Too Early

Chapter 566: What is the purple species?

Huang Long’s palms were swept in a sleeve of sparkling light, and the ray of light was mixed, and a khaki-colored giant ship was set up.

The huge ship was carried by two people, and the wind was thunderous and quickly disappeared into the sky.

Qin Haoxuan stood in the same place, watching Li Jing's gray face disappeared into the sky, and finally felt incomparably happy and happy.

"Hey, what kind of **** purple Tianjiao, come to my church run wild nature, but also beat you next time!"

Huang Difeng, the head of the peak of the early teaching.

In the land of the tiger clams, there are deer herds in the mountains and forests, and the cranes flap their wings and the weather is tens of thousands.

The layers are stacked like a green peak of a strip of green belts, and the drowning water that surrounds the mountain peaks, encircling the Huangdi Peak in the central zone.

The Huangdi Peak stands a thousand miles, towering into the clouds, as if to go all the way, overlooking the peaks, like the emperor to inspect the ministers.

The mountain peaks have a large array of latent lurks, which affects a five-line spiritual power that can be discerned by the naked eye. From the peaks of the rest of the mountain peaks, if the smoke is smoky, the silky scorpion gathers toward the Huangdi Peak.

The treasure ship with mixed earthy light is like a wave of water waves in the rich spiritual clouds.

During the time of about fifty yuan, the treasure ship docked on the open space of a pine forest in Huangdi Peak.

Li Jing followed the Huanglong master's teaching and floated down. The huge treasure ship dried up in an instant, and finally turned into a boat-shaped symbol, and floated to Huanglong to teach the palm of his hand.

Feel free to put in the hands of two leading children.

Li Jing was shocked by the fact that the treasure ship was obviously a special symbol. It is rare to teach in the early days. The foundation of the Yellow Emperor Peak can be seen.

Huang Long’s teaching was slow in front and silent all the way.

Li Jing also has some fearful steps, followed closely, and the road is not afraid to look around, and the heart is playing drums.

He has been following Huanglong’s teaching and entering the towering hall. His mood is still not calmed down – how can he be punished for giving him a hand?

In the center of the main hall, there is a ding furnace branded with fish and mountains and rivers.

In the Ding furnace, a strange array of sandalwood scented, like water flowing through every corner.

This is a special purple scent, which is made from the next three scented stone, plus some special herbs and smelting.

These fragrances have a calming heart and help the immortal to communicate the magical effect of the heavens and the earth.

As soon as I smelled this strange scent, Li Jing’s mood was inexplicably calm.


Huang Long’s teaching was sitting on the jade futon in the main hall. Another futon in front of him pointed to Li Jing.

Li Jing sneaked a little, nodded, and hardened his scalp. He sat down in the face of Huanglong’s teaching, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

Li Jing did not speak, and the opposite Huanglong’s teaching was actually half a word.

He only felt the deep, sea-like gaze, condensed on his face, and his heart was smashed up and down.

Finally, after a while, Huang Long teaches faintly: "Li Jing, you are the purple genius of my early teaching. This is very good."

Li Jing gave a slight glimpse. "Is this... is it complimenting me?" It’s weird...

Not waiting for Li Jing to answer, another voice came.

"Li Jing, what is purple?"

Huang Long’s teachings were very abrupt. Li Jing’s eyes and minds turned his mind: “What do you mean by teaching this? Why do you ask this? Yes, what is purple?”

Li Jing suddenly found that he could not answer this question. What was the purple species in the past? The elders told themselves that what purple is the genius qualification of the immortal. Those who have purple seeds, the practice will be thousands of times stronger than the ordinary cultivators, and there is no genius in the genius that the great teachers can't ask for! Unbeaten!

Yes, what exactly is purple? Li Jing suddenly discovered that as a purple species, he never really realized his own purple species, and even did not really explore himself. What is purple species?

The purple species that others say, can be more accurate than the purple species that the purple species themselves realize!

When Huang Long saw that Li Jing did not answer, he fell into meditation. The gloomy face finally had a little more gratification. Then he asked: "What is your goal as a purple?"

Li Jing smiled at this question. Is there any good answer? In the face of teaching real people, any false answer is showing their stupidity.

"I am teaching, with the impact of the beginning of the great education, the pressure of other sects to surrender to me too early, and I was the counselor of the beginning! Huize all the people at the beginning."

Li Jing’s voice grew up, and there seemed to be a flash of fire in his eyes, and his words showed great ambition.

Without the slightest cover, the ambitions and true emotions are all manifested in this short discourse.

Huang Long lived quietly and looked at Li Jing. He once again asked: "Is the weak breed Qin Haoxuan as an opponent? Is it your purple thing?"

Li Jing is amazed.

"When you win Qin Haoxuan, you will be invincible in the world? Can you take me to the beginning of the great education? If you look at Qin Haoxuan in the future, I will never let you take charge of the early education!"

Li Jing’s heart was shocked. He could hear the sternness and seriousness of Huang’s teachings. He really only stared at Qin Haoxuan. But even if Qin Haoxuan is not as good, how can I go out and compete with other Tianjiao?

"Teaching, I haven't pressed the weak species. How can I fight with the outside Tianjiao? Please teach me." Li Jing's voice is calm, not squeaky, but still arrogant, just calmly in front of Huanglong. Expose your emotions.

"The opponent of the purple species is the sky, the earth, it is your own. The eyes are only limited to Qin Haoxuan, this is the same in life." Huang Long lively said: "You want to say, Zhang mad also stares at Qin Haoxuan? You are different, Your Taoist heart, Xianlu is different. The current Taoist heart is not on himself but on himself. His heart is Qin Haoxuan, his heart is also his own. You are different from him..."

Li Jing is not stupid, the meaning of Huanglong in the natural way, but also knows that Huang Long is arrogant, but it is told on the side that Zhang mad is among the three purple species, and has already walked in the forefront!

Li Jing fell into meditation and his mind gradually calmed down. But for a while, I suddenly smelled the smell of dung on the clothes. Although the taste was extremely thin, it still stimulated the fire of his heart.

"Teach the real person, you abolish me." Li Jing calmly looked at Huanglong real person: "The disciple is not laughing, not threatening. The disciple just does not want to deceive his own heart, and does not want to deceive. Today Qin Haoxuan humiliates me, disciple When you come to Japan, you must concentrate on cultivation and seek revenge..."

Huang Long’s real wave waved and interrupted Li Jing’s statement: “No hurry, there is a vegetable plot in the backyard of the main hall. You will take care of the land after a while, give the land a dung, store the fertilizer, and catch Bug...Be sure to take good care of it! If you look after it well, you will stay with me to practice. If the land is not taken care of, you will live like this in the beginning as a mortal."

When Huang Long’s teaching voice fell, Li Jing’s face suddenly seemed difficult to look.

"I still have to pick up the manure, plant the land? And I need to catch the insects in the vegetable garden..."

Li Jing did not hide his inner dissatisfaction: "When the disciples are immersed in the pit, they are already transparent, and they are taught... This kind of humiliation has no effect. Please ask for help."

"You should first familiarize yourself with the vegetable garden." Huang Long did not answer the words, but pointed to the direction of the vegetable garden, and he would no longer take care of Li Jing.

Li Jing’s stubborn standing on the side, his own state of mind has indeed improved, and this kind of picking of the feces continues to be done, it is useless.

In a short while, a disciple of Huang Difeng respectfully walked over and led Li Jing to the vegetable garden of the apse.

Li Jingqiang endured the inner dissatisfaction, and looked strangely just out of the hall, and suddenly the sound of Huanglong’s teaching was heard.

"The road is in the urine."

The sound is very light, but every word is clearly inserted into Li Jing's ear.

Immediately, the Huanglongzhangjiao in the hall suddenly disappeared without a trace, and only the peaks of the hustle and bustle blew into the hall, and the bills creaked.

"Does the road in the urine?" Li Jing chewed this, and there was something vaguely understood in his heart. He smiled... Is this his own way?

Compared with the large field of the natural hall, the garden of the Huangdifeng apse is much smaller.

However, there are only ten acres of land.

A row of oily fruits and vegetables is like a wave of green waves.

Every other acre of land, the center has planted an unknown vine truss, green branches hanging down, lush.

The lush vine branches and leaves cut the autumn tiger's heat into a mottled shade.

Li Jing saw the dung bucket standing on the edge of the hut, and the traces of suspicious dirt on the edge of the barrel made his brow wrinkle immediately.

The mountain wind blew, and the faint smell filled his mouth and nose.

Li Jing’s face suddenly became green, and she was uncomfortable.

The disciples on the road leading the way clearly saw the dilemma of Li Jing.

"... Brother Li Jing, this vegetable garden, in fact, you only need to water the five acres of land near the huts in the east. There is also a brother also grow vegetables here." He kindly advised.

Upon hearing this news, Li Jing was obviously not happy at all. For him, it’s not good news to be able to water only half of the garden.

It is probably the best news of his moment, but it is probably impossible.

The only good news is that when Huang Long taught to leave, the robe sleeves were intentionally or unintentionally passed over him.

A strong influx of spiritual power, the power of the singular and sinister ghosts of the sacred spirits of his sacred sacred spirits - he felt the return of spiritual power.

The huge spiritual power surging at Dantian gave Li Jingxin some comfort.

After the disciple finished speaking, he saw that Li Jing did not take care of him. The enthusiasm on his face also cooled down, and he quickly rushed to Li Jing for a ceremony and left.

When the disciple left, the vast vegetable garden left only Li Jing alone, and suddenly died.

Li Jingdong looked at Zhang Xi for a while, and his eyes finally condensed on the dung bucket next to the Maokeng. Huang Long’s teachings said that they should serve these gardens every day and should not be negligent. Otherwise, even the time of cultivation will not be given to him.

Although the sacred seal of Dantianli was lifted and no one was supervised around, Li Jing did not dare not take the words of Huanglong’s teaching.

Weighed the pros and cons, and the fierce God in the heart fought for a while. Finally, I bite my teeth and walked to the dung bucket. I went out and got rid of it. I can find some cultivation when I finish this garden. As long as he breaks through the fairyland, he can become the elder of Bizhutang and have greater rights.

At that time, no one can order him to pour the dung in the vegetable garden.

Just when he was going to kneel down and pick up the manure bucket, a person came in outside the garden.

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