Too Early

Chapter 613: Don’t be too comfortable to lie down

Everyone ignored Qin Haoxuan, and he was happy to observe the surrounding environment.

In the middle of the big array, there is a strange remnant.

The remnant of the remnant is not yet close, and there is a wave of huge and infinite spiritual power, which radiates a wave of fierce flames in the void.

The normal line of the remnant array is vaguely related to the illusion of the surrounding voids and the magical mountains.

Qin Haoxuan has vaguely seen some doorways relying on his keen knowledge of the gods and some of the knowledge of the formations in the ancient tomb of Xianyang.

There are countless rockeries and rock formations floating around, and there is plenty of spiritual power inside. If you control and repair the remnant array, you may be able to control the surrounding mountains and rocks to attack the enemy.

Sure enough, to survive in this area, controlling this remnant is one of the keys.

In the heart of the dark, Qin Haoxuan’s voice rumbling.

"This is the second level, and the intruder is one hundred and fifty. Now the hand in your hand will flash and shine with the nearest person. Everyone will automatically team up according to their own order."

"The central part of this level is the 'Kuishan array'. After controlling the formation method, as long as the method is repaired, it can control the surrounding rockery and spiritual power. These things are powerful, whether it is a cultivator or a demon. The family can be manipulated... It is very important to control this method, and remember it."

"This time, the 30 people are a group. Not only do you want to see the strength of your murderous devil, but also the degree of cooperation between you..."

On the high platform above the head, the rumbling sound, after reading the necessary precautions for Shaoguan, silenced again.

The people who entered the battlefield picked up and looked at their own charms.

At this time, Qin Haoxuan discovered the magical symbols in his hands and began to have a spiritual power.

I saw that not far from him, the faint light also shines in various colors.

"Your singer is shining, and they are approaching us." The voice of Qinghong Fairy sounded calmly, and it passed a lot of snoring and broke into everyone's ear.

Qinghong fairy? Suddenly many people are warming up. If they can get a group with Qinghong Fairy, they will definitely be able to pass customs.

Suddenly someone shouted with joy, "Haha, I am very close to the Qinghong fairy, and the sign is inductive!"

This time the team is based on the principle of proximity. The nearby people make sense to each other, as long as they are filled with 30 people, they will automatically become a group.

Very unfortunately, Qin Haoxuan was actually in the vicinity of the gang of Qinghong Fairy, followed by the induction, and went to Qinghong Fairy and other people.

The gang was dominated by twenty-four people from Jin Xudian.

In addition to the Qinghong fairy and the pretty girl around her, one by one saw Qin Haoxuan coming, not frowning.

Qin Haoxuan is the person who taught the nature hall in the early days. They know that the low-level goods of this small martial art come over, which is definitely a burden for the team.

In particular, this kind of test level that needs to be coordinated, any mistake in one link will drag down the entire team.

They don't want to pass the test. Even if the test doesn't reach the first place, it can't be forbeared by Jinxudian.

But the rules are so fixed, Qin Haoxuan has become a group of them, a group of people in Jinxu Temple, in addition to the face of disgusting color, but also what.

After the grouping was completed, the virtual sky map changed, and the place where everyone was located appeared in all directions like a mountain-like flag.

Separate each team from each other.

A huge black iron cage was hung from the darkness, and the rune on each iron cage shined, and a tall demons were drilled inside.

Among them, several of the devils, Qin Haoxuan also know, actually is the burly mountain demon, and even five or six prisoners like the demon.

Every prisoner like the demon is more than two or three times taller than Qin Haoxuan who met in the ancient tomb of Chunyang Xianwang.

In addition, there are a few devils, full of **** weather, even the prisoner seems to be somewhat fearful.

There are more than fifty devils in total, nearly twice as many as everyone else.

"Prisons like the devils... evil blood demons..." In the dark, the elite disciples of the great religions are sighing with chills. Just like a prisoner like a demon, the combat power is comparable to that of the fairy seedlings. Yeah.

Qin Haoxuan slightly frowned, when he met a few at the time of the Tomb of the King of the King, then I felt that this prisoner is still good, just to today... This is like a demon, except the fairy tree, otherwise... The team grabbed one out, one-on-one, one-on-two can kill the other side can not find the North.

"After a battle begins, you are waiting in the back." The voice of Qinghong Fairy suddenly sounded in the mind of Qin Haoxuan, using the spiritual method of passing into the secret: "I don't know if you are really capable, or There are good goods in your hands. If you really have the ability to help, if you only have good goods in your hand, you will have to add chaos! Take you through the customs!"

Qin Haoxuan suddenly found out that she rarely talked to women on weekdays. Suddenly, a woman said something to herself. She didn’t know how to respond to each other. Is it true that she can still be good at Xianmiao? Or is it that I will follow and lie?

Qinghong Fairy did not receive an echo, could not help but see Qin Haoxuan, did not expect Qin Haoxuan not only did not hear the appearance, but went to her side, began to be around her activities, a pair of eager to try.

The face of Qinghong Fairy suddenly faded down. Whether or not there is ability, it is better to be able to withstand it. In this place, there is still the best mutual dependence. This kind of person does not listen to the command. Those who have the ability can also be dragged down.

"You three, guard the southeast, you five guards left wing... everyone arranged into a dragon array, and when they are close to killing, they will turn back to the dragon array, I will start!" Qinghong fairy arranged to the people in an orderly manner.

"All efforts to **** the 'Kuishan array.'" Qinghong fairy knows that the remnant is the key, I am afraid that the failure of the giant martyrdom, because this method was robbed and repaired by the Mozu, only to suffer a big loss.

I don't know if it was intentional or not. Qin Haoxuan was not mentioned, and it turned directly into the air.

"Boy, I’m going to stay behind." Oude’s sneer smile at this time was close to Qin Haoxuan, a condescending tone.

Qin Haoxuan sighed and glanced at him, his face revealing a ridiculous smile, as if looking at an idiot, as a natural lord, as the next generation of the **** hand Disciples have their own pride.

Ou Defa feels Qin Haoxuan's special eyes, and he feels uncomfortable. The disciples of the small door group dare to dare this attitude. If you don't want to cross the border here, you will definitely pack it! After you have passed the customs, you have to pack up a little!

"Europe! Don't run around, stand your position!" Qinghong Fairy screamed coldly, and Oude won't take care of Qin Haoxuan. According to the appointment of Qinghong Fairy, he stood on a fixed tactic. Qin Haoxuan was at Under this arrangement of law, it became the person at the end of the crane, and did not talk to this method.

"Up! With me, I robbed the 'Kuishan array'!" Qinghong fairy lowered a low voice, and suddenly took out a life flying sword in his hand.

When the flying sword came out, it seemed as if a golden phoenix danced, and it shot out thousands of fine awns, tearing the darkness around it.

Directly one person and one sword, rushed to the group of demons.

A large number of Mozus have been banned for a long time, one for the human race to hate, but also for a long time no blood food, and now see someone rushing, suddenly both eyes shine, roar, and greeted.

"What do you want to do? Don't mess around, sit in the back. If these demons eat your flesh and blood, the strength will become stronger and more troublesome." People with Jin Xudian found that Qin Haoxuan actually moved. I quickly yelled.

Ou Defa was directly in front of Qin Haoxuan. Qin Haoxuan wanted to move around several times and was stopped by him. This time just about to rush, Oude’s body shape has already flashed, and he has stopped his way.

"Go and go! Hugh to die!" Oude made his way to the front line, and his words were impatient and said: "The small door does not understand the rules!"

Qin Haoxuan sighed and smiled, and planned to quickly resolve the battle into the next finished the assessment early, now it seems... Is it really necessary to lie behind and win? I know that the real person knows, will the nose of the gas be smashed? I don't give him a face like this, don't give a face to the beginning.

The people of Jinxu Temple formed a large array, all the spiritual powers were connected, and a spiritual spirit flew out, condensed above the big array, and blessed the power.

In the darkness, this spiritual method looks like a giant dragon rushing into the past.

The vast spiritual power is like a wave of tides, making a booming sound. The Mozu who just rushed in front of it just shattered into pieces by this spiritual anger.

The Mozu was never a fool, and several Devils quickly quarreled. In the end, the evil blood devils actually broke their arms, and they were so **** that they wrapped up a few mountains and demons around them.

The few mountain devils screamed, and the whole body shattered into blood fog...

The essence of the whole body is condensed with the blood of the evil spirits. The more powerful cold and qi and blood power of the waves suddenly illusion and concise in the void.

The strange faces appeared, and they began to bite and swallow each other... shocking.

Ou Defa mobilized the spiritual law, from time to time **** attention to Qin Haoxuan, for fear that this small door disciple disciples suddenly broke his mind, rushed up if it died, although non-destructive assessment, but fell to the name of Qinghong fairy.

Qinghong now leads the team to die? This is what Qinghong Fairy doesn't want to hear.

Ou Defa found that this small-small group of people really wanted to lie down and win, and actually hands behind his back, very leisurely to watch around, even the point to prepare for the shot did not mean? So leisurely... Once there is a problem, he is dead! It seems that I really can't help but look after him, or he will die... influence reputation!

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