Too Early

Chapter 594: Red dust wash and add 6 leaves


If the ordinary Xiu Xian disciple is sealed and remembered to rush down the mountain, his body will not take a little bit of the action of Xianmen, and will soon become a mortal.

Cao Qinghua is different. Obviously, his basic skills in the nature hall are too solid. He has been deeply rooted in the bone marrow and sealed up in memory. He can still farm in accordance with the methods that Xianmen only has.

Even if the village is suffering from a drought and water shortage, the fields planted with this Xianmen technique are rich in spirit, so they can survive in the drought. This situation... is not easy!

Suddenly, Cao Qinghua, who is farming, has a stiff body and slowly looks up to see where Qin Haoxuan is.

When I saw Qin Haoxuan's moment, his eyes showed a stunned look, and immediately did not know why, there was an unbearable excitement in his heart.

Cao Qinghua only feels sour and his eyes are sour. There seems to be something to desperately squeeze out from his eyes. The blue shirt in front of him is so familiar, so let him want to go. Seeing and respecting?

Cao Qinghua is very confused and overwhelmed, but he is influenced by the emotions in his body, like a konjac.

The bucket on the shoulder, "Dangdang" fell, slowly, slowly and step by step toward Qin Haoxuan, the throat rolled, he was very excited, want to say something, but his mouth opened, "I...I ..." but nothing was said.

The strange light of the film rolling in the mind, covering the truth, Cao Qinghua can only see the gentle and faint awesome and gentle eyes.

As the green shirt is looking at his eyes.

"Haha, the fool is stupid."

"Hit him, beat him!"

The cowboys saw the appearance of Cao Qinghua, and they were excited and shouted with fear. They grabbed the mud and cried to Cao Qinghua.

Cao Qinghua did not hide or sneak in the mud block, and let the mud block on the body, slowly and continuously step by step to the Qing shirt people.

Slowly, the knees bent down and squatted in front of the blue shirt.

The salty wet tears in the eyelids couldn't stand it anymore, rolling down, and the hoes continued.

"Why are you crying? Why do you want to bow to me?" Qin Haoxuan calmly looked at Cao Qinghua in front of him, his voice was mild.

"I don't know..." Cao Qinghua still groaned on the ground, shook his head, and couldn't stop the tears. When he heard the gentle voice of the person in front of him, there seemed to be something in his mind, and there seemed to be something in his heart. When something is blocked, I feel more and more panicked and my mood is more exciting.

"I don't know... I can't control myself..." Cao Qinghua burst into tears: "I think you are very familiar, like my elders. I think you have been very good to me, very good... I should respect You, respect you, respect you... I seem to have overslept you... I still feel that I am jealous of you..."

Cao Qinghua’s voice was so hard, his words were plain and white, and he was crying, and suddenly his palm was attached to his forehead.

"Tiangong Avenue, unblock!"

Cao Qinghua only felt an inexplicable heat, and suddenly rushed into his mind.

Those auras that filled the mind like mist, the ice and snow melted in an instant, and countless memories rushed into their minds to liberate. His memory in Xianmen Xiuxian has completely recovered in an instant.

Cao Qinghua suddenly stopped, and was overwhelmed by the waves of a wave of water.

After a few breaths, he remembered to fuse all the memories and understood everything.

Looking up, I saw the gentle and encouraging eyes.

Cao Qinghua suddenly blushes his face, he is embarrassed - he has spent so many miracle medicines as his brother, but he has not emerged...

After the failure of the cultivation of the day, the memory was sealed and left the beginning of the day...

Now the brothers have appeared again! The dusty memory was opened again!

When Cao Qinghua looked at Qin Haoxuan again, his eyes were both excited and embarrassed.

"See brothers! Brother, I have no use for Cao Qinghua. I have spent so much resources but no emergence. I am disappointed with the brothers..." Cao Qinghua burst into tears and screamed at Qin Haoxuan on the ground.

Qin Haoxuan saw Cao Qinghua, who was in tears, and heard his remorse of Cao Qinghua’s words. He recalled the villagers’ disdain for Cao Qinghua along the way, and his thoughts were full of emotions.

Immortal, mortal, what is the immortal? What is Fan?

High above, overlooking everyone is a fairy?

Red dust and muddy mud, is it a mortal?

These are right and seemingly wrong.

A person like Cao Qinghua’s younger brother can’t hide his essence even in the red dust.

Not to be disturbed by the red dust, not to be confused by foreign objects, to be in the red dust, to be in the sky, to get true detachment, to be one with the heavens and the earth, is the immortal!

Correct! If you are a fairy or a fan, you will be in the word "super-detachment".

If you don't realize the subtlety of the detached word, even the purple genius Li Jing in the early teachings, although there is spiritual power, is actually a commonplace in the state of mind.

These days, the experience of entering the red dust, like a cloud of smoke, is rolling in the heart of Qin Haoxuan. ......

In fact, as early as three years ago, Qin Haoxuan had a trial of red dust.

However, his trials into the red dust were never complete. After being attacked by the brothers, the immortals almost died, and finally they were reborn.

But the trial was delayed because of it.

At this moment, after a few years ago, when the red dust came into the battle, the killings on the battlefield of Qizhangyuan, the annihilation and the rebirth, etc.... all kinds of difficulties.

When it comes to the dusty world, killing the county, killing the wicked, let the prefect of the county change the county, and then open the memory of the disciple Cao Qinghua, seeing the hardships he saw in the dust after he became a priest.

"Booming -"

"Booming -"

The heartbeat seems to be the flooding and scouring of the flood all the time. Qin Haoxuan stands in the field, as if standing in the clouds.

He vaguely heard that the deepest part of the body seemed to have a crisp crack.

If you are in the dust, you will have no choice, no regrets, no love, no love. These sorrowful sufferings are the shackles of dust that entangled in the heart of the Tao.

Now the sound of the cracking heard by Qin Haoxuan is that he has once again got the cleanliness of the heart and the sound of the shackles cracking.

With the strength of Qin Haoxuan, even if he broke through the forty-nine leaves of Xian Miaojing at the moment, the accumulation of spiritual power and the perception of the avenues are already sufficient, but the savings on the road are still insufficient.

Now his heart has broken through again, and the path has followed the leaps and bounds, and the body has accumulated for a long time, and the power that has been continuously accumulating has begun to erupt from the fairy species.


A fairy leaf grows from the thick and scented seedlings, and the golden light is brilliant, full of seven veins, and spurts out.

A strand of squirting like a milky entanglement, rushing.

Then there was another force that surged out and a fairy leaf grew out...

"Brush and brush."

In the body of Qin Haoxuan, the fairy leaves actually grew six leaves in succession. In one fell swoop, they broke through the thirty-six leaves of Xianmiaojing to the forty-two leaves of Xianmiaojing. !

The road to Xiuxian is long, one step at a time.

The breakthrough of each leaf is like climbing a ladder for ordinary cultivators, such as thin ice and war.

Qin Haoxuan was under the strong accumulation of savings, the road broke through, the long ladder was rushed by him, and broke through six layers in one breath!

Accumulation, Qin Haoxuan has already been enough! It’s just... because the adventures such as Xian Wang have helped him, but also suppressed him... If the sentiment is not enough, it is even harder to promote.


When the realm lifted the impact, Qin Haoxuan’s extraordinary sentiment was in harmony with the heavens and the earth, and it actually had a strange resonance with the nearby hills and the river.

A wave of spiritual power has poured into the body of Qin Haoxuan from the mountains and rivers.

Seen from the void, it is like a road as thick as a bucket, white ribbon, milk-like ribbon poured into Qin Haoxuan's body.

The whole piece of land trembled under the powerful spiritual impact.

Qin Haoxuan, the pure Yang Xian Wang villain in his body, together with the great poisonous emperor, as well as the death river and many other avenues of breath, was nourished by the spirit of this heaven and earth, and actually opened his eyes.

Suddenly, Qin Haoxuan Dan Tian emerged a rune of the stock avenue, or hegemony like the sun, or Yinsen as Huangquan, or like a nine-day cloud,...

They appeared around him like stars, sinking and floating, and surrounded him in the center.

A secluded chanting voice was heard from his body, forming a rune of small sand like a quicksand, such as a starry sky.

Cao Qinghua, who was worshipping in front of him, was also directly impacted by the chanting figure of the rune of this avenue. It seemed to be bathed in the starlight, and his face was full of surprises.

At this moment, Cao Qinghua was experiencing the vision of Qin Haoxuan, and he had an extraordinary and strange feeling.

A strange movement came from Cao Qinghua.

A small piece of Bi Yingying's little thing "red slippery" revealed his head and appeared in his Dantian.

After three years of cultivation, there was no emergence of seedlings. Cao Qinghua, who was driven by the memory to drive down the mountain, was actually at this moment - emerged!

"What happened there?"

The light column that runs through the heavens and the earth has not been scattered for a long Like the King Kong shield, the piece of heaven and earth that shrouds the west side of the village, the people who work in the incense burner village have put down their work in their hands, shocked to see Come over that direction.

Many people trembled and rushed toward the other side. Then, I saw the wonder that shocked them.

I saw that the youth of the green shirt who passed by was only covered by the boundless halo, and the fine runes such as the constant river sands of the Ganges River were floating and floating.

Countless light bursts through the pores of every inch of his skin.

In front of him, Cao Qinghua, who has always been regarded as a fool by them, is kneeling in front of this young man, and he is solemn and respectful.

Everyone blinked and confirmed again. It’s ok, the person who is squatting is Cao Qinghua. !

"God... god!"

I don't know who was the first to tremble and snorted, and then the villagers of Xianglu Village who came to the village were soft and squatted.

"Xianmiaojing forty-two leaves..." Qin Haoxuan realized the inexplicable feeling in the body of the fairy, only feeling that the body is fluttering, there is a feeling of wanting to go by the wind.

For the surrounding perception and even the flesh, they are washed and washed in a wave of spiritual power.

The spiritual power in the body has increased a lot compared to the past.

The newly-developed fairy leaves, each piece is still as thick and abnormal as it used to be. He can absorb more elixir in the future.

And when the genius of the genus just rose, he seemed to feel guilty, and the singer of the avenue heard more real, as if he had touched something else.

This feeling is very mysterious, and the words cannot be said at all.

This book is from

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