Too Early

Chapter 526: It’s easy to be good to people.

“Follow me the rules? Good!” Qin Haoxuan laughed. “That’s the seat to tell you about this rule. What about the natural hall? What should I do? In the natural hall, what should I do? The seat has a sign at the door. Zhang Yang and the dog are not allowed to enter, destroy this rule, what should be? This blood suit team, this seat will give the four lobby owners an account! You?"

Qin Haoxuan slightly lifted his chin, his eyes swept the circle with a scornful voice: "What is it! Since I came to my natural hall today, then... I don’t want to leave! I will leave a good reflection on this seat. !"

As soon as the voice was over, the elite disciples who came from the four halls suddenly changed. In the early days of teaching, what is the status of the Nature Hall? The disciple of the Nature Hall walks in the sect. When is it not the tail buttocks? This new natural hall is really a big tone!

"Qin Tangzhu, we have invited our church owners before we come, and we hope that the Qintang masters will not make things that make the early teachings unspeakable. Otherwise, don't blame us for the other four churches to bully you." Zhang Daming couldn't stand it first. Said coldly.

Just now, Qin Haoxuan didn't know what secret means to use to shoot his exquisite buckle. Although this compound symbol is an imitation, it also makes him feel distressed. After all, he is also because of a great contribution made a hundred years ago. Only after being rewarded by the owner, Bizhuzi, this loss is great.

This tone, Zhang Daming, of course he can not swallow. Since this is a natural singer, he must give him a lesson.

Qin Haoxuan's brows were slightly wrinkled, and his cold eyes were removed from Zhang Yang's face and transferred to Zhang Daming.

He also saw that the middle-aged man of the Bizhutang was quite prestigious in the elite disciples of the four churches.

"The first one is for you!" Qin Haoxuan stood far away, and the robes were completely windless, and a stream of torrents spread to the four sides.

After Qin Haoxuan’s back, there was a mysterious inscription that sparkled mysteriously, forming a pair of huge light wings, filled with a huge wing of strange scent.

As soon as I saw the inscription on the light wing, Zhang Daming did not know how a heart of thought was stirring, and there was actually a feeling of uneasiness.

The next moment, Qin Haoxuan, who was still 10 meters away, suddenly flashed like a ghost, and it was hard to distinguish with the naked eye. Just after reacting, Qin Haoxuan had arrived.

Qin Haoxuan Wen Runru jade's palm fingers arrogant, shot Zhang Daming past.

Zhang Daming sneered, I know that you can play Qin Haoxuan! But Zhang Daming is not a vegetarian! Close to the half-step fairyland, do you think I am the same as the waste you encountered before?

He is also unceremonious, and he has become a psychic, sharp and sharp sword. The sword seems to have raised a round of sun, and the spirit is soaring to meet the hand of Qin Haoxuan. Welcome.

Lieyang sword!

Zhang Daming's sword, he once cut off half of the hills, confidence can definitely make the natural hall of the house scared, and retreat.

But the face just showed a scornful smile, and it instantly solidified.

Zhang Daming shot the palm of his hand on the top of his head, and the momentum suddenly changed. It seemed to expand and expand in front of him, turning into a mountain peak, giving an irresistible inexplicable pressure.

On the five fingers, each finger is filled with a rune of ancient celestial. This rune is like a star, and there is a vagueness of the natural law between heaven and earth.

These runes are exactly what Qin Haoxuan learned from the day and night of the pure Yang Xianwang Avenue. Each of the runes has a mysterious power.

The cultivation of Qin Haoxuan Xian Miaojing is only a one-hundredth of the use of the power of these runes.

Even so, for Zhang Daming, who is also in the fairyland, the shock given him is nothing to add.

Not only that, Qin Haoxuan's spiritual power possessed on the five fingers is actually concise, such as the essence, the vastness of the boundless, echoing the mysterious runes on the five fingers, more and more giving people the feeling of dignity.

During the process of landing the palm, the entire air was squeezed out of the vacuum channel by a large force.

"This...the feeling of spiritual power, how can I feel the power of the strong tree?" Zhang Daming rarely raised an irresistible sense of powerlessness.

His intuition is actually true, and he will not be able to say it to the realm of the realm. If you simply talk about the power of the spiritual power, Qin Haoxuan's palm can indeed compete with the elite of the fairy tree.

After all, Qin Haoxuan's every fairy leaf is very thick and full of children's arms, ten times that of ordinary cultivators, and each fairy leaf is pure seven veins of fairy leaves, and the spiritual power that can be accommodated has reached each fairy. The peak of the Miao Jing Xiu Xian.

In addition, he began to cultivate the immortal, attached to the body of the snake into the sinister poisonous valley, has been a strange continually, has accumulated a rich spiritual power.

In the spiritually rich blessed land of the Pure Yang Xianwang Tomb, he is also practicing day and night. He takes resources such as qi and dan every day, plus the sentiment on the pure Yang Xianwang Avenue. The strength of the cultivators who are tired in Xian Miaojing has already reached a point of horror.

At the moment of Qin Haoxuan’s engraving, his spiritual power is extremely abundant. Although he can’t beat the fairyland, but below the fairyland? Ok! Qin Haoxuan feels the first person in the fairyland!

In the face of such a large and pure spiritual power, Zhang Daming’s proud spiritual law is certainly not enough.

The flames that he blasted out were the first to bear the brunt, and the sun that had sunk above it was directly shot by a palm. Then he was overwhelmed by the mighty spiritual power, and the whole body's spiritual strength turned out to be like a mountain bombardment.


Under the pressure of heavy mountains, Zhang Daming, the forty-nine leaves of Xian Miaojing, was shot directly into the ground under the eyes of the public.

The place where he stood just left a deep crater.

On the empty ground of the courtyard, the elite disciples who saw four scenes saw this scene, and they could not help but stunned. At the same time, they could not help but take a sigh of relief.

"A slap can kill you." Qin Haoxuan looked indifferent, raised his right palm, his eyes slowly swept over the face of the four elite disciples.

"And... it’s coming again! To deal with myself, I only use one finger to deal with Zhang Daming’s half-step fairy tree, but it’s just a slap!” Zhang Yang just had an extremely passionate mood and fell to the bottom. I only felt a cold air from the tail vertebrae straight to the top of the head, and it was cold.

Since becoming a master, Qin Haoxuan only shot twice in front of Zhang Yang, but once more shocked than once.

Thoroughly let the publicity and arrogance of the heart not lose a bit of confidence.

Suddenly, Zhang Yang’s eyes stunned into the eyes of the four disciples around him, and there was no fear in his eyes.

This made him indifferent. If these four disciples were stunned and could not take these gray-robed disciples, after he returned, he would not only bear the anger of Master, but the other three lobby owners would certainly not spare Happy to see him.

"Big words are not awkward! Qin Haoxuan, are only a fairy seedling, after all, even if you can take a picture of Zhang Daming, you can't cope with so many people!" Zhang Yang can only stand up with a scalp , Speaking to Qin Haoxuan.

The elite disciples here are all from the four churches. They are only temporarily gathered together because of their interests. Zhang Yang is very clear that no matter what, he can't let everyone distract.

"Yes, he has only one person in Qin Haoxuan, what are you afraid of?? We are so many people, each is an elite disciple of each hall. Is it still afraid that he will not succeed?" Baihuatang’s lead Zhuang Hongyan’s eyebrows creaked , attached to Zhang Yangdao. While saying that, he also handed an autumn wave to Zhang Yang. This gray disciple is really a good man. In the face of Qin Haoxuan’s power, he did not shrink.

The four elite disciples were shocked by Qin Haoxuan’s power to capture Zhang Daming into the underground. Now, with the reminder of Zhang Yang, they have come up with courage.

Seeing that all four people were raised with enthusiasm, Qin Haoxuan looked at Zhang Yang and looked at it. This stirs the crowbar, there is a set of confusing people. This is also good, he has long wanted to find a chance to pick up a meal, now just have the opportunity to send it to the door!

"Who are you taking the lead in this four times? Stand out." Qin Haoxuan’s eyes slowly swept from the faces of the four elite as long as they were swept by his eyes, they all agree Shivering, I only felt that the cold eyes were sharp like swords, which made them fear from the heart. The eyes couldn’t help but look at the people who were focused on the crowd—these people, the ones that Qin Haoxuan was looking for.

"I... I am the teacher of Baihuatang who took the lead this time. What advice?" Under the eyes of the public, Zhuang Hongyan also had to stand up with a hard scalp.

"I am Xue Yuntang, the leading brother of Xia Yuntang." Among the people in Xia Yuntang, there is also a middle-aged man who looks like a veteran.

Zhang Yang stood in the pile of people in the ancient Yuntang, looked at the left and right, and found that the people around him had stepped back, and one by one looked at him with admiration. Only left him alone to the front of Qin Haoxuan.


In my heart, I sighed with anger and anger, and I had to head to Qin Haoxuan: "I!" Zhang Yang’s heart is very incomparable.

Zhang Yang’s heart is very incomparable, and he sighed with anger and anger. He had to head up to Qin Haoxuan: "I!"

"I... my brother Zhang Daming is below... but I can still speak." In the Bizhu Hall, a tall elite disciple stood up and pretended to be sharp. His face has shyness without disguise. After all, their leading brother Zhang Daming was actually thrown into the ground by a Laughe priest of the thirty-three leaves of Xian Miaojing. It was really shameful. !

"Instructions can't be talked about, just want to replace the other four church owners, and discipline your people! Let you know that you don't have to take a big hat for others, so that you can use it cheaply!" Qin Haoxuan eyes micro Hey, the wing of freedom behind it is a flash of lightning.

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