Too Early

Chapter 432: Hongqiao Zhongzang

A person is silently calculating, and everyone is quite bored.

The peaks they stood on, after a recent war, and the destruction of the Mozu people, the peak has been flattened, and it is already full of gullies, quite miserable.

There is still a clue-like spiritual fluctuation in the space.

At this time, the valley mouth in the distance, above the high sky of white clouds, suddenly Changhong continued.

There are dozens of miles in it, like the colorful and magnificent Rainbow Bridge, which appears on the sky in the valley and is pleasing to the eye.

"Hey, it’s the tomb of Chunyang Xianwang. You can have this kind of spectacle..." Even in the Tianshizong, where Tianzongzong used to see the beautiful scenery, he couldn’t help but admire.

Qin Haoxuan secretly compared the Huangdi Peak in the early days of the heart. He felt that the infinite scenery on the mountain peak seemed to be difficult to choose from the Hongqiao in front of him...


Suddenly, the heavy and slow footsteps sounded from the unfathomable valley.

Qin Haoxuan’s heart glimpsed, and the place where they were located was less than a dozen miles away from the valley. Even if it is so far and far, you can still feel the tremor of the earth.

What kind of horror monsters live in the valley?

When everyone was vigilant, they saw a foot full of more than ten feet, a green face and a fangs, and a monster with a long three-footed animal bone on his shoulder, slowly walking on the Hongqiao.

Every step of the way, it made a heavy sound like Hong Zhong Da Lu. The Zhoutian Baiyun will be shaken and the wind will be scattered.

"A strong monster, look at this momentum, look at the power, the strength is at least comparable to the immortal round of the immortal." Qin Haoxuan secretly secretly.

Yin 13 and Chi Jiu's face are also not good-looking, and the heart secretly rejoices that these monsters have not appeared in their place. Otherwise, there is only a share of running.

Just when everyone was amazed at the monster, the monster had carried the bones and walked to the center of Hongqiao.

Suddenly a huge mouth rises from the valley.

This giant mouth is flush with a mountain of several kilometers high, and there is a field-sized scale on the mouth.

It is conceivable that the owner of this giant mouth must be a monster that is huge and unimaginable.

As soon as it appeared, it aimed at the strange rainbow and the animal bone monster on the Hongqiao, and made an earth-shattering swallowing sound.

Just a gentle suck, a funnel-shaped energy vortex appeared out of thin air, and swallowed all the monsters on the Hongqiao and Hongqiao into the giant mouth.


After eating the monsters on the Hongqiao and Hongqiao, the giant mouth was full.

The thunder-like fullness sounded, and the entire high-altitude was smashed by the full stream of airflow, and it was clearly clear and recognizable, with hundreds of miles of airflow passages.

Qin Haoxuan is stunned, and in this strange and independent space of the ancient tomb, there are such powerful monsters. The strength of the monster just now, I am afraid that the immortality of the fairy tales can only be compared.

The horror of the heart, the difference is steep.


Deep in the earth, trembling and creeping, a rainbow-like tornado swept out, plowing the mountain and swallowing the giant mouth that had just swallowed the rainbow.

Everyone can only feel the earth tremble like a wave, and there are a few thunderous roars from the valley, followed by earth-shattering mourning...

Puff puff.

A **** wave suddenly rushed out of the Baizhang to the high, the blood filled the Quartet.

Then the mysterious valley calmed down, only to hear the squeaky chewing sound, resounding through the world.

After a while, the rainbow-like colorful tornado reappeared, spewing out a huge rainbow bridge hanging over the valley...

"My mother-in-law..." Chijiu stared at the things happening in the valley for a long time, his face pale.

Although I don't understand what the Rainbow Tornado monster is, it is not clear how the monster with such a huge mouth will be eaten. But he can imagine that if he can really see that scene, it is definitely the most shocking thing he has ever seen.

Qin Haoxuan shook his head again and again... Fortunately, there is a penalty, or else he may die there?

The Rainbow Bridge was actually a bait, tempting the powerful monsters step by step, and then became the prey of the monsters that spit the Rainbow Bridge.

Yin 13 can not help but a tight chrysanthemum, a burst of dry mouth, unconsciously stepped back a few steps.

"This place is really too unsafe, we... let's leave."

Qin Haoxuan nodded silently, this place... can not be said to be horrible to describe, here... is the Jedi! Maybe you can only have a chance if you come to the real person to come here personally?

This place really can't stay for a long time.

Is there anything more than your own life?


It took two days and two nights, and the lips were moved and slowly said: "They are in the southeast..."

Qin Haoxuan listened, his eyes could not help but look southeast, where he only saw the endless green mountains.

Can not help the brow wrinkles.

In the mountains and mountains, it is not easy for the disciples to teach the disciples in the early days. It is good for the devils to be assassinated and rounded up.

Don't happen anything...

"Let's go over there!" Qin Haoxuan sighed at the crowd. They didn't wait for them to answer. They walked straight to the mountains in the southeast.

"Where are you looking for them? In this place, with the strength of those disciples in the beginning, how many people can be left behind?" The punishment shrugged behind him, talking to himself, and his face was ugly.

To be honest, he is not willing to stay here for a while.

He is a man who is well versed in the calculations.

Ever since I entered the tomb of the pure Yang Xian Wang, I felt as if I had a pair of eyes staring coldly. Always give him a sense of awkwardness.

Chijiu’s face is a bit gloomy, although it’s not good for Luoyangzong. But for those who are too early to teach disciples, he still has a point to worry about...

Qin Haoxuan, who was struggling to get ahead, even though he didn’t say anything in his mouth, but after hearing the sentence, there was a trace of worry in his eyes.


It is very difficult to find the traces of the early teachings in this incomplete and independent space.

After three days and three nights in the mountains and mountains, I experienced several kills along the way. Fortunately, the people did not encounter the monsters that can be seen in the mysterious valley that can spur the Rainbow Bridge. With countless zombies, they survived the crisis once and for all.

Even some monsters whose strength is comparable to the forty-five leaves of the fairy seedlings are dead under the dead air array of zombie groups.

"Hey? It seems like there is movement in front..."

Qin Haoxuan has distributed a lot of flying zombies in front of the open road, and every flying zombie consciousness sea, he has planted a little fairy eye.

At this time, a flying zombie in the south direction suddenly noticed a change of several kilometers.

Upon receiving the information from the flying zombies, Qin Haoxuan thought about it and quickly took out a mirror that imprinted the ancient pattern.

As soon as the mirror appeared, it shot the mysterious brilliance of the road, and it was a thousand mirrors.

Qin Haoxuan quickly entered the spiritual power into it.

The entire mirror suddenly swayed like a wave of water, which initially showed the condition of the surrounding jungle.

As Qin Haoxuan constantly enters the aura into it, it is getting faster and faster, and the resulting screen changes are getting faster and faster.

At the end, after seeing a useless picture, Qin Haoxuan finally saw the picture he wanted. Sure enough, just a few dozen miles ahead, there was a team walking hard in the jungle.

This team is quite embarrassed. Many people are worn and torn, and all of them are loess dust and even blood stains.

Some people are walking along each other and seem to have suffered a lot.

Qin Haoxuan’s heart is tight. Although the clothes worn by these people are all ragged, they can still discern the robes of the early teachings.

"It's our people, hurry up to catch up." Qin Haoxuan rushed to Chi Jiu Zheng to nod and took the lead, volley to the direction of the early teaching people in the direction of flying.


In the dense and gloomy jungle, the early childhood teaches everyone such as the funeral dog. In addition to the strength of several temples and open roads, it is still not enough to be injured. Now, there are still people in the ranks, more or less. Subject to varying degrees of damage.

Suddenly, a few early-teacher disciples in the back of the temple saw the sky behind the trees, and drilled a few flying wings and wings, and the flying zombies were so tight that they could not help but feel tight.

The mouth suddenly burst into a sharp whistling sound, and at the same time pinched the signal in the hand.

A smoky gray smoke rushed into the sky for a long time. The disciples in front of the early teaching disciples immediately noticed the situation behind them. There were a few whistle whistle. Many of the early teaching disciples were enemies, and the flash of light flashed, and they swept to the place where the flying zombies appeared. .

One of the disciples, armed with a beggar, was about to shoot at the Flying Zombies.

A tall man with a long body and a long face with a horse face, quickly stopped him and screamed: "Don’t waste the charm any more. These days have consumed a lot of charms, you should know you. The preciousness of the symbol in the hands! Now this flying zombie does not mean to attack us, don't irritate it, just keep an eye on it!"

"How does the younger brother call it?"

Suddenly, a voice came from a distant place. When the sound was just over, the two early-teaching disciples who spoke only saw the flash in front of them, and the ground seemed to be shortened at the foot of the man, and suddenly there was a person in front of him.

The attacking charm in the hand just shattered, and the person in front of him reached out and held his hand.

"Isn't it said that there are very few plaques? Don't waste them, they are all people." The man sighed.

"Qin... Qin Tangzhu..." Two early-teacher disciples identified the identity of the person and stuttered.

"What is your name?" Qin Haoxuan sighed in his heart. He had already learned through the thousands of mirrors.

Only one word can describe it - miserable.

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