Too Early

Chapter 637: Fairy Tea in the Tomb of the Immortal King

Qinghong Fairy secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and was amazed at the rest of her heart, her face was beaming - she really did not read Qin Haoxuan.

At the same time, there is also a doubt in the heart: "Qin Haoxuan is really born in the early days of teaching? But in his twenties, Xian Miaojing... can easily suppress the Turtle Mountain, where is his strength bottom line? If he breaks through to the fairy The tree, that's it!"

Even the South Smoke Fairy, which was light and windy, was seen without any surprise. However, the petite body was slightly shocked, apparently very surprised.

Where do they know that Qin Haoxuan is a big metamorphosis of Xian Miaojing, and it is impossible to use common sense.

When the fairy seedlings are more than thirty leaves, they can use the brute force to suppress the purple temperament of the forty-nine leaves of Xian Miaojing.

Although it is only a fairy seedling, the size of a child's arm is the same as that of a fairy leaf. The underlying is the extent to which ordinary cultivators do not know how many times.

In the more than thirty leaves of Xian Miaojing, the level of spiritual power has been enough to easily impact the fairyland, but now the leaves are not enough to impact.

What's more, now it is enough to break through the forty-five leaves of Xian Miaojing, and the spiritual power is better than before.

Such a profound spiritual power is used to suppress the "Kamebei Mountain", not too easy!

Qin Haoxuan was seated safely, and his face was even more ugly.

The atmosphere in the pavilion was a little weird.

Qinghong fairy saw ugly face in the side, and secretly snickered in his heart. She brought Qin Haoxuan, it really is a wise choice!

"But Qin Haoxuan is a small-born person who has offended the patriotic patriotism. It is not good. Don't give him a bad job." Suddenly, Qinghong Fairy thought of a problem and his face changed slightly.

She brought Qin Haoxuan, and also embraced him so that he could know some of the great sects of Tianjiao. It is not for him to sin indiscriminately. This may have some disadvantages for the future of Taichu.

"Qin Haoxuan, let me introduce you. Nanyan fairy you have already met, I will not say more. These two are the great patriots of the great school, and the people who are destined to be in charge in the future can be said to be geniuses in genius. "Qinghong fairy suddenly burst into a beautiful face and smiled, and went to Qin Haoxuan and Tuoba.

Inadvertently, the tension between the two people will be cut off.

"The brother who has a jade flute on his body, called Tuoyu, is a genius disciple of Shen Miaofeng. As soon as he enters the mountain gate, he follows the **** Miaofeng and teaches to enter the Taoist cultivation. He takes root in one day, leaves the leaves in three days, and emerges in five days... However, in the past 40 years, it has been cultivated to the 263-seven-foot state of the fairyland..."

"... This is a sturdy brother, from the Wanjiao sect of Cangyunling. The elders of Jinxu Temple once saw him and praised him as a rare genius in Cangyunling, which is destined for future achievements. Not limited..."

Qinghong Fairy smiled and rushed to Qin Haoxuan to introduce, on the bright side will be Tuoba and Chongxu won a lot.

After all, Qinghong Fairy has a strong reputation in the young area of ​​Xiu Xianjie. Although it is rushing to chase the South Smoke Fairy. But for Qinghong Fairy, there is no good feeling, and that won't.

Now this easily disapproving Qinghong fairy has actually praised himself and others, and has always been calm and sturdy, and his face has rarely emerged.

The stagnation in the heart of Tuoba also diluted a few points - no matter what, this young black-haired man is brought by the Qinghong fairy, he always has to give the fairy a thin face.

"Don't dare to be." Tuoba smiled lightly. In the face of Qin Haoxuan sitting opposite him, Man said: "The qualification for sitting down is there. But if you want to drink tea, you still have to compete for it."

He pointed to the teapot on the table of the jade jade, and said: "This tea is called 'Kowloon Tea'. It is the gallbladder of nine millennium spirits, and the three stone tea on Lingshan is fried. They have been tempted by special means... Drinking a bite, prolonging life is not a problem, it’s possible to die of life and bones..."

Tuoba talks, the face is vaguely proud.

Indeed, the Kowloon tea in his hands is used to greet the teachings of the major sects. On weekdays, people at the disciples level have the opportunity to taste this good tea.

"Now, it depends on whether you are qualified to drink this cup of tea." Tuoba voice paused and looked at Qin Haoxuan indifferently.

Obviously, he has to test Qin Haoxuan again.

Qinghong fairy brows slightly wrinkled, and the heart sighs, this Tuoba's heart is a bit narrow. Actually, I stared at Qin Haoxuan.

At this time, Qin Haoxuan didn’t look at Tuoba’s eyes – this kid, really made this Raozi Jiulong tea a treasure!

Indeed, this Kowloon tea is also very difficult baby. But when it comes to tea, he can have something better!

Why do you want to drink this Laughe Kowloon Tea?

Qin Haoxuan shook his hand up a few times, and took out a set of teapots and tea sets without hesitation, and placed them on the table.

This set of tea sets is commonplace, but it is an ordinary street goods, which can be seen everywhere.

Everyone was curious when they were attracted by Qin Haoxuan’s actions. I don’t know what Qin Haoxuan is doing.

There was a slight scorn in Tuoba’s eyes. Didn’t this kid know that he couldn’t drink Jiulong tea, so he gave up?

But he quickly, his eyes flashed a look of surprise.

In the hands of Qin Haoxuan, there are more tea leaves.

These teas did not directly contact Qin Haoxuan's hands, and they were completely wrapped in a layer of earthly spirits.

On each piece of tea, there is a faint stream of clear spring water or a bird's voice, and it is also vaguely like a fairy song from Gaotian.

It is strange.

At this time, Qinghong Fairy also saw a bit of clues, while looking at the tea in amazement, and one hand to the spiritual spring water around him.

A clear spring was directly poured into the teapot of Qin Haoxuan.

Qin Haoxuan threw the tea that could emit mysterious unvoiced sound into the tea and operated "Taiyi Fire Road".

Under the teapot, it seems that there is a flame lotus. The flaming fire will soon boil the tea.


At the mouth of the teapot, there is a lingering milky white tea floating out.

The tea is like a white dragon, floating in the void, with a strange spiritual essence.

Just taking a sip, I feel so refreshing, as if the internal organs have been washed again, the unspeakable refreshing.

"No, I... I feel that my heart is like being washed." Takuya just took a sip of tea and suddenly felt that there was a clear spring, scouring the past in his own heart, making people say no. Surprise.

To know that cultivation has been carried out to the present fairyland, his heart's instincts have slowed down. Being able to get a wash is undoubtedly a great luck for him.

Next to the Qinghong fairy, rushing to the false, and even the ancient smoke of the ancient well, there is a rare surprise on the face.

Just now they took a sip of tea and they felt a wonderful place - this tea is too precious for them to be a cultivator of this level!

Can wash and wash the heart of the tea, where to find?

The southern smoke fairy who wants to be insulted and stunned, squatting in the face of Supreme Xuan Gong Guanghui, shot the condensed as the real eye, staring at the tea on Qin Haoxuan, rare greedy.

She is heartbroken!

At this time, the tea, the strips of white tea are more and more, and everyone is greedily sniffing.

"This...what is this tea?" Tuoba converges on the shock in his heart, tries to keep calm, and asks Qin Haoxuan. At this time, he flew to the gloom and gloom of Qin Haoxuan, and his heart was already occupied by a strong desire - he wanted to drink a cup of tea.

Just smelling tea, it has such effect. If it is a drink? Tuoba can't imagine it.

"Drinking my tea is about qualifying."

Qin Haoxuan’s words are very short, but everyone feels very familiar!

Just a while ago... this is still from the mouth of several arrogant!

Today... a disciple of a small door, actually took this back!

Qin Haoxuan did not go to take care of Tuoba, just raised the teapot and poured two cups of tea.

When the tea was poured down, everyone took a sigh of relief.

Tuoba’s face was even more exciting, and there was a mad and unbelievable look in his eyes, clenching his fists.

God! This... Is this really tea?

Among the teas that Qin Haoxuan tilted down, the spirits such as the dragons and phoenixes are rippling, and there are various kinds of sacred animals floating up and down, and even a trace of the rhyme remains.

It is a tea that is created by the world!

Feeling the extraordinary atmosphere in the tea, everyone breathed a little.

Nanyan fairy looked at Qin Haoxuan's gaze, and suddenly the smoke was fascinating.

She was surprised and even shocked - what is the origin of this small disciple? Is it really just a disciple of Taichu? How is it possible, so tea, even her sect is not there!

Where did she know that Qin Haoxuan had this tea, but it was taken from the ancient tomb of Chunyang Xianwang.

This is the poisonous acupoint in the ancient tomb of the pure Yang Xianwang, a burial person who was buried there by the pure Yang Xianwang.

In the tea, the big means gathered some of the sacred atmosphere, and even used the gas between the heavens and the earth to quench the fire, the magic is endless.

After Qin Haoxuan got the tea, he never had a chance to drink.

Today is really a good opportunity!

"Fairy, try it?" Qin Haoxuan raised a cup of tea and handed it to Qinghong Fairy.

Qinghong fairy saw Qin Haoxuan, his face overflowed with sincere smile. She is really happy, although she feels more and more confused about the young blacks in front of her.

However, this kind of invisible wear made her pay more attention to Qin Haoxuan. The more sure in my heart, the sincerity with Qin Haoxuan must be sincere.

This young man must not be underestimated, or even offended these 10,000-year-old great patriots, and must also bring Qin Haoxuan to his side!

The two of them squandered the tea in the eyes of everyone who was hot and eager.

This tea entered the belly, Qin Haoxuan and Qinghong Fairy, each of the pores of the whole body, sprayed out of the glow, and even the sound of dragons and tigers in the body.

This vision, after a fragrant time, stopped.

When everyone looked at the Qinghong fairy, he suddenly found that the smell of the fairy seemed to have a slight change. Become more and more, and the scent is getting more and more. Even the face looks like it has become more refined from the past.

Obviously, the tea is of great help to Qinghong Fairy.

In contrast, Qin Haoxuan, after the distraction of the sun, restored the former plainness as usual, and the breath was the same as before.

But he is like this, but it makes everyone even more shocked.

Obviously, for Xianmiao, the contribution of the fairy tea should be stronger. After all, even the Qinghong fairy shows the vision.

Qin Haoxuan has performed very ordinaryly. This can only explain the profoundness of his heritage, such as the ocean and the sea, and absorb the tea more completely.

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