Too Early

Chapter 568: 绝仙毒谷 has long been a violation

The last time the Taichu was defeated on the battlefield of Qizhangyuan, the traitor had not yet been found, and Qin Haoxuan had already suspected that the early middle school was taught.

I thought that I had met a **** demon in the near future when I first joined the early childhood education, and because of the criminal relationship, I made a good credit by the way.

It was a pity that it was still a nameless **** at that time. It was not qualified to participate in it deeply. Many of the inside stories of the blood demon event were unknown.

The blood demon will not appear for no reason, nor will it disappear for no reason. Any clue will not be left. It is very likely that someone is covering the blood demon.

In other words, the blood demon probably teaches associates at the beginning, or more than one blood demon!

"On the last blood demon incident, the blood demon was clearly accepted by the top... How is it now? Is there something happening at the top?"

He vaguely felt that this blood demon incident probably could not be separated from the top of the early education...

Qin Haoxuan thought for a long while, shook his head and took all the distracting thoughts out of his mind. Since you still don't understand, simply don't think about it, wait quietly.

"I have been the owner of the natural church, and I can't let the **** gossip. As long as he comes to my natural hall, I will find some clues and remove it."

"Well, I still have good defense first. I can only do more preparations. The cultivation of natural disciples is weaker than other churches. Perhaps those disciples who are on duty are also replaced by Ma Dingshan’s disciples. They may be able to A lot of fights. The most important thing is that you need punishment to help...

Qin Haoxuan slowly made arrangements in his heart, and there were always various thoughts and ideas coming out of his mind.

"These are not enough. If the blood demon is really a natural hall, it is dangerous. Once it sneak attacks, it is always a little late. It is necessary to let the red smelt refine some magical symbols that can quickly alarm! So once there is something, The disciple started the charm and we can get to the scene quickly."


The blood demon incident has been plagued for some time.

Surprisingly, this blood demon has re-embedded, and there is no news for seven days.

The natural hall began to have a new look.

The group of disciples who want to enter the water house, below the 20th leaf of Xian Miaojing, are still trained by a group of blood-stained teams every day. However, they gradually adapted to the cruel melee killing training, and they began to fight and fight more quickly than before.

In addition, Qin Haoxuan provided a large number of Lingshi, as well as the gains of the elixir that were distributed in the lobby not long ago. Naturally, these disciples have been trained to be extraordinarily energized, and the speed is much faster than before.

More importantly, Qin Haoxuan's blood jacket team is very selfless. Under the deliberate inspiration of Qin Haoxuan, he began to organize a group of natural disciples, and they all talked about the confusion in the mind and the mutual communication.

It is even more encouraging to encourage disciples to tell some of the essentials of their practice... It is entirely in accordance with the method used in the ancient tomb of Chunyang Xianwang.

Qin Haoxuan sometimes looks in his heart and smiles secretly.

Even Ye Yiming, a group of teachers and brothers, are very grateful to Qin Haoxuan’s move. Everyone finally saw the hope of the prosperity of the nature hall.

After hitting the other four halls, the position of the natural hall in the hearts of other churches has improved a lot.

The spirits and elixir that were deducted from the past were sent by the people of Bizhutang.

Some people are guided by the practice, there are teachers and brothers to exchange, the resources are on the spiritual stone provided by Qin Tang, and there are many more elixir than before.

These disciples of the Natural Hall feel that their hearts are happy, their hearts are more stable, and their cultivation is more painful than before.

On this day, the autumn is crisp.

Qin Haoxuan held his hand on the main hall and could hear the humming sound on the outside of the martial arts field. He still fell and continued to climb.

There are also some disciples who have exchanged ideas and have a harvest and a sigh.

There was a smile on his face, but he immediately said to himself: "The natural hall is developing steadily, and there is still a good chance for it to rise. Although the foundation is a little thinner, I will try my best to replenish it. The most rare thing is Going to the next heart, all the people are in the city, all of them are bent on the road, there are no bad people who will be good... will definitely get up!"

At this moment, Qin Haoxuan’s heart is full of pride and confidence.

Qualification is important, but the belief in morality and practice is also indispensable.

The purple celestial arrogant Li Jing was defeated in his hands, although his Qin Haoxuan had a wonderful help, but his Qin Haoxuan's heart was solid, and Li Jing's morality was not solid.

Therefore, Qin Haoxuan is full of confidence in these disciples of Nature Hall.

Suddenly, Qin Haoxuan felt a hint of incitement.

The incitement came from the dragon scale sword that he personally collected in his pocket.

In his heart, the dragon scale sword flew into the hand, but the size of the palm.

As soon as it appeared, it greeted the storm. In the twinkling of an eye, Zhang Jinchang flashed. Qin Haoxuan immediately saw the contents of the space.

I saw that the Xuan Ying corpse was still sleeping, not waking up.

A glimpse of the spirits of the fairy spirits collected in the ancient tomb of Chunyang Xianwang is also floating and floating, emitting a lot of Mu Dawei.

These fairy spirits, he was originally intended to give to the church, in exchange for some contributions.

At the end of the day, he inherited the position of the scorpion's natural master, and his mind changed.

The nature hall is thin, and there must be something to be able to use as a foundation.

This batch of fairy spirits is undoubtedly left by the ancient strong, is one of the best, but for a while he does not know how to use these things.

And he also has to leave some as a precaution, in case the dragon scale sword is damaged, this fairy spirit is the best patching thing.

Qin Haoxuan glanced at some resources, and finally condensed into the golden snake that was in a group.

The snake has long since regained consciousness. Actually, the whole body is shimmering. Just after a layer of snake skin, the whole snake body is presented with a strange golden color. It is strange.

Seeing that Qin Haoxuan is watching it, the little snake heart is ringing with a happy mood.

"What is the origin of this strange snake? It is also like the golden monkey of the monkey, it is also golden... It must be no small head, my soul can be in it, there must be something..."

He also suddenly sounded at this time, it has been a long time not to go to the Xianxian Valley.

In the past, his knowledge of God has not been as strong as it is today. Now he has made great progress, and he has reached the 34th leaf of Xian Miaojing. The power of God has also made a great progress.

"It should be able to find out where the deeper the poisonous valley is." Qin Haoxuan’s heart is dark.

For others, the sinister poisonous valley after the early Lyuyu Mountain is undoubtedly a forbidden land. For Qin Haoxuan, a metamorphosis that can be freely entered on the snake, it is just a little dangerous, but there are countless treasures and potions.

It is a natural treasure house.

Some time ago, Qin Haoxuan was too busy to enter the sinister poison valley.

Now that he is free, he has moved his mind. If you keep an empty mountain, but you don’t go in, it’s really a violent thing!

As soon as the mind was moved, Qin Haoxuan introduced a spiritual will into the sea of ​​consciousness of the snake.

"Would you like to tell me about the venomous poison?" He found that the snake had some fascination, and did not regard it as a pet at all, but as a partner who could fight side by side and maintained a certain respect.

"Yeah." A gentle and well-behaved response came from the snake consciousness sea.

Qin Haoxuan couldn't help but touch a smile, and grew up. After the back of the robes, countless ancient inscriptions gradually surfaced.

As the inscription appeared, huge wings were drilled out of the flesh and blood.

Fanping, Qin Haoxuan disappeared in the blink of an eye.

When the next moment appeared, it was already hundreds of feet away.

A few flashes, Qin Haoxuan has come to the mouth of the Lonely Mountain in the depths of Lantau.

Since a few years, there have been expatriates who have sneaked into the poisonous valley poisoning, and they have been guarded by Huanglong’s priests, so that they don’t have long eyes.

Above the high heavens, the moon is like a disc, and the moon-like water like a milk is floating in the thick wormwood.

Three or four duty disciples guarded the grass road at the entrance to the sinister Poison Valley. Two of them were sleeping, and the other two were bored and drinking.

Qin Haoxuan smiled faintly, of course, he would not put a few disciples on duty.

In the hands of the dragon scales, the sword flashed, and the whole person sneaked into the space in the dragon scale sword. The mind of the whole person sneaked into the body of the golden snake.

The snake is very well-behaved and does not resist, and the plate is lying aside.

As soon as the gods entered the body of the snake, Qin Haoxuan felt like a sharp knife and cut the layers of sea water.

Of course, these sea waters are the power of the little snakes.

Compared with the past, the skin of the little snake has been ten times stronger than before. Just not confined.

When Qin Haoxuan’s knowledge entered, the sea-like gods and the ebb tides disappeared and concentrated into the body of the snake.

And let Qin Haoxuan completely control the body of the snake.

However, Qin Haoxuan is also well aware that the gods of the snakes have always been somewhere. If there is danger, they will probably come out to help.


Qin Haoxuan controlled the body of the little snake and smashed it out of the space of the dragon scale sword.

As soon as it went out, the dragon scale sword quickly disappeared into the size of the fingernail, and was hidden by the snake under the tip of the tongue.

Qin Haoxuan groaned in the dense grass, swaying from the grasshopper where the disciples were taught, and went to the sinister poisonous valley full of black poisonous fog.

"Hey? Snake? This unfortunate little thing."

A disciple who was drinking too early, suddenly saw the golden snake in front of himself into the sinister poisonous valley, and laughed in his mouth.

At the moment, Qin Haoxuan’s strength is greatly advanced. As soon as he enters the poison valley, the power of the gods spreads in all directions.

The area where he first broke in was the place where he used to come in.

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