and downs, Qin Haoxuan’s power of consciousness has not been repelled, but he has not stepped into the sea of ​​consciousness.

"A powerful and powerful power of God..."

Feeling that his own knowledge was actually resisted, Qin Haoxuan’s heart was amazed.

Suddenly, his body was outside the body, and his eyes glanced at the ordinary white-haired zombies disguised as the corpse. He stood in the same place and was still motionless. His heart could not help but be a little different.

Although he knows almost half of the gods in the violent confrontation with the sacred corpse, at least he can control his body. The opposite corpse seems to be more difficult than himself.

At this point, he suddenly moved to the wise body.

Obviously, the corpse that disguised as a white-haired zombie was shocked. But all the power of God at the moment is consumed in the sea of ​​consciousness. Even so, it is only able to withstand the invasion of Qin Haoxuan's gods. As long as it shakes the slightest knowledge, it will be forcibly penetrated by Qin Haoxuan's gods.

When the time is not good, the spirit is gone.

Therefore, at this moment, the corpse of the corpse can not distinguish any energy to control the body movement, let alone direct other zombies to protect themselves.

At this time, Yin 13 and Chi Jiu, with the surrounding zombies, fluctuated fiercely, protecting Qin Haoxuan. In the vicinity of the two feet, there was no single zombie that could be close to Qin Haoxuan.

Step by step, he slowly moved to the disguised mental corpse.

The wise body trembled slightly, but it could not move. His knowledge has been firmly locked and contained by Qin Haoxuan. A turmoil will be invaded by Qin Haoxuan's gods and will die even worse.

Going to the front of the Zhi corpse, a few snoring screams of the red-haired zombies around them, and the palms of the palms rushed to Qin Haoxuan's skull cover.

Qin Haoxuan does not evade, brush, the figure shook in the same place, as if breaking through the limits of the law of heaven and earth, disappeared instantly - it was the start of the Wanli.

Before entering the ancient battlefield, Qin Haoxuan was fully prepared. With a lot of details in place, Wanlifu also filled in the Lingshi that was consumed.

At the crucial moment, his cautiousness helped a lot.

A few red-haired zombies rushing over the air suddenly rushed around and looked around.

As a result, it was discovered that Qin Haoxuan had already arrived behind them, and the palm of his hand had been attached to the head of the sacred body disguised as a white-haired zombie.

At this time, a squeaking sound, a few too early teaching disciples screamed, and finally could not support - Taiyi condensate the earth in the bombardment of a zombie bombardment, like a glass broken.

The disciples of the early teachings were suddenly exposed to the tide of zombies.

"The injured disciple is in the center, the rest are on the periphery, and the three are a small team!" Luo Yangzong yelled.

The disciples nearby have come back to the people, and the wounded who moved the wounded and resisted the enemies of the foreign enemies became a fan.

In a hurry, I actually organized a small defense system.

Even so, there are still too many preaching disciples who have been smashed from the sky by the thick and fleshy zombies, who have scratched their heads and sucked their brains, and died on the spot.

In the pupils of the empty corpse, the two groups of flames trembled and swayed like the candle in the wind. Its throat "squeaky, squeaky" sounds, dry and stiff arms try to lift up, trying to open Qin Haoxuan's palm ~ ~ ghosts come! ”

The pattern of evil spirits imprinted on Qin Haoxuan's arm violently flashed an electric arc and turned into a black-eyed rifle that slammed into the head of the sacred corpse.

The wise body screamed and the entire head was completely penetrated.

The pupils violently shot a black column of light, and the four sides of the arrow spread, and the lead gray clouds piled up in the void all flowed through a huge hole, which remained for a long time.

After a long time, the power of the entire body of the corpse was dissipated, and the body was like a thousand years old wood, losing all vitality and decaying.

The death of the big group of large groups has released the diarrhea.

When the wise body died, the corpse suddenly had no heads, and a group of chaos.

Originally, there was a lot of shackles, and there were not many plaques in the hands. The legs were almost sore and the young disciples were taught. They saw that the corpses did not attack themselves and others, and almost doubted whether they were wrong.

Staying in the same place, did not respond for a long time.

"...they...what happened to them?" A red-haired zombie with a rancid breath in his mouth, stunned and stunned from the side, did not attack himself.

A too junior disciple was confused, and couldn't help a brother around him.

The brothers armed with steel swords, condensed the spirit of the spirits, brushed a few times on the red-haired zombies. Unprepared red-haired zombies, they were smashed into several paragraphs.

"You manage so much, anyway, now is a great opportunity, and earn more spiritual rewards." After the brothers killed a red-haired zombie, they were greeted.

At the beginning, I taught my disciples to be awkward, and I was busy with the same kind of learning. I began to kill these unsuspecting zombies.

Suddenly, the disciples who had been chased by the zombies in the early days of the murder had already reversed the situation and began to rush to chase the zombies.

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