Too Early

Chapter 514: Master's legacy is touching

Qin Haoxuan is very strange. The brothers and sisters who used to treat the natural halls have always been stern and stern. How can these natural disciples even be so sincere and fearful?

"What's the matter, just say no." Qin Haoxuan tried to keep smiling.

One of the early-teacher disciples was brave enough to brave the courage to whisper: "The lord, we...we usually issue two Lingshi and Ling Dan twice a month, now...Since the old master bedroom I am sick in bed, and I have not given anything for a month..."

When Qin Haoxuan heard it, the brow was locked up. No spirits and elixir for a month? Is this... too much?

To know every church in the early days, there will be a basic supply. However, these basic supplies are generally not enough for the cost of the lobby such as Gu Yuntang and Xia Yuntang. Each of them has thousands of disciples, and the consumption of the spirits and elixir is a huge number, so on weekdays, it has always relied on planting medicine fields, or other businesses to exchange for panacea and elixir.

Naturally, the hall is thin, and the scorpion has not much skill in addition to some basic spiritual methods. Therefore, there is no chance to teach disciples to earn extra money.

On weekdays, in addition to the few spiritually thin medicine fields, the natural halls are surrounded by some of the spirits and elixir that are sent out by the door.

Even this kind of medicinal medicine is a kind of quality that can't be done. Some elite disciples in the lobby will not look at this kind of medicinal medicine at all, but will use some spiritual stones and other things to exchange better medicinal herbs with the disciples who are good at alchemy.

However, for the disciples of Nature Hall, the panacea and elixir that are distributed every half month are their treasures, and the process of cultivation must be supported by these things.

This month, the scorpion is seriously ill, and the sect of the sect of the medicinal herbs is distributed. Although I don’t know if this is intentional or not, it has already made Qin Haoxuan’s heart calm and calm.

Facing the eyes of several natural disciples, Qin Haoxuan calmed down and felt only the grim situation of the current situation - the foundation of the natural hall, too thin!

Although he used to be a disciple of the Nature Hall, he was never short of panacea because of his devotion. And most importantly, he is able to attach to the snake and enter the sacred poisonous valley. He has won many rare things in the inside, and even got some advanced alchemy methods. Together with the cultivation of medicine fields, he has a good income. In the early generation of the younger generation, no one can give it to the right.

Such Qin Haoxuan, although he knew that the natural hall was thin, he did not have a deep feeling. At this moment, he really became the owner of the natural hall, and he discovered that it was really difficult for a clever woman to be without rice.

"A few of you go down, and the disciples of Nature Hall come over one by one. Before the death of the old man of the Scorpion, I left a little something for everyone. I will give it to you." Qin Haoxuan said, he quickly took out the dragon. The scales of the sword, inside the strange swaying, revealing a tightly wrapped medicine.

This medicine scorpion is what the scorpion left for Qin Haoxuan. It is indeed intended to be handed over to other disciples through the hands of Qin Haoxuan.

Open the medicine sputum, and immediately burst out of the Baoguang, a stock is like a milky aroma of the spirit, actually floating out of the medicine 匣 round three feet, sinking and floating, condensed and not scattered. It can be seen that this drug is rich and abundant.

Qin Haoxuan was also shocked. Although he took the medicine from his nephew, he knew that it must be extremely precious. After he actually saw the contents, he was shocked.

"Seven treasures are still Dan, anodes are sheltered from the wind, and flying stones are light Dan..." Many of the spirits that can be called three products, and even two products, are actually full of a scorpion. Under the breakdown, there are hundreds of them, and almost every disciple can get one.

Such a level of Ling Dan, it is reasonable to say that some of the disciples of the fairy seedlings are not used at all. Many of the spirits inside are required to be scented by more than thirty-three leaves in order to be swallowed.

When Qin Haoxuan saw these spirits, the acid that had no reason for his heart, the tears almost flowed down.

There is no other source of income for the Nature Hall. Master Xunzi was not good at drilling and shooting horses. He was honest and honest. He could have so many second and third products. It is almost certain that this kind of spirituality is only a supply that is distributed to the church owners every month.

Even so, if you want to store hundreds of such a panacea, it will take two years to save so much. In the past two years, the teacher of Xunzi has become a genius of the five people, and even this way, he still reluctant to eat the spirit, and saved it. It can be said that every spirit here is exchanged by the teacher for a few days.

Qin Haoxuan secretly bite his teeth, and there is a flash of light in the dragon scale sword. The loud noise of "Boom", countless Lingshi is like countless stars falling. Suddenly, in the entire hall, there was a burst of glory in the spirit stone, and the original gray hall shone like white.

Just now, I was still battling, and I didn’t know how to tell the children of the natural cousins. Everyone looked at the rock in front of them and swallowed.

Hey, the texture of these spiritual stones is less than the next three spirits. There are so many Lingshi, there should be millions of them, and it looks like the quality is very good, there is nothing wrong with it.

"Now start distributing things. Each of you will receive 10,000 stones and a panacea. This kind of spirit is also very precious. Don't swallow it easily. You can exchange it with other disciples for some of the qualities you need." Dan." Qin Haoxuan reminded.

Since he decided to be a natural master, every disciple of Nature Hall was related to him.

Qin Haoxuan spent a full two years in the imperial concubine in the ancient tomb of Chunyang, and he dug into a dozen Lingshi veins. These Lingshi veins, except for a small part of which were consumed by the gray-robed disciples who were inside within two years, were all in his dragon scale sword.

In addition, Qin Haoxuan’s Lingshi earned in the past, from the first product to the next three products and other spiritual stones, there are seven or eight million, and even billions are possible. And most of them are more than three products of Lingshi, if converted into the next three products Lingshi, it is not countable. He is now a real rich man.

Master Xunzi can save money and use so many high-quality spirits. Since Qin Haoxuan has so many Lingshi, of course, he has to contribute to the development of the disciples of Nature Hall.

Ten thousand pieces of the next three spirits, even if it takes a lot of work to carry, but not everyone has a magic weapon with a huge storage space.

At first, I received the natural disciple of Lingshi and Essence. After a few squats, I panted, but my expression was very excited. At the last glimpse, one of the disciples squatted on the bulging pocket and looked at Qin Haoxuan. “噗通” sighed and burst into tears.

"Qin Tangzhu, I entered the Nature Hall a year ago. I used to respect you and let you be a master. I am still not convinced. Now I am really convinced. Such a good medicine, good spirit stone." You can actually take it out of your own self, not by yourself. This is far more than the other church owners. I have been with you for the rest of my life!"

Other disciples are also excited, looking at Qin Haoxuan simply can not speak, but the heart is full of gratitude.

When they joined the Nature Hall, they knew that the church was thin and there would be no good things for them to practice. What they are showing is nothing but the brother-in-law of the teacher. The picture shows the warmth of the scorpion.

Now I can get such a good elixir and so many Lingshi at once, only I feel like a drop from heaven. Such a lot of babies, in exchange for the other owners of the lobby, probably only pour the resources on the disciples with superior qualifications, but will not be assigned to these ordinary disciples.

But Qin Haoxuan is different, he is obviously the same. Such a selfless, fair and just church, even if young, allows all the people of the natural hall to support themselves.

The news spread quickly. After a while, the natural hall suddenly came to more than a hundred A disciple was waiting outside the hall, waiting to collect things, everyone was excited in the eyes. Fire.

With the distribution of Lingshi, a pile of stone piles piled up like a hill quickly disappeared. Qin Haoxuan couldn't help but feel a little strange. The news spread for so long. How can I not see the gang of grey robes who were born and died in the ancient tomb of Xianyang? Even Ma Dingshan did not come.

"Is this bunch of stinky boys, is it that the realm of the realm has been improved, leading to a high level of vision, can't you look at these three spirits?" Qin Haoxuan smiled and snorted.

Zhang Yang came out from the mountain where the ancient Yuntang was located. He sat in the fairy cloud and went straight to the natural hall.

"It’s just a bunch of 40-leaf gray robes. Although it’s still good at the beginning of the game, their qualifications are only a little stronger than the weak ones. Now it’s still a good one. There... Maybe you can step into the fairyland in the future, but after a long time, I will definitely enter the fairy wheel and even the fairyland, and they will be left by me..."

"Now I want to be a gray disciple to conquer them. In fact, it is a bit of a fuss. But this time I will offend Master Gu Yunzi too much. I have to run for myself in this errand, showing sincerity." In the fairy cloud, Zhang Yang’s thoughts flew with the night wind. Overall, the heart is still somewhat uncomfortable.

In his view, he is a gray disciple, and his future is boundless. Now he is arrogant and convinced to convince several gray-robed disciples. If the news is passed out, it is a big shame.

However, when I thought of Master Yun’s gloomy old face, I thought of the amazing fighting power of the gray-robed disciples of the 40-leaf of the fairy seedlings...

Zhang Yang tried his best to convince himself - this thing must be done! And if the princes of the squad of the squad, the forty-six disciples have stepped into the fairyland, they can also give him a growing momentum.

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