Too Early

Chapter 541: Purple seeds are invincible in half a step

Qin Haoxuan’s eyes have a gloom and a glimpse of death, thinking of Hao Xuan’s younger brother? This title is very harsh. However, Qin Haoxuan is not a young child in the past. There is no half-hearted look in his expression. It is also a calm and calm expression, listening quietly to the words behind Li Jing.

"Hao Xuan's younger brother is the main mess of the red dust world, and has delayed the practice of ah ... Xu Yu, Zhang mad two, I heard that it is already a fairy seedling forty-nine leaves. Hao Xuan teacher you can not do this, after all, we Entering the Taichu religion is to cultivate the immortal, you have to work hard, eat a little more, and do what you want..."

Li Jing said that the tone was softer and heavier, especially looking at Qin Haoxuan with a worried look, but his eyes flashed a hint of vinegar.

Qin Haoxuan quietly looked at Li Jing. Some people wondered what the purpose of the other party was to see him. With the vigor of the purple species, he should not go here to show off his cultivation. Li Jing is too shallow. It is.

A purple species should not be so shallow.

Then, why is he saying this? Qin Haoxuan still likes to go straight to the chat mode, and he is too lazy to continue to talk about the windings: "Li Jing."

The short word fell into Li Jing's ear, but it made him feel so harsh, and his heart burst into a burst of unhappiness.

Li Jing? What a long name this is! Li Jing secretly lamented that no one had called his full name for some time. The former brothers and sisters would call him ‘His Royal’.

Although this is the name of the past world, it is also a kind of respect, and to avoid calling the name of Li Shidi, a slightly high-profile.

"Summer Church is asking you to help me to say something interesting?" Qin Haoxuan can't think of this, but why can the other party come! The forty-nine leaves were repaired before, but to show that their future is infinite? Let yourself give him face, let go, right? When everyone started in the same year, they sent a weak disciple to come and see that there is nothing wrong with this matter.

The Xia Yuntang disciple next to Li Jing was like a cat who was burned to the tail and jumped up.

"Bold, you dare to call my brother's name! As a purple temperament, Xian Miaojing forty-nine leaves, at any time will step into the fairyland to become a elder character, who does not respect him as "His Royal Highness, Li Shixiong "You entered the road with your brother, and you don't even understand this." Xia Yuntang disciples pointed out that Qin Haoxuan shouted, but there was no scruples.

Qin Haoxuan looked at Li Jing arrogantly, and did not take care of the disciple who called him. After all, there is no need for the person to defy the dog. Just ask the other party's master. Do you think so? It will be fine.

"Not rude!" Li Jing drank his voice, his eyes were majestic: "How do you not understand things? Hao Xuan is weak though, but you also know that he is at the same time as me, so you can Scolding? Not sensible!"

Li Jing’s sect is still the same as that of the past. Different people turned their faces in person, but they also maintained the pride of their own purple species, demonstrating the difference between themselves and others.

Qin Haoxuan smiled, and the purple species really had a lot more high-end than the gray variety. While demonstrating their own cultivation, they let others give face, while they were full of pride.

Qin Haoxuan did not speak, looking at Li Jing and his rude Xia Yuntang disciple with great interest.

When Xia Yuntang’s disciple heard Li Jing’s words, he immediately lowered his head and said, “Yu Tong” slammed down to Li Jing: “His Royal... I... I was so angry that I forgot the honor. But even if His Royal Highness punished me, Qin Haoxuan next time to His Highness, His Royal Highness Even if I kill me, I must say something to correct him!"

The disciple of Xia Yuntang, who is squatting, said that he was very impassioned and loyal to Li Jing. Li Jing listened to her heart very refreshingly, but she did not arrogate to ignorance like Zhang Yang, still maintain her own temperament, and directly said: "After leaving the natural hall, you will be punished for half a year. Your temper, really should be changed, If you don’t understand it, you don’t have to follow me.”

At this time, Xu Erpeng finally couldn't stand it.

From the beginning of Li Jing's thorns into the nature hall, the whole process of every move, words and deeds, made him look very uncomfortable, - seemingly peaceful and modest, but everywhere to show himself, although ... he is indeed qualified to show himself ... purple forty-nine leaves, half-step fairyland, but... this is a discomfort.

Xu Erpeng suddenly couldn't stand it, and he stood out from the crowd and pointed at the Xia Yuntang disciple who was under his arm. "What is your mother's calculation? Even if Li Shidi does not punish you, you are so disrespectful to our owners in the nature hall, even if we The lord does not punish you, do you think that you can walk out of the nature hall without any trouble? You have violated the rules of our natural church, and today you don't want to get the benefits!"

"What else made my head call Li Shidi a brother? No big or no small things! My lord is a master of the scorpion, and the senior is higher than your Xia Yuntang master! The lord did not call you Li brother. Teacher, you have already given your face! You know?"

Li Jing raised his eyebrows slightly and showed a smile on his face. He did not expect to have such a benefit in joining this nature hall. The generations went up all of a sudden, although there were fewer resources, but the mouth was really easy to cool.

Qin Haoxuan has been watching this scene quietly until Xu Erpeng finished speaking, and then he fell on Li Jing’s body: "Do you think this is a good deal?"

Li Jing gently leaned his back against the back of the chair, shrugging his hands and fingers together and shrugged and said: "This is the nature hall, not my Xia Yuntang."

"Two Peng, start with a lighter." Qin Haoxuan squinted Xu Dipeng said: "Well, the person brought by Li Jing, don't really break it."

"Know it!" Xu Erpeng began to pick up his sleeves.

Today, Xu Erpeng is no longer the tattered clothes, but a Tsing Yi robes, just a little blood on the robe, marking the identity of his blood-stained team.

Li Jing has been retreating. I don't know the **** team's reputation. I am also curious who gave the courage of the nature hall. Do you dare to work on the four halls?

Xia Yuntang’s disciple took help and looked at Li Jing. Li Jing’s eyebrows twitched slightly, and his eyes were already telling the other party that he could fight back.

Negotiating this matter, whether it is big to the country or small to people, is the same! When Li Jing was educated at an early age, he knew that as long as he showed enough strength, the negotiations would tilt to his own favorable side.

With Li Jing’s eyes suggesting that Xia Yuntang’s disciples also have the conviction, although they know the blood-stained team’s reputation, but the younger brother, there is a arrogance in the heart, what about the blood-stained team? Come!

"I want to execute the rules for me? First look at whether you have this ability!"

The disciple of Xia Yuntang suddenly rose up and stepped back three feet. His hands smashed a seal, and the three flames spurred Xu Erpeng like an arrow.

"The things that the insects are not good at all!"

Xu Erpeng did not evade, and the palm of his hand came out with a green aura. The next moment turned into a sapling tree vine like a bucket, like a long whip, tearing the air and pumping it toward the rocket.

Fire wood! Xu Erpeng is going to use wood to extinguish the fire! To tell everyone, the bloodstain team is really different from other early disciples!


When the rockets touched the long green whip that was surrounded by the green spirit, they were instantly shattered.

The disciple who used the rocket spirit method changed his face. His spiritual spirit was extremely powerful. How could it be... A thought has not been turned, and it was firmly caught by the lightning-fast bicolor long whip.

"Call", the disciple who was controlled by Xu Erpeng in the air, swayed in the air, like a ball, was smashed around the hall by a long whip, and issued a "咚咚咚" The sound was quickly dizzy and the nose was bloody.

In the end, Xu Erpeng slammed the disciples of Xia Yuntang, who was not inferior, in front of Qin Haoxuan. He just landed on his knees and his head involuntarily hit the ground. It looked like he was kneeling down to Qin Haoxuan.

Everyone can clearly hear the broken bones "啪嚓" broken sound, the guy fainted. Apparently, this disciple of Xia Yuntang, who is not inferior, has been crushed by his knees.

Qin Haoxuan gave Li Jing a sorry look. At the same time, he also saw the accident of the purple disciple in the depths of Li Jing. At the same time, he also admired the purple disciple, and he was so calm.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Li Jing's eyes were slightly stunned, and he applauded with a smile. Xu Erpeng, who just stunned Xia Yuntang's disciple, said: "The lesson is good. Since you have violated the natural rules, you must learn a lesson." Fan."

Immediately, the front turned, and there was a glimpse of the coldness in the eyes: "But you just didn't use the "Jade Jade" spirit method, I will give you some advice -"

Not waiting for Xu Erpeng's reaction, Li Jing, who was originally calm, suddenly rose in momentum, his foot robe hunted, and the spiritual torrent flowed like a wave. Behind him, a picture of Bi Yingying's big tree appeared, the tree was full of spiritual power, and the momentum was strong, as if the hall of the natural hall could be broken.

Half step! Fairy tree!

Although this big tree still looks like a prototype, there is only a thick trunk, but there is a real dragon in it, faintly rumbling. Forty-nine pieces of fairy leaves "哗" all moved, the spiritual power gathered into a rough green dragon-like vines suddenly overwhelming, wherever the whole piece of air rolled up layers of layers like a turbulent gas The waves, as if they can swallow the world ~ ~ give a sense of resistance, the next moment will rumbling to attack Xu Erpeng.

Qin Haoxuan suddenly changed his face - not good! The power of purple seeds is not the same as Xu Erpeng! Although it is a guide, but this is a bit too heavy!

In the body of Qin Haoxuan, thirty-three pieces of the fairy leaves and golden leaves, which are as thick as the baby's arms, trembled, and the rolling spirits gathered together. He was about to stop, and his consciousness suddenly changed a little. The gods were keenly aware that there was a familiar atmosphere in the distant place.

"Well? Is he?" Sensing the breath, Qin Haoxuan pressed his heart to float, and his mind relaxed.

Xu Erpeng's expression is extremely dignified. Although he is already the forty-two leafy area of ​​Xianmiao, the road to Xiuxian is long, and the gap between each leaf and the leaf is like the heavens. Moreover, Li Jing is born with purple seeds and cultivated. Fairy leaves are also powerful and full of life. This gap is not due to Xu Erpeng's reliance on some singularities.

He clearly felt that Li Jing's spiritual power is like an abyss like the sea, as if a fish is facing the sea dragon, and there is a sense of powerlessness in his heart. The same is the "Jade Jade Teng" spirit method, used in the hands of Li Jing, actually carrying the breath of the inexplicable dragon, like an ancient awakening, the claws sharp, suffocating.

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