Too Early

Chapter 490: Cleaning is also serious

Next to a pile of bonfires, in addition to the most lively arrogance of the group, most of the rest of the campfires were quiet.

There is only one other bonfire next to it.

The team surrounded by this bonfire is exactly the ruined, gray-like disciple, and the place where Qin Haoxuan sits.

After a conflict with Zhou Tiansheng, Qin Haoxuan forcedly missed the miss of the master and made every effort to prepare for tomorrow's war.

Fortunately, he followed him for two years, and this group of Taichu teaches the gray robe disciples.

They can all feel the strange eyes and arguments of the early teaching disciples near other campfires, but there is no idea. Look at the nose, nose and mind, and retreat.

This is a good habit they have developed in the last two years. In that kind of step-by-step murder environment, only a desperate practice can give you more chances to save your life.

After they came out, they also practiced against time and have developed a habit.

Qin Haoxuan's brows are slightly wrinkled, and the thoughts in his heart are somewhat chaotic. Although after the confrontation with Zhou Tiansheng, because of the master's nephew, he temporarily chose to continue to follow the big forces, but the heart is still concerned about the injury of the master's nephew.

"No, the war is imminent, can not be distracted ... If the heart is disordered, when a negligence, the sneak attack by the strong, the consequences are unimaginable ..." Qin Hao Xuan suddenly aware of his own heart, actually had a trace of shaking.

Although this shake can hardly be felt, it is just a gossamer gap, but still keeps his heart alert.

If the cultivator is shaken by the heart, but the taboo is awkward, the lighter person will be stagnant for several days, and the serious situation will be backward.

He did not dare to have a half-slack, and the pure Yang Xian Wang, who was sitting on the knees of the fairy leaves, began to swear a wave of avenues.

Such as the same wave of clear spring, washed from the heart of Qin Haoxuan Road.

After a while, the mighty great will, the avenue of the road, finally healed the gap, and the heart returned to pure and innocent, clear and crystal clear.


Qin Haoxuan continued to immerse himself in the avenue of the avenue. The viscera and muscles in the skin are emitting a little golden light, washing and smearing a little...

"Qin Haoxuan Church Master."

Suddenly, three or five people in the vicinity rushed over and stood in the place where Qin Haoxuan Sanzhangyuan was set, and Qin Haoxuan eagerly called.

After all, Qin Haoxuan has long been protected by the guards of Ma Dingshan and others in the core position, and ordinary people cannot be close to Sanzhang.

Not yet opened his eyes, Qin Haoxuan sensed the appearance of these five people in a close distance through the power of the gods.

The one headed by him was actually Yue Xiaolong, who was rescued from the hands of the Shuzhang in the battlefield of Qizhangyuan. Behind Yue Xiaolong, he stood in the four brown robes and taught his disciples.

These four people, Qin Haoxuan, all know each other, they are the early teaching disciples who came out from the hands of the scattered hands in the past few days.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in the right wing of Elder Xia Ming?" Qin Haoxuan couldn't help but be surprised. He opened his eyes and burst into a slap in the face.

Opposite Yue Xiaolong and others, with his eyes touching, I only felt that the whole mind seemed to be swallowed up, and could not help but panic, and moved away from the eyes.

"This...the eyes of a sultry person, the power of this gaze is more horrible than the elder Xia Ming, as if the whole soul is lost..."

Yue Xiaolong could not help but be shocked, but he even strengthened his determination to come.

The other few pre-teaching brown-robed disciples, the mind is almost the same as Yue Xiaolong, after the shock, the face is more happy.

"Qintang Lord, we are willing to join the Nature Hall, and also ask Qintang Lord to take more and take care of us." Yue Xiaolong and others suddenly fell together and slammed a few heads to Qin Haoxuan.

"Turning to the church is not a child's play..." Qin Haoxuan said that he didn't lift his eyes. "If you do this, it will make me feel like a natural hall with other churches. In the beginning, it can't be messed up."

Yue Xiaolong is stunned, and he is also a good repairer. He thought it would be welcomed. For a time, he didn’t know how to pick up the words. He said after a long sigh of relief: "Qin Tangzhu, I am somewhat envious of Zhang San... Not as good as me, now... I am only in the blink of an eye..."

"It is a big event, you think about it." Qin Haoxuan said faintly: "If you just want to improve your cultivation, why do you need to turn to the church? If you want to listen to the sermon, even if you come, everyone is a very early person. Let me talk about it later."

When Yue Xiaolong and others saw Qin Haoxuan at least promised to preach, they could not help but cheer. Hahaha, the future of this next time is settled.

Then in the camp where Qin Haoxuan was located, he was greedily greeted by a wave of early teaching disciples.

These disciples have a common feature, and they are almost all saved by Qin Haoxuan and others in the hands of the Qizhangyuan battlefield. After all, only these people really know the power of the team where Qin Haoxuan and others are located.

For those who rely on them, Qin Haoxuan is very clear about it. Don’t mention this matter when you turn around. It’s okay to listen to this kind of thing.


The next day, not yet, the battle has already started.

Before the fall of the horse, the squad of Tongtianguan seemed to be prepared for the reinforcements of the early education.

The reinforcements of the early education were full of 800, and all of them were more than thirty-three leaves of Xian Miao.

In addition to the previous trials on the battlefield of Qizhangyuan, more than two hundred early-teaching disciples survived, and there are thousands of people. The strength is very high.

As soon as the disciples of the early teachings were within ten miles of the scattered alliance, they were ambushed by blood. There were literally hundreds of scattered ambushes under the ground, and there were expensive earth-based symbols in the hands, creating a sandstorm trap with a height of more than ten feet.

It seems to be a huge mouth, and the people who cultivated the immortals in the early days swallowed up.

But the early teachings of the early days have the Zhou Tiansheng protection method to advance in the shape of the nine-curved geese. This kind of formation, every ten people, will be connected to each other by the "geese".

This geese can support a fragrant time, which is equivalent to thousands of Taishi teaching disciples who are connected with each other spiritually, such as the surge of the sea, with strong defense.

The super-sand storm traps created by Fuxi, who had been through the heavens, were immediately bombarded by the early teaching disciples.

It seems that the empty sky is empty, and there is a huge wave of spiritual powers like a stormy wave. It is full of dozens of feet high and directly smashes the sandstorm trap.

The ambushing of the ambush below was directly spurted by the waves of spiritual power, and the fluttering of the fart was rushing back to the camp.

Then, there were thousands of people who had a thousand-year-old sacred sacred geese, which directly impacted into the camp of Tongtianguan.

The whole battle was carried out very smoothly, and it was so smooth that Qin Haoxuan felt incredible.

In fact, not only Qin Haoxuan, but even a group of gray robes under Qin Haoxuan’s men’s disciples saw some differences.

"Captain, it is really strange, obviously Zhou Hufa, Chi refining elders, Elder Xia Ming, they are all in the camp, why are these predecessors of the immortal and Taoist realities not directly shot, completely smashing the smashing? No need to be so troublesome."

"Yes, this group of dispersive strength is too bad. Actually, the people who are arrogant of the gang's battalion battalion are playing tricks. With their degree of strength, I am afraid that the elders of the smelting son will be able to kill them all." I can't figure out why the elders want to hide in the Tissot."

A group of his disciples are in the vicinity of Qin Haoxuan.

"Is it just stupid to go out of the Tomb of the King? Or do you just give me a flattering? How can I not learn a few days?" Qin Haoxuan said with a calm face: "Ma Dingshan, you come to explain! If you explain badly, you know the end." !"

Ma Dingshan’s eyes glared at the bloodstained players who had been flattering, and quickly said: “The church owner also said in the tomb of the fairy king before, the war... the martyrdom. The defensive tactics are strict, no one knows them. How exactly did they arrange their troops, and they didn’t know what cards they had. After all, we had been sneaked by them some time ago. This time, I want to annihilate all of them. If Zhou Hufa and Chilizi Elders They directly shot, in case they have any backhand, or if they see the momentum is not right to escape, it will not be worth the loss."

Qin Haoxuan laughed and said that he had read the book from the book. The second time was when he entered the red dust, he saw more in the army, and he learned some things. He did not expect the mortal things, he can still use it now. On the other hand, the red dust in the beginning is really amazing.

Qin Haoxuan laughed and smiled a little, and in any case, the battle was too smooth...

The blood-stained team is now responsible for cleaning the battlefield to see if there are spare parts to survive, and to support the team that can't support it anytime, anywhere.

This kind of life is of course very easy. Qin Haoxuan’s dry gray robes are all familiar. Even after many of the disintegrations, the things on the body were plundered by the former early teaching disciples, and they still found a lot of good things with their amazing search ability.

There is nothing to do with Qin Haoxuan. He walks like a big man and follows the big forces to see the whole battle.

Almost in a distracted posture, watching the face in front of the battle.

"In this case, how do you feel a bit wrong..." Qin Haoxuan stared at the battle in front of him, and he could not help but be suspicious.

After all, he had also handed over this dry work a few days ago and had some understanding of their strength.

These dispersals were summoned from various places in Xianglongguo, each of which was an old monster that had been cultivated for seven or eighty years. How could it be a little decent resistance?

And after the impact, most of the strength of the scattered repair is not in line with the ones he has contacted before. There are actually more than 30 leaves in the fairy seedlings.

Moreover, please report it very clearly. There should be more than 2,000 people in the squad of Tongtianguan.

But now that the number of people looks good, there are absolutely no more than 2,000 people, and at best it is about a thousand people.

And this thousand people, almost the resistance is relatively small.

After dropping a hundred bodies, a large number of scattered repairs rushed to the distant valley.

"How did the blood-skinning team practice it? You look at their means, we have checked the body and we have checked it. There is nothing, but you can see that they can actually get from the scattered teeth. Find something good... Hey, it’s more than a bandit!”

"It's just a bunch of locusts!"

When the war is easy, some people will be distracted.

Many people in the team noticed the blood-stained team. Many people still have heard of the blood-stained team, but they have never seen the blood-stained team. Seeing their behavior, they feel a little bit sloppy.


This episode did not affect the progress of the big forces.

At the beginning, the reinforcements of the reinforcements were devastated along the way, and all the scattered forces on the road were completely crushed by the crushing posture.


The golden long knife smashed the vacuum in the void, with a beautiful, sharp semi-circular arc, a submerged thundering beast, and even the scattered repair on the cow's back, all together into two segments .

In the blood of tragic and splashing, Zhang Yang slammed the long knife and shook the fallen head in the void.

There was a fire in his hand, which quickly burned his head into a walnut and hung it around his waist.

"Okay, Master Zhang!"

There were a few shouts in the back of the man.

Zhang Yang’s forward camp, this time, has made a splash.

Inside the team he brought, there are eight heads of gold giant pythons, and eight beasts are ancient Yunzi who have spent a lot of effort to capture the ancient beasts of the golden giant python. .

Each of the beasts can be compared to the more than forty leaves of Xian Miaojing, and the skin is thick and thick, and the key moments can be combined into a compound beast, which is very powerful.

The eight-headed beast is like an iron plough, smashing on the earth, leaving a deep gully. Directly put the scattered camp account to a pair.

Stepping on one of the beast's heads, standing in the wind, Zhang Yang body blood, a circle around the waist, there are seventy or eighty with the spirit to dry and narrow the head, **** and pull the wind.

In the hands of a long gold long knife flashing runes seem to carry a pungent **** taste, more embodies the brave and extraordinary.

This long knife was the revival of Zhang Bao, who was specially commissioned by a brother of Xia Yuntang before the war. It added materials such as Shen Xing sand and rehmannia, which can bear the spiritual power of the caster to the greatest extent.

This is a treasure that is both windy and practical. Just now he used this long knife, and he had a total of sixty scattered heads, almost all of them were killed.

Behind him, riding on the back of a beast only on the back of the beast, is also generally, each has more than forty leaves of Xian Miao. In front of the scattered wolf rushing, all the way to run, almost no one is the enemy of Zhang Yang.

Following the Zhang Yang faction in the back of the beast, each strength has more than thirty-five leaves of Xian Miao.

Such a forward camp, like an iron plow, plowed the squadrons who were trying to resist.

Glass-like mixed Tissot, dazzling in the sun.

In the mixed Tissot, Zhou Tiansheng is on top of it, and the battle scene below is in full view.

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