Too Early

Chapter 462: Fairy seed singular energy

"Young is young! I always think that my thoughts are good! Others can't think of it!" The red smelt is like a cannon, and it sprays its own spit. "There is no way to cultivate the world. Who dares to say that the world is the first wizard? Who dares to say that what he wants to come out must be something that others have never thought of? This year, I have heard that there has been a kind of red-education in the past, and I believe that the talent is very high and the luck is wonderful! I have encountered an avenue rune! The result? Forty-eight leaves, he stuck there for ten years! Finally, his elders found the problem and helped him to get rid of it! Otherwise his life would be abolished!"

"Of course! Rao is removed, and his genus has been under pressure for ten years by the avenue of the avenue, and the damage has reached the foundation! The final achievement is nothing but the fairy wheel... then it will fall! Red seed! That is red! "The red smelt said that the painful ailments, several early teaching disciples in the side of the audience are even more timid, have looked at Qin Haoxuan with worried eyes.

Qin Haoxuan was robbed by the red refining son, and his heart also raised concerns. The avenue of the road... Why haven’t you considered it?

"Fortunately, this seat can be seen in advance! If it is not this encounter, you will be finished in this life! You don't need to thank you, this seat is just for the uncle's face, it has nothing to do with your little beast."

Chi refining son came to Qin Haoxuan and pressed his palm to his back position to feel the point where the two avenue runes and Qin Haoxuan's body were inlaid. The spiritual power was slowly input into Qin Haoxuan's body by his palm.

As the spiritual power slowly entered, the expression of the red refining son became strange. First, it was smug... Then it was cautious, then... It was incomprehensible, and then... The red face of the red refining was bursting red. It’s very worrying to see the disciples in the early days. Is this avenue rune even the elders of the red refining son hurt?

Red refining is very embarrassing!

That's right! Although the red refining son faces Qin Haoxuan, he often swears.

But this time! It is the most embarrassing thing of the red refining son!

If there is no previous pretending to love reprimand, the red refining son does not need to be so embarrassed.

Can be biased, just the red refining son can not be forced to reprimand, even Qin Haoxuan has generated self-doubt.

It can be biased... The red smelt really wants to help Qin Haoxuan remove the avenue rune and find out, this kid... why! Not suppressed by the avenue rune?

in contrast! Avenue Rune is nourishing its body! With his fairy seedlings produced a strange resonance, making Xianmiao more and more vigorous.

That's right! Avenue Rune did not hurt Qin Haoxuan!

That's right! The red refining son who has the experience of immortal cultivation, found at this moment... um... his own experience... all ‘屎’! Qin Haoxuan did not help at all!

Qin Haoxuan gradually felt the eccentricity of the red smelt, and was initially worried. Is it really a disaster for me this time? Get into trouble? But soon, the avenue rune resonated with the body and the fairy magic under the turbulence of the red refining spirit, letting him know... the red thing of the red blush is not worried about the avenue runes hurting the body. But this old thing... oh!

"Well... you are this... um... um... um!" The red smelt is very embarrassing, and I really don’t know what to say...

In addition to the warmth of the red refining son, Qin Haoxuan’s heart is more afraid of the future. Fortunately, this fairy statue is faintly coincident with the avenue. If it is really a problem, it is really troublesome. In the future, it is still the right way to ask more questions.

"What do you think? Look at the distance from the seat!" The red scorpion screamed at the other younger brothers, and the disciples fled and fled, fearing that the elder would lose his temper.

Qin Haoxuan looked at the crowds and turned to look at the red refining son: "Okay, everyone is gone. Is this hand on my back, should you also move the place?"

Chi refining son is very embarrassed to take off, he would like to temporarily leave here to go around, but Qin Haoxuan's words made him have to dismiss the idea of ​​leaving temporarily.

"Two... open up the gods? I will show you how I am condensing the avenue runes. Can you see if you can get it?" Qin Haoxuan looked at the sentence and said with the refining son: "The wing of freedom is so Interesting things, do you want to come to the second place?"

The three men suddenly sat cross-legged and began an in-depth exchange.

Time is passing day by day...

The feng shui trend in the squad is declining day by day.

The landslide is cracked, the vegetation is yellow, and the ground is spewing...

In just one month, Qin Haoxuan and others were forced to move to three settlements.

And the time that settlements can be used is shorter than once.

During the relocation process, sometimes it was too hasty and had to throw away many pickled, smoked sausages and so on.

However, all the veins and stones are put into the dragon scale sword by Qin Haoxuan.

Now the Dragon Scale Sword has absorbed enough of the three spirits, not only repairing all the wounds, but also a lot stronger than before.

After all, in every fairy spirit, there is a Taoist atmosphere left by the ancient strong, and the will to be brave and fierce, plus the sharp edge in the military, for the dragons and swords, these gods, It is a big complement.

In the breath of the dragon scale sword, there are a few other avenues.

When Qin Haoxuan strengthens his strength in the future, he will be able to comprehend and use these avenues when he is able to master the dragon scale swords, so that the dragon scale swords can exert more powerful power.

At this time, the dragon scale sword, the space inside is twice as large as before, and the 50 million Lingshi excavated by the disciples is not a problem at all.

As soon as this group of Lingshi entered the dragon scales, the number of Qin Haoxuan's Lingshi reached a horrific level.

He now has a total of 43 million under the three-pronged stone, five million two-pronged stone, and one million one-piece Lingshi, and a few more rare, **** stones that can refine Feijian and other treasures. thing.

In addition, there are a variety of powerful monster skeletons, animal skins and whole medicine fields and other valuable items, many are numerous.

In the squad, it is almost two years away. At the beginning, everyone did not know how many good things were killed and accumulated.

After all, in order to build this grave that can be resurrected for himself, the pure Yang Xian Wang, even the earth that moved in, even the soil is a first-class spiritual soil, and all kinds of treasures are enough to shock the world.

I lived here for nearly two years. If a good thing is not harvested, Qin Haoxuan can really kill him with a piece of tofu.


Just ten meters in front of Qin Haoxuan, a piece of grass fell soft again, and a strong stream of flame magma spread from the inside.

A pre-teaching disciple flew forward and quickly put a huge metal sign in front and warned.

There are more than a dozen warning signs in this area.

A mouthful of flame magma pool, there is a growing trend.

The air is too hot, and some of the early teaching disciples work hard while sweating.

However, no one complained, the hunting of hunting, the training of training, the cutting stone of the cutting stone, and the meticulous progress.

Because they know that Qin Haoxuan captain and Chi refining elders and others, they must be more anxious than they are.

Sitting on the ground with the punishment, as if the old man was set, the eyebrows of the eyes were covered with a layer of fine black ash.

This is the black shavings produced by the burning of grass around the piece.

A pair of pupils, continually patrolling the surrounding landscape, muttering in the mouth, five fingers are constantly counting.

"...The giant gate is just like the flat, the southeast is back together... the big fierce!"

"...the greedy wolf peak is solitary and independent, the water is condensed and not gathered... the murderer!"


Qin Haoxuan stood next to him, not far from the huge empty space, a frame of the skeleton of the animal bones and all kinds of remaining monsters and blood, such as water droplets floating and floating.

His hands are like electricity, and he shuttles back and forth among the skeletons of the beasts. The essence of blood is driven by his power of consciousness, turning into a rune, branded into the skeleton of the monster.

At the same time, he was filled with black air, a three-high evil spirit, the arc flashing in the pupil, and all the sorrowful monsters of the mourning are all thrown into the skeleton.

As long as there is a smashing soul into the skeleton, the entire skeleton emits a strange red glow like blood.

As if the dead monster is waking up at any time.

Qin Haoxuan repeated these things all the time, and the bones of the beasts began to emit a wave of strange pressure.

Whenever a bone of the animal exudes pressure, Qin Haoxuan will give up the animal bone, and the figure will fly down to the next broken bone.

And the red refining son will catch up at the same time, holding a one-of-a-kind stone-filled symbol in his mouth chanting the truth, a strange awn column slams into the demon Among the beast skeletons.

After a while, the skeleton of the beast was shot in a wave of red awns, and the screaming monster snarled and slammed into the spirit stone symbol.

"This beast has finally become!" A refining child wiped a drop of fine sweat on his forehead, and his face showed a smile: "It is the life of the cemetery of the fairy king, too suitable for beasts!"

The spirit stone in his hand, this time exudes a wave of red light, which is branded with a lifelike monster, claws and claws, as if they will break through the stone at any time...

As the production progressed, even if the strength stepped into the red refining of the fairy tree, every time I made a beast, I felt a little tired.

After all, the final step of the beast needs to consume a lot of spiritual power.

Fortunately, Qin Haoxuan will throw him a qi dan at any time. As long as he has all the exhaustion of his spiritual power, after taking a qi dan, there will be a huge vortex of ten acres of land on the top of his head, and he will continue to give him a reiki.

Seven days passed by.

"One hundred and eighty-one beasts have been made."

With a huge spiritual vortex on his head, the red smelt looked at the last beast in his hand and sighed with relief.

He is very satisfied with the beasts that he has made, compared to the beasts that he made before.

There is a unique advantage in making the beasts. First, there is plenty of spiritual power in it, and the aura of making the beasts can be warm and nourish all the time.

The second monsters and monsters are very powerful, and it is also convenient to hunt. Once I used to make a beast, I might only use a skeleton of a monster, but here I can make a beast that can be extravagant to use five or six demon skeletons. Of course, there are so many skeletons of the beasts, and it is inseparable from Qin Haoxuan’s request for the teachings of the early childhood disciples to be good at using the monsters.

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