Too Early

Chapter 535: Naturally broken field

This Huanglong master and the master of the scorpion who died in the early days are the cornerstones of the true pillars of the early teachings. He can feel the fiery heat in the heart of Huang Long’s teaching, and the fiery heat of the early teaching.

Qin Haoxuan shook his head secretly. It seems that he wants to close the battle of Wan Ying. It is impossible to convince him.

Seeing that Qin Haoxuan was a bit dull, Huang Longzhen was slightly straightened down the back: "Hao Xuan, I know that you are good. But too early, or natural, it is not just a softhearted church owner. The key point you have to do now is to arrange the arrangements for entering the water house and do more preparations."

"Whether it is actively preparing for the Western Yuan dynasty or entering the Shuifu, it is a matter of improving the strength of our disciples, and you need to pay more attention."

Qin Haoxuan soon took out some of the thoughts of miscellaneous, and some things were not something he could do.

Standing at his current position, of course, I hope that the early education will flourish. If it is possible to upgrade the entire early teaching power, it is certainly a good thing.

"Please feel relieved when you teach. Although the disciples do not agree with the teachings in many places, they will still do it wholeheartedly. The four halls are still... or please."

"This is nature." Huang Long teaches to smile, but his heart sighs a sigh... It’s a rule, I’m afraid that Gu Yunzi and Xia Yunzi are less likely to bicker.

"Right, teach, I want to go down the mountain recently." At this time, Qin Haoxuan said: "I hope to teach this pass token to the disciple."

Although he is already a natural master at the moment, as in the past, Qin Haoxuan has every close person in his heart.

When I heard that the former introductory disciple Cao Qinghua was sent down the mountain, he had been thinking about it. He wanted to go down the mountain to see Cao Qinghua once. This time, he proposed to raise this request.

Huang Longzhang is very puzzled to see Qin Haoxuan, down the mountain? However, Huang Long taught him not to ask the reason. According to the mature performance of Qin Haoxuan, he has to go down the mountain and it is definitely a reasonable reason to go down the mountain.

"Speed ​​to go back quickly, you have to stay outside for too long."

“The disciple knows...” Qin Haoxuan’s face was more and more respectful, and he did not appreciate it because of Huang’s appreciation of him.

It is known that the next trip will be taught, but Qin Haoxuan still stands still and does not leave.

Huang Long could not help but look at him again and asked: "Qin Tangzhu, what else is not done?"

Qin Haoxuan smiled a bit. He came here. There are really too many things to discuss with Huanglong. Since it’s here, let’s just say it all.

"Teaching, when we were in the battlefield of Qizhang, the defensive array was used by people who had been repaired by Tongtianguan, which caused nearly 1,000 disciples to die and die. Do you know that the traitors who leaked the defensive maps did not find out?" Qin Haoxuan asked in a deep voice. .

Last time, he was in the battlefield of Qizhangyuan. He learned that the Taichu religion was repaired by Tongtianguan several times and suffered heavy losses. This made Qin Haoxuan impressed. At that time, I found a few traitors, but I have never found it.

This matter, Qin Haoxuan has been stunned. For a martial art, a traitor is a cancer. If it is not removed, it will definitely be endless.

Huang Long’s face was suddenly unnatural, and when he thought about it, he slowly shook his head: “I didn’t find it. Qin Tang, I don’t know if you have any opinion?”

This answer can't help but let Qin Haoxuan be disappointed. He thought about it and solemnly said: "This person should not be a bottom-level disciple. The bottom-level disciple will not know the weaknesses of the defense map and the defense array, let alone It is said that these weaknesses are used to attack us. Therefore, this traitor, even if it is not the top level of our early education, should be a person with a bit of status."

Qin Haoxuan calmly puts his heart and mind out.

Huang Long’s teaching gently nodded. This inference is nothing new. At the same time, there is a hint of boredom between the eyebrows. Although there are occasional disputes in the early days, it is still a big family of peace and unity.

The traditions of the early teachings have also done well in this respect. The whole sects have a harmonious atmosphere and love each other.

"There is no possibility in theory..." Huang Long’s teacher slowly shook his head: "These middle and upper layers of the early teachings are not likely to have traitors. They are all years old partners, still very reliable. For so many years, there have been no traitors."

Huang Long’s teaching nodded and whispered to himself: “Think about this seat, think again...”

After Qin Haoxuan left, staring at the calm back of Qin Haoxuan disappeared in the hall, the smile on Huang Long’s face was even more prosperous.

The morning sun penetrated the smog-like aura and hit the face of Huanglong’s mastery. The smile of the old man is like a chrysanthemum in the sun, very gratifying.

"This Qin Haoxuan really has more and more temperament. In just a few months, it has grown like this, and it has been calm and thoughtful. In the natural halls of the past, I am afraid there are no people who grow so fast."

"The younger brother of the scorpion, this person inherits your natural hall, and the natural church and even the entire early education will flourish because of him. You can finally look at it..."

On the Xianyun car, Qin Haoxuan's eyelids are drooping, and his mind is like a cloud of smoke.

After thinking for a while, I finally stopped thinking about it. Some things, even if you think more, are not what he can control at the moment.

In the early days, the landscape of the landscape was magnificent and magnificent. It was made by the ancestors who used the big array method to arrange the strange array. Every time I watched these Qifeng landscapes, Qin Haoxuan’s mind was vaguely inexplicably instigated, and it seemed to have realized something, and it seemed that all sentiments could not be captured.

The Xianyun car rushed all the way, and Qin Haoxuan’s eyes swept over the beautiful peaks.

The closer to the peak of the Huangdi Peak, the closer it is to the center of the circle where the founding fathers are arranged, the more spiritual power becomes more and more abundant.

Most of these peaks are occupied by the other four halls. From time to time, you can see the clean room of the rock wall. Some elders are absorbing a strong aura and meditation.

In the back, some of the peaks belonging to the Nature Hall are the decline of spiritual power. Only a few pieces of spiritual powers condensed on the main hall of the natural hall, so that Qin Haoxuan could not help but feel a sense of emotion.

Suddenly, his eyes condensed and he couldn’t help but sigh.

I saw many places on the hills that belong to the Nature Hall. Many places are lush, although they are not yet spiritually entangled, but the place where the herbs were originally planted has actually expanded a lot.

The strength of a stock is condensed above the medicine field, and it is almost as thick as a cloud.

Even if the Xianyun car is in a few hundred feet high, it can still smell the rich potency inside.

In an acre of medicinal fields, I saw a vigorously sturdy ape of the head muscles being loosened in the soil, and the arrangement of the squad in the field of concentrating the squad, the excavation of the spiritual soil, and the watering Spring... All farming things are done in full swing, busy but methodical.

Looking at the mountains, Qin Haoxuan’s brows slowly wrinkled.

On all the hills, except for the one of the detained four lobby elite disciples who are planting a field of medicine, the rest of the place is actually a strong monkey, and they have not seen any one. A figure of a natural disciple.

It is a good thing to have a strong ape to help the medicine field, but if all the medicine fields let the vigorous ape monkeys take care of it... Qin Haoxuan’s face is gloomy, and I think it would be inappropriate to continue this way.

"These disciples, of course, are diligent and diligent, but they are a bit sloppy... The cultivation is not like this..."

The fairy cloud car fell in front of the main hall of the natural hall. Qin Haoxuan felt a row of natural disciple Vacheri in the surrounding Baizhang, and there was a wave of spiritual fluctuations. Obviously everyone is retreating.

The day is in the morning, the natural disciple is so hard to practice, Qin Haoxuan is happy in his heart. But when I thought about what I just saw, my brow wrinkled unconsciously.

He looked at the Fairy Car, and the two disciples who were close to the service immediately followed me diligently.

"These days, who is in charge of the natural medicine field?" Qin Haoxuan looked at one of the disciples on duty and asked.

Qin Haoxuan’s voice was low and heavy. When the disciple did not hear anything, he smiled and said: “The master of the Kaixuan Church is the brother of Peng Xiaopeng.”

"Recently, this medicine field is under the control of Peng Xiaopeng, and it is well managed..." The disciple had a good relationship with Peng Xiaopeng. He was just about to tout Peng Xiaopeng and the words had been interrupted.

"Call me to come over." Qin Haoxuan voice cold ~ ~ When the disciple heard Qin Haoxuan's tone of voice seems to be wrong, can not help but glance at Qin Haoxuan, do not dare to neglect, quickly retired Go on.

Qin Haoxuan walked alone in front of the two lush pines in front of the main hall, looking at the ever-changing clouds in front of the mountain, thoughtful.

"The nature hall has been weak for a long time. It must be cultivated from the roots to grow up, and it will not meet the expectations of the master..."

Thinking of the head, behind the rush of footsteps.

"The owner, disciple Peng Xiaopeng...come."

Peng Xiaopeng is a middle-aged man with a thin body and a big braid on his face. His eyes are full of fear. Because he had heard the disciples before he came, he said that Qin Haoxuan seemed to be in a bad mood at the moment.

Qin Haoxuan turned slowly, and there was a trace of anger in the bottom of his eyelids. He stared at Peng Xiaopeng for a long while and did not speak.

In the unbearable silence, Peng Xiaopeng was cut by the eyes of Qin Haoxuan's knife, and his legs were soft and sweaty.

"The lord... I don't know if you are looking for me. Or am I doing something wrong?" Peng Xiaopeng couldn't help but play the drums from the top, and the young cousin, the pressure is almost It’s a lot stronger than the old man who died. It is no wonder that in the natural hall of the town, it took a few days to rectify the ups and downs of the people. Even the elite disciples of the four halls were packed, and there was no fart in the four halls.

"The natural medicine field, you take care of it?" Qin Haoxuan asked coldly.

Peng Xiaopeng had some worried hearts. After listening to this, he set it down and replied: "The owner should be relieved. Now the natural medicine field of the temple has a monkey monkey with a bunch of vigorous apes." There are a lot of things in the apes, and we expect that the harvest of our drug fields this year will be more than twice as much as last year."

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